• MySQL Online DDL 梳理

    数据库需要每天进行很多的DDL,例如添加索引、添加字段等。对于MySQL数据库DDL支持的并不是很友好,一不小心就全表锁。从MySQL 5.6开始支持部分DDL Online操作,不是全部DDL。

    一、MySQL DDL 执行原理
    1、Copy Table方式:这是innodb最早的支持方式。通过临时表拷贝的方式实现。

    2、Online (INPLACE)方式:MySQL5.6以上版本中提供的方式,无论是copy table,还是inplace,原表都是"可读","不可写",对应用有很大的限制。MySQL5.6开始innodb开始支持Online DDL,"可读","可写"

    MySQL DDL 总结:

    操作 支持方式 Allow R/W 说明
    add/create index online 允许读写 当表上有FULLTEXT索引除外,需要锁表,阻塞写
    add fulltext index in-place(5.6以上版本) 仅支持读,阻塞写

    创建表上第一个fulltext index用copy table方式,除非表上FTS_DOC_ID列。

    之后创建fulltext index用in-place方式,经过测试验证,第一次时5.6 innodb


    drop index online 允许读写 操作元数据,不涉及表数据。所以很快,可以放心操作
    optimize table online 允许读写

    当带有fulltext index的表用copy table方式并且阻塞写

    alter table...engine=innodb online 允许读写

    当带有fulltext index的表用copy table方式并且阻塞写

    add column online 允许读写,(增加自增列除外)


    drop column online  允许读写(增加自增列除外) 同add column,重新组织表数据,,昂贵的操作
    Rename a column online 允许读写 操作元数据;不能改列的类型,否则就锁表(已验证)
    Reorder columns online 允许读写 重新组织表数据,昂贵的操作
    Make column NOT NULL online 允许读写 重新组织表数据,昂贵的操作
    Change data type of column copy table 仅支持读,阻塞写 创建临时表,复制表数据,昂贵的操作(已验证)
    Set default value for a column online 允许读写

    操作元数据,因为default value存储在frm文件中,不涉及表数据。所以很快,


    alter table xxx auto_increment=xx online 允许读写 操作元数据,不涉及表数据。所以很快,可以放心操作
    Add primary key online 允许读写 昂贵的操作(已验证)
    Convert character set copy table 仅支持读,阻塞写 如果新字符集不同,需要重建表,昂贵的操作

    DDL 测试:


    mysql> CREATE TABLE `hank` (
      `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `name` varchar(20),
      `name1` varchar(20),
      `concent` text,
      PRIMARY KEY(id)


    mysql> insert into hank(name,name1,concent)values('a','b','123aabbcc');
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
    mysql> insert into hank(name,name1,concent) select name,name1,concent from hank;
    Query OK, 1048576 rows affected (5.19 sec)
    Records: 1048576  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
    mysql> select count(*) from hank;
    | count(*) |
    |  2097152 |
    1 row in set (0.29 sec)

    开启profiling :

    mysql> set profiling=1;

    1、创建全文索引,add fulltext index


    session 1:
    mysql> alter table hank add fulltext index idx_concent(concent);
    session 2:
    mysql> insert into hank(name,name1,concent)values('a','b','123aabbcc');
    session 1:
    mysql> show profiles;
    mysql> show profile for query 35;
    | Status                         | Duration |
    | starting                       | 0.000084 |
    | checking permissions           | 0.000004 |
    | checking permissions           | 0.000005 |
    | init                           | 0.000006 |
    | Opening tables                 | 0.000136 |
    | setup                          | 0.000046 |
    | creating table                 | 0.000780 |
    | After create                   | 0.000104 |
    | System lock                    | 0.000008 |
    | preparing for alter table      | 0.022092 |
    | altering table                 | 2.760071 |
    | committing alter table to stor | 0.001088 |
    | end                            | 0.000036 |
    | query end                      | 0.000470 |
    | Waiting for semi-sync ACK from | 0.000006 |
    | query end                      | 0.000022 |
    | closing tables                 | 0.000023 |
    | freeing items                  | 0.000116 |
    | cleaning up                    | 0.000016 |
    在创建全文索引时,支持"",阻塞"" .
    在创建第一个全文索引时,MySQL 5.6以上版本innodb会默认自动添加FTS_DOC_ID,这样就避免了COPY TABLE,5.6以上版本创建全文索引都是in-place方式。
    mysql> alter table hank add fulltext index idx_concent(concent);
    Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (6.72 sec)
    Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 1
    mysql> show warnings;
    | Level   | Code | Message                                          |
    | Warning |  124 | InnoDB rebuilding table to add column FTS_DOC_ID |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    (2).optimize table & alter table .. engine=innodb & alter table table_name force 执行期间是否锁表?

