• ElasticSearch 线程池类型分析之 ResizableBlockingQueue

    ElasticSearch 线程池类型分析之 ResizableBlockingQueue

    在上一篇文章 ElasticSearch 线程池类型分析之 ExecutorScalingQueue的末尾,谈到了处理ES 搜索操作(search)的线程池的一些实现细节,本文就以下几个问题分析SEARCH操作的线程池。

    1. 如何统计一个线程池中的任务的排队等待时间、执行时间?排队等待时间是指任务提交给了线程池,但尚未调度运行。执行时间是任务开始执行到执行完成这一段时间
    2. 如何设计一个可动态调整容量(最大长度)的任务队列?
    3. 执行ES的SEARCH操作任务的线程池的实现细节(下文称作 SEARCH线程池)


    builders.put(Names.SEARCH, new AutoQueueAdjustingExecutorBuilder(settings,
                            Names.SEARCH, searchThreadPoolSize(availableProcessors), 1000, 1000, 1000, 2000));

    SEARCH 线程池的核数线程数与部署ES节点的机器的CPU个数有关,它的任务队列的容量可动态调整,任务队列的初始长度为1000。SEARCH线程池的具体实现类是QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor,采用的任务队列是ResizableBlockingQueue,拒绝策略是 EsAbortPolicy。ResizableBlockingQueue 继承了 SizeBlockingQueue,提供了可动态调整任务队列容量的功能,关于SizeBlockingQueue 可参考ElasticSearch 线程池类型分析之 SizeBlockingQueue的分析。

     ResizableBlockingQueue<Runnable> queue =
                    new ResizableBlockingQueue<>(ConcurrentCollections.<Runnable>newBlockingQueue(), initialQueueCapacity);
            return new QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor(name, size, size, 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,
                    queue, minQueueSize, maxQueueSize, TimedRunnable::new, frameSize, targetedResponseTime, threadFactory,
                    new EsAbortPolicy(), contextHolder);

    提交的Runnable任务会被封装成TimedRunnable对象,从而能够统计任务的执行时间。在 new TimedRunnable 对象时,this.creationTimeNanos = System.nanoTime();,记录任务的创建时间。

        TimedRunnable(final Runnable original) {
            this.original = original;
            this.creationTimeNanos = System.nanoTime();
        public void doRun() {
            try {
                startTimeNanos = System.nanoTime();
            } finally {
                finishTimeNanos = System.nanoTime();

    下面我来详细分析如何统计提交到线程池的Runnable任务的执行时间。先看 QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor 的构造方法参数,重点看 runnableWrapper 参数,我把它理解成"处理逻辑"。
    从本文的第一个代码片段 new QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor 可知,TimedRunnable::new 赋值给了 runnableWrapper,由于它是java.util.function.Function接口,当java.util.function.Function.apply 方法被调用执行时,就是执行runnableWrapper处理逻辑,即:new 一个 TimedRunnable 对象。看TimedRunnable的构造方法可知,此时已经把任务的创建时间给记录下来了。

            private final Function<Runnable, Runnable> runnableWrapper;
            private final ResizableBlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue;
        QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor(String name, int corePoolSize, int maximumPoolSize, long keepAliveTime, TimeUnit unit,
                                          ResizableBlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue, int minQueueSize, int maxQueueSize,
                                          Function<Runnable, Runnable> runnableWrapper, final int tasksPerFrame,
                                          TimeValue targetedResponseTime, ThreadFactory threadFactory, XRejectedExecutionHandler handler,
                                          ThreadContext contextHolder) {
            super(name, corePoolSize, maximumPoolSize, keepAliveTime, unit,
                    workQueue, threadFactory, handler, contextHolder);
            this.runnableWrapper = runnableWrapper;
            this.workQueue = workQueue;
            this.tasksPerFrame = tasksPerFrame;
            this.startNs = System.nanoTime();
            this.minQueueSize = minQueueSize;
            this.maxQueueSize = maxQueueSize;
            this.targetedResponseTimeNanos = targetedResponseTime.getNanos();
            this.executionEWMA = new ExponentiallyWeightedMovingAverage(EWMA_ALPHA, 0);
                    "thread pool [{}] will adjust queue by [{}] when determining automatic queue size", getName(), QUEUE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT);


        protected void doExecute(final Runnable command) {
            // we are submitting a task, it has not yet started running (because super.excute() has not
            // been called), but it could be immediately run, or run at a later time. We need the time
            // this task entered the queue, which we get by creating a TimedRunnable, which starts the
            // clock as soon as it is created.
            super.doExecute(this.runnableWrapper.apply(command));//apply方法 触发 TimedRunnable::new执行,创建TimedRunnable对象

