• 自己写了一个图片的马赛克消失效果(jQuery)



        <div class="box"></div>


     1 ; (function ($) {
     2             var defaults = {
     3                 ani: 4, //动画效果.1.马赛克向中间聚拢,2.马赛克左上角聚拢,3.马赛克拉扯消失,4.原地缩小
     4                 delay: 3000, //动画执行时间
     5                 url:"0",//图片路径
     6                 count: [20, 20]//马赛克水平数量,竖直方向数量;数量不能过多,否则计算量太大,计算机执行不了,导致浏览器卡死
     7             }
     8             $.fn.gysMaSaiKe = function (opt) {            
     9                 opt = $.extend({}, defaults, opt);
    10                 if(opt.url=="0"){alert("没有填写图片路径参数");return;}
    11                 var obj = $(this);                               
    12                 if (obj.css("position") == "static") obj.css({ "position": "relative" });
    13                 obj.css("overflow","hidden");
    14                 var objWidth = obj.width();
    15                 var objHeight = obj.height();
    16                 (function (count,url, obj) {
    17                     var littleBoxWidth = Math.floor(objWidth / count[0]);
    18                     var littleBoxHeight = Math.floor(objHeight / count[1]);                   
    19                     var html = "";
    20                     var littleBoxLeft = littleBoxWidth * (-1), littleBoxTop = littleBoxHeight * (-1);
    22                     for (var i = 0; i < count[1]; i++) {//
    23                         littleBoxTop += littleBoxHeight;
    24                         for (var j = 0; j < count[0]; j++) {//每一行中的单个span
    25                             littleBoxLeft += littleBoxWidth;
    26                             html += "<span style='display:block;position:absolute;left:" + littleBoxLeft + "px;top:" + littleBoxTop + "px;" + littleBoxWidth + "px; height:" + littleBoxHeight + "px; background-image:url("+url+");background-position:" + (littleBoxLeft) * (-1) + "px " + (littleBoxTop) * (-1) + "px;'></span>";
    27                         }
    28                         littleBoxLeft = littleBoxWidth * (-1);
    29                     }
    30                     obj.html(html);
    31                 })(opt.count,opt.url,obj);
    33                 var animation = function (ani, delay, objs) {
    34                     var res = function () { }
    35                     if (ani == 1) {//马赛克向中间聚拢
    36                         res = function () {
    37                             objs.animate({ top: objHeight / 2, left: objWidth / 2, opacity: 0 }, delay);
    38                             setTimeout(function(){obj.html("");},delay);
    39                         }
    40                     }
    41                     else if (ani == 2) {//碎片向左上角聚拢消失
    42                         res = function () {
    43                             objs.animate({ left: 0, top: 0, opacity: 0 }, delay); setTimeout(function () { obj.html(""); }, delay);
    44                         }
    45                     }
    46                     else if (ani == 3) {//拉扯消失
    47                         res = function () {
    48                             objs.filter(":even").animate({top:-100,left:-100},delay);
    49                             objs.filter(":odd").animate({ top: -100, left:900}, delay);   setTimeout(function(){obj.html("");},delay);                         
    50                         }
    51                     }
    52                     else if (ani == 4) {//
    53                         res = function () { objs.animate({ height: 0,  0 }, delay);setTimeout(function(){obj.html("");},delay); }
    54                     }
    55                     else {
    56                         res = function () { objs.animate({ height: 0,  0 }, delay);setTimeout(function(){obj.html("");},delay); }
    57                     }
    58                     return res;
    59                 } (opt.ani, opt.delay, obj.children());
    61                 obj.on("click", "span", animation);
    62             }
    63         })(jQuery);


    1   .box { width: 1000px; height:600px;}


    1  $(function () {
    2             $(".box").gysMaSaiKe({
    3                 count: [10, 15], //马赛克水平数量,竖直方向数量;数量不能过多,否则计算量太大,计算机执行不了,导致浏览器卡死
    4                 ani: 4, //动画效果.1.马赛克向中间聚拢,2.马赛克左上角聚拢,3.马赛克拉扯消失,4.原地缩小
    5                 delay: 5000, //动画执行时间
    6                 url: "1.jpg" //图片路径
    7               });
    8         });
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/guoyansi19900907/p/3706263.html
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