• 使用python实现HMM

           一直想用隐马可夫模型做图像识别,但是python的scikit-learn组件包的hmm module已经不再支持了,需要安装hmmlearn的组件,不过hmmlearn的多项式hmm每次出来的结果都不一样,= =||,难道是我用错了??后来又只能去参考网上C语言的组件,模仿着把向前向后算法“复制”到python里了,废了好大功夫,总算结果一样了o(╯□╰)o。。


      1 #-*-coding:UTF-8-*-
      2 '''
      3 Created on 2014年9月25日
      4 @author: Ayumi Phoenix
      5 '''
      6 import numpy as np
      8 class HMM:
      9     def __init__(self, Ann, Bnm, pi1n):
     10         self.A = np.array(Ann)
     11         self.B = np.array(Bnm)
     12         self.pi = np.array(pi1n)
     13         self.N = self.A.shape[0]
     14         self.M = self.B.shape[1]
     16     def printhmm(self):
     17         print "=================================================="
     18         print "HMM content: N =",self.N,",M =",self.M
     19         for i in range(self.N):
     20             if i==0:
     21                 print "hmm.A ",self.A[i,:]," hmm.B ",self.B[i,:]
     22             else:
     23                 print "      ",self.A[i,:],"       ",self.B[i,:]
     24         print "hmm.pi",self.pi
     25         print "=================================================="
     27     # 函数名称:Forward *功能:前向算法估计参数 *参数:phmm:指向HMM的指针
     28     # T:观察值序列的长度 O:观察值序列    
     29     # alpha:运算中用到的临时数组 pprob:返回值,所要求的概率
     30     def Forward(self,T,O,alpha,pprob):
     31     #     1. Initialization 初始化
     32         for i in range(self.N):
     33             alpha[0,i] = self.pi[i]*self.B[i,O[0]]
     35     #     2. Induction 递归
     36         for t in range(T-1):
     37             for j in range(self.N):
     38                 sum = 0.0
     39                 for i in range(self.N):
     40                     sum += alpha[t,i]*self.A[i,j]
     41                 alpha[t+1,j] =sum*self.B[j,O[t+1]]
     42     #     3. Termination 终止
     43         sum = 0.0
     44         for i in range(self.N):
     45             sum += alpha[T-1,i]
     46         pprob[0] *= sum
     48     # 带修正的前向算法
     49     def ForwardWithScale(self,T,O,alpha,scale,pprob):
     50         scale[0] = 0.0
     51     #     1. Initialization
     52         for i in range(self.N):
     53             alpha[0,i] = self.pi[i]*self.B[i,O[0]]
     54             scale[0] += alpha[0,i]
     56         for i in range(self.N):
     57             alpha[0,i] /= scale[0]
     59     #     2. Induction
     60         for t in range(T-1):
     61             scale[t+1] = 0.0
     62             for j in range(self.N):
     63                 sum = 0.0
     64                 for i in range(self.N):
     65                     sum += alpha[t,i]*self.A[i,j]
     67                 alpha[t+1,j] = sum * self.B[j,O[t+1]]
     68                 scale[t+1] += alpha[t+1,j]
     69             for j in range(self.N):
     70                 alpha[t+1,j] /= scale[t+1]
     72     #     3. Termination
     73         for t in range(T):
     74             pprob[0] += np.log(scale[t])
     76     # 函数名称:Backward * 功能:后向算法估计参数 * 参数:phmm:指向HMM的指针 
     77     # T:观察值序列的长度 O:观察值序列 
     78     # beta:运算中用到的临时数组 pprob:返回值,所要求的概率
     79     def Backword(self,T,O,beta,pprob):
     80     #     1. Intialization
     81         for i in range(self.N):
     82             beta[T-1,i] = 1.0
     83     #     2. Induction
     84         for t in range(T-2,-1,-1):
     85             for i in range(self.N):
     86                 sum = 0.0
     87                 for j in range(self.N):
     88                     sum += self.A[i,j]*self.B[j,O[t+1]]*beta[t+1,j]
     89                 beta[t,i] = sum
     91     #     3. Termination
     92         pprob[0] = 0.0
     93         for i in range(self.N):
     94             pprob[0] += self.pi[i]*self.B[i,O[0]]*beta[0,i]
     96     # 带修正的后向算法
     97     def BackwardWithScale(self,T,O,beta,scale):
     98     #     1. Intialization
     99         for i in range(self.N):
    100             beta[T-1,i] = 1.0
    102     #     2. Induction
    103         for t in range(T-2,-1,-1):
    104             for i in range(self.N):
    105                 sum = 0.0
    106                 for j in range(self.N):
    107                     sum += self.A[i,j]*self.B[j,O[t+1]]*beta[t+1,j]
    108                 beta[t,i] = sum / scale[t+1]
    110     # Viterbi算法
    111     # 输入:A,B,pi,O 输出P(O|lambda)最大时Poptimal的路径I
    112     def viterbi(self,O):
    113         T = len(O)
    114         # 初始化
    115         delta = np.zeros((T,self.N),np.float)  
    116         phi = np.zeros((T,self.N),np.float)  
    117         I = np.zeros(T)
    118         for i in range(self.N):  
    119             delta[0,i] = self.pi[i]*self.B[i,O[0]]  
    120             phi[0,i] = 0
    121         # 递推
    122         for t in range(1,T):  
    123             for i in range(self.N):                                  
    124                 delta[t,i] = self.B[i,O[t]]*np.array([delta[t-1,j]*self.A[j,i]  for j in range(self.N)]).max()
    125                 phi[t,i] = np.array([delta[t-1,j]*self.A[j,i]  for j in range(self.N)]).argmax()
    126         # 终结