    上面已经能够记录每一个任务的执行时间了,但是任务队列的容量设置为多少合适呢?这是由排队理论里面的little's law决定的。关于利特尔法则,可自行Google。

         * Calculate Little's Law (L), which is the "optimal" queue size for a particular task rate (lambda) and targeted response time.
         * @param lambda the arrival rate of tasks in nanoseconds
         * @param targetedResponseTimeNanos nanoseconds for the average targeted response rate of requests
         * @return the optimal queue size for the give task rate and targeted response time
        static int calculateL(final double lambda, final long targetedResponseTimeNanos) {
            assert targetedResponseTimeNanos > 0 : "cannot calculate for instantaneous requests";
            // L = λ * W
            return Math.toIntExact((long)(lambda * targetedResponseTimeNanos));

    Little's law 需要2个参数,一个是lambda,另一个是W。

    • lambda 的值可理解为线程池处理任务的速率,即:(速率= frac{执行成功的任务个数}{这些任务总耗时}),总耗时为任务的排队时间加上处理时间。
    • w 是请求的平均响应时间。一个SEARCH请求,最终是转化成Runnable任务在线程池中提交执行的,那么这里的平均响应时间,我的理解是:Runnable任务的排队等待时间和执行时间,并不是通常意义上我们看到的一个Client发送SEARCH请求,ES将搜索结果返回给Client这个过程的时间,因为这个过程显然包含了网络延时。


    final String targetedResponseTimeKey = settingsKey(prefix, "target_response_time");
    this.targetedResponseTimeSetting = Setting.timeSetting(targetedResponseTimeKey, TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(1),
                    TimeValue.timeValueMillis(10), Setting.Property.NodeScope);

    统计线程池任务的执行个数和总耗时,是在 afterExecute 方法中完成的,ES自定义线程池重写了ThreadPoolExecutor.afterExecute 方法,每当线程池中的任务执行完成时,会自动调用afterExecute方法做一些"后处理"

