7.6 服务远程暴露 - 注册服务到zookeeper
- 将ref封装为invoker
- 将invoker转换为exporter
- 启动netty
- 注册服务到zookeeper
- 订阅
- 返回新的exporter实例
在7.4 服务远程暴露 - 创建Exporter与启动netty服务端中,实现了前三步,本节实现第四步:注册服务到zk。总体代码如下:RegistryProtocol.export(final Invoker<T> originInvoker)
1 final Registry registry = getRegistry(originInvoker);//创建ZookeeperRegistry实例:创建CuratorClient,并启动会话。 2 final URL registedProviderUrl = getRegistedProviderUrl(originInvoker);//获取真正要注册在zk上的url 3 registry.register(registedProviderUrl);//创建节点(即注册服务到zk上)
- 第一句代码用来创建ZookeeperRegistry实例:创建CuratorClient,并启动会话。
- 第二句代码获取真正要注册在zk上的url
- 第三句代码实现创建节点(即注册服务到zk上)
一 创建ZookeeperRegistry实例
1 RegistryProtocol.getRegistry(final Invoker<?> originInvoker)
1 /** 2 * 根据invoker的地址获取registry实例 3 */ 4 private Registry getRegistry(final Invoker<?> originInvoker) { 5 URL registryUrl = originInvoker.getUrl(); 6 if (Constants.REGISTRY_PROTOCOL.equals(registryUrl.getProtocol())) { 7 String protocol = registryUrl.getParameter(Constants.REGISTRY_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_DIRECTORY);//zookeeper 8 registryUrl = registryUrl.setProtocol(protocol).removeParameter(Constants.REGISTRY_KEY); 9 } 10 return registryFactory.getRegistry(registryUrl); 11 }
- 将协议换成zookeeper
- 去掉registry=zookeeper的参数
- 第一个红色部分代表协议:zookeeper
- 第二个红色部分是export参数
- 第三个红色部分是registry=zookeeper
2 RegistryFactory$Adaptive.getRegistry(com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL registryUrl)
1 public class RegistryFactory$Adaptive implements com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.RegistryFactory { 2 public com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.Registry getRegistry(com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL arg0) { 3 if (arg0 == null) 4 throw new IllegalArgumentException("url == null"); 5 com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL url = arg0; 6 String extName = ( url.getProtocol() == null ? "dubbo" : url.getProtocol() );//zookeeper 7 if(extName == null) 8 throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to get extension(com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.RegistryFactory) name from url(" + url.toString() + ") use keys([protocol])"); 9 com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.RegistryFactory extension = (com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.RegistryFactory)ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.RegistryFactory.class).getExtension(extName); 10 return extension.getRegistry(arg0); 11 } 12 }
3 AbstractRegistryFactory.getRegistry(URL registryUrl)
1 public Registry getRegistry(URL url) { 2 url = url.setPath(RegistryService.class.getName()) 3 .addParameter(Constants.INTERFACE_KEY, RegistryService.class.getName()) 4 .removeParameters(Constants.EXPORT_KEY, Constants.REFER_KEY); 5 String key = url.toServiceString(); 6 // 锁定注册中心获取过程,保证注册中心单一实例 7 LOCK.lock(); 8 try { 9 Registry registry = REGISTRIES.get(key); 10 if (registry != null) { 11 return registry; 12 } 13 registry = createRegistry(url); 14 if (registry == null) { 15 throw new IllegalStateException("Can not create registry " + url); 16 } 17 REGISTRIES.put(key, registry); 18 return registry; 19 } finally { 20 // 释放锁 21 LOCK.unlock(); 22 } 23 }
- 先处理url,之后获取Registry的key,然后根据该key从Map<String, Registry> REGISTRIES注册中心集合缓存中获取Registry,如果有,直接返回,如果没有,创建Registry,之后存入缓存,最后返回。
- 设置:path=com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.RegistryService
- 添加参数:interface=com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.RegistryService
- 去除export参数
之后,很具上述的registryUrl创建Registry的key,该{ key : Registry }最终会被存储在Map<String, Registry> REGISTRIES注册中心集合(该属性是ZookeeperRegistryFactory父类AbstractRegistryFactory的一个属性)中。
1 public String toServiceString() { 2 return buildString(true, false, true, true); 3 } 4 5 private String buildString(boolean appendUser, boolean appendParameter, boolean useIP, boolean useService, String... parameters) { 6 StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); 7 if (protocol != null && protocol.length() > 0) { //protocol:// 8 buf.append(protocol); 9 buf.append("://"); 10 } 11 if (appendUser && username != null && username.length() > 0) { //protocol://username:password@host:port/group/interface{path}:version/parameters 12 buf.append(username); 13 if (password != null && password.length() > 0) { 14 buf.append(":"); 15 buf.append(password); 16 } 17 buf.append("@"); 18 } 19 String host; 20 if (useIP) { 21 host = getIp(); 22 } else { 23 host = getHost(); 24 } 25 if (host != null && host.length() > 0) { 26 buf.append(host); 27 if (port > 0) { 28 buf.append(":"); 29 buf.append(port); 30 } 31 } 32 String path; 33 if (useService) { 34 path = getServiceKey(); 35 } else { 36 path = getPath(); 37 } 38 if (path != null && path.length() > 0) { 39 buf.append("/"); 40 buf.append(path); 41 } 42 if (appendParameter) { 43 buildParameters(buf, true, parameters); 44 } 45 return buf.toString(); 46 } 47 48 public String getServiceKey() { 49 String inf = getServiceInterface();//先获取interface参数,如果没有的话,取path的值,这里都是com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.RegistryService 50 if (inf == null) return null; 51 StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); 52 String group = getParameter(Constants.GROUP_KEY); 53 if (group != null && group.length() > 0) { 54 buf.append(group).append("/"); //interfacegroup 55 } 56 buf.append(inf); 57 String version = getParameter(Constants.VERSION_KEY); 58 if (version != null && version.length() > 0) { 59 buf.append(":").append(version); 60 } 61 return buf.toString(); 62 }
1 public class ZookeeperRegistryFactory extends AbstractRegistryFactory { 2 private ZookeeperTransporter zookeeperTransporter; 3 4 public void setZookeeperTransporter(ZookeeperTransporter zookeeperTransporter) { 5 this.zookeeperTransporter = zookeeperTransporter; 6 } 7 8 public Registry createRegistry(URL url) { 9 return new ZookeeperRegistry(url, zookeeperTransporter); 10 } 11 }
new ZookeeperRegistry(registryUrl, ZookeeperTransporter$Adaptive对象)
1 private final static int DEFAULT_ZOOKEEPER_PORT = 2181; 2 private final static String DEFAULT_ROOT = "dubbo"; 3 private final String root; 4 private final Set<String> anyServices = new ConcurrentHashSet<String>(); 5 private final ConcurrentMap<URL, ConcurrentMap<NotifyListener, ChildListener>> zkListeners = new ConcurrentHashMap<URL, ConcurrentMap<NotifyListener, ChildListener>>(); 6 private final ZookeeperClient zkClient; 7 8 public ZookeeperRegistry(URL url, ZookeeperTransporter zookeeperTransporter) { 9 super(url); 10 if (url.isAnyHost()) { 11 throw new IllegalStateException("registry address == null"); 12 } 13 String group = url.getParameter(Constants.GROUP_KEY, DEFAULT_ROOT);//dubbo 14 if (!group.startsWith(Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR)) { 15 group = Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR + group; 16 } 17 this.root = group;// /dubbo 18 zkClient = zookeeperTransporter.connect(url);//创建zk客户端,启动会话 19 zkClient.addStateListener(new StateListener() {//监听重新连接成功事件,重新连接成功后,之前已经完成注册和订阅的url要重新进行注册和订阅(因为临时节点可能已经跪了) 20 public void stateChanged(int state) { 21 if (state == RECONNECTED) { 22 try { 23 recover(); 24 } catch (Exception e) { 25 logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); 26 } 27 } 28 } 29 }); 30 }
new FailbackRegistry(registryUrl)
1 private final ScheduledExecutorService retryExecutor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, new NamedThreadFactory("DubboRegistryFailedRetryTimer", true)); 2 // 失败重试定时器,定时检查是否有请求失败,如有,无限次重试 3 private final ScheduledFuture<?> retryFuture; 4 private final Set<URL> failedRegistered = new ConcurrentHashSet<URL>(); 5 private final Set<URL> failedUnregistered = new ConcurrentHashSet<URL>(); 6 private final ConcurrentMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> failedSubscribed = new ConcurrentHashMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>>(); 7 private final ConcurrentMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> failedUnsubscribed = new ConcurrentHashMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>>(); 8 private final ConcurrentMap<URL, Map<NotifyListener, List<URL>>> failedNotified = new ConcurrentHashMap<URL, Map<NotifyListener, List<URL>>>(); 9 private AtomicBoolean destroyed = new AtomicBoolean(false); 10 11 public FailbackRegistry(URL url) { 12 super(url); 13 int retryPeriod = url.getParameter(Constants.REGISTRY_RETRY_PERIOD_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_REGISTRY_RETRY_PERIOD);//5*1000 14 this.retryFuture = retryExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() { 15 public void run() { 16 // 检测并连接注册中心 17 try { 18 retry(); 19 } catch (Throwable t) { // 防御性容错 20 logger.error("Unexpected error occur at failed retry, cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 21 } 22 } 23 }, retryPeriod, retryPeriod, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 24 }
new AbstractRegistry(registryUrl)
1 // URL地址分隔符,用于文件缓存中,服务提供者URL分隔 2 private static final char URL_SEPARATOR = ' '; 3 // URL地址分隔正则表达式,用于解析文件缓存中服务提供者URL列表 4 private static final String URL_SPLIT = "\\s+"; 5 // 本地磁盘缓存,其中特殊的key值.registies记录注册中心列表,其它均为notified服务提供者列表 6 private final Properties properties = new Properties(); 7 // 文件缓存定时写入 8 private final ExecutorService registryCacheExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1, new NamedThreadFactory("DubboSaveRegistryCache", true)); 9 //是否是同步保存文件 10 private final boolean syncSaveFile; 11 // 本地磁盘缓存文件 12 private File file; 13 private final AtomicLong lastCacheChanged = new AtomicLong(); 14 private final Set<URL> registered = new ConcurrentHashSet<URL>();//已经注册的url集合 15 private final ConcurrentMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> subscribed = new ConcurrentHashMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>>();//已经订阅的<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> 16 private final ConcurrentMap<URL, Map<String, List<URL>>> notified = new ConcurrentHashMap<URL, Map<String, List<URL>>>();//已经通知的<URL, Map<String, List<URL>>> 17 private URL registryUrl;//注册url 18 private AtomicBoolean destroyed = new AtomicBoolean(false); 19 20 public AbstractRegistry(URL url) { 21 setUrl(url); 22 // 启动文件保存定时器 23 syncSaveFile = url.getParameter(Constants.REGISTRY_FILESAVE_SYNC_KEY, false); 24 String filename = url.getParameter(Constants.FILE_KEY, System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.dubbo/dubbo-registry-" + url.getHost() + ".cache"); 25 File file = null; 26 if (ConfigUtils.isNotEmpty(filename)) { 27 file = new File(filename); 28 if (!file.exists() && file.getParentFile() != null && !file.getParentFile().exists()) { 29 if (!file.getParentFile().mkdirs()) {//创建文件所在的文件夹 /Users/jigangzhao/.dubbo/ 30 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid registry store file " + file + ", cause: Failed to create directory " + file.getParentFile() + "!"); 31 } 32 } 33 } 34 this.file = file; 35 loadProperties(); 36 notify(url.getBackupUrls()); 37 }
- AbstractRegistry主要用来维护缓存文件。
- FailbackRegistry主要用来做失败重试操作(包括:注册失败/反注册失败/订阅失败/反订阅失败/通知失败的重试);也提供了供ZookeeperRegistry使用的zk重连后的恢复工作的方法。
- ZookeeperRegistry创建zk客户端,启动会话;并且调用FailbackRegistry实现zk重连后的恢复工作。
- 设置属性registryUrl=url:zookeeper://×tamp=1507286468150
- 创建文件/Users/jigangzhao/.dubbo/dubbo-registry-的文件夹/Users/jigangzhao/.dubbo
- 设置属性file:/Users/jigangzhao/.dubbo/dubbo-registry-文件,该文件存储信息将是这样的:
- 如果file存在,将file中的内容写入properties属性;既然有读file,那么是什么时候写入file的呢?AbstractRegistry创建了一个含有一个名字为DubboSaveRegistryCache的后台线程的FixedThreadPool,只在在notify(URL url, NotifyListener listener, List<URL> urls)方法中会被调用,我们此处由于ConcurrentMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> subscribed为空,所以AbstractRegistry(URL url)中的notify(url.getBackupUrls())不会执行,此处也不会创建文件。
- 最后是notify(url.getBackupUrls())(TODO 这里后续会写)
