• 『BASH』——Learn BashScript from Daniel Robbins——[003]


      Daniel Robbins is best known as the creator of Gentoo Linux and author of many IBM developerWorks articles about Linux. Daniel currently serves as Benevolent Dictator for Life (BDFL) of Funtoo Linux. Funtoo Linux is a Gentoo-based distribution and continuation of Daniel's original Gentoo vision.

    Section 3

    Operation logic of the original version of Portage(a package manager used by Gentoo,Funtoo,etc.)


    1 # /etc/ebuild.conf:set system-wide ebuild options in this file
    2 # MAKEOPTS are options passed to make
    3 MAKEOPTS="-j2" 


    1 #this ebuild file overrides the default user_compile()
    2 P=e2fsprogs-1.18
    3 A=${P}.tar.gz
    4 user_compile() {
    5   ./configure --enable-elf-shlibs
    6 make
    7 }  #e2fsprogs.ebuild


     1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
     2 if [ $# -ne 2 ]
     3 then
     4   echo "Please specify ebuild file and unpack, compile or all"
     5 exit 1
     6 fi
     7 source /etc/ebuild.conf
     8 if [ -z "$DISTDIR" ]
     9 then
    10 # set DISTDIR to /usr/src/distfiles if not already set
    11   DISTDIR=/usr/src/distfiles
    12 fi
    13 export DISTDIR
    14 ebuild_unpack() {
    15   #make sure we're in the right directory
    16   cd ${ORIGDIR}
    17 if [ -d ${WORKDIR} ]
    18 then
    19   rm -rf ${WORKDIR}
    20 fi
    21 mkdir ${WORKDIR}
    22 cd ${WORKDIR}
    23 if [ ! -e ${DISTDIR}/${A} ]
    24 then
    25   echo "${DISTDIR}/${A} does not exist. Please download first."
    26 exit 1
    27 fi
    28 tar xzf ${DISTDIR}/${A}
    29 echo "Unpacked ${DISTDIR}/${A}."
    30 #source is now correctly unpacked
    31 }
    32 user_compile()
    33 {
    34 #we're already in ${SRCDIR}
    35 if [ -e configure ]
    36 then
    37 #run configure script if it exists
    38   ./configure --prefix=/usr
    39 fi
    40   #run make
    41   make $MAKEOPTS MAKE="make $MAKEOPTS"
    42 }
    43 ebuild_compile() {
    44 if [ ! -d "${SRCDIR}" ]
    45 then
    46   echo "${SRCDIR} does not exist -- please unpack first."
    47 exit 1
    48 fi
    49 #make sure we're in the right directory
    50 cd ${SRCDIR}
    51 user_compile
    52 }
    53 export ORIGDIR=`pwd`
    54 export WORKDIR=${ORIGDIR}/work
    55 if [ -e "$1" ]
    56 then
    57   source $1
    58 else
    59   echo "Ebuild file $1 not found."
    60 exit 1
    61 fi
    62 export SRCDIR=${WORKDIR}/${P}
    63 case "${2}" in
    64   unpack)
    65     ebuild_unpack ;;
    66   compile)
    67     ebuild_compile ;;
    68   all)
    69     ebuild_unpack ebuild_compile ;;
    70   *)
    71     echo "Please specify unpack, compile or all as the second arg"
    72     exit 1 ;;
    73 esac


    • http://www.funtoo.org/Bash_by_Example,_Part_1
    • http://www.funtoo.org/Bash_by_Example,_Part_2
    • http://www.funtoo.org/Bash_by_Example,_Part_3
    • http://www.jb51.net/article/51342.htm
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/hadex/p/5720771.html
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