        protected void afterExecute(Runnable r, Throwable t) {
            //重写 afterExecute 方法时,要先调用 super.afterExecute
            super.afterExecute(r, t);
            // A task has been completed, it has left the building. We should now be able to get the
            // total time as a combination of the time in the queue and time spent running the task. We
            // only want runnables that did not throw errors though, because they could be fast-failures
            // that throw off our timings, so only check when t is null.
            //只统计 类型为TimedRunnable任务 的执行时间和任务个数
            assert r instanceof TimedRunnable : "expected only TimedRunnables in queue";
            final long taskNanos = ((TimedRunnable) r).getTotalNanos();
            final long totalNanos = totalTaskNanos.addAndGet(taskNanos);
            final long taskExecutionNanos = ((TimedRunnable) r).getTotalExecutionNanos();
            assert taskExecutionNanos >= 0 : "expected task to always take longer than 0 nanoseconds, got: " + taskExecutionNanos;
            //tasksPerFrame默认为2000, 线程池每执行完一批任务(tasksPerFrame个)就进行一次任务队列长度的调整。
            if (taskCount.incrementAndGet() == this.tasksPerFrame) {
                final long endTimeNs = System.nanoTime();
                final long totalRuntime = endTimeNs - this.startNs;
                // Reset the start time for all tasks. At first glance this appears to need to be
                // volatile, since we are reading from a different thread when it is set, but it
                // is protected by the taskCount memory barrier.
                // See: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/atomic/package-summary.html
                startNs = endTimeNs;
                // Calculate the new desired queue size
                try {
                    //计算lambda,tasksPerFrame个任务执行成功的总时间是 totalNanos. 因此,lambda可理解为处理速率
                    final double lambda = calculateLambda(tasksPerFrame, Math.max(totalNanos, 1L));
                    //根据 little's law 计算出来的任务队列的理想容量(任务队列所允许的最大长度)
                    final int desiredQueueSize = calculateL(lambda, targetedResponseTimeNanos);
                    final int oldCapacity = workQueue.capacity();
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        final long avgTaskTime = totalNanos / tasksPerFrame;
                        logger.debug("[{}]: there were [{}] tasks in [{}], avg task time [{}], EWMA task execution [{}], " +
                                        "[{} tasks/s], optimal queue is [{}], current capacity [{}]",
                                String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%.2f", lambda * TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(1).nanos()),
                    // Adjust the queue size towards the desired capacity using an adjust of
                    // QUEUE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT (either up or down), keeping in mind the min and max
                    // values the queue size can have.
                    // 将任务队列的容量从 oldCapacity 调整到 newCapacity,并不是直接将任务队列的长度调整到desiredQueueSize
                    final int newCapacity =
                            workQueue.adjustCapacity(desiredQueueSize, QUEUE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT, minQueueSize, maxQueueSize);
                    if (oldCapacity != newCapacity && logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("adjusted [{}] queue size by [{}], old capacity: [{}], new capacity: [{}]", getName(),
                                newCapacity > oldCapacity ? QUEUE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT : -QUEUE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
                                oldCapacity, newCapacity);
                } catch (ArithmeticException e) {
                    // There was an integer overflow, so just log about it, rather than adjust the queue size
                    logger.warn(() -> new ParameterizedMessage(
                                    "failed to calculate optimal queue size for [{}] thread pool, " +
                                    "total frame time [{}ns], tasks [{}], task execution time [{}ns]",
                                    getName(), totalRuntime, tasksPerFrame, totalNanos),
                } finally {
                    // Finally, decrement the task count and time back to their starting values. We
                    // do this at the end so there is no concurrent adjustments happening. We also
                    // decrement them instead of resetting them back to zero, as resetting them back
                    // to zero causes operations that came in during the adjustment to be uncounted
                    int tasks = taskCount.addAndGet(-this.tasksPerFrame);
                    assert tasks >= 0 : "tasks should never be negative, got: " + tasks;
                    if (tasks >= this.tasksPerFrame) {
                        // Start over, because we can potentially reach a "never adjusting" state,
                        // consider the following:
                        // - If the frame window is 10, and there are 10 tasks, then an adjustment will begin. (taskCount == 10)
                        // - Prior to the adjustment being done, 15 more tasks come in, the taskCount is now 25
                        // - Adjustment happens and we decrement the tasks by 10, taskCount is now 15
                        // - Since taskCount will now be incremented forever, it will never be 10 again,
                        //   so there will be no further adjustments
                                "[{}]: too many incoming tasks while queue size adjustment occurs, resetting measurements to 0", getName());
                        startNs = System.nanoTime();
                    } else {
                        // Do a regular adjustment


    1 线程池也是有生命周期的


        static boolean terminate(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor scheduledThreadPoolExecutor, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
            //先调用 shutdown(), 线程池不再接收新提交的任务了
            //超时等待, 如果在timeout时间内线程池中排队的任务和正在执行的任务都执行完成了返回true,否则返回false
            if (awaitTermination(scheduledThreadPoolExecutor, timeout, timeUnit)) {
                return true;
            //last resort. 在上面awaitTermination timeout后线程池中仍有任务在执行
            return awaitTermination(scheduledThreadPoolExecutor, timeout, timeUnit);

    这种先调用shutdown,再调用 awaitTermination,最后再调用shutdownNow的“三步曲”方式关闭线程池,awaitTermination起到了"缓冲"作用,尽可能减少关闭线程池导致的任务执行结果不确定的影响。看JDK源码:java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.shutdownNow,可知:关闭线程池时,最好不要一开始就直接调用shutdownNow方法,而是分步骤地关闭线程池。

         * Attempts to stop all actively executing tasks, halts the
         * processing of waiting tasks, and returns a list of the tasks
         * that were awaiting execution.
         * <p>This method does not wait for actively executing tasks to
         * terminate.  Use {@link #awaitTermination awaitTermination} to
         * do that.
         * <p>There are no guarantees beyond best-effort attempts to stop
         * processing actively executing tasks.  This implementation
         * cancels tasks via {@link Thread#interrupt}, so any task that
         * fails to respond to interrupts may never terminate.
         * @return list of tasks that never commenced execution.
         *         Each element of this list is a {@link ScheduledFuture},
         *         including those tasks submitted using {@code execute},
         *         which are for scheduling purposes used as the basis of a
         *         zero-delay {@code ScheduledFuture}.
         * @throws SecurityException {@inheritDoc}
        public List<Runnable> shutdownNow() {
            return super.shutdownNow();

    shutdownNow方法会停止所有正在执行的任务(线程),stop all actively executing tasks。会中止所有处于等待状态的任务 halts the processing of waiting tasks,这里的waiting tasks,我的理解:就是在java.lang.Thread.State类中那些处于WAITING状态的线程所执行的任务。并且,shutdownNow返回所有在任务队列中排队等待处理的所有任务 returns a list of the tasks that were awaiting execution.

