• cephosd

     General usage: 
    usage: ceph [-h] [-c CEPHCONF] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
                [--setuser SETUSER] [--setgroup SETGROUP] [--id CLIENT_ID]
                [--name CLIENT_NAME] [--cluster CLUSTER]
                [--admin-daemon ADMIN_SOCKET] [-s] [-w] [--watch-debug]
                [--watch-info] [--watch-sec] [--watch-warn] [--watch-error]
                [--watch-channel {cluster,audit,*}] [--version] [--verbose]
                [--concise] [-f {json,json-pretty,xml,xml-pretty,plain}]
                [--connect-timeout CLUSTER_TIMEOUT] [--block] [--period PERIOD]
    Ceph administration tool
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            request mon help
      -c CEPHCONF, --conf CEPHCONF
                            ceph configuration file
      -i INPUT_FILE, --in-file INPUT_FILE
                            input file, or "-" for stdin
      -o OUTPUT_FILE, --out-file OUTPUT_FILE
                            output file, or "-" for stdout
      --setuser SETUSER     set user file permission
      --setgroup SETGROUP   set group file permission
      --id CLIENT_ID, --user CLIENT_ID
                            client id for authentication
      --name CLIENT_NAME, -n CLIENT_NAME
                            client name for authentication
      --cluster CLUSTER     cluster name
      --admin-daemon ADMIN_SOCKET
                            submit admin-socket commands ("help" for help
      -s, --status          show cluster status
      -w, --watch           watch live cluster changes
      --watch-debug         watch debug events
      --watch-info          watch info events
      --watch-sec           watch security events
      --watch-warn          watch warn events
      --watch-error         watch error events
      --watch-channel {cluster,audit,*}
                            which log channel to follow when using -w/--watch. One
                            of ['cluster', 'audit', '*']
      --version, -v         display version
      --verbose             make verbose
      --concise             make less verbose
      -f {json,json-pretty,xml,xml-pretty,plain}, --format {json,json-pretty,xml,xml-pretty,plain}
      --connect-timeout CLUSTER_TIMEOUT
                            set a timeout for connecting to the cluster
      --block               block until completion (scrub and deep-scrub only)
      --period PERIOD, -p PERIOD
                            polling period, default 1.0 second (for polling
                            commands only)
     Local commands: 
    ping <mon.id>           Send simple presence/life test to a mon
                            <mon.id> may be 'mon.*' for all mons
    daemon {type.id|path} <cmd>
                            Same as --admin-daemon, but auto-find admin socket
    daemonperf {type.id | path} [stat-pats] [priority] [<interval>] [<count>]
    daemonperf {type.id | path} list|ls [stat-pats] [priority]
                            Get selected perf stats from daemon/admin socket
                            Optional shell-glob comma-delim match string stat-pats
                            Optional selection priority (can abbreviate name):
                             critical, interesting, useful, noninteresting, debug
                            List shows a table of all available stats
                            Run <count> times (default forever),
                             once per <interval> seconds (default 1)
     Monitor commands: 
    osd blacklist add|rm <EntityAddr> {<float[0.0-]>}                                     add (optionally until <expire> seconds from now) or remove <addr> from blacklist
    osd blacklist clear                                                                   clear all blacklisted clients
    osd blacklist ls                                                                      show blacklisted clients
    osd blocked-by                                                                        print histogram of which OSDs are blocking their peers
    osd count-metadata <property>                                                         count OSDs by metadata field property
    osd crush add <osdname (id|osd.id)> <float[0.0-]> <args> [<args>...]                  add or update crushmap position and weight for <name> with <weight> and location 
    osd crush add-bucket <name> <type> {<args> [<args>...]}                               add no-parent (probably root) crush bucket <name> of type <type> to location <args>
    osd crush class create <class>                                                        create crush device class <class>
    osd crush class ls                                                                    list all crush device classes
    osd crush class ls-osd <class>                                                        list all osds belonging to the specific <class>
    osd crush class rename <srcname> <dstname>                                            rename crush device class <srcname> to <dstname>
    osd crush class rm <class>                                                            remove crush device class <class>
    osd crush create-or-move <osdname (id|osd.id)> <float[0.0-]> <args> [<args>...]       create entry or move existing entry for <name> <weight> at/to location <args>
    osd crush dump                                                                        dump crush map
    osd crush get-device-class <ids> [<ids>...]                                           get classes of specified osd(s) <id> [<id>...]
