#/bin/env python3 # _*_ utf-8 _*_ List='''1. bike 800 2. cat 90000 3. book 100 ''' List_list=(("1","bike",800),("2","cat","90000"),("3","book","100")) count = 0 sary=int(input("please input your sary:")) while True: print(List) # Input = int(input("please input(按q退出):")) Input = input("please input(按q退出):") # print(isinstance(Input,int)) if Input == "1": count = count + 800 elif Input == "2": count = count + 90000 elif Input == "3": count = count + 100 elif Input == "q": break; print("you buy things is",count) if sary>=count: Yes=input("are you sure to buy?") while Yes == "y": sary=sary-count print("now,your sary is",sary) break else: print("your sary is too small")
#/bin/env python3 # _*_ utf-8 _*_ product_list=[ ('Mac',9000), ('kindle',800), ('tesla',900000), ('python book',105), ('bike',2000), ] saving=input('please input your money:') shopping_car=[] if saving.isdigit(): saving=int(saving) while True: #打印商品内容 for i,v in enumerate(product_list,1): #enumerate 会把列表加上序号,默认从0开始;这里指定了从数字1开始 print(i,'>>>>',v) #引导用户选择商品 choice=input('选择购买商品编号[退出:q]:') #验证输入是否合法 if choice.isdigit(): choice=int(choice) if choice>0 and choice<=len(product_list): #将用户选择商品通过choice取出来 p_item=product_list[choice-1] #如果钱够,用本金saving减去该商品价格,并将该商品加入购物车 if p_item[1]
#/bin/env python3 # _*_ utf-8 _*_ # __author__=wjz # 需要在当前目录下建立sary.txt文件,内容存储为字典格式,用户名和金额。例如 {'wjz':1000,'wjk':500} import time shop_dict={'咖啡':22,'牛奶':5,'百岁山':4,'果珍':9,'甜点':15,'冰茶':11,'红茶':12} shop_list=list(shop_dict) shop_list.sort() shop_tuple=tuple(shop_list) f=open('sary.txt',"r",encoding="utf8") sary_json=eval(f.read().strip()) f.close() username=input("please input your name:") sary=sary_json[username] print("your sary is %d now." %sary) num=0 for i in shop_tuple: if num==0: print("shop is this:") num+=1 print('---> ('+str(num)+')',i,shop_dict[i]) shop_car=[] while True: user_input=input("please input your select(q for exit):".strip()) if user_input == 'q': break elif not user_input.isnumeric(): print("please input num") continue elif int(user_input) > len(shop_tuple) or int(user_input) <= 0 : print("please input right num") continue else: user_input=int(user_input) select_shop=shop_tuple[user_input-1] if sary >= shop_dict[select_shop]: sary=sary - shop_dict[select_shop] shop_car.append(select_shop) print("%s has been in shopping car. sary is %d now." % (select_shop,sary)) else: print("your money is not enough.") time.sleep(0.1) tuple_shop_car=tuple(shop_car) set_shop_car=set(tuple_shop_car) buyd="" for i in set_shop_car: currut_row="%s: %d" %(i,tuple_shop_car.count(i)) buyd=buyd+" "+currut_row print('''your shop car is: ----------%s ----------''' %buyd) while True: sure_pay=input("Are you sure to pay?[y/n]") if sure_pay == "y": sary_json[username]=sary f=open('sary.txt','w') f.write(str(sary_json)) f.close() print("your sary is %d now." %sary) break elif sure_pay == "n": break else: print("please input your selection.")