• 二叉树非递归遍历


      1 #include <iostream>
      2 #include <string>
      3 #include <stack>
      4 #include <queue>
      5 using namespace std;
      7 template<class T>
      8 struct BiNode {
      9     T data;
     10     BiNode<T> *lchild, *rchild;//左子树、右子树
     11 };
     13 template<class T>
     14 class BiTree
     15 {
     16 public:
     17     BiTree();                                //构造函数,初始化二叉树,前序序列由键盘输入
     18     ~BiTree();                                //析构函数,释放二叉链表中的各结点的存储空间
     19     BiNode<T>* Getroot();                    //获得指向根节点的指针
     20     void PreOrder(BiNode<T>* root);            //前序遍历二叉树
     21     void InOrder(BiNode<T>* root);            //中序遍历二叉树
     22     void PostOrder(BiNode<T>* root);        //后序遍历二叉树
     23     void LeverOrder(BiNode<T>* root);        //层序遍历二叉树
     25     void NonPreOrder(BiNode<T>* root);
     26     void NonInOrder(BiNode<T>* root);
     27     void NonPostOrder(BiNode<T>* root);
     28 private:
     29     BiNode<T> *root;                        //指向根节点的头指针
     30     BiNode<T> *Create();                        //有参构造函数调用
     31     void ReLease(BiNode<T> *root);            //析构函数调用
     32 };
     33 template<class T>
     34 BiTree<T>::BiTree() {
     35     this->root = Create();                    //创建对象时,构造函数被调用后,调用Great函数进行初始化
     36 }
     38 template<class T>
     39 BiTree<T>::~BiTree() {
     40     ReLease(root);                            //调用ReLease释放二叉树链表
     41 }
     43 template<class T>
     44 BiNode<T>* BiTree<T>::Getroot() {
     45     return root;                            //返回根节点地址
     46 }
     48 template<class T>
     49 void BiTree<T>::PreOrder(BiNode<T>* root) {
     50     if (root == NULL)
     51         return;
     52     cout << root->data << " ";
     53     PreOrder(root->lchild);                    //前序遍历二叉树(根,左,右)
     54     PreOrder(root->rchild);
     55 }
     57 template<class T>
     58 void BiTree<T>::InOrder(BiNode<T> *root) {
     59     if (root == NULL)
     60         return;
     61     InOrder(root->lchild);                    //中序遍历二叉树(左,根,右)
     62     cout << root->data << " ";
     63     InOrder(root->rchild);
     64 }
     66 template<class T>
     67 void BiTree<T>::PostOrder(BiNode<T>* root) {
     68     if (root == NULL)
     69         return;
     70     PostOrder(root->lchild);                //后序遍历二叉树(左,右,根)
     71     PostOrder(root->rchild);
     72     cout << root->data << " ";
     73 }
     75 template<class T>
     76 void BiTree<T>::LeverOrder(BiNode<T>* root) {
     77     BiNode<T> *p;                            //层序遍历
     78     if (root == NULL)
     79         return;
     80     queue<BiNode<T>*> q;        
     81     q.push(root);
     82     while (!q.empty()) {
     83         p = q.front();
     84         cout << p->data << " ";
     85         q.pop();
     86         if (p->lchild != NULL) {
     87             q.push(p->lchild);
     88         }
     89         if (p->rchild != NULL) {
     90             q.push(p->rchild);
     91         }
     92     }
     93 }
     95 template<class T>
     96 BiNode<T>* BiTree<T>::Create() {
     97     BiNode<T>* root;                        //构造二叉树
     98     T ch;
     99     cout << "请输入创建的一颗二叉树的结点数据:" << endl;
    100     cin >> ch;
    101     if (ch == "#")
    102         root = NULL;
    103     else {
    104         root = new BiNode<T>;
    105         root->data = ch;
    106         root->lchild = Create();
    107         root->rchild = Create();
    108     }
    109     return root;
    110 }
    112 template<class T>
    113 void BiTree<T>::ReLease(BiNode<T>* root) {
    114     if (root != NULL) {                        //删除二叉树
    115         ReLease(root->lchild);
    116         ReLease(root->rchild);
    117         delete root;