    osd crush get-tunable straw_calc_version                                              get crush tunable <tunable>
    osd crush link <name> <args> [<args>...]                                              link existing entry for <name> under location <args>
    osd crush ls <node>                                                                   list items beneath a node in the CRUSH tree
    osd crush move <name> <args> [<args>...]                                              move existing entry for <name> to location <args>
    osd crush rename-bucket <srcname> <dstname>                                           rename bucket <srcname> to <dstname>
    osd crush reweight <name> <float[0.0-]>                                               change <name>'s weight to <weight> in crush map
    osd crush reweight-all                                                                recalculate the weights for the tree to ensure they sum correctly
    osd crush reweight-subtree <name> <float[0.0-]>                                       change all leaf items beneath <name> to <weight> in crush map
    osd crush rm <name> {<ancestor>}                                                      remove <name> from crush map (everywhere, or just at <ancestor>)
    osd crush rm-device-class <ids> [<ids>...]                                            remove class of the osd(s) <id> [<id>...],or use <all|any> to remove all.
    osd crush rule create-erasure <name> {<profile>}                                      create crush rule <name> for erasure coded pool created with <profile> (default 
    osd crush rule create-replicated <name> <root> <type> {<class>}                       create crush rule <name> for replicated pool to start from <root>, replicate across 
                                                                                           buckets of type <type>, use devices of type <class> (ssd or hdd)
    osd crush rule create-simple <name> <root> <type> {firstn|indep}                      create crush rule <name> to start from <root>, replicate across buckets of type 
                                                                                           <type>, using a choose mode of <firstn|indep> (default firstn; indep best for 
                                                                                           erasure pools)
    osd crush rule dump {<name>}                                                          dump crush rule <name> (default all)
    osd crush rule ls                                                                     list crush rules
    osd crush rule ls-by-class <class>                                                    list all crush rules that reference the same <class>
    osd crush rule rename <srcname> <dstname>                                             rename crush rule <srcname> to <dstname>
    osd crush rule rm <name>                                                              remove crush rule <name>
    osd crush set <osdname (id|osd.id)> <float[0.0-]> <args> [<args>...]                  update crushmap position and weight for <name> to <weight> with location <args>
    osd crush set {<int>}                                                                 set crush map from input file
    osd crush set-all-straw-buckets-to-straw2                                             convert all CRUSH current straw buckets to use the straw2 algorithm
    osd crush set-device-class <class> <ids> [<ids>...]                                   set the <class> of the osd(s) <id> [<id>...],or use <all|any> to set all.
    osd crush set-tunable straw_calc_version <int>                                        set crush tunable <tunable> to <value>
    osd crush show-tunables                                                               show current crush tunables
    osd crush swap-bucket <source> <dest> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}                        swap existing bucket contents from (orphan) bucket <source> and <target>
    osd crush tree {--show-shadow}                                                        dump crush buckets and items in a tree view
    osd crush tunables legacy|argonaut|bobtail|firefly|hammer|jewel|optimal|default       set crush tunables values to <profile>
    osd crush unlink <name> {<ancestor>}                                                  unlink <name> from crush map (everywhere, or just at <ancestor>)
    osd crush weight-set create <poolname> flat|positional                                create a weight-set for a given pool
    osd crush weight-set create-compat                                                    create a default backward-compatible weight-set
    osd crush weight-set dump                                                             dump crush weight sets
    osd crush weight-set ls                                                               list crush weight sets
    osd crush weight-set reweight <poolname> <item> <float[0.0-]> [<float[0.0-]>...]      set weight for an item (bucket or osd) in a pool's weight-set
    osd crush weight-set reweight-compat <item> <float[0.0-]> [<float[0.0-]>...]          set weight for an item (bucket or osd) in the backward-compatible weight-set
    osd crush weight-set rm <poolname>                                                    remove the weight-set for a given pool
    osd crush weight-set rm-compat                                                        remove the backward-compatible weight-set
    osd deep-scrub <who>                                                                  initiate deep scrub on osd <who>, or use <all|any> to deep scrub all
    osd destroy <osdname (id|osd.id)> {--force} {--yes-i-really-mean-it}                  mark osd as being destroyed. Keeps the ID intact (allowing reuse), but removes cephx 
                                                                                           keys, config-key data and lockbox keys, rendering data permanently unreadable.