1 /** 2 * 将所有注册失败的url(failedRegistered中的url)进行注册,之后从failedRegistered进行移除; 3 * 将所有反注册失败的url(failedUnregistered中的url)进行反注册,之后从failedUnregistered进行移除; 4 * 将所有订阅失败的url(failedSubscribed中的url)进行重新订阅,之后从failedSubscribed进行移除; 5 * 将所有反订阅失败的url(failedUnsubscribed中的url)进行反订阅,之后从failedUnsubscribed进行移除; 6 * 将所有通知失败的url(failedNotified中的url)进行通知,之后从failedNotified进行移除; 7 */ 8 protected void retry() { 9 if (!failedRegistered.isEmpty()) { 10 Set<URL> failed = new HashSet<URL>(failedRegistered); 11 if (failed.size() > 0) { 12 if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { 13 logger.info("Retry register " + failed); 14 } 15 try { 16 for (URL url : failed) { 17 try { 18 doRegister(url); 19 failedRegistered.remove(url); 20 } catch (Throwable t) { // 忽略所有异常,等待下次重试 21 logger.warn("Failed to retry register " + failed + ", waiting for again, cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 22 } 23 } 24 } catch (Throwable t) { // 忽略所有异常,等待下次重试 25 logger.warn("Failed to retry register " + failed + ", waiting for again, cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 26 } 27 } 28 } 29 if (!failedUnregistered.isEmpty()) { 30 Set<URL> failed = new HashSet<URL>(failedUnregistered); 31 if (failed.size() > 0) { 32 if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { 33 logger.info("Retry unregister " + failed); 34 } 35 try { 36 for (URL url : failed) { 37 try { 38 doUnregister(url); 39 failedUnregistered.remove(url); 40 } catch (Throwable t) { // 忽略所有异常,等待下次重试 41 logger.warn("Failed to retry unregister " + failed + ", waiting for again, cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 42 } 43 } 44 } catch (Throwable t) { // 忽略所有异常,等待下次重试 45 logger.warn("Failed to retry unregister " + failed + ", waiting for again, cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 46 } 47 } 48 } 49 if (!failedSubscribed.isEmpty()) { 50 Map<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> failed = new HashMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>>(failedSubscribed); 51 for (Map.Entry<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> entry : new HashMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>>(failed).entrySet()) { 52 if (entry.getValue() == null || entry.getValue().size() == 0) { 53 failed.remove(entry.getKey()); 54 } 55 } 56 if (failed.size() > 0) { 57 if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { 58 logger.info("Retry subscribe " + failed); 59 } 60 try { 61 for (Map.Entry<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> entry : failed.entrySet()) { 62 URL url = entry.getKey(); 63 Set<NotifyListener> listeners = entry.getValue(); 64 for (NotifyListener listener : listeners) { 65 try { 66 doSubscribe(url, listener);//listener需要一个一个订阅,每订阅一个,就将该listener从当前的url监听列表中移除 67 listeners.remove(listener); 68 } catch (Throwable t) { // 忽略所有异常,等待下次重试 69 logger.warn("Failed to retry subscribe " + failed + ", waiting for again, cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 70 } 71 } 72 } 73 } catch (Throwable t) { // 忽略所有异常,等待下次重试 74 logger.warn("Failed to retry subscribe " + failed + ", waiting for again, cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 75 } 76 } 77 } 78 if (!failedUnsubscribed.isEmpty()) { 79 Map<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> failed = new HashMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>>(failedUnsubscribed); 80 for (Map.Entry<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> entry : new HashMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>>(failed).entrySet()) { 81 if (entry.getValue() == null || entry.getValue().size() == 0) { 82 failed.remove(entry.getKey()); 83 } 84 } 85 if (failed.size() > 0) { 86 if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { 87 logger.info("Retry unsubscribe " + failed); 88 } 89 try { 90 for (Map.Entry<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> entry : failed.entrySet()) { 91 URL url = entry.getKey(); 92 Set<NotifyListener> listeners = entry.getValue(); 93 for (NotifyListener listener : listeners) { 94 try { 95 doUnsubscribe(url, listener);//listener需要一个一个反订阅,每反订阅一个,就将该listener从当前的url监听列表中移除 96 listeners.remove(listener); 97 } catch (Throwable t) { // 忽略所有异常,等待下次重试 98 logger.warn("Failed to retry unsubscribe " + failed + ", waiting for again, cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 99 } 100 } 101 } 102 } catch (Throwable t) { // 忽略所有异常,等待下次重试 103 logger.warn("Failed to retry unsubscribe " + failed + ", waiting for again, cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 104 } 105 } 106 } 107 if (!failedNotified.isEmpty()) { 108 Map<URL, Map<NotifyListener, List<URL>>> failed = new HashMap<URL, Map<NotifyListener, List<URL>>>(failedNotified); 109 for (Map.Entry<URL, Map<NotifyListener, List<URL>>> entry : new HashMap<URL, Map<NotifyListener, List<URL>>>(failed).entrySet()) { 110 if (entry.getValue() == null || entry.getValue().size() == 0) { 111 failed.remove(entry.getKey()); 112 } 113 } 114 if (failed.size() > 0) { 115 if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { 116 logger.info("Retry notify " + failed); 117 } 118 try { 119 for (Map<NotifyListener, List<URL>> values : failed.values()) { 120 for (Map.Entry<NotifyListener, List<URL>> entry : values.entrySet()) { 121 try { 122 NotifyListener listener = entry.getKey(); 123 List<URL> urls = entry.getValue(); 124 listener.notify(urls); 125 values.remove(listener); 126 } catch (Throwable t) { // 忽略所有异常,等待下次重试 127 logger.warn("Failed to retry notify " + failed + ", waiting for again, cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 128 } 129 } 130 } 131 } catch (Throwable t) { // 忽略所有异常,等待下次重试 132 logger.warn("Failed to retry notify " + failed + ", waiting for again, cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 133 } 134 } 135 } 136 }
ZookeeperTransporter$Adaptive.connect(com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL registryUrl)
1 public com.alibaba.dubbo.remoting.zookeeper.ZookeeperClient connect(com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL arg0) { 2 if (arg0 == null) 3 throw new IllegalArgumentException("url == null"); 4 com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL url = arg0; 5 String extName = url.getParameter("client", url.getParameter("transporter", "zkclient"));//curator 6 if(extName == null) 7 throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to get extension(com.alibaba.dubbo.remoting.zookeeper.ZookeeperTransporter) name from url(" + url.toString() + ") use keys([client, transporter])"); 8 com.alibaba.dubbo.remoting.zookeeper.ZookeeperTransporter extension = (com.alibaba.dubbo.remoting.zookeeper.ZookeeperTransporter)ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(com.alibaba.dubbo.remoting.zookeeper.ZookeeperTransporter.class).getExtension(extName); 9 return extension.connect(arg0); 10 }
1 public class CuratorZookeeperTransporter implements ZookeeperTransporter { 2 public ZookeeperClient connect(URL url) { 3 return new CuratorZookeeperClient(url); 4 } 5 }
new CuratorZookeeperClient(registryUrl)
1 private final CuratorFramework client; 2 3 public CuratorZookeeperClient(URL url) { 4 super(url); 5 try { 6 CuratorFrameworkFactory.Builder builder = CuratorFrameworkFactory.builder() 7 .connectString(url.getBackupAddress()) 8 .retryPolicy(new RetryNTimes(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1000)) 9 .connectionTimeoutMs(5000); 10 String authority = url.getAuthority(); 11 if (authority != null && authority.length() > 0) { 12 builder = builder.authorization("digest", authority.getBytes()); 13 } 14 client = builder.build(); 15 client.getConnectionStateListenable().addListener(new ConnectionStateListener() { 16 public void stateChanged(CuratorFramework client, ConnectionState state) { 17 if (state == ConnectionState.LOST) { 18 CuratorZookeeperClient.this.stateChanged(StateListener.DISCONNECTED); 19 } else if (state == ConnectionState.CONNECTED) { 20 CuratorZookeeperClient.this.stateChanged(StateListener.CONNECTED); 21 } else if (state == ConnectionState.RECONNECTED) { 22 CuratorZookeeperClient.this.stateChanged(StateListener.RECONNECTED); 23 } 24 } 25 }); 26 client.start(); 27 } catch (Exception e) { 28 throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e); 29 } 30 }
protected void stateChanged(int state) { for (StateListener sessionListener : getSessionListeners()) { sessionListener.stateChanged(state);//此处查找实现类,只有ZookeeperRegistry构造器中的那个StateListener } }
1 private final URL url; 2 private final Set<StateListener> stateListeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<StateListener>(); 3 private final ConcurrentMap<String, ConcurrentMap<ChildListener, TargetChildListener>> childListeners = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ConcurrentMap<ChildListener, TargetChildListener>>(); 4 private volatile boolean closed = false; 5 6 public AbstractZookeeperClient(URL url) { 7 this.url = url; 8 }
- 设置属性url=registryUrl:zookeeper://×tamp=1507286468150
- 创建了一个Set<StateListener> stateListeners,ZookeeperRegistry构造器中的那个执行recover()的StateListener就将会放在这里
- ZookeeperClient zkClient = CuratorZookeeperClient实例
- CuratorFramework client:CuratorFrameworkImpl实例
- String url:zookeeper://×tamp=1507286468150
- Set<StateListener> stateListeners:{ 监听了重连成功事件的执行recover()的StateListener }
- String root="/dubbo"
- URL registryUrl = zookeeper://×tamp=1507286468150
- Set<URL> registered:0//已经注册的url集合,此处为空
- ConcurrentMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> subscribed:0//已经订阅的<URL, Set<NotifyListener>>
- ConcurrentMap<URL, Map<String, List<URL>>> notified:0//已经通知的<URL, Map<String, List<URL>>>
- Set<URL> failedRegistered:0//注册失败的url
- Set<URL> failedUnregistered:0//反注册失败的url
- ConcurrentMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> failedSubscribed:0//订阅失败的url
- ConcurrentMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> failedUnsubscribed:0//反订阅失败的url
- ConcurrentMap<URL, Map<NotifyListener, List<URL>>> failedNotified:0//通知失败的url
- ConcurrentMap<URL, ConcurrentMap<NotifyListener, ChildListener>> zkListeners:0
最后,该ZookeeperRegistry会存储在ZookeeperRegistry的父类的static属性Map<String, Registry> REGISTRIES中:
Map<String, Registry> REGISTRIES:{ "zookeeper://" : ZookeeperRegistry实例 }
二 获取真正要注册到zk的节点url
1 final URL registedProviderUrl = getRegistedProviderUrl(originInvoker);
1 /** 2 * 1 获取originInvoker的export参数值:就是providerUrl 3 * 2 去除providerUrl中所有参数名是"."开头的,然后去除参数monitor 4 */ 5 private URL getRegistedProviderUrl(final Invoker<?> originInvoker) { 6 URL providerUrl = getProviderUrl(originInvoker); 7 //注册中心看到的地址 8 final URL registedProviderUrl = providerUrl.removeParameters(getFilteredKeys(providerUrl)).removeParameter(Constants.MONITOR_KEY); 9 return registedProviderUrl; 10 } 11 12 /** 13 * 从invoker的URL中的Map<String, String> parameters中获取key为export的地址providerUrl: 14 */ 15 private URL getProviderUrl(final Invoker<?> origininvoker) { 16 String export = origininvoker.getUrl().getParameterAndDecoded(Constants.EXPORT_KEY); 17 if (export == null || export.length() == 0) { 18 throw new IllegalArgumentException("The registry export url is null! registry: " + origininvoker.getUrl()); 19 } 20 URL providerUrl = URL.valueOf(export); 21 return providerUrl; 22 } 23 24 //过滤URL中不需要输出的参数(以点号开头的) 25 private static String[] getFilteredKeys(URL url) { 26 Map<String, String> params = url.getParameters(); 27 if (params != null && !params.isEmpty()) { 28 List<String> filteredKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); 29 for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : params.entrySet()) { 30 if (entry != null && entry.getKey() != null && entry.getKey().startsWith(Constants.HIDE_KEY_PREFIX)) { 31 filteredKeys.add(entry.getKey()); 32 } 33 } 34 return filteredKeys.toArray(new String[filteredKeys.size()]); 35 } else { 36 return new String[]{}; 37 } 38 }
- dubbo://×tamp=1507289961588
三 注册服务到zk
1 FailbackRegistry.register(registedProviderUrl)
1 @Override 2 public void register(URL url) { 3 if (destroyed.get()){ 4 return; 5 } 6 super.register(url); 7 failedRegistered.remove(url); 8 failedUnregistered.remove(url); 9 try { 10 // 向服务器端发送注册请求 11 doRegister(url); 12 } catch (Exception e) { 13 Throwable t = e; 14 // 如果开启了启动时检测check=true,则直接抛出异常,不会加入到failedRegistered中 15 boolean check = getUrl().getParameter(Constants.CHECK_KEY, true) 16 && url.getParameter(Constants.CHECK_KEY, true) 17 && !Constants.CONSUMER_PROTOCOL.equals(url.getProtocol()); 18 boolean skipFailback = t instanceof SkipFailbackWrapperException; 19 if (check || skipFailback) { 20 if (skipFailback) { 21 t = t.getCause(); 22 } 23 throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to register " + url + " to registry " + getUrl().getAddress() + ", cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 24 } else { 25 logger.error("Failed to register " + url + ", waiting for retry, cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 26 } 27 // 将失败的注册请求记录到失败列表,定时重试 28 failedRegistered.add(url); 29 } 30 }
首先调用父类AbstractRegistry的register(registedProviderUrl)将当前的registeredProviderUrl放到Set<URL> registered属性中,如下:
1 public void register(URL url) { 2 if (url == null) { 3 throw new IllegalArgumentException("register url == null"); 4 } 5 if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { 6 logger.info("Register: " + url); 7 } 8 registered.add(url); 9 }
之后,从failedRegistered和failedUnregistered两个url集合中删除该url。然后执行真正的服务注册(创建节点,doRegister(url)),如果在创建过程中抛出异常,如果url的协议不是consumer并且开启了check=true的属性并且当前存储的URL registryUrl也有check=true的话,那么直接抛出异常,不会将该url加入到failedRegistered集合;当然抛出的异常如果是SkipFailbackWrapperException,那么也会直接抛出异常,不会将该url加入到failedRegistered集合。否则,会将该url加入到failedRegistered集合,然后DubboRegistryFailedRetryTimer线程会每隔5s执行一次doRegister(url)。
2 ZookeeperRegistry.doRegister(registedProviderUrl)
1 protected void doRegister(URL url) { 2 try { 3 zkClient.create(toUrlPath(url), url.getParameter(Constants.DYNAMIC_KEY, true)); 4 } catch (Throwable e) { 5 throw new RpcException("Failed to register " + url + " to zookeeper " + getUrl() + ", cause: " + e.getMessage(), e); 6 } 7 }
1 private String toUrlPath(URL url) { 2 return toCategoryPath(url) + Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR + URL.encode(url.toFullString()); 3 } 4 5 private String toCategoryPath(URL url) { 6 return toServicePath(url) + Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR + url.getParameter(Constants.CATEGORY_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_CATEGORY); 7 } 8 9 private String toServicePath(URL url) { 10 String name = url.getServiceInterface(); 11 if (Constants.ANY_VALUE.equals(name)) { 12 return toRootPath(); 13 } 14 return toRootDir() + URL.encode(name);// /dubbo/com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService 15 } 16 17 private String toRootDir() { 18 if (root.equals(Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR)) { 19 return root; 20 } 21 return root + Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR;// /dubbo/ 22 } 23 24 private String toRootPath() { 25 return root; 26 }