    shutdownNow方法不会等待正在执行的任务执行完成,而是通过中断方式直接请求中断该任务,This method does not wait for actively executing tasks to terminate。由于,有些任务(线程)可能会忽略中断请求、甚至屏蔽中断请求,因此它只能做到 best-effort 结束线程。对于那些未能响应中断的线程而言,有可能它所执行的任务就永远不会结束了,so any task that fails to respond to interrupts may never terminate.
    因此,从这里可知:我们在编程中 implements Runnable 接口时,run方法代码逻辑里面最好能够保证对中断异常的响应,而不是直接把所有的异常都catch住,只做简单的打印处理,也不向上抛出。

    2 ResizableBlockingQueue并不是每次执行完一个任务就进行一次调整


    任务队列的调整长度是有上限的,每次最多调整 QUEUE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT(默认50)

    任务队列长度的调整并不是直接调整到little's law 计算出来的理想任务队列长度(desiredQueueSize)。每次调整是有限制的,长度的变化不超过QUEUE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT

            if (optimalCapacity > capacity + adjustmentAmount) {
                // adjust up
                final int newCapacity = Math.min(maxCapacity, capacity + adjustmentAmount);
                this.capacity = newCapacity;
                return newCapacity;
            } else if (optimalCapacity < capacity - adjustmentAmount) {
                // adjust down
                final int newCapacity = Math.max(minCapacity, capacity - adjustmentAmount);
                this.capacity = newCapacity;
                return newCapacity;
            } else {
                return this.capacity;


    本文记录了ES6.3.2 SEARCH线程池的源码实现。用户发起的搜索请求会封装成SEARCH操作。SEARCH操作的任务是由QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor处理的,采用的任务队列是 ResizableBlockingQueue,ResizableBlockingQueue封装了LinkedTransferQueue,但是提供了容量限制。
    随着源源不断的搜索请求被处理,可动态调整任务队列的容量。SEARCH线程池采用的拒绝策略是 EsAbortPolicy,搜索请求太频繁时线程池处理不过来时会被拒绝掉。
    另外,本文还分析了如何正确地关闭线程池,以及不恰当地关闭线程池给任务的执行结果带来的不确定性的分析。看完ES的线程池模块的源码后,对线程池的认识和理解深刻了许多,后面还会分析在ES中如何实现执行定时任务、周期性任务的线程池,这种线程池可用来执行一些周期性的 ping 命令(节点之间的心跳包)等ES节点之间的通信。以上若有错误,还请批评指正。


    另外,由于JDK java.util.concurrent.Future#get()获取任务的执行结果时必须"阻塞",另一个方法 java.util.concurrent.Future#get(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) 也是超时阻塞,这意味着线程池在提交任务执行后,在获取结果这个步骤是必须阻塞等待的。那有没有一种方法在获取结果时也不阻塞呢?这就需要Listener机制(监听器)了,Listener其实就是一种处理逻辑,一种怎样处理某个结果(Runnable/Callable执行完成的结果)的处理逻辑。其大概思想是:当Runnable(Callable)任务执行完成后,有了结果,回调Listener,执行 处理结果的逻辑。这样,就不用像 java.util.concurrent.Future#get() 那样,get()阻塞直至获取到结果,然后再执行某种处理逻辑 处理 get()获取到的结果。
    而说到异步回调处理,ES中还有一种类型的线程池,它能够执行优先级任务。该线程池采用的任务队列是:java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue,具体实现是:org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.PrioritizedEsThreadPoolExecutor,这个线程池主要用来执行ES的集群状态更新变化操作。更进一步,org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.TaskBatcher通过封装 PrioritizedEsThreadPoolExecutor,实现了优先级任务的批量处理。当创建一个新索引,或者分片迁移时,集群的状态都会更新,这时会创建一个org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.MasterService.Batcher.UpdateTask更新任务,UpdateTask 封装了org.elasticsearch.cluster.ClusterStateTaskListener 监听器实例,从而在执行Runnable任务后通过 Listener 执行通知回调。将多个UpdateTask提交给PrioritizedEsThreadPoolExecutor线程池执行,从而实现集群的任务状态更新。另外,将PrioritizedEsThreadPoolExecutor 的线程数量 core pool size 和 max pool size都设置成1,提交给该线程池的任务只能由一个线程顺序执行,避免了多个状态并发更新导致的数据不一致性,而且避免了使用锁的方式来进行同步,这种思路非常值得借鉴。关于org.elasticsearch.cluster.service.MasterService实现集群状态的更新的详细实现,以后有时间再写吧。