    osd df {plain|tree} {class|name} {<filter>}                                           show OSD utilization
    osd down <ids> [<ids>...]                                                             set osd(s) <id> [<id>...] down, or use <any|all> to set all osds down
    osd dump {<int[0-]>}                                                                  print summary of OSD map
    osd erasure-code-profile get <name>                                                   get erasure code profile <name>
    osd erasure-code-profile ls                                                           list all erasure code profiles
    osd erasure-code-profile rm <name>                                                    remove erasure code profile <name>
    osd erasure-code-profile set <name> {<profile> [<profile>...]} {--force}              create erasure code profile <name> with [<key[=value]> ...] pairs. Add a --force at 
                                                                                           the end to override an existing profile (VERY DANGEROUS)
    osd find <osdname (id|osd.id)>                                                        find osd <id> in the CRUSH map and show its location
    osd force-create-pg <pgid> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}                                   force creation of pg <pgid>
    osd get-require-min-compat-client                                                     get the minimum client version we will maintain compatibility with
    osd getcrushmap {<int[0-]>}                                                           get CRUSH map
    osd getmap {<int[0-]>}                                                                get OSD map
    osd getmaxosd                                                                         show largest OSD id
    osd in <ids> [<ids>...]                                                               set osd(s) <id> [<id>...] in, can use <any|all> to automatically set all previously 
                                                                                           out osds in
    osd last-stat-seq <osdname (id|osd.id)>                                               get the last pg stats sequence number reported for this osd
    osd lost <osdname (id|osd.id)> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}                               mark osd as permanently lost. THIS DESTROYS DATA IF NO MORE REPLICAS EXIST, BE 
    osd ls {<int[0-]>}                                                                    show all OSD ids
    osd ls-tree {<int[0-]>} <name>                                                        show OSD ids under bucket <name> in the CRUSH map
    osd map <poolname> <objectname> {<nspace>}                                            find pg for <object> in <pool> with [namespace]
    osd metadata {<osdname (id|osd.id)>}                                                  fetch metadata for osd {id} (default all)
    osd new <uuid> {<osdname (id|osd.id)>}                                                Create a new OSD. If supplied, the `id` to be replaced needs to exist and have been 
                                                                                           previously destroyed. Reads secrets from JSON file via `-i <file>` (see man page).