- /dubbo是根节点
- /interface是服务接口
- /category是providers/consumers/routers/configurators等
- /dubbo/com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService/providers/dubbo%3A%2F%2F10.10.10.10%3A20880%2Fcom.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService%3Fanyhost%3Dtrue%26application%3Ddemo-provider%26dubbo%3D2.0.0%26generic%3Dfalse%26interface%3Dcom.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService%26methods%3DsayHello%26pid%3D5148%26side%3Dprovider%26timestamp%3D1507291294629
- 解码后:/dubbo/com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService/providers/dubbo://×tamp=1507291294629
最后执行zkClient.create(toUrlPath(url), url.getParameter(Constants.DYNAMIC_KEY, true))来创建节点,该方法由CuratorZookeeperClient的父类AbstractZookeeperClient来执行:
1 public void create(String path, boolean ephemeral) { 2 int i = path.lastIndexOf('/'); 3 if (i > 0) { 4 create(path.substring(0, i), false); 5 } 6 if (ephemeral) { 7 createEphemeral(path); 8 } else { 9 createPersistent(path); 10 } 11 }
这里实际上是通过递归分别创建持久化的/dubbo,/dubbo/com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService以及/dubbo/com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService/providers节点;最后创建临时节点/dubbo/com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService/providers/dubbo%3A%2F%2F10.10.10.10%3A20880%2Fcom.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService%3Fanyhost%3Dtrue%26application%3Ddemo-provider%26dubbo%3D2.0.0%26generic%3Dfalse%26interface%3Dcom.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService%26methods%3DsayHello%26pid%3D5148%26side%3Dprovider%26timestamp%3D1507291294629,而实际上,如果使用了curator的话,可以直接使用递归创建节点即可(结合zk的特性,只有最后一个字节点可以是临时节点,父节点一定是持久化节点),这里这样的写法应该是兼容不能递归创建节点的Zkclient客户端。值得注意的是,url.getParameter(Constants.DYNAMIC_KEY, true)为true则最终创建的节点是临时节点,否则是持久化节点。
1 public void createPersistent(String path) { 2 try { 3 client.create().forPath(path); 4 } catch (NodeExistsException e) { 5 } catch (Exception e) { 6 throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e); 7 } 8 } 9 10 public void createEphemeral(String path) { 11 try { 12 client.create().withMode(CreateMode.EPHEMERAL).forPath(path); 13 } catch (NodeExistsException e) { 14 } catch (Exception e) { 15 throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e); 16 } 17 }
- Set<URL> registered:[ dubbo://×tamp=1507293238549 ]
7.7 服务远程暴露 - 订阅与通知
- 将ref封装为invoker
- 将invoker转换为exporter
- 启动netty
- 注册服务到zookeeper
- 订阅与通知
- 返回新的exporter实例
在7.4 服务远程暴露 - 创建Exporter与启动netty服务端中,实现了前三步,在7.6 服务远程暴露 - 注册服务到zookeeper实现了第四步。本节实现第五步:订阅。总体代码如下:RegistryProtocol.export(final Invoker<T> originInvoker)
1 // 订阅override数据 2 // FIXME 提供者订阅时,会影响同一JVM即暴露服务,又引用同一服务的的场景,因为subscribed以服务名为缓存的key,导致订阅信息覆盖。 3 final URL overrideSubscribeUrl = getSubscribedOverrideUrl(registedProviderUrl); 4 final OverrideListener overrideSubscribeListener = new OverrideListener(overrideSubscribeUrl, originInvoker); 5 overrideListeners.put(overrideSubscribeUrl, overrideSubscribeListener); 6 registry.subscribe(overrideSubscribeUrl, overrideSubscribeListener);
- 第一句代码根据registedProviderUrl来获取overrideSubscribeUrl。
- 第二句代码创建overrideSubscribeListener
- 第三句代码将{ overrideSubscribeUrl : overrideSubscribeListener放入缓存 }
- 第四句代码实现真正的订阅与通知
一 获取overrideSubscribeUrl
final URL overrideSubscribeUrl = getSubscribedOverrideUrl(registedProviderUrl);
1 /** 2 * 1 将协议改为provider; 3 * 2 添加参数:category=configurators和check=false; 4 */ 5 private URL getSubscribedOverrideUrl(URL registedProviderUrl) { 6 return registedProviderUrl.setProtocol(Constants.PROVIDER_PROTOCOL) 7 .addParameters(Constants.CATEGORY_KEY, Constants.CONFIGURATORS_CATEGORY, Constants.CHECK_KEY, String.valueOf(false)); 8 }
- dubbo://×tamp=1507294508053
- provider://×tamp=1507294508053
二 创建overrideSubscribeListener
final OverrideListener overrideSubscribeListener = new OverrideListener(overrideSubscribeUrl, originInvoker);
1 private class OverrideListener implements NotifyListener { 2 private final URL subscribeUrl; 3 private final Invoker originInvoker; 4 5 public OverrideListener(URL subscribeUrl, Invoker originalInvoker) { 6 this.subscribeUrl = subscribeUrl; 7 this.originInvoker = originalInvoker; 8 }
- subscribeUrl:provider://×tamp=1507366969962
- originInvoker:该实例还是在ServiceConfig.doExportUrlsFor1Protocol(ProtocolConfig protocolConfig, List<URL> registryURLs)创建出来的AbstractProxyInvoker实例(具体见7.4 服务远程暴露 - 创建Exporter与启动netty服务端)
- proxy:DemoServiceImpl实例
- type:Class<com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService>
- url:registry://®istry=zookeeper×tamp=1507100319830
最后,将创建出来的OverrideListener实例存储在RegistryProtocol的属性Map<URL, NotifyListener> overrideListeners中:
- key: (overrideSubscribeUrl,也就是subscribeUrl) provider://×tamp=1507366969962
- value: 上述的OverrideListener实例
三 真正的订阅
registry.subscribe(overrideSubscribeUrl, overrideSubscribeListener);
这里的registry是ZookeeperRegistry实例,subscribe(URL url, NotifyListener listener)方法在其父类FailbackRegistry中,如下:
1 @Override 2 public void subscribe(URL url, NotifyListener listener) { 3 if (destroyed.get()){ 4 return; 5 } 6 super.subscribe(url, listener); 7 removeFailedSubscribed(url, listener); 8 try { 9 // 向服务器端发送订阅请求 10 doSubscribe(url, listener); 11 } catch (Exception e) { 12 Throwable t = e; 13 14 List<URL> urls = getCacheUrls(url); 15 if (urls != null && urls.size() > 0) { 16 notify(url, listener, urls); 17 logger.error("Failed to subscribe " + url + ", Using cached list: " + urls + " from cache file: " + getUrl().getParameter(Constants.FILE_KEY, System.getProperty("user.home") + "/dubbo-registry-" + url.getHost() + ".cache") + ", cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 18 } else { 19 // 如果开启了启动时检测check=true,则直接抛出异常 20 boolean check = getUrl().getParameter(Constants.CHECK_KEY, true) 21 && url.getParameter(Constants.CHECK_KEY, true); 22 boolean skipFailback = t instanceof SkipFailbackWrapperException; 23 if (check || skipFailback) { 24 if (skipFailback) { 25 t = t.getCause(); 26 } 27 throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to subscribe " + url + ", cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 28 } else { 29 logger.error("Failed to subscribe " + url + ", waiting for retry, cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 30 } 31 } 32 // 将失败的订阅请求记录到失败列表,定时重试 33 addFailedSubscribed(url, listener); 34 } 35 }
- 首先调用其父类AbstractRegistry的方法,将之前创建出来的overrideSubscribeListener实例加入到overrideSubscribeUrl所对应的监听器集合中;
- 然后从failedSubscribed/failedUnsubscribed中overrideSubscribeUrl所对应的监听器集合中删除overrideSubscribeListener实例;从failedNotified获取当前url的通知失败map Map<NotifyListener, List<URL>>,之后从中删除掉该NotifyListener实例以及其需要通知的所有的url。
- 之后使用具体的子类(这里是ZookeeperRegistry)向服务器端发送订阅请求
- 如果在订阅的过程中抛出了异常,那么尝试获取缓存url,如果有缓存url,则进行失败通知,之后“将失败的订阅请求记录到失败列表,定时重试”,如果没有缓存url,如果开启了启动时检测或者直接抛出的异常是SkipFailbackWrapperException,则直接抛出异常,不会“将失败的订阅请求记录到失败列表,定时重试”
1 private final ConcurrentMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> subscribed = new ConcurrentHashMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>>();//已经订阅的<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> 2 3 /** 4 * 首先从ConcurrentMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> subscribed中获取key为url的集合Set<NotifyListener>, 5 * 如果该集合存在,直接将当前的NotifyListener实例存入该集合, 6 * 如果集合不存在,先创建,之后放入subscribed中,并将当前的NotifyListener实例存入刚刚创建的集合 7 * 8 * @param url 订阅条件,不允许为空,如:consumer:// 9 * @param listener 变更事件监听器,不允许为空 10 */ 11 public void subscribe(URL url, NotifyListener listener) { 12 if (url == null) { 13 throw new IllegalArgumentException("subscribe url == null"); 14 } 15 if (listener == null) { 16 throw new IllegalArgumentException("subscribe listener == null"); 17 } 18 if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { 19 logger.info("Subscribe: " + url); 20 } 21 Set<NotifyListener> listeners = subscribed.get(url); 22 if (listeners == null) { 23 subscribed.putIfAbsent(url, new ConcurrentHashSet<NotifyListener>()); 24 listeners = subscribed.get(url); 25 } 26 listeners.add(listener); 27 }
1 /** 2 * 1 从ConcurrentMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> failedSubscribed 中获取当前url的订阅失败列表Set<NotifyListener>,之后从中删除掉该NotifyListener实例; 3 * 2 从ConcurrentMap<URL, Set<NotifyListener>> failedUnsubscribed 中获取当前url的反订阅失败列表Set<NotifyListener>,之后从中删除掉该NotifyListener实例; 4 * 3 从ConcurrentMap<URL, Map<NotifyListener, List<URL>>> failedNotified 中获取当前url的通知失败map Map<NotifyListener, List<URL>>,之后从中删除掉该NotifyListener实例以及其需要通知的所有的url。 5 * 6 * @param url 7 * @param listener 8 */ 9 private void removeFailedSubscribed(URL url, NotifyListener listener) { 10 Set<NotifyListener> listeners = failedSubscribed.get(url); 11 if (listeners != null) { 12 listeners.remove(listener); 13 } 14 listeners = failedUnsubscribed.get(url); 15 if (listeners != null) { 16 listeners.remove(listener); 17 } 18 Map<NotifyListener, List<URL>> notified = failedNotified.get(url); 19 if (notified != null) { 20 notified.remove(listener); 21 } 22 }
ZookeeperRegistry.doSubscribe(final URL url, final NotifyListener listener)
1 protected void doSubscribe(final URL url, final NotifyListener listener) { 2 try { 3 if (Constants.ANY_VALUE.equals(url.getServiceInterface())) {//这条分支先不说 4 String root = toRootPath(); 5 ConcurrentMap<NotifyListener, ChildListener> listeners = zkListeners.get(url); 6 if (listeners == null) { 7 zkListeners.putIfAbsent(url, new ConcurrentHashMap<NotifyListener, ChildListener>()); 8 listeners = zkListeners.get(url); 9 } 10 ChildListener zkListener = listeners.get(listener); 11 if (zkListener == null) { 12 listeners.putIfAbsent(listener, new ChildListener() { 13 public void childChanged(String parentPath, List<String> currentChilds) { 14 for (String child : currentChilds) { 15 child = URL.decode(child); 16 if (!anyServices.contains(child)) { 17 anyServices.add(child); 18 subscribe(url.setPath(child).addParameters(Constants.INTERFACE_KEY, child, 19 Constants.CHECK_KEY, String.valueOf(false)), listener); 20 } 21 } 22 } 23 }); 24 zkListener = listeners.get(listener); 25 } 26 zkClient.create(root, false); 27 List<String> services = zkClient.addChildListener(root, zkListener); 28 if (services != null && services.size() > 0) { 29 for (String service : services) { 30 service = URL.decode(service); 31 anyServices.add(service); 32 subscribe(url.setPath(service).addParameters(Constants.INTERFACE_KEY, service, 33 Constants.CHECK_KEY, String.valueOf(false)), listener); 34 } 35 } 36 } else { 37 /** 38 * ConcurrentMap<URL, ConcurrentMap<NotifyListener, ChildListener>> zkListeners 39 * 1 根据url获取ConcurrentMap<NotifyListener, ChildListener>,没有就创建 40 * 2 根据listener从ConcurrentMap<NotifyListener, ChildListener>获取ChildListener,没有就创建(创建的ChildListener用来监听子节点的变化) 41 * 3 创建path持久化节点 42 * 4 创建path子节点监听器 43 */ 44 List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>(); 45 for (String path : toCategoriesPath(url)) { 46 ConcurrentMap<NotifyListener, ChildListener> listeners = zkListeners.get(url); 47 if (listeners == null) { 48 zkListeners.putIfAbsent(url, new ConcurrentHashMap<NotifyListener, ChildListener>()); 49 listeners = zkListeners.get(url); 50 } 51 ChildListener zkListener = listeners.get(listener); 52 if (zkListener == null) { 53 listeners.putIfAbsent(listener, new ChildListener() { 54 //监听子节点列表的变化 55 public void childChanged(String parentPath, List<String> currentChilds) { 56 ZookeeperRegistry.this.notify(url, listener, toUrlsWithEmpty(url, parentPath, currentChilds)); 57 } 58 }); 59 zkListener = listeners.get(listener); 60 } 61 zkClient.create(path, false);//创建持久化节点/dubbo/com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService/configurators 62 List<String> children = zkClient.addChildListener(path, zkListener); 63 if (children != null) { 64 urls.addAll(toUrlsWithEmpty(url, path, children)); 65 } 66 } 67 notify(url, listener, urls); 68 } 69 } catch (Throwable e) { 70 throw new RpcException("Failed to subscribe " + url + " to zookeeper " + getUrl() + ", cause: " + e.getMessage(), e); 71 } 72 }
- url(overrideSubscribeUrl):provider://×tamp=1507643800076
- listener:之前创建出来的overrideSubscribeListener实例
- 首先获取categorypath:实际上就是获取/dubbo/{servicename}/{url中的category参数,默认是providers,这里是final URL overrideSubscribeUrl = getSubscribedOverrideUrl(registedProviderUrl);这句代码中添加到overrideSubscribeUrl上的category=configurators}
1 private String[] toCategoriesPath(URL url) { 2 String[] categroies; 3 if (Constants.ANY_VALUE.equals(url.getParameter(Constants.CATEGORY_KEY))) { 4 categroies = new String[]{Constants.PROVIDERS_CATEGORY, Constants.CONSUMERS_CATEGORY, 5 Constants.ROUTERS_CATEGORY, Constants.CONFIGURATORS_CATEGORY}; 6 } else { 7 categroies = url.getParameter(Constants.CATEGORY_KEY, new String[]{Constants.DEFAULT_CATEGORY}); 8 } 9 String[] paths = new String[categroies.length]; 10 for (int i = 0; i < categroies.length; i++) { 11 paths[i] = toServicePath(url) + Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR + categroies[i]; 12 } 13 return paths; // /dubbo/com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService/configurators 14 }
