• 与MQ通讯的完整JAVA程序












      1 /** 
      2  * @author Fenglb E-mail:56553655@163.com 
      3  * @version 创建时间:2009-4-30 下午04:13:38 
      4  * 类说明 
      5  */  
      6 import java.io.IOException;  
      7 import com.ibm.mq.MQC;  
      8 import com.ibm.mq.MQEnvironment;  
      9 import com.ibm.mq.MQException;  
     10 import com.ibm.mq.MQGetMessageOptions;  
     11 import com.ibm.mq.MQMessage;  
     12 import com.ibm.mq.MQPutMessageOptions;  
     13 import com.ibm.mq.MQQueue;  
     14 import com.ibm.mq.MQQueueManager;  
     16 public class MessageByMQ{  
     17      //定义队列管理器和队列的名称  
     18      private static String qmName;   
     19      private static String qName;  
     20      private static MQQueueManager qMgr;  
     21      static{  
     22          //设置环境:  
     23          //MQEnvironment中包含控制MQQueueManager对象中的环境的构成的静态变量,MQEnvironment的值的设定会在MQQueueManager的构造函数加载的时候起作用,  
     24          //因此必须在建立MQQueueManager对象之前设定MQEnvironment中的值.  
     25          MQEnvironment.hostname="";          //MQ服务器的IP地址        
     26          MQEnvironment.channel="S_FENGLB";              //服务器连接的通道  
     27          MQEnvironment.CCSID=1381;                      //服务器MQ服务使用的编码1381代表GBK、1208代表UTF(Coded Character Set Identifier:CCSID)  
     28          MQEnvironment.port=1414;                       //MQ端口  
     29          qmName = "QM_FENGLB";                          //MQ的队列管理器名称  
     30          qName = "testQ";                               //MQ远程队列的名称  
     31          try {  
     32              //定义并初始化队列管理器对象并连接   
     33              //MQQueueManager可以被多线程共享,但是从MQ获取信息的时候是同步的,任何时候只有一个线程可以和MQ通信。  
     34             qMgr = new MQQueueManager(qmName);  
     35         } catch (MQException e) {  
     36             // TODO Auto-generated catch block  
     37             System.out.println("初使化MQ出错");  
     38             e.printStackTrace();  
     39         }   
     40      }  
     41      /** 
     42       * 往MQ发送消息 
     43       * @param message 
     44       * @return 
     45       */  
     46      public static int sendMessage(String message){  
     47          int result=0;  
     48          try{     
     49              //设置将要连接的队列属性  
     50              // Note. The MQC interface defines all the constants used by the WebSphere MQ Java programming interface   
     51              //(except for completion code constants and error code constants).  
     52              //MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF:Open the queue to get messages using the queue-defined default.  
     53              //MQOO_OUTPUT:Open the queue to put messages.  
     54              /*目标为远程队列,所有这里不可以用MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF属性*/  
     55              //int openOptions = MQC.MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF | MQC.MQOO_OUTPUT;  
     56              /*以下选项可适合远程队列与本地队列*/  
     57              int openOptions = MQC.MQOO_OUTPUT | MQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING;  
     58              //连接队列   
     59              //MQQueue provides inquire, set, put and get operations for WebSphere MQ queues.   
     60              //The inquire and set capabilities are inherited from MQManagedObject.   
     61              /*关闭了就重新打开*/  
     62             if(qMgr==null || !qMgr.isConnected()){  
     63                 qMgr = new MQQueueManager(qmName);  
     64             }  
     65              MQQueue queue = qMgr.accessQueue(qName, openOptions);            
     66              //定义一个简单的消息  
     67              MQMessage putMessage = new MQMessage();   
     68              //将数据放入消息缓冲区  
     69              putMessage.writeUTF(message);    
     70              //设置写入消息的属性(默认属性)  
     71              MQPutMessageOptions pmo = new MQPutMessageOptions();             
     72              //将消息写入队列   
     73              queue.put(putMessage,pmo);   
     74              queue.close();  
     75          }catch (MQException ex) {   
     76              System.out.println("A WebSphere MQ error occurred : Completion code "   
     77              + ex.completionCode + " Reason code " + ex.reasonCode);   
     78              ex.printStackTrace();  
     79          }catch (IOException ex) {   
     80              System.out.println("An error occurred whilst writing to the message buffer: " + ex);   
     81          }catch(Exception ex){  
     82              ex.printStackTrace();  
     83          }finally{  
     84              try {  
     85                 qMgr.disconnect();  
     86             } catch (MQException e) {  
     87                 e.printStackTrace();  
     88             }  
     89           }  
     90          return result;  
     91      }  
     92      /** 
     93       * 从队列中去获取消息,如果队列中没有消息,就会发生异常,不过没有关系,有TRY...CATCH,如果是第三方程序调用方法,如果无返回则说明无消息 
     94       * 第三方可以将该方法放于一个无限循环的while(true){...}之中,不需要设置等待,因为在该方法内部在没有消息的时候会自动等待。 
     95       * @return 
     96       */  
     97      public static String getMessage(){  
     98          String message=null;  
     99          try{              
    100              //设置将要连接的队列属性  
    101              // Note. The MQC interface defines all the constants used by the WebSphere MQ Java programming interface   
    102              //(except for completion code constants and error code constants).  
    103              //MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF:Open the queue to get messages using the queue-defined default.  
    104              //MQOO_OUTPUT:Open the queue to put messages.  
    105              int openOptions = MQC.MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF | MQC.MQOO_OUTPUT;  
    106              MQMessage retrieve = new MQMessage();  
    107              //设置取出消息的属性(默认属性)  
    108              //Set the put message options.(设置放置消息选项)   
    109              MQGetMessageOptions gmo = new MQGetMessageOptions();   
    110              gmo.options = gmo.options + MQC.MQGMO_SYNCPOINT;//Get messages under sync point control(在同步点控制下获取消息)   
    111              gmo.options = gmo.options + MQC.MQGMO_WAIT;  // Wait if no messages on the Queue(如果在队列上没有消息则等待)   
    112              gmo.options = gmo.options + MQC.MQGMO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING;// Fail if Qeue Manager Quiescing(如果队列管理器停顿则失败)   
    113              gmo.waitInterval = 1000 ;  // Sets the time limit for the wait.(设置等待的毫秒时间限制)   
    114              /*关闭了就重新打开*/  
    115             if(qMgr==null || !qMgr.isConnected()){  
    116                 qMgr = new MQQueueManager(qmName);  
    117             }  
    118              MQQueue queue = qMgr.accessQueue(qName, openOptions);   
    119              // 从队列中取出消息  
    120              queue.get(retrieve, gmo);  
    121              message = retrieve.readUTF();    
    122              System.out.println("The message is: " + message);   
    123              queue.close();  
    124          }catch (MQException ex) {   
    125              System.out.println("A WebSphere MQ error occurred : Completion code "   
    126              + ex.completionCode + " Reason code " + ex.reasonCode);   
    127          }catch (IOException ex) {   
    128              System.out.println("An error occurred whilst writing to the message buffer: " + ex);   
    129          }catch(Exception ex){  
    130              ex.printStackTrace();  
    131          }finally{  
    132              try {  
    133                 qMgr.disconnect();  
    134             } catch (MQException e) {  
    135                 e.printStackTrace();  
    136             }  
    137          }  
    138          return message;  
    139      }  
    140      public static void main(String args[]) {  
    141          /*下面两个方法可同时使用,也可以单独使用*/  
    142          sendMessage("this is a test");  
    143          //getMessage();  
    144      }  
    145 }  
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/haitaofeiyang/p/7531082.html
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