    osd numa-status                                                                       show NUMA status of OSDs
    osd ok-to-stop <ids> [<ids>...]                                                       check whether osd(s) can be safely stopped without reducing immediate data 
    osd out <ids> [<ids>...]                                                              set osd(s) <id> [<id>...] out, or use <any|all> to set all osds out
    osd pause                                                                             pause osd
    osd perf                                                                              print dump of OSD perf summary stats
    osd pg-temp <pgid> {<osdname (id|osd.id)> [<osdname (id|osd.id)>...]}                 set pg_temp mapping pgid:[<id> [<id>...]] (developers only)
    osd pg-upmap <pgid> <osdname (id|osd.id)> [<osdname (id|osd.id)>...]                  set pg_upmap mapping <pgid>:[<id> [<id>...]] (developers only)
    osd pg-upmap-items <pgid> <osdname (id|osd.id)> [<osdname (id|osd.id)>...]            set pg_upmap_items mapping <pgid>:{<id> to <id>, [...]} (developers only)
    osd pool application disable <poolname> <app> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}                disables use of an application <app> on pool <poolname>
    osd pool application enable <poolname> <app> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}                 enable use of an application <app> [cephfs,rbd,rgw] on pool <poolname>
    osd pool application get {<poolname>} {<app>} {<key>}                                 get value of key <key> of application <app> on pool <poolname>
    osd pool application rm <poolname> <app> <key>                                        removes application <app> metadata key <key> on pool <poolname>
    osd pool application set <poolname> <app> <key> <value>                               sets application <app> metadata key <key> to <value> on pool <poolname>
    osd pool autoscale-status                                                             report on pool pg_num sizing recommendation and intent
    osd pool cancel-force-backfill <poolname> [<poolname>...]                             restore normal recovery priority of specified pool <who>
    osd pool cancel-force-recovery <poolname> [<poolname>...]                             restore normal recovery priority of specified pool <who>
    osd pool create <poolname> <int[0-]> {<int[0-]>} {replicated|erasure} {<erasure_code_ create pool
     profile>} {<rule>} {<int>} {<int>} {<int[0-]>} {<int[0-]>} {<float[0.0-1.0]>}        
    osd pool deep-scrub <poolname> [<poolname>...]                                        initiate deep-scrub on pool <who>
    osd pool force-backfill <poolname> [<poolname>...]                                    force backfill of specified pool <who> first
    osd pool force-recovery <poolname> [<poolname>...]                                    force recovery of specified pool <who> first
    osd pool get <poolname> size|min_size|pg_num|pgp_num|crush_rule|hashpspool|nodelete|  get pool parameter <var>
    osd pool get-quota <poolname>                                                         obtain object or byte limits for pool
    osd pool ls {detail}                                                                  list pools
    osd pool mksnap <poolname> <snap>                                                     make snapshot <snap> in <pool>
    osd pool rename <poolname> <poolname>                                                 rename <srcpool> to <destpool>
    osd pool repair <poolname> [<poolname>...]                                            initiate repair on pool <who>
    osd pool rm <poolname> {<poolname>} {--yes-i-really-really-mean-it} {--yes-i-really-  remove pool
    osd pool rmsnap <poolname> <snap>                                                     remove snapshot <snap> from <pool>
    osd pool scrub <poolname> [<poolname>...]                                             initiate scrub on pool <who>
    osd pool set <poolname> size|min_size|pg_num|pgp_num|pgp_num_actual|crush_rule|       set pool parameter <var> to <val>
     size_ratio <val> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}                                            
    osd pool set-quota <poolname> max_objects|max_bytes <val>                             set object or byte limit on pool
    osd pool stats {<poolname>}                                                           obtain stats from all pools, or from specified pool
    osd primary-affinity <osdname (id|osd.id)> <float[0.0-1.0]>                           adjust osd primary-affinity from 0.0 <= <weight> <= 1.0
    osd primary-temp <pgid> <osdname (id|osd.id)>                                         set primary_temp mapping pgid:<id>|-1 (developers only)
    osd purge <osdname (id|osd.id)> {--force} {--yes-i-really-mean-it}                    purge all osd data from the monitors including the OSD id and CRUSH position
    osd purge-new <osdname (id|osd.id)> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}                          purge all traces of an OSD that was partially created but never started
    osd repair <who>                                                                      initiate repair on osd <who>, or use <all|any> to repair all
    osd require-osd-release luminous|mimic|nautilus {--yes-i-really-mean-it}              set the minimum allowed OSD release to participate in the cluster