- 然后就是获取并创建:ConcurrentMap<overrideSubscribeUrl, ConcurrentMap<overrideSubscribeListener实例, ChildListener>> zkListeners,这里创建出来的ChildListener实例中的childChanged(String parentPath, List<String> currentChilds)方法实际上就是最终当parentPath(实际上就是上边的categorypath)下的currentChilds发生变化时,执行的逻辑。
- 之后创建持久化节点:/dubbo/com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService/configurators
- 然后使用AbstractZookeeperClient<TargetChildListener>的addChildListener(String path, final ChildListener listener)方法为path下的子节点添加上边创建出来的内部类ChildListener实例
- 最后进行通知
AbstractZookeeperClient<TargetChildListener>.addChildListener(String path, final ChildListener listener)
1 /** 2 * 1 根据path从ConcurrentMap<String, ConcurrentMap<ChildListener, TargetChildListener>> childListeners获取ConcurrentMap<ChildListener, TargetChildListener>,没有就创建 3 * 2 根据ChildListener获取TargetChildListener,没有就创建,TargetChildListener是真正的监听path的子节点变化的监听器 4 * createTargetChildListener(String path, final ChildListener listener):创建一个真正的用来执行当path节点的子节点发生变化时的逻辑 5 * 3 addTargetChildListener(path, targetListener):将刚刚创建出来的子节点监听器订阅path的变化,这样之后,path的子节点发生了变化时,TargetChildListener才会执行相应的逻辑。 6 * 而实际上TargetChildListener又会调用ChildListener的实现类的childChanged(String parentPath, List<String> currentChilds)方法,而该实现类,正好是ZookeeperRegistry中实现的匿名内部类, 7 * 在该匿名内部类的childChanged(String parentPath, List<String> currentChilds)方法中,调用了ZookeeperRegistry.notify(URL url, NotifyListener listener, List<URL> urls) 8 */ 9 public List<String> addChildListener(String path, final ChildListener listener) { 10 ConcurrentMap<ChildListener, TargetChildListener> listeners = childListeners.get(path); 11 if (listeners == null) { 12 childListeners.putIfAbsent(path, new ConcurrentHashMap<ChildListener, TargetChildListener>()); 13 listeners = childListeners.get(path); 14 } 15 TargetChildListener targetListener = listeners.get(listener); 16 if (targetListener == null) { 17 listeners.putIfAbsent(listener, createTargetChildListener(path, listener)); 18 targetListener = listeners.get(listener); 19 } 20 return addTargetChildListener(path, targetListener); 21 }
- 首先是一顿获取和创建:ConcurrentMap<categorypath, ConcurrentMap<ZookeeperRegistry的内部类ChildListener实例, TargetChildListener>> childListeners,这里主要是创建TargetChildListener;
- 之后是真正的为path添加TargetChildListener实例。
CuratorZookeeperClient.createTargetChildListener(path, listener)
1 public CuratorWatcher createTargetChildListener(String path, ChildListener listener) { 2 return new CuratorWatcherImpl(listener); 3 } 4 5 private class CuratorWatcherImpl implements CuratorWatcher { 6 7 private volatile ChildListener listener; 8 9 public CuratorWatcherImpl(ChildListener listener) { 10 this.listener = listener; 11 } 12 13 public void unwatch() { 14 this.listener = null; 15 } 16 17 public void process(WatchedEvent event) throws Exception { 18 if (listener != null) { 19 listener.childChanged(event.getPath(), client.getChildren().usingWatcher(this).forPath(event.getPath())); 20 } 21 } 22 }
很简单,就是创建一个监听path子节点的watcher,当path下有子节点变化时,调用listener(即传入的ZookeeperRegistry的内部类ChildListener实例的childChanged(String parentPath, List<String> currentChilds)方法)。
CuratorZookeeperClient.addTargetChildListener(String path, CuratorWatcher targetChildListener)
1 public List<String> addTargetChildListener(String path, CuratorWatcher listener) { 2 try { 3 return client.getChildren().usingWatcher(listener).forPath(path); 4 } catch (NoNodeException e) { 5 return null; 6 } catch (Exception e) { 7 throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e); 8 } 9 }
从上边的分析我们可以看出,当path节点下的子节点发生变化的时候,会首先调用TargetChildListener的process(WatchedEvent event)方法,在该方法中又会调用ChildListener实例的childChanged(String parentPath, List<String> currentChilds)方法,那么我们来分析一下该方法:
1 //监听子节点列表的变化 2 public void childChanged(String parentPath, List<String> currentChilds) { 3 ZookeeperRegistry.this.notify(url, listener, toUrlsWithEmpty(url, parentPath, currentChilds)); 4 }
- 首先获取子节点urls或者是一个consumer的empty协议的url
1 /** 2 * 过滤出providers中与consumer匹配的url集合 3 */ 4 private List<URL> toUrlsWithoutEmpty(URL consumer, List<String> providers) { 5 List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>(); 6 if (providers != null && providers.size() > 0) { 7 for (String provider : providers) { 8 provider = URL.decode(provider); 9 if (provider.contains("://")) { 10 URL url = URL.valueOf(provider); 11 if (UrlUtils.isMatch(consumer, url)) { 12 urls.add(url); 13 } 14 } 15 } 16 } 17 return urls; 18 } 19 20 /** 21 * 1 首先过滤出providers中与consumer匹配的providerUrl集合 22 * 2 如果providerUrl集合不为空,直接返回这个集合 23 * 3 如果为空,首先从path中获取category,然后将consumer的协议换成empty,添加参数category=configurators 24 * @param consumer provider://×tamp=1507643800076 25 * @param path /dubbo/com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService/configurators 26 * @param providers 27 */ 28 private List<URL> toUrlsWithEmpty(URL consumer, String path, List<String> providers) { 29 List<URL> urls = toUrlsWithoutEmpty(consumer, providers); 30 if (urls == null || urls.isEmpty()) { 31 int i = path.lastIndexOf('/'); 32 String category = i < 0 ? path : path.substring(i + 1);//configurators 33 URL empty = consumer.setProtocol(Constants.EMPTY_PROTOCOL).addParameter(Constants.CATEGORY_KEY, category); 34 urls.add(empty); 35 } 36 return urls; // empty://×tamp=1507352638483 37 }
- 之后调用ZookeeperRegistry的父类FailbackRegistry.notify(URL url, NotifyListener listener, List<URL> urls)
1 @Override 2 protected void notify(URL url, NotifyListener listener, List<URL> urls) { 3 if (url == null) { 4 throw new IllegalArgumentException("notify url == null"); 5 } 6 if (listener == null) { 7 throw new IllegalArgumentException("notify listener == null"); 8 } 9 try { 10 doNotify(url, listener, urls); 11 } catch (Exception t) { 12 // 将失败的通知请求记录到失败列表,定时重试 13 Map<NotifyListener, List<URL>> listeners = failedNotified.get(url); 14 if (listeners == null) { 15 failedNotified.putIfAbsent(url, new ConcurrentHashMap<NotifyListener, List<URL>>()); 16 listeners = failedNotified.get(url); 17 } 18 listeners.put(listener, urls); 19 logger.error("Failed to notify for subscribe " + url + ", waiting for retry, cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 20 } 21 } 22 23 protected void doNotify(URL url, NotifyListener listener, List<URL> urls) { 24 super.notify(url, listener, urls); 25 }
- listener:之前创建出来的overrideSubscribeListener实例
- urls:[ empty://×tamp=1507643800076 ]
- 这里首先执行父类的AbstractRegistry.notify(URL url, NotifyListener listener, List<URL> urls),如果失败,则获取或创建ConcurrentMap<overrideSubscribeUrl, Map<overrideSubscribeListener实例, urls>> failedNotified,后续做重试
AbstractRegistry.notify(URL url, NotifyListener listener, List<URL> urls)
1 /** 2 * 1 首先遍历List<URL> urls,将urls按照category进行分类,存储在Map<"categoryName", List<URL>> result中; 3 * 2 之后遍历result:(每遍历一次,都是一个新的category) 4 * (1)将Map<"categoryName", List<URL>>存储在ConcurrentMap<URL, Map<String, List<URL>>> notified的Map<String, List<URL>>中 5 * (2)进行properties设置和文件保存 6 * (3)调用传入放入listener的notify()方法。 7 * @param url 8 * @param listener 9 * @param urls 10 */ 11 protected void notify(URL url, NotifyListener listener, List<URL> urls) { 12 if (url == null) { 13 throw new IllegalArgumentException("notify url == null"); 14 } 15 if (listener == null) { 16 throw new IllegalArgumentException("notify listener == null"); 17 } 18 if ((urls == null || urls.size() == 0) 19 && !Constants.ANY_VALUE.equals(url.getServiceInterface())) { 20 logger.warn("Ignore empty notify urls for subscribe url " + url); 21 return; 22 } 23 if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { 24 logger.info("Notify urls for subscribe url " + url + ", urls: " + urls); 25 } 26 /** 27 * 遍历List<URL> urls,将urls按照category进行分类 28 */ 29 Map<String, List<URL>> result = new HashMap<String, List<URL>>(); //{ "categoryName" : List<URL> } 30 for (URL u : urls) { 31 if (UrlUtils.isMatch(url, u)) { 32 String category = u.getParameter(Constants.CATEGORY_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_CATEGORY); 33 List<URL> categoryList = result.get(category); 34 if (categoryList == null) { 35 categoryList = new ArrayList<URL>(); 36 result.put(category, categoryList); 37 } 38 categoryList.add(u); 39 } 40 } 41 if (result.size() == 0) { 42 return; 43 } 44 Map<String, List<URL>> categoryNotified = notified.get(url); 45 if (categoryNotified == null) { 46 notified.putIfAbsent(url, new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<URL>>()); 47 categoryNotified = notified.get(url); 48 } 49 for (Map.Entry<String, List<URL>> entry : result.entrySet()) { 50 String category = entry.getKey(); 51 List<URL> categoryList = entry.getValue(); 52 categoryNotified.put(category, categoryList);//填充notified集合 53 saveProperties(url);//该行代码为什么不写在循环体外边 54 listener.notify(categoryList); 55 } 56 }
- listener:之前创建出来的overrideSubscribeListener实例
- urls:[ empty://×tamp=1507643800076 ]
- 首先遍历List<URL> urls,将urls按照category进行分类,存储在Map<"categoryName", List<URL>> result中;
- 然后获取或创建ConcurrentMap<overrideSubscribeUrl, Map<"categoryName", subList(urls)>> notified
- 最后遍历Map<"categoryName", List<URL>> result
- 去填充notified集合
- 保存传入的url到Properties properties(本地磁盘缓存中)
- 调用传入的listener的notify方法(注意:这里调用的正是文章开头创建的overrideSubscribeListener实例的notify方法)
AbstractRegistry.saveProperties(URL url)
1 /** 2 * 1 按照url从将ConcurrentMap<URL, Map<String, List<URL>>> notified中将Map<String, List<URL>>拿出来,之后将所有category的list组成一串buf(以空格分隔) 3 * 2 将< serviceKey<->buf >写入本地磁盘缓存中:Properties properties 4 * 3 将AtomicLong lastCacheChanged加1 5 * 4 之后根据syncSaveFile判断时同步保存properties到文件,还是异步保存properties到文件 6 * @param url 7 */ 8 private void saveProperties(URL url) { 9 if (file == null) { 10 return; 11 } 12 13 try { 14 StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); 15 Map<String, List<URL>> categoryNotified = notified.get(url); 16 if (categoryNotified != null) { 17 for (List<URL> us : categoryNotified.values()) { 18 for (URL u : us) { 19 if (buf.length() > 0) { 20 buf.append(URL_SEPARATOR); 21 } 22 buf.append(u.toFullString()); 23 } 24 } 25 } 26 properties.setProperty(url.getServiceKey(), buf.toString()); 27 long version = lastCacheChanged.incrementAndGet(); 28 if (syncSaveFile) { 29 doSaveProperties(version); 30 } else { 31 registryCacheExecutor.execute(new SaveProperties(version)); 32 } 33 } catch (Throwable t) { 34 logger.warn(t.getMessage(), t); 35 } 36 }
- 入参:url:provider://×tamp=1507720343596
- properties:{ "com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService" -> "empty://×tamp=1507720343596" }
- 最后采用异步线程将properties中的内容写入到文件中
1 private class SaveProperties implements Runnable { 2 private long version; 3 4 private SaveProperties(long version) { 5 this.version = version; 6 } 7 8 public void run() { 9 doSaveProperties(version); 10 } 11 }
AbstractRegistry.doSaveProperties(long version)
1 /** 2 * 1 先将文件中的内容读取到一个新的Properties newProperties中; 3 * 2 之后将properties中的信息写入这个newProperties中; 4 * 3 之后创建dubbo-registry-文件; 5 * 4 最后将这个newProperties中的内容写入到文件中 6 */ 7 public void doSaveProperties(long version) { 8 if (version < lastCacheChanged.get()) { 9 return; 10 } 11 if (file == null) { 12 return; 13 } 14 Properties newProperties = new Properties(); 15 // 保存之前先读取一遍,防止多个注册中心之间冲突 16 InputStream in = null; 17 try { 18 if (file.exists()) { 19 in = new FileInputStream(file); 20 newProperties.load(in); 21 } 22 } catch (Throwable e) { 23 logger.warn("Failed to load registry store file, cause: " + e.getMessage(), e); 24 } finally { 25 if (in != null) { 26 try { 27 in.close(); 28 } catch (IOException e) { 29 logger.warn(e.getMessage(), e); 30 } 31 } 32 } 33 // 保存 34 try { 35 newProperties.putAll(properties); 36 File lockfile = new File(file.getAbsolutePath() + ".lock"); 37 if (!lockfile.exists()) { 38 lockfile.createNewFile();//创建lock文件 39 } 40 RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(lockfile, "rw"); 41 try { 42 FileChannel channel = raf.getChannel(); 43 try { 44 FileLock lock = channel.tryLock(); 45 if (lock == null) { 46 throw new IOException("Can not lock the registry cache file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + ", ignore and retry later, maybe multi java process use the file, please config: dubbo.registry.file=xxx.properties"); 47 } 48 // 保存 49 try { 50 if (!file.exists()) { 51 file.createNewFile(); 52 } 53 FileOutputStream outputFile = new FileOutputStream(file); 54 try { 55 newProperties.store(outputFile, "Dubbo Registry Cache"); 56 } finally { 57 outputFile.close(); 58 } 59 } finally { 60 lock.release(); 61 } 62 } finally { 63 channel.close(); 64 } 65 } finally { 66 raf.close(); 67 } 68 } catch (Throwable e) { 69 if (version < lastCacheChanged.get()) { 70 return; 71 } else { 72 registryCacheExecutor.execute(new SaveProperties(lastCacheChanged.incrementAndGet())); 73 } 74 logger.warn("Failed to save registry store file, cause: " + e.getMessage(), e); 75 } 76 }
步骤见注释。这里有一个version,实际上是一个CAS判断,我们在saveProperties(URL url)方法中执行了long version = lastCacheChanged.incrementAndGet();之后在doSaveProperties(long version)进行if (version < lastCacheChanged.get())判断,如果满足这个条件,说明当前线程在进行doSaveProperties(long version)时,已经有其他线程执行了saveProperties(URL url),马上就要执行doSaveProperties(long version),所以当前线程放弃操作,让后边的这个线程来做保存操作。
