• Delphi














    CommName := '//./' + cbbCOM.Text;  

     1 procedure TMainFrm.advBtnConnectClick(Sender: TObject);
     2 var
     3   serialPortNO: string;
     4 begin
     5   try
     6     with comMain do
     7     begin
     8       StopComm;
     9       serialPortNO := Copy(cbbCOM.Text, 4, Length(cbbCOM.Text) - 3);
    10       BaudRate := StrToInt(cbbBaudRate.Text);
    11 //      ByteSize := TByteSize(cbbByteSize.ItemIndex);
    12 //      StopBits := TStopBits(cbbStopBit.ItemIndex);
    13 //      Parity := TParity(cbbCheckBit.ItemIndex);
    14       if StrToInt(serialPortNO) > 9 then
    15       begin
    16         CommName := '//./' + cbbCOM.Text;
    17       end
    18       else
    19       begin
    20         CommName := cbbCOM.Text;
    21       end;
    22       comMain.StartComm;
    23       connectStatus.Caption := 'Connected';
    24       connectStatus.FillColor := clLime;
    25       advBtnConnect.Enabled := False;
    26       gbSendMsg.Enabled := True;
    27     end;
    28   except
    29     connectStatus.Caption := 'Not Connected';
    30     connectStatus.FillColor := clRed;
    31     gbSendMsg.Enabled := False;
    32   end;
    34 end;



     1 procedure TMainFrm.advBtnConfirmClick(Sender: TObject);
     2 begin
     3   if mmSendMsg.Lines.Count <= 0 then
     4   begin
     5     Application.MessageBox('There is no key word, please check the MsgSendList,thanks.', 'Error Information', MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP);
     6     mmSendMsg.SetFocus;
     7     Exit;
     8   end;
     9   if cbByte.Checked then
    10   begin
    11     SendHex(mmSendMsg.Text);
    12   end
    13   else
    14   begin
    15     comMain.WriteCommData(PChar(mmSendMsg.Text), Length(mmSendMsg.Text));
    16   end;
    17   if (cbAutoSend.Checked) and (edtTime.Text <> '') and (cbByte.Checked) then
    18   begin
    19     timerMain.Interval := StrToInt(edtTime.Text);
    20     timerMain.Enabled := True;
    21   end;
    22 end;


     1 procedure TMainFrm.SendHex(S: string);
     2 var
     3   s2: string;
     4   buf1: array[0..50000] of char;
     5   i: integer;
     6 begin
     7   s2 := '';
     8   for i := 1 to length(s) do
     9   begin
    10     if ((copy(s, i, 1) >= '0') and (copy(s, i, 1) <= '9')) or ((copy(s, i, 1) >= 'a') and (copy(s, i, 1) <= 'f'))
    11       or ((copy(s, i, 1) >= 'A') and (copy(s, i, 1) <= 'F')) then
    12     begin
    13       s2 := s2 + copy(s, i, 1);
    14     end;
    15   end;
    16   for i := 0 to (length(s2) div 2 - 1) do
    17     buf1[i] := char(strtoint('$' + copy(s2, i * 2 + 1, 2)));
    18   comMain.WriteCommData(buf1, (length(s2) div 2));
    19   mmMsg.Lines.Add('MsgSend[' + S + ']');
    20 end;



     1 procedure TMainFrm.comMainReceiveData(Sender: TObject; Buffer: Pointer;
     2   BufferLength: Word);
     3 var
     4   S: string;
     5   I, L: INTEGER;
     6   RBUF: array[0..2048] of BYTE;
     7 begin
     8   Move(Buffer^, pchar(@rbuf)^, BufferLength);
     9   L := BufferLength;
    10   for I := 0 to L - 1 do
    11   begin
    12     S := S + INTTOHEX(RBUF[I], 2);
    13   end;
    14   mmMsg.Lines.Add('MsgReceived[' + S + ']');
    15 end;