    [2019-08-15T18:30:38,829][DEBUG][o.e.t.ThreadPool         ] [debug_node] created thread pool: name [force_merge], size [1], queue size [unbounded]
    [2019-08-15T18:30:44,782][DEBUG][o.e.t.ThreadPool         ] [debug_node] created thread pool: name [fetch_shard_started], core [1], max [8], keep alive [5m]
    [2019-08-15T18:30:48,517][DEBUG][o.e.t.ThreadPool         ] [debug_node] created thread pool: name [listener], size [2], queue size [unbounded]
    [2019-08-15T18:30:48,535][DEBUG][o.e.t.ThreadPool         ] [debug_node] created thread pool: name [index], size [4], queue size [200]
    [2019-08-15T18:30:48,536][DEBUG][o.e.t.ThreadPool         ] [debug_node] created thread pool: name [refresh], core [1], max [2], keep alive [5m]
    [2019-08-15T18:30:48,537][DEBUG][o.e.t.ThreadPool         ] [debug_node] created thread pool: name [generic], core [4], max [128], keep alive [30s]
    [2019-08-15T18:30:48,537][DEBUG][o.e.t.ThreadPool         ] [debug_node] created thread pool: name [rollup_indexing], size [4], queue size [4]
    [2019-08-15T18:30:48,538][DEBUG][o.e.t.ThreadPool         ] [debug_node] created thread pool: name [warmer], core [1], max [2], keep alive [5m]
    [2019-08-15T18:30:48,551][DEBUG][o.e.c.u.c.QueueResizingEsThreadPoolExecutor] thread pool [debug_node/search] will adjust queue by [50] when determining automatic queue size
    [2019-08-15T18:30:48,552][DEBUG][o.e.t.ThreadPool         ] [debug_node] created thread pool: name [search], size [7], queue size [1k]
    [2019-08-15T18:30:48,553][DEBUG][o.e.t.ThreadPool         ] [debug_node] created thread pool: name [flush], core [1], max [2], keep alive [5m]
    [2019-08-15T18:30:48,553][DEBUG][o.e.t.ThreadPool         ] [debug_node] created thread pool: name [fetch_shard_store], core [1], max [8], keep alive [5m]
    [2019-08-15T18:30:48,554][DEBUG][o.e.t.ThreadPool         ] [debug_node] created thread pool: name [management], core [1], max [5], keep alive [5m]
    [2019-08-15T18:30:48,554][DEBUG][o.e.t.ThreadPool         ] [debug_node] created thread pool: name [get], size [4], queue size [1k]
    [2019-08-15T18:30:48,555][DEBUG][o.e.t.ThreadPool         ] [debug_node] created thread pool: name [analyze], size [1], queue size [16]
    [2019-08-15T18:30:48,556][DEBUG][o.e.t.ThreadPool         ] [debug_node] created thread pool: name [write], size [4], queue size [200]
    [2019-08-15T18:30:48,556][DEBUG][o.e.t.ThreadPool         ] [debug_node] created thread pool: name [snapshot], core [1], max [2], keep alive [5m]


    • docs 了解、官方文档、github issue。
    • 系统的启动流程debug,从main函数开始,调试跟踪它是怎么启动的?
    • 优先看一些基础模块(比如ES的线程池模块),一是基础模块一般代码比较少,不涉及到具体的使用功能,而且是通用的,并不需要"领域特定知识"。作为一个新手,对某个功能的流程都不清楚,直接看功能模块源码,很容易陷入细节,懵住。
    • 对自己使用过的功能,尝试阅读它的源码实现。因为,你用了这个功能解决了问题,有好奇心、带着问题驱动,再去读源码细节实现好一些。
    • 再说一个更具体的,当阅读一个复杂的JAVA类 时,里面有很多实例变量(方法)、我一般是挑基础的类入手,基础的类是系统的"公共服务",很重要,其他地方又用到了它,理解了它,会更好地理解其他地方的代码。基础的类一般是作为其他类的实例变量,提供一个小功能,简单。


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hapjin/p/11011712.html
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