• Java学习之IO流四

    (1)定义学生类,包含姓名(String name),性别(String gender),年龄(int age)三个属性,生成空参有参构造,set和get方法,toString方法

     1 /**
     2  * (1)定义学生类,包含姓名(String name),性别(String gender),年龄(int age)三个属性,
     3  * 生成空参有参构造,set和get方法,toString方法
     4  * @author vanguard
     5  * @param <T>
     6  *
     7  */
     8 public class Student implements Serializable {
     9     /**
    10      * 
    11      */
    12     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1234545434L;
    13     private String name;
    14     private String gender;
    15     private int age;
    17     public Student() {}
    19     public Student(String name, String gender, int age) {
    20         super();
    21         this.name = name;
    22         this.gender = gender;
    23         this.age = age;
    24     }
    26     public String getName() {
    27         return name;
    28     }
    30     public void setName(String name) {
    31         this.name = name;
    32     }
    34     public String getGender() {
    35         return gender;
    36     }
    38     public void setGender(String gender) {
    39         this.gender = gender;
    40     }
    42     public int getAge() {
    43         return age;
    44     }
    46     public void setAge(int age) {
    47         this.age = age;
    48     }
    50     @Override
    51     public int hashCode() {
    52         final int prime = 31;
    53         int result = 1;
    54         result = prime * result + age;
    55         result = prime * result + ((gender == null) ? 0 : gender.hashCode());
    56         result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode());
    57         return result;
    58     }
    60     @Override
    61     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    62         if (this == obj)
    63             return true;
    64         if (obj == null)
    65             return false;
    66         if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
    67             return false;
    68         Student other = (Student) obj;
    69         if (age != other.age)
    70             return false;
    71         if (gender == null) {
    72             if (other.gender != null)
    73                 return false;
    74         } else if (!gender.equals(other.gender))
    75             return false;
    76         if (name == null) {
    77             if (other.name != null)
    78                 return false;
    79         } else if (!name.equals(other.name))
    80             return false;
    81         return true;
    82     }
    84     @Override
    85     public String toString() {
    86         return "Person [name=" + name + ", gender=" + gender + ", age=" + age
    87                 + "]";
    88     }
    91 }
      1 /**
      2  * 1.用代码实现以下需求
      3     (1)定义学生类,包含姓名(String name),性别(String gender),年龄(int age)三个属性,
      4         生成空参有参构造,set和get方法,toString方法
      5     (2)键盘录入6个学员信息(录入格式:张三,男,25),要求有两个相同的信息,
      6          将6个学员信息存入到ArrayList集合中
      7     (3)将存有6个学员信息的ArrayList集合对象写入到D:\StudentInfo.txt文件中
      8     (4)读取D:\StudentInfo.txt文件中的ArrayList对象
      9     (5)对ArrayList集合中的6个学生对象进行去重并按照年龄从小到大的顺序排序
     10     (6)将ArrayList集合中排序后的结果利用PrintWriter流写入到
     11         E:\StudentInfo.txt文件中(写入格式:张三-男-25)
     12  * @author vanguard
     13  *
     14  */
     15 public class Demo01 {
     16     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {    
     17         List<Student> list = new ArrayList<Student>();
     18 //        list = addStudentInfo(list);
     19 //        writeStudentInfo(list);
     20         list = readStudentInfo(list);
     21         list = sortStudent(list);
     22         writeStudentInfoToFile(list);
     24     }
     25     /**
     26      * 将ArrayList集合中排序后的结果利用PrintWriter流写入到
     27         E:\StudentInfo.txt文件中(写入格式:张三-男-25)
     28      * @param list
     29      * @throws IOException
     30      */
     31     private static void writeStudentInfoToFile(List<Student> list) throws IOException {
     32         PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new File("StudentInfo.txt"));
     33         for(Student s : list) {
     34             pw.println(s.getName() + "-" + s.getGender() + "-" + s.getAge());
     35             pw.flush();
     36         }
     37         pw.close();
     38     }
     39     /**
     40      * 对ArrayList集合中的6个学生对象进行去重并按照年龄从小到大的顺序排序
     41      * @param list
     42      * @return
     43      */
     44     private static List<Student> sortStudent(List<Student> list) {
     45         //6个学生对象进行去重
     46         Set<Student> set = new HashSet<Student>();
     47         List<Student> stu = new ArrayList<Student>();
     48         set.addAll(list);
     49         //按照年龄从小到大的顺序排序
     50         TreeSet<Student> students = new TreeSet<Student>(new Comparator<Student>() {
     52             @Override
     53             public int compare(Student o1, Student o2) {
     55                 return o1.getAge() < o2.getAge() ? -1 : 1;
     56             }
     58         });
     59         for(Student s : set) {
     60             students.add(s);
     61         }
     62         for(Student s : students) {
     63             stu.add(s);
     64         }
     65         return stu;
     66     }
     68     /**
     69      * 读取D:\StudentInfo.txt文件中的ArrayList对象
     70      * 对象的反序列化
     71      * @param list
     72      * @return
     73      * @throws IOException
     74      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     75      */
     76     private static List<Student> readStudentInfo(List<Student> list) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
     77         FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File("student.txt"));
     78         ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
     79         list = (List<Student>) ois.readObject();
     80         for(Student s : list) {
     81             System.out.println(s);
     82         }
     83         return list;
     84     }
     85     /**
     86      * 将存有6个学员信息的ArrayList集合对象写入到D:\StudentInfo.txt文件中
     87      * 对象的序列化
     88      * @param list
     89      * @throws IOException
     90      */
     91     private static void writeStudentInfo(List<Student> list) throws IOException {
     92         FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File("student.txt"));
     93         ObjectOutputStream os = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
     94         os.writeObject(list);
     95         os.close();
     96         fos.close();
     97     }
     98     /**
     99      * 将学生信息添加到List集合中
    100      * 键盘录入6个学生信息
    101      * @param list
    102      * @return
    103      */
    104     private static List<Student> addStudentInfo(List<Student> list) {
    105         //键盘录入6个学员信息
    106         Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
    107         for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    108             String personInfo = sc.next();
    109             String[] s = personInfo.split(",");
    110             Student student = new Student(s[0], s[1], Integer.parseInt(s[s.length-1]));
    111             list.add(student);
    112         }
    113         return list;
    114     }
    115 }