    127         prob = delta[T-1,:].max()  
    128         I[T-1] = delta[T-1,:].argmax()
    129         # 状态序列求取   
    130         for t in range(T-2,-1,-1): 
    131             I[t] = phi[t+1,I[t+1]]
    132         return I,prob
    134     # 计算gamma : 时刻t时马尔可夫链处于状态Si的概率    
    135     def ComputeGamma(self, T, alpha, beta, gamma):
    136         for t in range(T):
    137             denominator = 0.0
    138             for j in range(self.N):
    139                 gamma[t,j] = alpha[t,j]*beta[t,j]
    140                 denominator += gamma[t,j]
    141             for i in range(self.N):
    142                 gamma[t,i] = gamma[t,i]/denominator
    144     # 计算sai(i,j) 为给定训练序列O和模型lambda时:
    145     # 时刻t是马尔可夫链处于Si状态,二时刻t+1处于Sj状态的概率
    146     def ComputeXi(self,T,O,alpha,beta,gamma,xi):
    147         for t in range(T-1):
    148             sum = 0.0
    149             for i in range(self.N):
    150                 for j in range(self.N):
    151                     xi[t,i,j] = alpha[t,i]*beta[t+1,j]*self.A[i,j]*self.B[j,O[t+1]]
    152                     sum += xi[t,i,j]
    153             for i in range(self.N):
    154                 for j in range(self.N):
    155                     xi[t,i,j] /= sum
    157     # Baum-Welch算法
    158     # 输入 L个观察序列O,初始模型:HMM={A,B,pi,N,M}
    159     def BaumWelch(self,L,T,O,alpha,beta,gamma):
    160         print "BaumWelch"
    161         DELTA = 0.01 ; round = 0 ; flag = 1 ; probf = [0.0]
    162         delta = 0.0 ; deltaprev = 0.0 ; probprev = 0.0 ; ratio = 0.0 ; deltaprev = 10e-70
    164         xi = np.zeros((T,self.N,self.N))
    165         pi = np.zeros((T),np.float)
    166         denominatorA = np.zeros((self.N),np.float)
    167         denominatorB = np.zeros((self.N),np.float)
    168         numeratorA = np.zeros((self.N,self.N),np.float)
    169         numeratorB = np.zeros((self.N,self.M),np.float)
    170         scale = np.zeros((T),np.float)
    172         while True :
    173             probf[0] = 0
    174             # E - step
    175             for l in range(L):
    176                 self.ForwardWithScale(T,O[l],alpha,scale,probf)
    177                 self.BackwardWithScale(T,O[l],beta,scale)
    178                 self.ComputeGamma(T,alpha,beta,gamma)
    179                 self.ComputeXi(T,O[l],alpha,beta,gamma,xi)
    180                 for i in range(self.N):
    181                     pi[i] += gamma[0,i]
    182                     for t in range(T-1): 
    183                         denominatorA[i] += gamma[t,i]
    184                         denominatorB[i] += gamma[t,i]
    185                     denominatorB[i] += gamma[T-1,i]
    187                     for j in range(self.N):
    188                         for t in range(T-1):
    189                             numeratorA[i,j] += xi[t,i,j]
    190                     for k in range(self.M):
    191                         for t in range(T):
    192                             if O[l][t] == k:
    193                                 numeratorB[i,k] += gamma[t,i]
    195             # M - step
    196             # 重估状态转移矩阵 和 观察概率矩阵
    197             for i in range(self.N):
    198                 self.pi[i] = 0.001/self.N + 0.999*pi[i]/L
    199                 for j in range(self.N):
    200                     self.A[i,j] = 0.001/self.N + 0.999*numeratorA[i,j]/denominatorA[i]
    201                     numeratorA[i,j] = 0.0
    203                 for k in range(self.M):
    204                     self.B[i,k] = 0.001/self.M + 0.999*numeratorB[i,k]/denominatorB[i]
    205                     numeratorB[i,k] = 0.0
    207                 pi[i]=denominatorA[i]=denominatorB[i]=0.0;
    209             if flag == 1:
    210                 flag = 0
    211                 probprev = probf[0]
    212                 ratio = 1
    213                 continue
    215             delta = probf[0] - probprev
    216             ratio = delta / deltaprev
    217             probprev = probf[0]
    218             deltaprev = delta
    219             round += 1
    221             if ratio <= DELTA :
    222                 print "num iteration ",round
    223                 break
    226 if __name__ == "__main__":
    227     print "python my HMM"
    229     A = [[0.8125,0.1875],[0.2,0.8]]
    230     B = [[0.875,0.125],[0.25,0.75]]
    231     pi = [0.5,0.5]
    232     hmm = HMM(A,B,pi)
    234     O = [[1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0],
    235      [1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,0],
    236      [0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1]]
    237     L = len(O)
    238     T = len(O[0])  # T等于最长序列的长度就好了
    239     alpha = np.zeros((T,hmm.N),np.float)
    240     beta = np.zeros((T,hmm.N),np.float)
    241     gamma = np.zeros((T,hmm.N),np.float)
    242     hmm.BaumWelch(L,T,O,alpha,beta,gamma)
    244     hmm.printhmm()
    View Code


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hanahimi/p/4011765.html
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