• Error Installing Tivoli Directory Server (TDS) for TNPMW1.3


    Install TDS with error "GLPCTL004E Failed to create database instance: 'ldapdb2'."


    Error Installing Tivoli Directory Server (TDS) for TNPMW1.3

    Technote (troubleshooting)


    Errors related to 'idsinst' instance thrown during TDS setup phase when installing TNPMW1.3.


    The following errors can be found in the tds_install_xxxxx.log in /var/install/logs/ :-

    GLPCTL004E Failed to create database instance: 'idsinst'. The failure  might have occurred because the system was not set up correctly before  using the tool.  GLPICR033E Failed to add database instance 'idsinst' to directory server  [Mon Oct 17 12:34:46 IST 2011]: Error creating LDAP instance  [Mon Oct 17 12:34:46 IST 2011]: Setting Admin DN to cn=Directory  Manager...  GLPCTL087E The directory server instance 'idsinst' does not exist.  GLPDPW013W The program did not complete successfully. View earlier error  messages for information about the exact error.  [Mon Oct 17 12:34:46 IST 2011]: Error setting administration DN  [Mon Oct 17 12:34:46 IST 2011]: Configuring LDAP DB2 database for  idsinst in /appl/idsinst...  GLPCTL087E The directory server instance 'idsinst' does not exist.  GLPCDB026W The program did not complete successfully. View earlier error  messages for information about the exact error.  [Mon Oct 17 12:34:46 IST 2011]: ERROR: the LDAP database could not be  configured using the credentials specified.  [Mon Oct 17 12:34:46 IST 2011]: You may have entered the incorrect  password for the idsinst user.  [Mon Oct 17 12:35:08 IST 2011]: Configuring LDAP DB2 database for  idsinst in /appl/idsinst...  GLPCTL087E The directory server instance 'idsinst' does not exist.  GLPCDB026W The program did not complete successfully. View earlier error  messages for information about the exact error.  [Mon Oct 17 12:35:08 IST 2011]: ERROR: the LDAP database could not be  configured using the credentials specified.  [Mon Oct 17 12:35:08 IST 2011]: You may have entered the incorrect  password for the idsinst user.  [Mon Oct 17 12:35:11 IST 2011]: Exiting. Installation incomplete 
    where xxxxx corresponds to the installation process id. Issue ls -lrt command and look at the most bottom log for the recent installation process.

    Resolving the problem

    The domain name needs to be set correctly. Follow the Installation Guide refer to "Pre-Installation tasks" chapter. Necessary steps needed are noted below:-
    +> Procedures

    1. Run the following command as root user: -

    # grep domain /etc/resolv.conf
    If DNS domain is configured, you will see output like the following:
    domain this.domain.com
    If DNS domain is not being used, set up the domain name by completing the following:- 
    a. As user root on the servers, check to see if the domain name is set by executing the following command:
    # domainname
    If nothing is returned, the domain is not set. 

    b. To set the domain, run the following command:-

    # domainname <domain>
    <domain> is the selected domain name for the system, for example, ibm.com. 
    2. Do one of the following based on your platform:- 
    (a) On Solaris:- 
    i. Edit the /etc/hosts file and change the  <hostname>.domainname entry to the local hostname appended with the domainname. The entry in /etc/hosts should be similar to the following:-
    <IP address> <hostname>.<domainname> <hostname> loghost
    ii. Add the domain name to the /etc/defaultdomain file:-

    (b) On Linux application servers that are using DNS:-

    i. Edit the /etc/hosts file. If the entry for localhost in /etc/hosts looks like the following:- <hostname>.<domainname> <hostname> localhost.localdomain localhost
    Please change the localhost entry so that it looks like the following:- localhost.localdomain localhost
    ii. If the system is not using DNS, add the following line to /etc/hosts
    <IP address> <hostname>.<domainname> <hostname>
    (c) On AIX:- 
    i. Make sure the entry in /etc/hosts is as following:-
    <p><IP address> <hostname> <hostname>.<domainname></p>
    If the entry does not conform to this format edit the file.


    For further assistance and info,kindly contact IBM Support.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gw811/p/TDS.html
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