    118     }
    119 }
    121 template<class T>
    122 void BiTree<T>::NonPreOrder(BiNode<T>* root) {
    123     if (root == NULL)
    124         return;
    125     stack<BiNode<T>*> s;
    126     BiNode<T> *p = root, *q;
    127     while (p != NULL || !s.empty())
    128     {
    129         if (p != NULL) {
    130             cout << p->data << ' ';
    131             s.push(p);
    132             p = p->lchild;
    133         }
    134         else {
    135             q = s.top();
    136             s.pop();
    137             p = q->rchild;
    138         }
    139     }
    140 }
    141 template<class T>
    142 void BiTree<T>::NonInOrder(BiNode<T>* root) {
    143     if (root == NULL)
    144         return;
    145     stack<BiNode<T>*> s;
    146     BiNode<T> *p = root, *q;
    147     while (!s.empty() || p != NULL)
    148     {
    149         while (p != NULL) {
    150             s.push(p);
    151             p = p->lchild;
    152         }
    153         if (!s.empty()) {
    154             q = s.top();
    155             s.pop();
    156             cout << q->data << ' ';
    157             p = q->rchild;
    158         }
    160     }
    162 }
    163 template<class T>
    164 void BiTree<T>::NonPostOrder(BiNode<T>* root) {
    165     if (root == NULL)
    166         return;
    167     stack<BiNode<T>*> s;
    168     stack<int> symbol;                    //visit 记录访问的次数0,1,与s栈一一对应
    169     BiNode<T> *p = root, *q;
    170     while (!s.empty() || p != NULL)
    171     {
    172         while (p != NULL) {
    173             s.push(p);
    174             symbol.push(0);                //对应位置入栈 0,表示未经访问
    175             p = p->lchild;
    176         }
    177                                         //栈不空,且栈顶元素未经访问
    178         if (!s.empty() && !symbol.top()) {
    179             symbol.pop();
    180             symbol.push(1);
    182             q = s.top();
    183             p = q->rchild;
    184         }
    185                                         //栈不空,且栈顶元素已经被访问
    186         else if (!s.empty() && symbol.top()) {
    187             //经过循环体 右子树结束
    188             while (symbol.top()) {        //清空栈中已被访问过的元素,即symbol为 1者
    189                 q = s.top();
    190                 cout << q->data << ' ';
    191                 s.pop();
    193                 symbol.pop();
    194                 if (!symbol.size())
    195                     break;
    196             }
    198             if (!s.empty()) {
    199                 symbol.pop();
    200                 symbol.push(1);
    202                 q = s.top();
    203                 p = q->rchild;
    204             }
    205             else {
    206                 p = NULL;
    207             }
    208         }
    209         else
    210             continue;
    212     }
    213 }
    215 int main()
    216 {
    217     BiTree<string> bt;//创建一棵树
    218     BiNode<string>* root = bt.Getroot();
    219     cout << "------前序遍历------" << endl;
    220     bt.PreOrder(root);
    221     cout << endl;
    222     cout << "------后序遍历------" << endl;
    223     bt.PostOrder(root);
    224     cout << endl;
    225     cout << "------中序遍历------" << endl;
    226     bt.InOrder(root);
    227     cout << endl;
    228     cout << "------层序遍历------" << endl;
    229     bt.LeverOrder(root);
    230     cout << endl;
    231     cout << "---非递归前序遍历---" << endl;
    232     bt.NonPreOrder(root);
    233     cout << endl;
    234     cout << "---非递归后序遍历---" << endl;
    235     bt.NonPostOrder(root);
    236     cout << endl;
    237     cout << "---非递归中序遍历---" << endl;
    238     bt.NonInOrder(root);
    239     cout << endl;
    240     return 0;
    241 }


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