    osd reweight <osdname (id|osd.id)> <float[0.0-1.0]>                                   reweight osd to 0.0 < <weight> < 1.0
    osd reweight-by-pg {<int>} {<float>} {<int>} {<poolname> [<poolname>...]}             reweight OSDs by PG distribution [overload-percentage-for-consideration, default 120]
    osd reweight-by-utilization {<int>} {<float>} {<int>} {--no-increasing}               reweight OSDs by utilization [overload-percentage-for-consideration, default 120]
    osd reweightn <weights>                                                               reweight osds with {<id>: <weight>,...})
    osd rm-pg-upmap <pgid>                                                                clear pg_upmap mapping for <pgid> (developers only)
    osd rm-pg-upmap-items <pgid>                                                          clear pg_upmap_items mapping for <pgid> (developers only)
    osd safe-to-destroy <ids> [<ids>...]                                                  check whether osd(s) can be safely destroyed without reducing data durability
    osd scrub <who>                                                                       initiate scrub on osd <who>, or use <all|any> to scrub all
    osd set full|pause|noup|nodown|noout|noin|nobackfill|norebalance|norecover|noscrub|   set <key>
     nodeep-scrub|notieragent|nosnaptrim|pglog_hardlimit {--yes-i-really-mean-it}         
    osd set-backfillfull-ratio <float[0.0-1.0]>                                           set usage ratio at which OSDs are marked too full to backfill
    osd set-full-ratio <float[0.0-1.0]>                                                   set usage ratio at which OSDs are marked full
    osd set-group <flags> <who> [<who>...]                                                set <flags> for batch osds or crush nodes, <flags> must be a comma-separated subset 
                                                                                           of {noup,nodown,noin,noout}
    osd set-nearfull-ratio <float[0.0-1.0]>                                               set usage ratio at which OSDs are marked near-full
    osd set-require-min-compat-client <version> {--yes-i-really-mean-it}                  set the minimum client version we will maintain compatibility with
    osd setcrushmap {<int>}                                                               set crush map from input file
    osd setmaxosd <int[0-]>                                                               set new maximum osd value
    osd stat                                                                              print summary of OSD map
    osd status {<bucket>}                                                                 Show the status of OSDs within a bucket, or all
    osd test-reweight-by-pg {<int>} {<float>} {<int>} {<poolname> [<poolname>...]}        dry run of reweight OSDs by PG distribution [overload-percentage-for-consideration, 
                                                                                           default 120]
    osd test-reweight-by-utilization {<int>} {<float>} {<int>} {--no-increasing}          dry run of reweight OSDs by utilization [overload-percentage-for-consideration, 
                                                                                           default 120]
    osd tier add <poolname> <poolname> {--force-nonempty}                                 add the tier <tierpool> (the second one) to base pool <pool> (the first one)
    osd tier add-cache <poolname> <poolname> <int[0-]>                                    add a cache <tierpool> (the second one) of size <size> to existing pool <pool> (the 
                                                                                           first one)
    osd tier cache-mode <poolname> none|writeback|forward|readonly|readforward|proxy|     specify the caching mode for cache tier <pool>
     readproxy {--yes-i-really-mean-it}                                                   
    osd tier rm <poolname> <poolname>                                                     remove the tier <tierpool> (the second one) from base pool <pool> (the first one)
    osd tier rm-overlay <poolname>                                                        remove the overlay pool for base pool <pool>
    osd tier set-overlay <poolname> <poolname>                                            set the overlay pool for base pool <pool> to be <overlaypool>
    osd tree {<int[0-]>} {up|down|in|out|destroyed [up|down|in|out|destroyed...]}         print OSD tree
    osd tree-from {<int[0-]>} <bucket> {up|down|in|out|destroyed [up|down|in|out|         print OSD tree in bucket
    osd unpause                                                                           unpause osd
    osd unset full|pause|noup|nodown|noout|noin|nobackfill|norebalance|norecover|noscrub| unset <key>
    osd unset-group <flags> <who> [<who>...]                                              unset <flags> for batch osds or crush nodes, <flags> must be a comma-separated 
                                                                                           subset of {noup,nodown,noin,noout}
    osd utilization                                                                       get basic pg distribution stats
    osd versions                                                                          check running versions of OSDs
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/heidsoft/p/15922720.html
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