    mysql> delete from hank where id<100000;
    Query OK, 65536 rows affected (0.73 sec)
    mysql> alter table hank drop  index idx_concent;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
    Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
    sesson 1:
    mysql> alter table hank engine=innodb;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (2.33 sec)
    Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
    sesson 2:
    mysql> insert into hank(name,name1,concent)values('a','b','123aabbcc');
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
    mysql> show profiles;
    | Query_ID | Duration   | Query                                                    |
    |       32 | 0.00013850 | alter table hank drop fulltext index idx_concent         |
    |       33 | 0.00801450 | alter table hank drop  index idx_concent                 |
    |       34 | 0.00017100 | alter table hank drop fulltext index idx_concent         |
    |       35 | 2.78511000 | alter table hank add fulltext index idx_concent(concent) |
    |       36 | 0.00018150 | show warnigns                                            |
    |       37 | 0.00025075 | show warnings                                            |
    |       38 | 0.00018200 | alter table hank drop fulltext index idx_concent         |
    |       39 | 0.00777425 | alter table hank drop  index idx_concent                 |
    |       40 | 2.66718450 | alter table hank add fulltext index idx_concent(concent) |
    |       41 | 0.00019775 | show warnings                                            |
    |       42 | 0.00029225 | select max(id) fro hank                                  |
    |       43 | 0.00058700 | select max(id) from hank                                 |
    |       44 | 0.73273450 | delete from hank where id<100000                         |
    |       45 | 0.00801875 | alter table hank drop  index idx_concent                 |
    |       46 | 2.32371300 | alter table hank engine=innodb                           |
    15 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
    mysql> show profile for query 46;
    | Status                         | Duration |
    | starting                       | 0.000102 |
    | checking permissions           | 0.000006 |
    | checking permissions           | 0.000005 |
    | init                           | 0.000006 |
    | Opening tables                 | 0.000135 |
    | setup                          | 0.000038 |
    | creating table                 | 0.000843 |
    | After create                   | 0.000119 |
    | System lock                    | 0.000008 |
    | preparing for alter table      | 0.002342 |
    | altering table                 | 2.291558 |
    | committing alter table to stor | 0.027953 |
    | end                            | 0.000028 |
    | query end                      | 0.000397 |
    | Waiting for semi-sync ACK from | 0.000003 |
    | query end                      | 0.000016 |
    | closing tables                 | 0.000010 |
    | freeing items                  | 0.000126 |
    | cleaning up                    | 0.000021 |
    19 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
    在没有"全文索引"下,optimize table & alter table .. engine=innodb & alter table table_name force "不阻塞读写" .

    (3). 在有全文索引下,optimize table & alter table .. engine=innodb & alter table table_name force 是否锁表?

    mysql> alter table hank add fulltext index idx_concent(concent);
    Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (6.72 sec)
    Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 1
    session 1:
    mysql> alter table hank engine=innodb;
    Query OK, 1966084 rows affected (20.93 sec)
    Records: 1966084  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
    session 2:
    mysql> insert into hank(name,name1,concent)values('a','b','123aabbcc');
    Query OK, 1 row affected (20.37 sec)
    session 1:
    mysql> show profile;
    | Status                         | Duration  |
    | starting                       |  0.000166 |
    | checking permissions           |  0.000007 |
    | checking permissions           |  0.000007 |
    | init                           |  0.000008 |
    | Opening tables                 |  0.000166 |
    | setup                          |  0.000069 |
    | creating table                 |  0.000913 |
    | After create                   |  0.000169 |
    | System lock                    |  0.020907 |
    | copy to tmp table              | 20.888505 |
    | rename result table            |  0.017792 |
    | end                            |  0.000046 |
    | query end                      |  0.000403 |
    | Waiting for semi-sync ACK from |  0.000004 |
    | query end                      |  0.000011 |
    | closing tables                 |  0.000022 |
    | freeing items                  |  0.000119 |
    | cleaning up                    |  0.000030 |
    18 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
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