     1 /**
     2  * 2.用代码实现以下需求:
     3     (1)已知配置文件config.properties中有三个键值对
     4            name=zhangsan
     5            score=80
     6            address=beijing
     7     (2)使用IO字节流对象和Properties类结合使用,将配置文件中的score键的值修改为100
     8  * @author vanguard
     9  *
    10  */
    11 public class Demo02 {
    12     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    13         Properties prop = new Properties();
    14         //创建字符输入流对象
    15         FileReader fr = new FileReader("config.properties");
    16         //流对象读取文件中的键值对,保存到集合
    17         prop.load(fr);
    18         //修改键为score的值为100
    19         prop.setProperty("score", "100");
    20         //创建字符输出流对象
    21         FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("config.properties");
    22         //接收所有的字符的输出流,将集合中的键值对,写回文件中保存
    23         prop.store(fw, "");
    24         //释放资源
    25         fw.close();
    26         fr.close();
    27     }
    28 }


     1 /**
     2  * 3.获取指定目录及子目录下所有txt文件的个数,并将这些txt文件复制到D盘下任意目录
     3  * @author vanguard
     4  *
     5  */
     6 public class Demo03 {
     7     public static void main(String[] args) {
     8         File src = new File("d:\TortoiseSVN");
     9         File dest = new File("d:\txt");
    10         //定义文件个数
    11         int count = 0;
    12         try {
    13             count = fileNum(src, dest, count);
    14         } catch (IOException e) {
    16             e.printStackTrace();
    17         }
    18         System.out.println("txt文件的个数为:" + count);
    19     }
    21     /**
    22      * 统计指定目录及子目录下所有txt文件的个数
    23      * @param src
    24      * @throws IOException 
    25      */
    26     private static int fileNum(File src, File dest, int count) throws IOException {
    27         //遍历目录下的文件及目录
    28         for(File f : src.listFiles()) {
    29             if(f.isDirectory()) {
    30                 count = fileNum(f, dest, count);
    31             } else {
    32                 //如果是文件,且以.txt结尾,文件个数加1,调用复制文件方法
    33                 if(f.getName().endsWith(".txt")) {
    34                     count++;
    35                     copyFile(f, new File(dest, f.getName()));
    36                 }
    37             }
    38         }
    39         return count;
    40     }
    42     /**
    43      * 复制文件
    44      * @param src
    45      * @param dest
    46      * @throws IOException
    47      */
    48     private static void copyFile(File src, File dest) throws IOException {
    49         //定义字符输入流缓冲流对象
    50         BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(src));
    51         //打印流对象
    52         PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(dest));
    53         //定义读取字符串
    54         String line = null;
    55         while(null != (line = br.readLine())) {
    56             pw.println(line);
    58         }
    59         //释放资源
    60         br.close();
    61         pw.close();
    62     }
    63 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/guodong-wang/p/7219801.html
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