- dubbo-registry-
- dubbo-registry-
#Wed Oct 11 19:42:29 CST 2017 com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService=empty\://\:20880/com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService?anyhost\=true&application\=demo-provider&category\=configurators&check\=false&dubbo\=2.0.0&generic\=false&interface\=com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService&methods\=sayHello&pid\=5165&side\=provider×tamp\=1507722024953 |
最后就是OverrideListener.notify(List<URL> urls)
1 /** 2 * 重新export 3 * 1.protocol中的exporter destroy问题 4 * 1.要求registryprotocol返回的exporter可以正常destroy 5 * 2.notify后不需要重新向注册中心注册 6 * 3.export 方法传入的invoker最好能一直作为exporter的invoker. 7 */ 8 private class OverrideListener implements NotifyListener { 9 private final URL subscribeUrl; 10 private final Invoker originInvoker; 11 12 public OverrideListener(URL subscribeUrl, Invoker originalInvoker) { 13 this.subscribeUrl = subscribeUrl; 14 this.originInvoker = originalInvoker; 15 } 16 17 /** 18 * 目的: 19 * 对原本注册了的providerUrl进行校验,如果url发生了变化,那么要重新export 20 * 21 * @param urls 已注册信息列表,总不为空,含义同{@link com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.RegistryService#lookup(URL)}的返回值。 22 */ 23 public synchronized void notify(List<URL> urls) { 24 logger.debug("original override urls: " + urls); 25 List<URL> matchedUrls = getMatchedUrls(urls, subscribeUrl); 26 logger.debug("subscribe url: " + subscribeUrl + ", override urls: " + matchedUrls); 27 //没有匹配的 28 if (matchedUrls.isEmpty()) { 29 return; 30 } 31 32 List<Configurator> configurators = RegistryDirectory.toConfigurators(matchedUrls);//这里是一个空列表 33 34 final Invoker<?> invoker; 35 if (originInvoker instanceof InvokerDelegete) { 36 invoker = ((InvokerDelegete<?>) originInvoker).getInvoker(); 37 } else { 38 invoker = originInvoker; 39 } 40 //最原始的invoker 41 URL originUrl = RegistryProtocol.this.getProviderUrl(invoker);//dubbo://×tamp=1507723571451 42 String key = getCacheKey(originInvoker);//dubbo://×tamp=1507723571451 43 ExporterChangeableWrapper<?> exporter = bounds.get(key);//在doLocalExport方法中已经存放在这里了 44 if (exporter == null) { 45 logger.warn(new IllegalStateException("error state, exporter should not be null")); 46 return; 47 } 48 //当前的,可能经过了多次merge 49 URL currentUrl = exporter.getInvoker().getUrl();//dubbo://×tamp=1507723571451 50 //与本次配置merge的 51 URL newUrl = getConfigedInvokerUrl(configurators, originUrl); 52 if (!currentUrl.equals(newUrl)) { 53 RegistryProtocol.this.doChangeLocalExport(originInvoker, newUrl);//重新将invoker暴露为exporter 54 logger.info("exported provider url changed, origin url: " + originUrl + ", old export url: " + currentUrl + ", new export url: " + newUrl); 55 } 56 } 57 58 private List<URL> getMatchedUrls(List<URL> configuratorUrls, URL currentSubscribe) { 59 List<URL> result = new ArrayList<URL>(); 60 for (URL url : configuratorUrls) { 61 URL overrideUrl = url; 62 // 兼容旧版本 63 if (url.getParameter(Constants.CATEGORY_KEY) == null 64 && Constants.OVERRIDE_PROTOCOL.equals(url.getProtocol())) { 65 overrideUrl = url.addParameter(Constants.CATEGORY_KEY, Constants.CONFIGURATORS_CATEGORY); 66 } 67 68 //检查是不是要应用到当前服务上 69 if (UrlUtils.isMatch(currentSubscribe, overrideUrl)) { 70 result.add(url); 71 } 72 } 73 return result; 74 } 75 76 //合并配置的url 77 private URL getConfigedInvokerUrl(List<Configurator> configurators, URL url) { 78 for (Configurator configurator : configurators) { 79 url = configurator.configure(url); 80 } 81 return url; 82 } 83 }
1 /** 2 * 对修改了url的invoker重新export 3 * 4 * @param originInvoker 5 * @param newInvokerUrl 6 */ 7 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") 8 private <T> void doChangeLocalExport(final Invoker<T> originInvoker, URL newInvokerUrl) { 9 String key = getCacheKey(originInvoker); 10 final ExporterChangeableWrapper<T> exporter = (ExporterChangeableWrapper<T>) bounds.get(key); 11 if (exporter == null) { 12 logger.warn(new IllegalStateException("error state, exporter should not be null")); 13 } else { 14 final Invoker<T> invokerDelegete = new InvokerDelegete<T>(originInvoker, newInvokerUrl); 15 exporter.setExporter(protocol.export(invokerDelegete)); 16 } 17 }
7.8 服务暴露总结
1 <!-- 提供方应用信息,用于计算依赖关系 --> 2 <dubbo:application name="demo-provider"/> 3 4 <!-- 使用zookeeper注册中心,并使用curator客户端 --> 5 <dubbo:registry protocol="zookeeper" address="" client="curator"/> 6 7 <!-- 用dubbo协议在20880端口暴露服务 --> 8 <dubbo:protocol name="dubbo" port="20880"/> 9 10 <!-- 和本地bean一样实现服务 --> 11 <bean id="demoService" class="com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.provider.DemoServiceImpl"/> 12 13 <!-- 声明需要暴露的服务接口 --> 14 <dubbo:service interface="com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService" ref="demoService"/>
一 ServiceBean
1 继承实现关系
2 最终的ServiceBean实例
-->String id: "com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService" -->String beanName: "com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService" -->ApplicationContext applicationContext: ClassPathXmlApplicationContext实例 -->supportedApplicationListener:true -->List<URL> urls: ["dubbo://×tamp=1510023456461"] -->List<Exporter<?>> exporters:[ -->InjvmExporter实例 -->String key:com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService -->Map<String, Exporter<?>> exporterMap: {"com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService ", 当前的JvmExporter实例} -->Invoker invoker:经过filter包装的AbstractProxyInvoker实例 -->RegistryProtocol返回的新的Exporter实例 -->Exporter exporter: ExporterChangeableWrapper<T> exporter实例 -->Invoker originInvoker:经过filter包装的AbstractProxyInvoker实例 -->Exporter exporter: DubboExporter -->Registry registry: 上边的ZookeeperRegistry实例 ] -->String interfaceName:"com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService" -->Class<?> interfaceClass:interface com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService -->T ref: DemoServiceImpl实例 -->String path:"com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService" -->List<ProtocolConfig> protocols:[解析:<dubbo:protocol name="dubbo" port="20880" id="dubbo" />] -->ApplicationConfig application:[解析:<dubbo:application name="demo-provider" id="demo-provider" />] -->List<RegistryConfig> registries:[解析:<dubbo:registry address="" protocol="zookeeper" id="com.alibaba.dubbo.config.RegistryConfig" />]
二 调用简图
三 代码调用链
ServiceBean.onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent event) -->ServiceConfig.export() -->doExport() -->doExportUrls() -->doExportUrlsFor1Protocol(ProtocolConfig protocolConfig, List<URL> registryURLs) protocolConfig:<dubbo:protocol name="dubbo" port="20880" id="dubbo" /> registryURLs:registry://®istry=zookeeper×tamp=1510021313960 <!-- 一 本地暴露 --> -->exportLocal(url) url:dubbo://×tamp=1510021401013 //1.1 将实现类ref封装成Invoker -->JavassistProxyFactory.getInvoker(T proxy, Class<T> type, URL url) proxy:DemoServiceImpl实例(即ref实例) type:interface com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService url:injvm://×tamp=1510021401013 -->Wrapper.getWrapper(Class DemoServiceImpl) -->new AbstractProxyInvoker<T>(proxy, type, url) //1.2 将实现类Invoker暴露为Exporter -->ProtocolFilterWrapper.buildInvokerChain(final Invoker<T> invoker, String key, String group) 组建invoker链,实际上只有最后一个是真正的AbstractProxyInvoker实例,前边的都是filter。 invoker:AbstractProxyInvoker实例 key:service.filter group:provider -->InjvmProtocol.export(Invoker<T> invoker) invoker:经过filter包装的invoker -->new InjvmExporter(Invoker<T> invoker, String key, Map<String, Exporter<?>> exporterMap) invoker:经过filter包装的invoker key:com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService exporterMap:传入时为空,构造器执行后为{"com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService ", 当前的JvmExporter实例} -->List<Exporter<?>> exporters.add(上述的exporter) <!-- 二 远程暴露 --> //2.1 将实现类ref封装成Invoker -->JavassistProxyFactory.getInvoker(T proxy, Class<T> type, URL url) proxy:DemoServiceImpl实例(即ref实例) type:interface com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService url:registry://×tamp=1510021401013&pid=3141®istry=zookeeper×tamp=1510021313960 -->Wrapper.getWrapper(Class DemoServiceImpl) -->new AbstractProxyInvoker<T>(proxy, type, url) -->RegistryProtocol.export(final Invoker<T> originInvoker) originInvoker:上述的AbstractProxyInvoker实例 //2.2 将invoker转化为exporter -->doLocalExport(originInvoker) -->new InvokerDelegete(Invoker<T> invoker, URL url) invoker:原始的AbstractProxyInvoker实例 url:dubbo://×tamp=1510023456461 -->ProtocolFilterWrapper.buildInvokerChain(final Invoker<T> invoker, String key, String group) 组建invoker链,实际上只有最后一个是真正的InvokerDelegete实例,前边的都是filter invoker:InvokerDelegete实例 key:service.filter group:provider -->DubboProtocol.export(Invoker<T> invoker) invoker:经过filter包装的InvokerDelegete实例 -->new DubboExporter(Invoker<T> invoker, String key, Map<String, Exporter<?>> exporterMap) invoker:经过filter包装的InvokerDelegete实例 key:com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService:20880 (group/servicename:version:port) exporterMap:传入时为空,构造器执行后又执行了put,为{"com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService:20880", 当前的DubboExporter实例} //2.3 开启netty服务端监听客户端请求 -->openServer(URL url) url:dubbo://×tamp=1510023456461 -->createServer(URL url) -->HeaderExchanger.bind(URL url, ExchangeHandler handler) url:dubbo://×tamp=1510023456461 handler:DubboProtocol.requestHandler -->new DecodeHandler(new HeaderExchangeHandler(handler))) -->NettyTransporter.bind(URL url, ChannelHandler listener) url:dubbo://×tamp=1510023456461 listener:上边的DecodeHandler实例 -->new NettyServer(URL url, ChannelHandler handler) -->ChannelHandler.wrapInternal(ChannelHandler handler, URL url) handler:上边的DecodeHandler实例 url:dubbo://×tamp=1510023456461 -->new MultiMessageHandler(HeartbeatHandler(AllChannelHandler(handler))) -->getChannelCodec(url)//获取Codec2,这里是DubboCountCodec实例 -->doOpen()//开启netty服务 -->new HeaderExchangeServer(Server server) server:上述的NettyServer -->startHeatbeatTimer() -->new ExporterChangeableWrapper(Exporter<T> exporter, Invoker<T> originInvoker) exporter:上述的DubboExporter实例 originInvoker:原始的AbstractProxyInvoker实例 //2.4 创建Registry:创建zkclient,连接zk -->getRegistry(final Invoker<?> originInvoker) -->AbstractRegistryFactory.getRegistry(URL url) url:zookeeper://×tamp=1510023456461&pid=3508×tamp=1510023439825 -->ZookeeperRegistryFactory.createRegistry(URL url) -->new ZookeeperRegistry(URL url, ZookeeperTransporter zookeeperTransporter) url:zookeeper://×tamp=1510023439825 -->ZkclientZookeeperTransporter.connect(URL url) -->new ZkclientZookeeperClient(URL url) url:zookeeper://×tamp=1510023439825 -->new ZkClient(url.getBackupAddress())//这里是10.211.55.5:2181 -->AbstractRegistryFactory.Map<String, Registry> REGISTRIES.put("zookeeper://", 上边的ZookeeperRegistry实例) //2.5 向注册中心注册服务 -->registry.register(registedProviderUrl) -->ZookeeperRegistry.doRegister(URL url) url:dubbo://×tamp=1510023456461 -->AbstractZookeeperClient.create(String path, boolean ephemeral) path:/dubbo/com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService/providers/dubbo://×tamp=1510023456461 ephemeral=true //2.6 订阅override数据 -->ZookeeperRegistry.doSubscribe(final URL url, final NotifyListener listener) url:provider://×tamp=1510023456461 listener:RegistryProtocol.OverrideListener实例 //2.7 创建新的Exporter实例 -->new Exporter<T>()//包含了上边的ExporterChangeableWrapper<T> exporter实例 + ZookeeperRegistry实例
8.1 构建客户端总体流程
一 示例
1 配置文件:
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2 <beans xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 3 xmlns:dubbo="http://code.alibabatech.com/schema/dubbo" 4 xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" 5 xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.5.xsd 6 http://code.alibabatech.com/schema/dubbo http://code.alibabatech.com/schema/dubbo/dubbo.xsd"> 7 <!-- 消费方应用名,用于计算依赖关系,不是匹配条件,不要与提供方一样 --> 8 <dubbo:application name="demo-consumer"/> 9 <!-- 使用zookeeper注册中心 --> 10 <dubbo:registry protocol="zookeeper" address=""/> 11 <!-- 生成远程服务代理,可以和本地bean一样使用demoService --> 12 <dubbo:reference id="demoService" check="false" interface="com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService"/> 13 </beans>
2 Consumer
1 package com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.consumer; 2 3 import com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService; 4 import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext; 5 6 public class Consumer { 7 public static void main(String[] args) { 8 ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(new String[]{"META-INF/spring/dubbo-demo-consumer.xml"}); 9 context.start(); 10 11 DemoService demoService = (DemoService) context.getBean("demoService"); // 获取远程服务代理 12 String hello = demoService.sayHello("world"); // 执行远程方法 13 14 System.out.println(hello); // 显示调用结果 15 } 16 }
先来看DemoService demoService = (DemoService) context.getBean("demoService"); // 获取远程服务代理。
二 调用简图
三 总体代码调用链