      1 unit uMain;
      3 interface
      5 uses
      6   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
      7   Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, SPComm, RzPanel, AdvSmoothButton,
      8   AdvSmoothStatusIndicator, AdvGlassButton, RzButton, RzRadChk, RzStatus,
      9   RzPrgres;
     11 type
     12   TMainFrm = class(TForm)
     13     gbSerialParams: TRzGroupBox;
     14     gbMsg: TRzGroupBox;
     15     mmMsg: TMemo;
     16     gbPortSet: TRzGroupBox;
     17     gbSendMsg: TRzGroupBox;
     18     lbCom: TLabel;
     19     lbStopBit: TLabel;
     20     lbByteSize: TLabel;
     21     lbCheckBit: TLabel;
     22     lbBaudRate: TLabel;
     23     comMain: TComm;
     24     cbbCOM: TComboBox;
     25     cbbStopBit: TComboBox;
     26     cbbByteSize: TComboBox;
     27     cbbBaudRate: TComboBox;
     28     cbbCheckBit: TComboBox;
     29     gbMsgSendParams: TRzGroupBox;
     30     gbMsgSendList: TRzGroupBox;
     31     cbByte: TRzCheckBox;
     32     cbAutoSend: TRzCheckBox;
     33     lbCT: TLabel;
     34     edtTime: TEdit;
     35     advBtnConfirm: TAdvGlassButton;
     36     advBtnConnect: TAdvGlassButton;
     37     AdvGlassButton1: TAdvGlassButton;
     38     lbMs: TLabel;
     39     mmSendMsg: TMemo;
     40     statusBar: TRzStatusBar;
     41     clock: TRzClockStatus;
     42     versionStatus: TRzVersionInfoStatus;
     43     mqStatus: TRzMarqueeStatus;
     44     progressBar: TRzProgressBar;
     45     connectStatus: TRzStatusPane;
     46     timerMain: TTimer;
     47     procedure advBtnConnectClick(Sender: TObject);
     48     procedure comMainReceiveData(Sender: TObject; Buffer: Pointer;
     49       BufferLength: Word);
     50     procedure advBtnConfirmClick(Sender: TObject);
     51     procedure SendHex(S: string);
     52     procedure AdvGlassButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
     53     procedure timerMainTimer(Sender: TObject);
     54   private
     55     { Private declarations }
     56   public
     57     { Public declarations }
     58   end;
     60 var
     61   MainFrm: TMainFrm;
     63 implementation
     65 {$R *.dfm}
     67 procedure TMainFrm.SendHex(S: string);
     68 var
     69   s2: string;
     70   buf1: array[0..50000] of char;
     71   i: integer;
     72 begin
     73   s2 := '';
     74   for i := 1 to length(s) do
     75   begin
     76     if ((copy(s, i, 1) >= '0') and (copy(s, i, 1) <= '9')) or ((copy(s, i, 1) >= 'a') and (copy(s, i, 1) <= 'f'))
     77       or ((copy(s, i, 1) >= 'A') and (copy(s, i, 1) <= 'F')) then
     78     begin
     79       s2 := s2 + copy(s, i, 1);
     80     end;
     81   end;
     82   for i := 0 to (length(s2) div 2 - 1) do
     83     buf1[i] := char(strtoint('$' + copy(s2, i * 2 + 1, 2)));
     84   comMain.WriteCommData(buf1, (length(s2) div 2));
     85   mmMsg.Lines.Add('MsgSend[' + S + ']');
     86 end;
     89 procedure TMainFrm.advBtnConnectClick(Sender: TObject);
     90 var
     91   serialPortNO: string;
     92 begin
     93   try
     94     with comMain do
     95     begin
     96       StopComm;
     97       serialPortNO := Copy(cbbCOM.Text, 4, Length(cbbCOM.Text) - 3);
     98       BaudRate := StrToInt(cbbBaudRate.Text);
     99 //      ByteSize := TByteSize(cbbByteSize.ItemIndex);
    100 //      StopBits := TStopBits(cbbStopBit.ItemIndex);
    101 //      Parity := TParity(cbbCheckBit.ItemIndex);
