子查询 |
select ename, sal from emp where ename = 'CLARK';
select * from emp where sal>2450;
select *
from emp
where sal>(
select sal
from emp
where ename='CLARK'
select ename, sal
from emp
where sal>(
select avg(sal)
from emp
select ename,sal
from emp
where deptno=(
select deptno
from emp
where ename = 'SCOTT'
) and sal<(
select sal
from emp
where ename = 'SCOTT'
select ename, sal
from emp
where sal=(
select max(sal)
from emp
); |
any/all/in |
select *
from emp
where sal < any(
select sal from emp where job='CLERK'
select empno, ename, sal
from emp
where sal>all(
select sal
from emp
where job='SALESMAN'
select *
from emp
where job in(
select job
from emp
where deptno=10
) and deptno=20; |
sekect *
from emp
where empno in(
select distinct mgr
from emp
select *
from emp
where sal=(
select max(sal)
from emp
where deptno=20
) and deptno=20;
select deptno, avg(sal) from emp group by deptno;
select temp.deptno, temp.avg_sal, s.grade
from salgrade s, (
select deptno, avg(sal) avg_sal
from emp
group by deptno
) temp
where temp.avg_sal between s.losal and s.hisal;
select temp.deptno, d.dname, temp.avg_sal, s.grade
from salgrade s, (
select deptno, avg(sal) avg_sal
from emp
group by deptno
) temp, dept d
where temp.avg_sal between s.losal and s.hisal
and temp.deptno = d.deptno; |