• [AI]cognitive business|cognitive thinking

    just watch the cognitive business presentation of IBM CEO Ginni.

    here is my thoughts in this field :

    1.AI is trend.

    Think about the electrical revolution,in the future everything is digital,everything can be analysing by computer and algorithm,everything will be improving by artificial intelligence.

    2.everyone will be benefited by AI.

    Think about some disease will be cured because the AI analysis and reinventing medicine;think about the car energy efficiency will huge improved by AI analysis and new design.

    3.AI wil accelerate development of  Tech

    Think about AI will using old data from science,and then re-analyse or re-calculate the data ,figure out the new structure of meterial,the new methodology of experiment.That will accelerate the development of Technology.

    本人精通java高并发,DDD,微服务等技术实践,专注java,rust技术栈。 本人姓名郭莹城,坐标深圳,前IBM架构师、咨询师、敏捷开发技术教练,前IBM区块链研究小组成员、十多年架构设计工作经验,《区块链核心技术与应用》作者之一, 现聚焦于:区块链创投与交易所资源对接和技术咨询。 工作微信&QQ:360369487,区块链创投与交易所资源对接,加我注明:博客园+对接,技术咨询和顾问,加我注明:博客园+顾问。想学习golang和rust的同学,也可以加我微信,备注:博客园+golang或博客园+rust,谢谢!
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gyc567/p/5558193.html
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