Run "ant release" from the build directory.
// 运行Ant后,会在文件夹内生成了一个target的文件夹。
Run startup.bat from the target\build\bin directory to make sure your customized Spark is functional.
Run spark.install4j from the build\installer directory and make the following customizations to the project in install4j:
- In "General Settings", go to the "Compiler Variables" tab to change the VERSION_REVISION to the correct number and find and replace "Spark" with your custom application name. Then go to the "Media File Options" tab to replace "spark" with ${compiler:APP_SHORT_NAME}.
- In "Launchers", rename the Spark launcher to ${compiler:APP_NAME}, then right-click that launcher and click "Edit Launcher". Then go to "Executable info" to replace "Spark" with ${compiler:APP_SHORT_NAME}. Then go to "Windows version info" to replace "Spark" with ${compiler:APP_NAME}.
- In "Installer", go to the "Actions" tab to set the Target file for the desktop link to ${compiler:APP_SHORT_NAME}.
- In "Media", right-click on the Windows media file and click "Edit Media File". Then go to "Installer options" to replace "Spark" with ${compiler:APP_NAME}. Then go to "Bundled JRE" to choose the JRE to bundle.
- In "Build", click on "Start Build"