• python之multiprocess模块(下)



      1: import multiprocessing
      2: import time
      3: def wait_for_event(e):
      4:     print("wait for event:starting")
      5:     e.wait()
      6:     print("wait for event:e_is_set()->", e.is_set())
      7: def wait_for_event_timeout(e, t):
      8:     print("wait_for_event_timeout:starting")
      9:     e.wait(t)
     10:     print("wait_for_event_timeout:e.is_set()->", e.is_set())
     11: if __name__ == '__main__':
     12:     e = multiprocessing.Event()
     13:     w1 = multiprocessing.Process(
     14:         name="block",
     15:         target=wait_for_event,
     16:         args=(e, )
     17:     )
     18:     w1.start()
     19:     w2 = multiprocessing.Process(
     20:         name="nonblock",
     21:         target=wait_for_event_timeout,
     22:         args=(e, 2)
     23:     )
     24:     w2.start()
     25:     print("main:waiting before calling Event.set()")
     26:     time.sleep(3)
     27:     e.set()
     28:     print("main:event is set")


      1: main:waiting before calling Event.set()
      2: wait for event:starting
      3: wait_for_event_timeout:starting
      4: wait_for_event_timeout:e.is_set()-> False
      5: main:event is set
      6: wait for event:e_is_set()-> True




    lock = multiprocessing.Lock() 实例化一个锁对象

    lock.acquire() 加锁

    lock.release() 释放锁

    with lock: # 拿到锁执行代码后并释放锁,注意不要嵌套。

        # 业务代码…





      1: import multiprocessing
      2: import time
      3: def stage_1(cond):
      4:     name = multiprocessing.current_process().name
      5:     print("starting", name)
      6:     with cond:
      7:         print("{} done and ready for stage 2".format(name))
      8:         # 激活等待的进程
      9:         cond.notify_all()
     10: def stage_2(cond):
     11:     name = multiprocessing.current_process().name
     12:     print("starting", name)
     13:     with cond:
     14:         cond.wait()
     15:         print("{} running".format(name))
     16: if __name__ == '__main__':
     17:     condition = multiprocessing.Condition()
     18:     s1 = multiprocessing.Process(
     19:         name="s1",
     20:         target=stage_1,
     21:         args=(condition, ),
     22:     )
     23:     s2_client = [
     24:         multiprocessing.Process(
     25:         name="stage_2[{}]".format(i),
     26:         target=stage_2,
     27:         args=(condition, ),
     28:     ) for i in range(1, 3)]
     29:     for c in s2_client:
     30:         c.start()
     31:         time.sleep(1)
     32:     s1.start()
     34:     s1.join()
     35:     for c in s2_client:
     36:         c.join()


      1: starting stage_2[1]
      2: starting stage_2[2]
      3: starting s1
      4: s1 done and ready for stage 2
      5: stage_2[1] running
      6: stage_2[2] running



      1: s = multiprocess.Semaphore(3)
      2: jobs = [
      3:     multiprocess.Process(
      4:         target=worker,
      5:         name=str(i),
      6:         args=(s,)
      7: )
      8: for i in range(10)]



      1: import multiprocessing
      2: def worker(d, key, value):
      3:     mgr = multiprocessing.Manager()
      4:     d[key] = value
      5: if __name__ == '__main__':
      6:     mgr = multiprocessing.Manager()
      7:     d = mgr.dict()
      8:     jobs = [
      9:         multiprocessing.Process(
     10:             target=worker,
     11:             args=(d, i, i*2),
     12:         ) for i in range(10)
     13:     ]
     14:     for i in jobs:
     15:         i.start()
     16:     for j in jobs:
     17:         j.join()
     18:     print("D->", d)


      1: D-> {1: 2, 3: 6, 0: 0, 5: 10, 8: 16, 2: 4, 7: 14, 6: 12, 4: 8, 9: 18}


    namespace = mgr.Namespace()


      1: import multiprocessing
      2: def producer(ns, event):
      3:     ns.value = "this is a value"
      4:     event.set()
      5: def consumer(ns, event):
      6:     try:
      7:         print("Before event:{}".format(ns.value))
      8:     except Exception as err:
      9:         print("Before event error:", str(err))
     10:     event.wait()
     11:     print("After event:", ns.value)
     12: if __name__ == '__main__':
     13:     mgr = multiprocessing.Manager()
     14:     namespace = mgr.Namespace()
     15:     event = multiprocessing.Event()
     16:     p = multiprocessing.Process(
     17:         target=producer,
     18:         args=(namespace, event)
     19:     )
     20:     c = multiprocessing.Process(
     21:         target=consumer,
     22:         args=(namespace, event),
     23:     )
     24:     c.start()
     25:     p.start()
     26:     c.join()
     27:     p.join()


      1: Before event error: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'value'
      2: After event: this is a value




      1: import multiprocessing
      2: def do_calculation(data):
      3:     return data * 2
      4: def start_process():
      5:     print("starting", multiprocessing.current_process().name)
      6: if __name__ == '__main__':
      7:     inputs = list(range(10))
      8:     print("Input :", inputs)
      9:     builtin_outputs = list(map(do_calculation, inputs))
     10:     print("Built-in:", builtin_outputs)
     11:     pool_size = multiprocessing.cpu_count()*2
     12:     pool = multiprocessing.Pool(
     13:         processes=pool_size,
     14:         initializer=start_process,
     15:     )
     16:     pool_outputs = pool.map(do_calculation, inputs)
     17:     pool.close()
     18:     pool.join()
     19:     print("Pool:", pool_outputs)


      1: Input : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
      2: Built-in: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
      3: starting SpawnPoolWorker-1
      4: starting SpawnPoolWorker-2
      5: starting SpawnPoolWorker-4
      6: starting SpawnPoolWorker-5
      7: starting SpawnPoolWorker-6
      8: starting SpawnPoolWorker-3
      9: starting SpawnPoolWorker-8
     10: starting SpawnPoolWorker-7
     11: Pool: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/haoqirui/p/10335078.html
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