select Id,CustomerCode,CustomerName,CreateId,CreateName,Phone,StatusName,(case when phone is not null and len(phone)=11 and SUBSTRING(phone,1,1)='1' then 0 else 1 end) IsSend from (
SELECT row_number() over (partition by t0.CustomerCode order by t2.Id) Id,t0.CustomerCode, t1.Name AS CustomerName, t2.Id AS CreateId, t2.Name AS CreateName,isnull(t1.Phone1,t1.Phone2 ) Phone,
t3.Name AS StatusName
FROM BasicSetup.CustomerCommissioner AS t0 INNER JOIN
Logistics.Customer AS t1 ON t0.CustomerCode = t1.CustomerCode INNER JOIN
HumanResource.Employee AS t2 ON t0.EmployeeId = t2.Id INNER JOIN
BasicSetup.CustomerStatus AS t3 ON t3.Id = t1.StatusId
WHERE (t0.CommissionerTypeId = 1) AND (t3.Name <> '待收款')
) Temp