下载了curl 7.37,在project里有各个版本VS对应的项目文件,我们选择合适的打开即可以编译,根据不同的项目配置输出想要的库,比如可以切换多种SSL库,dll/lib,debug/release等。
If you want to compile with zlib support, you will need to build zlib (http://www.gzip.org/zlib/) as well. Please read the zlib documentation on how to compile zlib. Define the ZLIB_PATH environment variable to the location of zlib.h and zlib.lib, for example: set ZLIB_PATH=c:zlib-1.2.8 Then run 'nmake vc-zlib' in curl's root directory.
1.编译zlib,将头文件和生成的库文件分别放入 D:/deps/include和D:/deps/lib
2.cd curl-srcwinbuild
3.nmake /f Makefile.vc mode=dll WITH_DEVEL=D:/deps WITH_ZLIB=dll ENABLE_WINSSL=yes DEBUG=no
注意如果项目需要使用静态的Liburl库时,需要在编译项目时加上宏 CURL_STATICLIB,否则会在链接的过程中报错