At first, it’s better not to meet you
So we cannot fall in love
Then it’s better not to know you
So I don’t need to become lovesick
决定收拾归纳一波以前写过的若干code,同时这个博客号已经申了两年了, 再放着都gammel了
module SubsInterpreter ( Value(..) , runExpr ) where import SubsAst import Control.Monad import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map(Map) import Data.Foldable {- A value is either an integer, the special constant undefined, true, false, a string, or an array of values. Expressions are evaluated to values. -} data Value = IntVal Int | UndefinedVal | TrueVal | FalseVal | StringVal String | ArrayVal [Value] deriving (Eq, Show) type Error = String type Env = Map Ident Value type Primitive = [Value] -> Either Error Value type PEnv = Map FunName Primitive type Context = (Env, PEnv) {- Takes as input the Context type, that is, the Map for Value types and the Map for functions/operators. More specifically, the function returns an emptry context, that is, emptry Map of each. Specifically the binding is: Context: (Map String Value, Map String ([Value] -> Either Error Value)) So it returns the Either monad -} initialContext :: Context initialContext = (Map.empty, initialPEnv) where initialPEnv = Map.fromList [ ("===", equalOp) , ("<", lowerOp) , ("+", plusOp) , ("*", multOp) , ("-", minusOp) , ("%", moduloOp) , ("Array", mkArray) ] {- The data type for the Monad, which takes a single type constructor and has a single field. Inside the field is the function runSubsM, the accessor function of the monad. -} newtype SubsM a = SubsM {runSubsM :: Context -> Either Error (a, Env)} {- The Functor instance of SubsM. It contains the default implementation for fmap, which binds the return of the f a invocation to the state. -} instance Functor SubsM where fmap f m = m >>= a -> return (f a) {- The Appplicative instance of SubsM. Contains simply some placeholders for pure and (<*>) functions -} instance Applicative SubsM where pure = return (<*>) = ap {- The Monad instance of SubsM. The return function returns The new result a is kept in the unchanged state env. The bind operator is done with a monad m and a function f. Here, we run the accessor function runSubsM with the monad m and state x. Then, we pattern match whether it returns Right or Left from the Either monad. For Right, we update the primitive environment and the new value that return from (f a) -} instance Monad SubsM where return a = SubsM ((env, _) -> Right (a, env)) m >>= f = SubsM (x -> case runSubsM m x of Right (a, env) -> let (_, penv) = x in runSubsM (f a) (env, penv) Left err -> Left err ) fail s = SubsM (\_ -> Left s) {- Compares for structural equality without type coercions Comparison of number and string will always yield false The type binding alias is: [Value] -> Either Error Value -} equalOp :: Primitive equalOp vals = case vals of [StringVal x, StringVal y] -> if x == y then return TrueVal else return FalseVal [IntVal x, IntVal y] -> if x == y then return TrueVal else return FalseVal [IntVal _, StringVal _] -> return FalseVal [StringVal _, IntVal _] -> return FalseVal [UndefinedVal, UndefinedVal] -> return UndefinedVal [TrueVal, FalseVal] -> return FalseVal [FalseVal, TrueVal] -> return FalseVal [FalseVal, FalseVal] -> return TrueVal [TrueVal, TrueVal] -> return TrueVal [ArrayVal a, ArrayVal b] -> if a == b then return TrueVal else return FalseVal _ -> fail "Invalid equal operation" {- Arguments for < should either be of the same type, e.g. both strings or both int, and for strings they should be compared in lexicographical order. -} lowerOp :: Primitive lowerOp vals = case vals of [StringVal x, StringVal y] -> if x < y then return TrueVal else return FalseVal [IntVal x, IntVal y] -> if x < y then return TrueVal else return FalseVal [UndefinedVal, UndefinedVal] -> return UndefinedVal [TrueVal, FalseVal] -> return FalseVal [FalseVal, TrueVal] -> return TrueVal [FalseVal, FalseVal] -> return FalseVal [TrueVal, TrueVal] -> return FalseVal _ -> fail "Invalid lower than operation" {- Somewhat strongly typed, no addition of boolean and integer for example. Except for addition: ok to add two strings or a string and a number in any order. Remember the conversation first. For two strings it is string concatenation. -} plusOp :: Primitive plusOp vals = case vals of [StringVal x, StringVal y] -> return $ StringVal (x++y) [IntVal x, IntVal y] -> return $ IntVal (x+y) [StringVal x, IntVal y] -> return $ StringVal (x ++ show y) [IntVal x, StringVal y] -> return $ StringVal (show x ++ y) [ArrayVal x, ArrayVal y] -> return $ ArrayVal (x++y) [TrueVal, FalseVal] -> return FalseVal [FalseVal, TrueVal] -> return FalseVal [UndefinedVal, UndefinedVal] -> return UndefinedVal _ -> fail "Invalid plus operation" {- Covering the multiplication operator for two integers and also for two Arrays. However, for the array as input we recursively evaluated the deconstructed types to IntVal and then execute the operation. -} multOp :: Primitive multOp vals = case vals of [IntVal x, IntVal y] -> return $ IntVal (x*y) [ArrayVal x, ArrayVal y] -> do a <- multOp x b <- multOp y Right (ArrayVal (a : [b])) _ -> fail "Illegal multiplication operation. Can only be two integers" {- Covering the subtraction operator for two integers and also for two Arrays. However, for the array as input we recursively evaluate the deconstructed types to IntVal and then execute the operation. -} minusOp :: Primitive minusOp vals = case vals of [IntVal x, IntVal y] -> return $ IntVal (x-y) [ArrayVal x, ArrayVal y] -> do a <- minusOp x b <- minusOp y Right (ArrayVal (a : [b])) _ -> fail "Illegal minus operations. Can only be two integers" {- Covering the modulo operator for two integers and also for two Arrays. However, for the array as input we recursively evaluate the deconstructed types to IntVal and then execute the operation. -} moduloOp :: Primitive moduloOp vals = case vals of [IntVal x, IntVal y] -> return $ IntVal (x `mod` y) [ArrayVal x, ArrayVal y] -> do a <- moduloOp x b <- moduloOp y Right (ArrayVal (a : [b])) _ -> fail "Illegal modulo operation. Can only be two integers" {- Function for making an array of undefined values given the non negative integer n -} mkArray :: Primitive mkArray [IntVal n] | n >= 0 = return $ ArrayVal (replicate n UndefinedVal) mkArray _ = Left "Array() called with wrong number or type of arguments" {- A function that given a function f updates the environment/state -} modifyEnv :: (Env -> Env) -> SubsM () modifyEnv f = SubsM ((env, _) -> Right ((), f env)) {- Given an identifier and a corresponding value We insert these in the Map in the monad, thus, we modify the environment/state -} putVar :: Ident -> Value -> SubsM () putVar ident val = modifyEnv (Map.insert ident val) {- Given an identifier we get the retrieved value, provided it exists, in the monad -} getVar :: Ident -> SubsM Value getVar name = do s <- SubsM ((env, _) -> Right (env, env)) case Map.lookup name s of Just a -> return a Nothing -> fail "Variable name not in scope" {- Given a function name, we look it up the in the Map, return the Map with the monad type SubsM (Either monad) -} getFunction :: FunName -> SubsM Primitive getFunction name = do s <- SubsM ((env, penv) -> Right (penv, env)) case Map.lookup name s of Just n -> return n Nothing -> fail "Function name not in scope" {- evalExpr evaluates the various expressions to their corresponding Value in the monad. -} evalExpr :: Expr -> SubsM Value evalExpr (Number x) = return (IntVal x) evalExpr (String s) = return (StringVal s) evalExpr (Array []) = return (ArrayVal []) evalExpr (Array (x:xs)) = do x' <- evalExpr x xs' <- evalExpr (Array xs) case xs' of ArrayVal y -> return (ArrayVal (x':y)) _ -> fail "Evaluating array expected an ArrayVal \,but was not given" evalExpr TrueConst = return TrueVal evalExpr FalseConst = return FalseVal evalExpr Undefined = return UndefinedVal evalExpr (Var x) = getVar x evalExpr (Assign ident expr) = do xpeval <- evalExpr expr putVar ident xpeval return xpeval evalExpr (Call name expr) = do fn <- getFunction name values <- mapM evalExpr expr case fn values of Right y -> return y Left _ -> fail "Invalid function call" evalExpr (Comma expr1 expr2) = do _ <- evalExpr expr1 evalExpr expr2 evalExpr (Compr compr) = do x <- evalCompr compr return (ArrayVal x) {- evaluating the comprehension mechanism taking as an input the type and returning a list of Value in the SubsM monad. We have patterns for the three types and here the ACFor is the most complex. In case of an array evaluate each value in it and then concatenate In case of a string we do similarly, however, we get for each string an additional list layer -} evalCompr :: ArrayCompr -> SubsM [Value] evalCompr arrcompr = case arrcompr of ACBody expr -> do x <- evalExpr expr return [ArrayVal [x]] ACFor ident expr arrcomp -> do xpeval <- evalExpr expr var <- getVarMaybe ident retVal <- case xpeval of ArrayVal vals -> do a <- mapM (helpFun arrcomp ident) vals _ <- evalCompr arrcomp return (concatMap f a) StringVal s -> do _ <- putVar ident (StringVal s) _ <- evalCompr arrcomp let x = ArrayVal [StringVal s] return (concatMap f [[x]]) _ -> fail "Only Arrays and Strings allowed in for comprehensions" Data.Foldable.forM_ var (putVar ident) -- when (isJust var) (putVar ident (fromJust var)) return retVal where f [ArrayVal x] = x f x = x helpFun arrc idier val = do _ <- putVar idier val evalCompr arrc ACIf expr arrcomp -> do xpeval <- evalExpr expr case xpeval of TrueVal -> evalCompr arrcomp FalseVal -> return [ArrayVal []] _ -> fail "If stmt not working" {- Function used to invoke whether variable exists in the Map or not. getVar can't be used, as it would yield an error and not resume execution. -} getVarMaybe :: Ident -> SubsM (Maybe Value) getVarMaybe name = do s <- SubsM ((env, _) -> Right (env, env)) case Map.lookup name s of Just a -> return (Just a) Nothing -> return Nothing {- Running an expression, also running the initialContext function with empty Maps, eventually returning the Either monad of either Error or Value. -} runExpr :: Expr -> Either Error Value runExpr expr = case runSubsM (evalExpr expr) initialContext of Right (a, _) -> Right a Left err -> fail err