• 【二分图匹配入门专题1】O

    Last year a terrible earthquake attacked Sichuan province. About 300,000 PLA soldiers attended the rescue, also ALPCs. Our mission is to solve difficulty problems to optimization the assignment of troops. The assignment is measure by efficiency, which is an integer, and the larger the better. 
    We have N companies of troops and M missions, M>=N. One company can get only one mission. One mission can be assigned to only one company. If company i takes mission j, we can get efficiency Eij. 
    We have a assignment plan already, and now we want to change some companies’ missions to make the total efficiency larger. And also we want to change as less companies as possible.

    InputFor each test case, the first line contains two numbers N and M. N lines follow. Each contains M integers, representing Eij. The next line contains N integers. The first one represents the mission number that company 1 takes, and so on. 
    1<=N<=M<=50, 1<Eij<=10000. 
    Your program should process to the end of file.OutputFor each the case print two integers X and Y. X represents the number of companies whose mission had been changed. Y represents the maximum total efficiency can be increased after changing.Sample Input

    3 3
    2 1 3
    3 2 4
    1 26 2
    2 1 3
    2 3
    1 2 3
    1 2 3
    1 2

    Sample Output

    2 26
    1 2
      其余km,然而我的自信最终被一遍又一遍的wrong否定 后来看了题解才知道原来如此,新技能已经拯救不了我疲惫的大脑。。。。。
      好困啊 写km都快写吐啦~~





    全部边都扩大了k倍,而且k比n大,这样,我们求出的最优匹配就是k倍的最大权值,只要除以k就可以得到最大权值。实现原计划的边加1,这样,在每次选择边时,这些变就 有了优势,就会优先选择这些边。假如原计划的h条边被选入了最优匹配中,这样,最优权值就是k倍的最大权值+k(原计划的每条边都+1)。但是k大于n的用意何在呢?我们发现假如原计划的边全部在匹配中,只会增加n,又n<k,所以除以k后不会影响最优匹配的最大权值之和,然后我们对k取余,就正好得到加入的原计划的边的个数。这时,我们只需要用总点数-加入的原计划的点数,就可以求得最小变动数了。

    #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
    #define N 110
    int n,m;
    int map[N][N];
    int linker[N],lx[N],ly[N];
    int visx[N],visy[N];
    int ans,count,nx,ny,num,d;
    int dfs(int x)
        int y,tmp;
        visx[x] = 1;
        for(y = 1; y <= ny; y ++)
                tmp = lx[x] + ly[y] - map[x][y];
                    visy[y] = 1;
                    if(linker[y] == -1||dfs(linker[y]))
                        linker[y] = x;
                        return 1;
                else if(d > tmp)
                    d = tmp;
        return 0;
    int KM()
        int sum,x,y,i,j;
        for(i = 1; i <= nx; i ++)
            for(j = 1,lx[i] = -INF; j <= ny; j ++)
                if(lx[i] < map[i][j])
                    lx[i] = map[i][j];
        for(x = 1; x <= nx; x ++)
                d = INF;
                for(i = 1; i <= nx; i ++)
                        lx[i] -= d;
                for(j = 1; j <= ny; j ++)
                        ly[j] += d;
        sum = 0;
        for(i = 1; i <= ny; i ++)
                sum += map[linker[i]][i];
        return sum;
    int main()
        int i,j;
            nx = n;
            ny = m;
            num = 0;
            for(i = 1; i <= n; i ++)
                for(j = 1; j <= m; j ++)
            count = 0;
            for(i = 1; i <= n; i ++)
                count += map[i][j];
                map[i][j] += 1;//巧妙 
            ans = KM();
            printf("%d %d
        return 0;
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    gstreamer在Ubuntu下构建开发环境 分类: ffmpeg-SDL-VLC-Live555 2015-04-07 17:56 324人阅读 评论(0) 收藏
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hellocheng/p/7360681.html
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