    102       if StrToInt(serialPortNO) > 9 then
    103       begin
    104         CommName := '//./' + cbbCOM.Text;
    105       end
    106       else
    107       begin
    108         CommName := cbbCOM.Text;
    109       end;
    110       comMain.StartComm;
    111       connectStatus.Caption := 'Connected';
    112       connectStatus.FillColor := clLime;
    113       advBtnConnect.Enabled := False;
    114       gbSendMsg.Enabled := True;
    115     end;
    116   except
    117     connectStatus.Caption := 'Not Connected';
    118     connectStatus.FillColor := clRed;
    119     gbSendMsg.Enabled := False;
    120   end;
    122 end;
    124 procedure TMainFrm.comMainReceiveData(Sender: TObject; Buffer: Pointer;
    125   BufferLength: Word);
    126 var
    127   S: string;
    128   I, L: INTEGER;
    129   RBUF: array[0..2048] of BYTE;
    130 begin
    131   Move(Buffer^, pchar(@rbuf)^, BufferLength);
    132   L := BufferLength;
    133   for I := 0 to L - 1 do
    134   begin
    135     S := S + INTTOHEX(RBUF[I], 2);
    136   end;
    137   mmMsg.Lines.Add('MsgReceived[' + S + ']');
    138 end;
    139 //var
    140 //    tmpArray: array[0..4096] of Byte;
    141 //    i: DWORD;
    142 //    tmpStr: string;
    143 //    pStr: PChar;
    144 //begin
    145 //    pStr := Buffer;
    146 //    tmpStr := string(pStr);
    147 //    mmMsg.Lines.Add(tmpStr);
    148 //    Dec(PStr);
    149 //    for i := 0 to Length(tmpStr) - 1 do
    150 //    begin
    151 //        inc(PStr);
    152 //        tmpArray[i] := Byte(PSTR^);
    153 //        mmMsg.Lines.Add(IntToHEX(Ord(tmpArray[i]), 2));
    154 //    end;
    155 //    exit;
    156 //    pStr := Buffer;
    157 //    mmMsg.Lines.Add(pStr);
    158 //end;
    160 procedure TMainFrm.advBtnConfirmClick(Sender: TObject);
    161 begin
    162   if mmSendMsg.Lines.Count <= 0 then
    163   begin
    164     Application.MessageBox('There is no key word, please check the MsgSendList,thanks.', 'Error Information', MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP);
    165     mmSendMsg.SetFocus;
    166     Exit;
    167   end;
    168   if cbByte.Checked then
    169   begin
    170     SendHex(mmSendMsg.Text);
    171   end
    172   else
    173   begin
    174     comMain.WriteCommData(PChar(mmSendMsg.Text), Length(mmSendMsg.Text));
    175   end;
    176   if (cbAutoSend.Checked) and (edtTime.Text <> '') and (cbByte.Checked) then
    177   begin
    178     timerMain.Interval := StrToInt(edtTime.Text);
    179     timerMain.Enabled := True;
    180   end;
    181 end;
    183 procedure TMainFrm.AdvGlassButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
    184 begin
    185   timerMain.Enabled := False;
    186   gbSendMsg.Enabled := False;
    187   cbByte.Checked := False;
    188   cbAutoSend.Checked := False;
    189   edtTime.Text := '';
    190   mmMsg.Text := '';
    191   mmSendMsg.Text := '';
    192   comMain.StopComm;
    193   connectStatus.Caption := 'Not Connected';
    194   connectStatus.FillColor := clRed;
    195   advBtnConnect.Enabled := True;
    196 end;
    198 procedure TMainFrm.timerMainTimer(Sender: TObject);
    199 begin
    200   SendHex(mmSendMsg.Text);
    201 end;
    203 end.
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    EntityFramework Code-First—领域类配置之DataAnnotations
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/h2zZhou/p/12561465.html
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