l Use case:check satellite information
Brief description:log in the system check the information of the satellite you want check
User :administrator or user
Basic Flows:1.log in the system choose function about check satellite information.
2.input the satellite you want check
3.Operate succeed
Precodition:login succeed.
PostCodition:the system list the information of the satellite you check
l Use case:change satellite information
Brief description:the system judge the person login if a administrator and you can change the information of satellite
User :administrator
Basic Flows:1.Administrator login the system choose function about change satellite information
2.Administrator input new satellite information
3.Operate succeed
Precodition:the person login is administrator
PostCodition:the information of the satellite has change
l Use case:calculate the danger of satellite
Brief description:the system can calculate the satellite and judge if the satellite has dangers
User: users
Basic Flows:1.log in the system choose function about calculate satellite information.
2.input the satellite you want calculate
3.Operate succeed
Precodition:login succeed.
PostCodition: the system calculate the satellite if dangerous and output it.