ReferenceConfig.init() -->createProxy(Map<String, String> map) //一 获取Invoker -->RegistryProtocol.refer(Class<T> type, URL url) //1 获取注册中心:创建ZkClient实例,连接zk -->Registry registry = registryFactory.getRegistry(url) -->AbstractRegistryFactory.getRegistry(URL url) -->ZookeeperRegistryFactory.createRegistry(URL url) -->new ZookeeperRegistry(URL url, ZookeeperTransporter zookeeperTransporter) -->ZkclientZookeeperTransporter.connect(URL url) -->new ZkclientZookeeperClient(URL url) -->new ZkClient(url.getBackupAddress()) -->AbstractRegistryFactory.Map<String, Registry> REGISTRIES.put("zookeeper://", 上边的ZookeeperRegistry实例) -->doRefer(Cluster cluster, Registry registry, Class<T> type, URL url) -->new RegistryDirectory<T>(type, url) //2 向注册中心注册服务 -->registry.register(url) -->ZookeeperRegistry.doRegister(URL url) -->AbstractZookeeperClient.create(String path, boolean ephemeral)
//3 订阅providers、configurators、routers -->RegistryDirectory.subscribe(URL url) -->ZookeeperRegistry.doSubscribe(final URL url, final NotifyListener listener) //3.1 会获取当前节点下已经存在的字节点(第一次服务发现发生在这里),添加子节点变化监听器 -->List<String> children = zkClient.addChildListener(path, zkListener) -->AbstractRegistry.notify(URL url, NotifyListener listener, List<URL> urls) -->saveProperties(url) -->RegistryDirectory.notify(List<URL> urls) //仅仅针对的是providers -->refreshInvoker(List<URL> invokerUrls) -->toInvokers(List<URL> urls -->ProtocolFilterWrapper.refer(Class<T> type, URL url) -->DubboProtocol.refer(Class<T> serviceType, URL url) //3.1.1 创建ExchangeClient,对第一次服务发现providers路径下的相关url建立长连接 -->getClients(URL url) -->getSharedClient(URL url) -->ExchangeClient exchangeClient = initClient(url) -->Exchangers.connect(url, requestHandler) -->HeaderExchanger.connect(URL url, ExchangeHandler handler) -->new DecodeHandler(new HeaderExchangeHandler(handler))) -->Transporters.connect(URL url, ChannelHandler... handlers) -->NettyTransporter.connect(URL url, ChannelHandler listener) -->new NettyClient(url, listener) -->new MultiMessageHandler(HeartbeatHandler(AllChannelHandler(handler))) -->getChannelCodec(url)//获取Codec2,这里是DubboCountCodec实例 -->doOpen()//开启netty客户端 -->doConnect()//连接服务端,建立长连接 -->new HeaderExchangeClient(Client client, boolean needHeartbeat)//上述的NettyClient实例,needHeartbeat:true -->startHeatbeatTimer()//启动心跳计数器 -->ReferenceCountExchangeClient(ExchangeClient client, ConcurrentMap<String, LazyConnectExchangeClient> ghostClientMap)/ -->Map<String, ReferenceCountExchangeClient> referenceClientMap.put("", 上边的ReferenceCountExchangeClient实例) //3.2 创建DubboInvoker -->new DubboInvoker(Class<T> serviceType, URL url, ExchangeClient[] clients, Set<Invoker<?>> invokers) -->DubboProtocol.Set<Invoker<?>> invokers.add(上边的DubboInvoker实例) -->ProtocolFilterWrapper.buildInvokerChain(final Invoker<T> invoker, String key, String group) -->new InvokerDelegete(Invoker<T> invoker, URL url, URL providerUrl) //3.3 将创建出来的Invoker缓存起来 -->newUrlInvokerMap.put("dubbo://®ister.ip=×tamp=1510128022123", 上边的InvokerDelegate实例) -->toMethodInvokers(newUrlInvokerMap) -->Map<String, List<Invoker<T>>> newMethodInvokerMap:{sayHello=[InvokerDelegete实例], *=[InvokerDelegete实例]} //4 将directory封装成一个ClusterInvoker(MockClusterInvoker) -->cluster.join(directory) -->Cluster$Adaptive.join(directory) -->ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Cluster.class).getExtension("failover")//MockClusterWrapper包装FailoverCluster -->MockClusterWrapper.join(Directory<T> directory) -->FailoverCluster.join(Directory<T> directory) -->new FailoverClusterInvoker<T>(directory) -->MockClusterInvoker(Directory<T> directory, Invoker<T> invoker)//invoker:上边的FailoverClusterInvoker实例 //二 获取代理 -->JavassistProxyFactory.getProxy(Invoker<T> invoker, Class<?>[] interfaces)//invoker:上边的MockClusterInvoker实例, interfaces:[interface com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService, interface com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.service.EchoService] -->Proxy.getProxy(interfaces).newInstance(new InvokerInvocationHandler(invoker)) -->Proxy.getProxy(ClassLoader cl, Class<?>... ics)//使用javassist获取一个动态类 -->new InvokerInvocationHandler(invoker)//invoker:上边的MockClusterInvoker实例
proxy0.xxxMethod() -->InvokerInvocationHandler.invoke // RpcInvocation [methodName=sayHello, parameterTypes=[class java.lang.String], arguments=[world], attachments={}] -->MockClusterInvoker.invoke(Invocation invocation) -->FailoverClusterInvoker.invoke(final Invocation invocation) -->RegistryDirectory.list(Invocation invocation) //根据RpcInvocation中的methodName获取Invoker -->router过滤 -->loadBalancer选取一个Invoker -->执行filter链 // RpcInvocation [methodName=sayHello, parameterTypes=[class java.lang.String], arguments=[world], attachments={path=com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService, interface=com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService, version=2.0.0, timeout=60000, group=dev}] -->DubboInvoker.invoke(Invocation inv)
1、每一个代理都会有自己的一个MockClusterInvoker,也就有自己的一个RegistryDirectory,所以,假设A引用了服务B和C,B和C中都有sayHello(String name)方法时,B的RegistryDirectory存储自己的sayHello=[Invoker对象],C的RegistryDirectory存储自己的sayHello=[Invoker对象]。
2、假设A调用了服务B,B中有方法String sayHello(String name)/String sayHello(String name, Integer age)时,在B的RegistryDirectory只存储一份的sayHello=[Invoker对象],注意这里一个Invoker对象其实对应一个Provider实例,根据从serviceKey:group/path:version:port获取出DubboExporter,DubboExporter获取到AbstractProxyInvoker,AbstractProxyInvoker中的wrapper类中就有String sayHello(String name)/String sayHello(String name, Integer age)两个方法,根据Request中的方法名、参数类型和参数值就可以找出执行哪一个方法。
- dubbo://×tamp=1510225244315
- dubbo://×tamp=1510225334486
在执行DemoService demoService = (DemoService) context.getBean("demoService")时,由于ReferenceBean是一个FactoryBean,所以这里会通过FactoryBean.getObject方法获取Bean。
public Object getObject() throws Exception { return get(); } public synchronized T get() { if (destroyed) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already destroyed!"); } if (ref == null) { init(); } return ref; } private void init() { ... ref = createProxy(map); } private T createProxy(Map<String, String> map) { ... if (urls.size() == 1) { invoker = refprotocol.refer(interfaceClass, urls.get(0)); } ... // 创建服务代理 return (T) proxyFactory.getProxy(invoker); }
一 使用Protocol将interfaceClass转化为Invoker
1 invoker = refprotocol.refer(interfaceClass, urls.get(0))
public class Protocol$Adaptive implements com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol { ... public com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Invoker refer(Class arg0, com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL arg1) throws com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.RpcException { if (arg1 == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("url == null"); com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL url = arg1; String extName = (url.getProtocol() == null ? "dubbo" : url.getProtocol()); if(extName == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to get extension(com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol) name from url(" + url.toString() + ") use keys([protocol])"); com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol extension = (com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol) ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Protocol.class).getExtension(extName); return extension.refer(arg0, arg1); } ... }
1 public <T> Invoker<T> refer(Class<T> type, URL url) throws RpcException { 2 url = url.setProtocol(url.getParameter(Constants.REGISTRY_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_REGISTRY)).removeParameter(Constants.REGISTRY_KEY); 3 Registry registry = registryFactory.getRegistry(url); 4 ... 5 return doRefer(cluster, registry, type, url); 6 }
- url:registry://®ister.ip=×tamp=1510225913509®istry=zookeeper×tamp=1510225984358
- type: interface com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService
1 public class RegistryFactory$Adaptive implements com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.RegistryFactory { 2 public com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.Registry getRegistry(com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL arg0) { 3 if (arg0 == null) 4 throw new IllegalArgumentException("url == null"); 5 com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL url = arg0; 6 String extName = ( url.getProtocol() == null ? "dubbo" : url.getProtocol() );//zookeeper 7 if(extName == null) 8 throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to get extension(com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.RegistryFactory) name from url(" + url.toString() + ") use keys([protocol])"); 9 com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.RegistryFactory extension = (com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.RegistryFactory)ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.RegistryFactory.class).getExtension(extName); 10 return extension.getRegistry(arg0); 11 } 12 }
1 public Registry getRegistry(URL url) { 2 url = url.setPath(RegistryService.class.getName()) 3 .addParameter(Constants.INTERFACE_KEY, RegistryService.class.getName()) 4 .removeParameters(Constants.EXPORT_KEY, Constants.REFER_KEY); 5 String key = url.toServiceString(); 6 // 锁定注册中心获取过程,保证注册中心单一实例 7 LOCK.lock(); 8 try { 9 Registry registry = REGISTRIES.get(key); 10 if (registry != null) { 11 return registry; 12 } 13 registry = createRegistry(url); 14 if (registry == null) { 15 throw new IllegalStateException("Can not create registry " + url); 16 } 17 REGISTRIES.put(key, registry); 18 return registry; 19 } finally { 20 // 释放锁 21 LOCK.unlock(); 22 } 23 }
之后调用ZookeeperRegistryFactory.createRegistry(URL url):
1 public Registry createRegistry(URL url) { 2 return new ZookeeperRegistry(url, zookeeperTransporter); 3 }
1 public ZookeeperRegistry(URL url, ZookeeperTransporter zookeeperTransporter) { 2 super(url); 3 if (url.isAnyHost()) { 4 throw new IllegalStateException("registry address == null"); 5 } 6 String group = url.getParameter(Constants.GROUP_KEY, DEFAULT_ROOT); 7 if (!group.startsWith(Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR)) { 8 group = Constants.PATH_SEPARATOR + group; 9 } 10 this.root = group; 11 zkClient = zookeeperTransporter.connect(url); 12 zkClient.addStateListener(new StateListener() { 13 public void stateChanged(int state) { 14 if (state == RECONNECTED) { 15 try { 16 recover(); 17 } catch (Exception e) { 18 logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); 19 } 20 } 21 } 22 }); 23 }
1 public ZookeeperClient connect(URL url) { 2 return new ZkclientZookeeperClient(url); 3 }
1 public ZkclientZookeeperClient(URL url) { 2 super(url); 3 client = new ZkClientWrapper(url.getBackupAddress(), 30000); 4 client.addListener(new IZkStateListener() { 5 public void handleStateChanged(KeeperState state) throws Exception { 6 ZkclientZookeeperClient.this.state = state; 7 if (state == KeeperState.Disconnected) { 8 stateChanged(StateListener.DISCONNECTED); 9 } else if (state == KeeperState.SyncConnected) { 10 stateChanged(StateListener.CONNECTED); 11 } 12 } 13 14 public void handleNewSession() throws Exception { 15 stateChanged(StateListener.RECONNECTED); 16 } 17 }); 18 client.start(); 19 }
1 private ListenableFutureTask<ZkClient> listenableFutureTask; 2 3 public ZkClientWrapper(final String serverAddr, long timeout) { 4 this.timeout = timeout; 5 listenableFutureTask = ListenableFutureTask.create(new Callable<ZkClient>() { 6 @Override 7 public ZkClient call() throws Exception { 8 return new ZkClient(serverAddr, Integer.MAX_VALUE); 9 } 10 }); 11 } 12 13 public void start() { 14 if (!started) { 15 Thread connectThread = new Thread(listenableFutureTask); 16 connectThread.setName("DubboZkclientConnector"); 17 connectThread.setDaemon(true); 18 connectThread.start(); 19 try { 20 client = listenableFutureTask.get(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 21 } catch (Throwable t) { 22 logger.error("Timeout! zookeeper server can not be connected in : " + timeout + "ms!", t); 23 } 24 started = true; 25 } else { 26 logger.warn("Zkclient has already been started!"); 27 } 28 }
此处会new ZkClient,连接zookeeper。
1 public <T> Invoker<T> refer(Class<T> type, URL url) throws RpcException { 2 url = url.setProtocol(url.getParameter(Constants.REGISTRY_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_REGISTRY)).removeParameter(Constants.REGISTRY_KEY); 3 Registry registry = registryFactory.getRegistry(url); 4 ... 5 return doRefer(cluster, registry, type, url); 6 }
1 private <T> Invoker<T> doRefer(Cluster cluster, Registry registry, Class<T> type, URL url) { 2 RegistryDirectory<T> directory = new RegistryDirectory<T>(type, url); 3 directory.setRegistry(registry); 4 directory.setProtocol(protocol); 5 // REFER_KEY的所有属性 6 Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(directory.getUrl().getParameters()); 7 URL subscribeUrl = new URL(Constants.CONSUMER_PROTOCOL, parameters.remove(Constants.REGISTER_IP_KEY), 0, type.getName(), parameters); 8 if (!Constants.ANY_VALUE.equals(url.getServiceInterface()) 9 && url.getParameter(Constants.REGISTER_KEY, true)) { 10 registry.register(subscribeUrl.addParameters(Constants.CATEGORY_KEY, Constants.CONSUMERS_CATEGORY, 11 Constants.CHECK_KEY, String.valueOf(false))); 12 } 13 directory.subscribe(subscribeUrl.addParameter(Constants.CATEGORY_KEY, 14 Constants.PROVIDERS_CATEGORY 15 + "," + Constants.CONFIGURATORS_CATEGORY 16 + "," + Constants.ROUTERS_CATEGORY)); 17 return cluster.join(directory); 18 }
- 首先创建RegistryDirectory实例;
- 之后向zk注册消费者
- 然后开启监听器(此处发生了第一次服务发现/长连接的建立/netty客户端的建立)
- 最后使用将RegistryDirectory实例
-->List<Router> routers: [MockInvokersSelector实例] -->Registry registry: 上述的ZookeeperRegistry实例(zookeeper://×tamp=1510225984358) -->String serviceKey: com.alibaba.dubbo.registry.RegistryService -->String[] serviceMethods: [sayHello] -->Class<T> serviceType: interface com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService -->URL url: zookeeper://®ister.ip=×tamp=1510225913509×tamp=1510225984358 -->URL consumerUrl: zookeeper://®ister.ip=×tamp=1510225913509×tamp=1510225984358 -->URL directoryUrl: zookeeper://®ister.ip=×tamp=1510225913509 -->URL overrideDirectoryUrl: zookeeper://®ister.ip=×tamp=1510225913509 -->Map<String, String> queryMap: {side=consumer, application=demo-consumer, register.ip=, methods=sayHello, dubbo=2.0.0, pid=25267, check=false, interface=com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService, timestamp=1510225913509}
public AbstractDirectory(URL url, URL consumerUrl, List<Router> routers) { if (url == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("url == null"); this.url = url; this.consumerUrl = consumerUrl; setRouters(routers); } protected void setRouters(List<Router> routers) { // copy list routers = routers == null ? new ArrayList<Router>() : new ArrayList<Router>(routers); // append url router String routerkey = url.getParameter(Constants.ROUTER_KEY); if (routerkey != null && routerkey.length() > 0) { RouterFactory routerFactory = ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(RouterFactory.class).getExtension(routerkey); routers.add(routerFactory.getRouter(url)); } // append mock invoker selector routers.add(new MockInvokersSelector()); Collections.sort(routers); this.routers = routers; }
1 public void register(URL url) { 2 if (destroyed.get()){ 3 return; 4 } 5 super.register(url); 6 failedRegistered.remove(url); 7 failedUnregistered.remove(url); 8 try { 9 // 向服务器端发送注册请求 10 doRegister(url); 11 } catch (Exception e) { 12 Throwable t = e; 13 14 // 如果开启了启动时检测,则直接抛出异常 15 boolean check = getUrl().getParameter(Constants.CHECK_KEY, true) 16 && url.getParameter(Constants.CHECK_KEY, true) 17 && !Constants.CONSUMER_PROTOCOL.equals(url.getProtocol()); 18 boolean skipFailback = t instanceof SkipFailbackWrapperException; 19 if (check || skipFailback) { 20 if (skipFailback) { 21 t = t.getCause(); 22 } 23 throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to register " + url + " to registry " + getUrl().getAddress() + ", cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 24 } else { 25 logger.error("Failed to register " + url + ", waiting for retry, cause: " + t.getMessage(), t); 26 } 27 28 // 将失败的注册请求记录到失败列表,定时重试 29 failedRegistered.add(url); 30 } 31 }
1 protected void doRegister(URL url) { 2 try { 3 zkClient.create(toUrlPath(url), url.getParameter(Constants.DYNAMIC_KEY, true)); 4 } catch (Throwable e) { 5 throw new RpcException("Failed to register " + url + " to zookeeper " + getUrl() + ", cause: " + e.getMessage(), e); 6 } 7 }
到此,消费者注册完成!之后directory.subscribe进行订阅。RegistryDirectory.subscribe(URL url):
1 public void subscribe(URL url) { 2 setConsumerUrl(url); 3 registry.subscribe(url, this); 4 }
FailbackRegistry.subscribe(URL url, NotifyListener listener)核心代码:
1 public void subscribe(URL url, NotifyListener listener) { 2 ... 3 super.subscribe(url, listener); 4 removeFailedSubscribed(url, listener); 5 try { 6 // 向服务器端发送订阅请求 7 doSubscribe(url, listener); 8 } catch (Exception e) { 9 ... 10 // 将失败的订阅请求记录到失败列表,定时重试 11 addFailedSubscribed(url, listener); 12 } 13 }
ZookeeperRegistry.doSubscribe(final URL url, final NotifyListener listener)
1 protected void doSubscribe(final URL url, final NotifyListener listener) { 2 try { 3 ... 4 List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>(); 5 for (String path : toCategoriesPath(url)) { 6 ConcurrentMap<NotifyListener, ChildListener> listeners = zkListeners.get(url); 7 if (listeners == null) { 8 zkListeners.putIfAbsent(url, new ConcurrentHashMap<NotifyListener, ChildListener>()); 9 listeners = zkListeners.get(url); 10 } 11 ChildListener zkListener = listeners.get(listener); 12 if (zkListener == null) { 13 listeners.putIfAbsent(listener, new ChildListener() { 14 public void childChanged(String parentPath, List<String> currentChilds) { 15 ZookeeperRegistry.this.notify(url, listener, toUrlsWithEmpty(url, parentPath, currentChilds)); 16 } 17 }); 18 zkListener = listeners.get(listener); 19 } 20 zkClient.create(path, false); 21 List<String> children = zkClient.addChildListener(path, zkListener); 22 if (children != null) { 23 urls.addAll(toUrlsWithEmpty(url, path, children)); 24 } 25 } 26 notify(url, listener, urls); 27 } catch (Throwable e) { 28 throw new RpcException("Failed to subscribe " + url + " to zookeeper " + getUrl() + ", cause: " + e.getMessage(), e); 29 } 30 }
- /dubbo/com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService/providers
- /dubbo/com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService/configurators
- /dubbo/com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService/routers
ConcurrentMap<URL, ConcurrentMap<NotifyListener, ChildListener>> zkListeners:
1 { 2 consumer://,configurators,routers&check=false&dubbo=2.0.0&interface=com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService&methods=sayHello&pid=25267&side=consumer×tamp=1510225913509 3 = 4 {RegistryDirectory实例=ZookeeperRegistry中的匿名内部类ChildListener实例} 5 }
List<URL> urls:(4个元素)
[ dubbo://×tamp=1510225244315, dubbo://×tamp=1510225334486, empty://×tamp=1510225913509, empty://×tamp=1510225913509 ]
注意:前边两个元素是在执行List<String> children = zkClient.addChildListener(path, zkListener)代码时,会返回当前path下的节点(实际上就是第一次服务发现)。
之后一路执行到AbstractRegistry.notify(URL url, NotifyListener listener, List<URL> urls)
1 protected void notify(URL url, NotifyListener listener, List<URL> urls) { 2 ... 3 Map<String, List<URL>> result = new HashMap<String, List<URL>>(); 4 for (URL u : urls) { 5 if (UrlUtils.isMatch(url, u)) { 6 String category = u.getParameter(Constants.CATEGORY_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_CATEGORY); 7 List<URL> categoryList = result.get(category); 8 if (categoryList == null) { 9 categoryList = new ArrayList<URL>(); 10 result.put(category, categoryList); 11 } 12 categoryList.add(u); 13 } 14 } 15 if (result.size() == 0) { 16 return; 17 } 18 Map<String, List<URL>> categoryNotified = notified.get(url); 19 if (categoryNotified == null) { 20 notified.putIfAbsent(url, new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<URL>>()); 21 categoryNotified = notified.get(url); 22 } 23 for (Map.Entry<String, List<URL>> entry : result.entrySet()) { 24 String category = entry.getKey(); 25 List<URL> categoryList = entry.getValue(); 26 categoryNotified.put(category, categoryList); 27 saveProperties(url); 28 listener.notify(categoryList); 29 } 30 }
Map<String, List<URL>> result:
{ configurators=[ empty://×tamp=1510225913509 ], routers=[ empty://×tamp=1510225913509 ], providers=[ dubbo://×tamp=1510225244315, dubbo://×tamp=1510225334486 ] }
notify(List<URL> urls)。这里的urls就是上边的providers的两个value值。
1 public synchronized void notify(List<URL> urls) { 2 List<URL> invokerUrls = new ArrayList<URL>(); 3 List<URL> routerUrls = new ArrayList<URL>(); 4 List<URL> configuratorUrls = new ArrayList<URL>(); 5 for (URL url : urls) { 6 String protocol = url.getProtocol(); 7 String category = url.getParameter(Constants.CATEGORY_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_CATEGORY); 8 if (Constants.ROUTERS_CATEGORY.equals(category) 9 || Constants.ROUTE_PROTOCOL.equals(protocol)) { 10 routerUrls.add(url); 11 } else if (Constants.CONFIGURATORS_CATEGORY.equals(category) 12 || Constants.OVERRIDE_PROTOCOL.equals(protocol)) { 13 configuratorUrls.add(url); 14 } else if (Constants.PROVIDERS_CATEGORY.equals(category)) { 15 invokerUrls.add(url); 16 } else { 17 logger.warn("Unsupported category " + category + " in notified url: " + url + " from registry " + getUrl().getAddress() + " to consumer " + NetUtils.getLocalHost()); 18 } 19 } 20 // configurators 21 if (configuratorUrls != null && configuratorUrls.size() > 0) { 22 this.configurators = toConfigurators(configuratorUrls); 23 } 24 // routers 25 if (routerUrls != null && routerUrls.size() > 0) { 26 List<Router> routers = toRouters(routerUrls); 27 if (routers != null) { // null - do nothing 28 setRouters(routers); 29 } 30 } 31 List<Configurator> localConfigurators = this.configurators; // local reference 32 // 合并override参数 33 this.overrideDirectoryUrl = directoryUrl; 34 if (localConfigurators != null && localConfigurators.size() > 0) { 35 for (Configurator configurator : localConfigurators) { 36 this.overrideDirectoryUrl = configurator.configure(overrideDirectoryUrl); 37 } 38 } 39 // providers 40 refreshInvoker(invokerUrls); 41 }
1 private void refreshInvoker(List<URL> invokerUrls) { 2 ... 3 Map<String, Invoker<T>> oldUrlInvokerMap = this.urlInvokerMap; // local reference 4 ... 5 this.cachedInvokerUrls = new HashSet<URL>(); 6 this.cachedInvokerUrls.addAll(invokerUrls);//缓存invokerUrls列表,便于交叉对比 7 ... 8 Map<String, Invoker<T>> newUrlInvokerMap = toInvokers(invokerUrls);// 将URL列表转成Invoker列表 9 Map<String, List<Invoker<T>>> newMethodInvokerMap = toMethodInvokers(newUrlInvokerMap); // 换方法名映射Invoker列表 10 this.methodInvokerMap = multiGroup ? toMergeMethodInvokerMap(newMethodInvokerMap) : newMethodInvokerMap; 11 this.urlInvokerMap = newUrlInvokerMap; 12 ... 13 }
1 private Map<String, Invoker<T>> toInvokers(List<URL> urls) { 2 Map<String, Invoker<T>> newUrlInvokerMap = new HashMap<String, Invoker<T>>(); 3 ... 4 for (URL providerUrl : urls) { 5 String key = url.toFullString(); // URL参数是排序的 6 ... 7 Invoker<T> invoker = new InvokerDelegete<T>(protocol.refer(serviceType, url), url, providerUrl); 8 9 newUrlInvokerMap.put(key, invoker); 10 } 11 ... 12 return newUrlInvokerMap; 13 }
1 public <T> Invoker<T> refer(Class<T> type, URL url) throws RpcException { 2 if (Constants.REGISTRY_PROTOCOL.equals(url.getProtocol())) { 3 return protocol.refer(type, url); 4 } 5 return buildInvokerChain(protocol.refer(type, url), Constants.REFERENCE_FILTER_KEY, Constants.CONSUMER); 6 }
1 public <T> Invoker<T> refer(Class<T> serviceType, URL url) throws RpcException { 2 // create rpc invoker. 3 DubboInvoker<T> invoker = new DubboInvoker<T>(serviceType, url, getClients(url), invokers); 4 invokers.add(invoker); 5 return invoker; 6 }
这里首先执行getClients创建Netty客户端,创建客户端与服务端的长连接,之后封装为DubboInvoker,最后返回。返回之后进行filter链包装该DubboInvoker实例。最后又会使用InvokerDelegete包装带有filter链的DubboInvoker实例。在最后,将该InvokerDelegete实例放置到newUrlInvokerMap缓存中,这就是整个toInvokers(List<URL> urls)的逻辑。最后再将newUrlInvokerMap转换封装到Map<String, List<Invoker<T>>> newMethodInvokerMap缓存中。这就是整个refreshInvoker(List<URL> invokerUrls)的逻辑。执行完成之后,订阅通知就执行完了。
1 private ExchangeClient[] getClients(URL url) { 2 //是否共享连接 3 boolean service_share_connect = false; 4 int connections = url.getParameter(Constants.CONNECTIONS_KEY, 0); 5 //如果connections不配置,则共享连接,否则每服务每连接 6 if (connections == 0) { 7 service_share_connect = true; 8 connections = 1; 9 } 10 11 ExchangeClient[] clients = new ExchangeClient[connections]; 12 for (int i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) { 13 if (service_share_connect) { 14 clients[i] = getSharedClient(url); 15 } else { 16 clients[i] = initClient(url); 17 } 18 } 19 return clients; 20 } 21 22 /** 23 * 获取共享连接 24 */ 25 private ExchangeClient getSharedClient(URL url) { 26 String key = url.getAddress(); 27 ReferenceCountExchangeClient client = referenceClientMap.get(key); 28 if (client != null) { 29 if (!client.isClosed()) { 30 client.incrementAndGetCount(); 31 return client; 32 } else { 33 referenceClientMap.remove(key); 34 } 35 } 36 synchronized (key.intern()) { 37 ExchangeClient exchangeClient = initClient(url); 38 client = new ReferenceCountExchangeClient(exchangeClient, ghostClientMap); 39 referenceClientMap.put(key, client); 40 ghostClientMap.remove(key); 41 return client; 42 } 43 } 44 45 46 /** 47 * 创建新连接. 48 */ 49 private ExchangeClient initClient(URL url) { 50 51 // client type setting. 52 String str = url.getParameter(Constants.CLIENT_KEY, url.getParameter(Constants.SERVER_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_REMOTING_CLIENT)); 53 54 String version = url.getParameter(Constants.DUBBO_VERSION_KEY); 55 boolean compatible = (version != null && version.startsWith("1.0.")); 56 url = url.addParameter(Constants.CODEC_KEY, DubboCodec.NAME); 57 //默认开启heartbeat 58 url = url.addParameterIfAbsent(Constants.HEARTBEAT_KEY, String.valueOf(Constants.DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT)); 59 60 // BIO存在严重性能问题,暂时不允许使用 61 if (str != null && str.length() > 0 && !ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Transporter.class).hasExtension(str)) { 62 throw new RpcException("Unsupported client type: " + str + "," + 63 " supported client type is " + StringUtils.join(ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Transporter.class).getSupportedExtensions(), " ")); 64 } 65 66 ExchangeClient client; 67 try { 68 //设置连接应该是lazy的 69 if (url.getParameter(Constants.LAZY_CONNECT_KEY, false)) { 70 client = new LazyConnectExchangeClient(url, requestHandler); 71 } else { 72 client = Exchangers.connect(url, requestHandler); 73 } 74 } catch (RemotingException e) { 75 throw new RpcException("Fail to create remoting client for service(" + url + "): " + e.getMessage(), e); 76 } 77 return client; 78 }
最后执行到HeaderExchanger.connect(URL url, ExchangeHandler handler)
1 public ExchangeClient connect(URL url, ExchangeHandler handler) throws RemotingException { 2 return new HeaderExchangeClient(Transporters.connect(url, new DecodeHandler(new HeaderExchangeHandler(handler))), true); 3 }
1 public static Client connect(URL url, ChannelHandler... handlers) throws RemotingException { 2 if (url == null) { 3 throw new IllegalArgumentException("url == null"); 4 } 5 ChannelHandler handler; 6 if (handlers == null || handlers.length == 0) { 7 handler = new ChannelHandlerAdapter(); 8 } else if (handlers.length == 1) { 9 handler = handlers[0]; 10 } else { 11 handler = new ChannelHandlerDispatcher(handlers); 12 } 13 return getTransporter().connect(url, handler); 14 }
1 public Client connect(URL url, ChannelHandler listener) throws RemotingException { 2 return new NettyClient(url, listener); 3 }
1 public NettyClient(final URL url, final ChannelHandler handler) throws RemotingException { 2 super(url, wrapChannelHandler(url, handler)); 3 }
1 protected void doOpen() throws Throwable { 2 NettyHelper.setNettyLoggerFactory(); 3 bootstrap = new ClientBootstrap(channelFactory); 4 // config 5 // @see org.jboss.netty.channel.socket.SocketChannelConfig 6 bootstrap.setOption("keepAlive", true); 7 bootstrap.setOption("tcpNoDelay", true); 8 bootstrap.setOption("connectTimeoutMillis", getTimeout()); 9 final NettyHandler nettyHandler = new NettyHandler(getUrl(), this); 10 bootstrap.setPipelineFactory(new ChannelPipelineFactory() { 11 public ChannelPipeline getPipeline() { 12 NettyCodecAdapter adapter = new NettyCodecAdapter(getCodec(), getUrl(), NettyClient.this); 13 ChannelPipeline pipeline = Channels.pipeline(); 14 pipeline.addLast("decoder", adapter.getDecoder()); 15 pipeline.addLast("encoder", adapter.getEncoder()); 16 pipeline.addLast("handler", nettyHandler); 17 return pipeline; 18 } 19 }); 20 }
1 protected void doConnect() throws Throwable { 2 long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); 3 ChannelFuture future = bootstrap.connect(getConnectAddress()); 4 try { 5 boolean ret = future.awaitUninterruptibly(getConnectTimeout(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 6 7 if (ret && future.isSuccess()) { 8 Channel newChannel = future.getChannel(); 9 newChannel.setInterestOps(Channel.OP_READ_WRITE); 10 try { 11 // 关闭旧的连接 12 Channel oldChannel = NettyClient.this.channel; // copy reference 13 if (oldChannel != null) { 14 try { 15 if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { 16 logger.info("Close old netty channel " + oldChannel + " on create new netty channel " + newChannel); 17 } 18 oldChannel.close(); 19 } finally { 20 NettyChannel.removeChannelIfDisconnected(oldChannel); 21 } 22 } 23 } finally { 24 if (NettyClient.this.isClosed()) { 25 try { 26 if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { 27 logger.info("Close new netty channel " + newChannel + ", because the client closed."); 28 } 29 newChannel.close(); 30 } finally { 31 NettyClient.this.channel = null; 32 NettyChannel.removeChannelIfDisconnected(newChannel); 33 } 34 } else { 35 NettyClient.this.channel = newChannel; 36 } 37 } 38 } else if (future.getCause() != null) { 39 throw new RemotingException(this, "client(url: " + getUrl() + ") failed to connect to server " 40 + getRemoteAddress() + ", error message is:" + future.getCause().getMessage(), future.getCause()); 41 } else { 42 throw new RemotingException(this, "client(url: " + getUrl() + ") failed to connect to server " 43 + getRemoteAddress() + " client-side timeout " 44 + getConnectTimeout() + "ms (elapsed: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms) from netty client " 45 + NetUtils.getLocalHost() + " using dubbo version " + Version.getVersion()); 46 } 47 } finally { 48 if (!isConnected()) { 49 future.cancel(); 50 } 51 } 52 }
1 public HeaderExchangeClient(Client client, boolean needHeartbeat) { 2 if (client == null) { 3 throw new IllegalArgumentException("client == null"); 4 } 5 this.client = client; 6 this.channel = new HeaderExchangeChannel(client); 7 String dubbo = client.getUrl().getParameter(Constants.DUBBO_VERSION_KEY); 8 this.heartbeat = client.getUrl().getParameter(Constants.HEARTBEAT_KEY, dubbo != null && dubbo.startsWith("1.0.") ? Constants.DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT : 0); 9 this.heartbeatTimeout = client.getUrl().getParameter(Constants.HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_KEY, heartbeat * 3); 10 if (heartbeatTimeout < heartbeat * 2) { 11 throw new IllegalStateException("heartbeatTimeout < heartbeatInterval * 2"); 12 } 13 if (needHeartbeat) { 14 startHeatbeatTimer(); 15 } 16 }
1 public ReferenceCountExchangeClient(ExchangeClient client, ConcurrentMap<String, LazyConnectExchangeClient> ghostClientMap) { 2 this.client = client; 3 refenceCount.incrementAndGet(); 4 this.url = client.getUrl(); 5 if (ghostClientMap == null) { 6 throw new IllegalStateException("ghostClientMap can not be null, url: " + url); 7 } 8 this.ghostClientMap = ghostClientMap; 9 }
最后放到缓存Map<String, ReferenceCountExchangeClient> referenceClientMap中。最后将ReferenceCountExchangeClient封装到DubboInvoker中。我们来看此时的DubboInvoker:
-->Map<String, String> attachment: {interface=com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService} -->ExchangeClient[] clients:[ReferenceCountExchangeClient实例]//如果设置了多条连接,此处有多个client -->Class<T> type: interface com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService -->Url url: dubbo://®ister.ip=×tamp=1510225913509
Map<String, List<Invoker<T>>> methodInvokerMap={ sayHello=[provider1的RegistryDirectory$InvokerDelegete实例, provider2的RegistryDirectory$InvokerDelegete实例], *=[provider1的RegistryDirectory$InvokerDelegete实例, provider2的RegistryDirectory$InvokerDelegete实例]} Map<String, Invoker<T>> urlInvokerMap={dubbo://®ister.ip=×tamp=1510225913509 = provider1的RegistryDirectory$InvokerDelegete实例, dubbo://®ister.ip=×tamp=1510225913509=provider2的RegistryDirectory$InvokerDelegete实例}
到此为止,订阅就完成了。现在来看RegistryProtocol.doRefer的最后一行代码:return cluster.join(directory)
1 public class Cluster$Adaptive implements com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.cluster.Cluster { 2 public com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Invoker join(com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.cluster.Directory arg0) throws com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.RpcException { 3 if (arg0 == null) 4 throw new IllegalArgumentException("com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.cluster.Directory argument == null"); 5 if (arg0.getUrl() == null) 6 throw new IllegalArgumentException("com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.cluster.Directory argument getUrl() == null"); 7 com.alibaba.dubbo.common.URL url = arg0.getUrl(); 8 String extName = url.getParameter("cluster", "failover"); 9 if (extName == null) 10 throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to get extension(com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.cluster.Cluster) name from url(" + url.toString() + ") use keys([cluster])"); 11 com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.cluster.Cluster extension = (com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.cluster.Cluster) ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.cluster.Cluster.class).getExtension(extName); 12 return extension.join(arg0); 13 } 14 }
1 public class MockClusterWrapper implements Cluster { 2 private Cluster cluster; 3 4 public MockClusterWrapper(Cluster cluster) { 5 this.cluster = cluster; 6 } 7 8 public <T> Invoker<T> join(Directory<T> directory) throws RpcException { 9 return new MockClusterInvoker<T>(directory, 10 this.cluster.join(directory)); 11 } 12 }
1 /** 2 * 失败转移,当出现失败,重试其它服务器,通常用于读操作,但重试会带来更长延迟。 3 */ 4 public class FailoverCluster implements Cluster { 5 public final static String NAME = "failover"; 6 7 public <T> Invoker<T> join(Directory<T> directory) throws RpcException { 8 return new FailoverClusterInvoker<T>(directory); 9 } 10 }
1 public FailoverClusterInvoker(Directory<T> directory) { 2 super(directory); 3 }
1 private final Directory<T> directory; 2 private final Invoker<T> invoker; 3 4 public MockClusterInvoker(Directory<T> directory, Invoker<T> invoker) { 5 this.directory = directory; 6 this.invoker = invoker; 7 }
- directory=RegistryDirectory实例:
- invoker=FailoverClusterInvokers实例(该实例中又包含一个Directory<T> directory属性,值为上述的RegistryDirectory实例)
1 private T createProxy(Map<String, String> map) { 2 ... 3 if (urls.size() == 1) { 4 invoker = refprotocol.refer(interfaceClass, urls.get(0)); 5 } 6 ... 7 // 创建服务代理 8 return (T) proxyFactory.getProxy(invoker); 9 }
二 使用ProxyFactory创建代理
1 (T) proxyFactory.getProxy(invoker)
1 public <T> T getProxy(Invoker<T> invoker, Class<?>[] interfaces) { 2 return (T) Proxy.getProxy(interfaces).newInstance(new InvokerInvocationHandler(invoker)); 3 }
- invoker:MockClusterInvoker实例
- interfaces:[interface com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService, interface com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.service.EchoService]
1 public static Proxy getProxy(ClassLoader cl, Class<?>... ics) { 2 ... 3 Proxy proxy = null; 4 ... 5 // create ProxyInstance class. 6 String pcn = pkg + ".proxy" + id; 7 ccp.setClassName(pcn); 8 ccp.addField("public static java.lang.reflect.Method[] methods;"); 9 ccp.addField("private " + InvocationHandler.class.getName() + " handler;"); 10 ccp.addConstructor(Modifier.PUBLIC, new Class<?>[]{InvocationHandler.class}, new Class<?>[0], "handler=$1;"); 11 ccp.addDefaultConstructor(); 12 Class<?> clazz = ccp.toClass(); 13 clazz.getField("methods").set(null, methods.toArray(new Method[0])); 14 15 // create Proxy class. 16 String fcn = Proxy.class.getName() + id; 17 ccm = ClassGenerator.newInstance(cl); 18 ccm.setClassName(fcn); 19 ccm.addDefaultConstructor(); 20 ccm.setSuperClass(Proxy.class); 21 ccm.addMethod("public Object newInstance(" + InvocationHandler.class.getName() + " h){ return new " + pcn + "($1); }"); 22 Class<?> pc = ccm.toClass(); 23 proxy = (Proxy) pc.newInstance(); 24 ... 25 return proxy; 26 }
从代码来看,会生成两个Class对象:pc是创建代理类的工厂类;clazz是真实对象的代理类。最终返回的proxy是如下Proxy0对象;之后调用了Proxy0.newInstance(InvocationHandler paramInvocationHandler)方法:创建出了proxy0对象,并初始化了其中的InvocationHandler handler对象为InvokerInvocationHandler。
1 package com.alibaba.dubbo.common.bytecode; 2 3 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; 4 5 public class Proxy0 extends Proxy { 6 public Object newInstance(InvocationHandler paramInvocationHandler) { 7 return new proxy0(paramInvocationHandler); 8 } 9 }
1 package com.alibaba.dubbo.common.bytecode; 2 3 import com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService; 4 import com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.service.EchoService; 5 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; 6 import java.lang.reflect.Method; 7 8 public class proxy0 implements EchoService, DemoService { 9 public static Method[] methods; 10 private InvocationHandler handler; 11 12 public String sayHello(String paramString) { 13 Object[] arrayOfObject = new Object[1]; 14 arrayOfObject[0] = paramString; 15 Object localObject = this.handler.invoke(this, methods[0], arrayOfObject); 16 return (String) localObject; 17 } 18 19 public Object $echo(Object paramObject) { 20 Object[] arrayOfObject = new Object[1]; 21 arrayOfObject[0] = paramObject; 22 Object localObject = this.handler.invoke(this, methods[1], arrayOfObject); 23 return (Object) localObject; 24 } 25 26 public proxy0() { 27 } 28 29 public proxy0(InvocationHandler paramInvocationHandler) { 30 this.handler = paramInvocationHandler; 31 } 32 }
[public abstract java.lang.String com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService.sayHello(java.lang.String),
public abstract java.lang.Object com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.service.EchoService.$echo(java.lang.Object)]
1 public class InvokerInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler { 2 private final Invoker<?> invoker; 3 4 public InvokerInvocationHandler(Invoker<?> handler) { 5 this.invoker = handler; 6 } 7 8 public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { 9 String methodName = method.getName(); 10 Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); 11 if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) { 12 return method.invoke(invoker, args); 13 } 14 if ("toString".equals(methodName) && parameterTypes.length == 0) { 15 return invoker.toString(); 16 } 17 if ("hashCode".equals(methodName) && parameterTypes.length == 0) { 18 return invoker.hashCode(); 19 } 20 if ("equals".equals(methodName) && parameterTypes.length == 1) { 21 return invoker.equals(args[0]); 22 } 23 return invoker.invoke(new RpcInvocation(method, args)).recreate(); 24 } 25 26 }
到此为止,DemoService demoService = (DemoService) context.getBean("demoService"); 该行代码就结束了。最终得到的demoService是一个proxy0实例(是一个代理)!