UIListView 继承自 UIScrollView ,掌握 UIScrollView 用法和源码是非常有必要滴
self.listView = cc.ui.UIListView.new({ direction = cc.ui.UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL, alignment = cc.ui.UIListView.ALIGNMENT_VCENTER, viewRect = cc.rect(0,0,bg:getContentSize().width - 28, bg:getContentSize().height-88), })
- direction 列表控件的滚动方向,默认为垂直方向 - alignment listViewItem中content的对齐方式,默认为垂直居中 - viewRect 列表控件的显示区域 - scrollbarImgH 水平方向的滚动条 - scrollbarImgV 垂直方向的滚动条 - bgColor 背景色,nil表示无背景色 - bgStartColor 渐变背景开始色,nil表示无背景色 - bgEndColor 渐变背景结束色,nil表示无背景色 - bg 背景图 - bgScale9 背景图是否可缩放 - capInsets 缩放区域
item 、设置间隔:
local margin = {top = 0,bottom = 5,left = 0,right = 0} local listItem = self.listView:newItem(node) listItem:setMargin(margin) --设置间隔 (如果是玩家自己的话,就放大一点) listItem:setItemSize(node:getContentSize().width, node:getContentSize().height)
function UIListViewItem:setItemSize(w, h, bNoMargin) if not bNoMargin then if UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL == self.lvDirection_ then h = h + self.margin_.top + self.margin_.bottom else w = w + self.margin_.left + self.margin_.right end end -- print("UIListViewItem - setItemSize w:" .. w .. " h:" .. h) local oldSize = {width = self.width, height = self.height} local newSize = {width = w, height = h} self.width = w or 0 self.height = h or 0 self:setContentSize(w, h) local bg = self:getChildByTag(UIListViewItem.BG_TAG) if bg then bg:setContentSize(w, h) bg:setPosition(cc.p(w/2, h/2)) end self.listener(self, newSize, oldSize) end
listItem:setItemSize(node:getContentSize().width, node:getContentSize().height + XXXXX)
-------------------------------- -- @module UIListView --[[-- quick 列表控件 ]] local UIScrollView = import(".UIScrollView") local UIListView = class("UIListView", UIScrollView) local UIListViewItem = import(".UIListViewItem") UIListView.DELEGATE = "ListView_delegate" UIListView.TOUCH_DELEGATE = "ListView_Touch_delegate" UIListView.CELL_TAG = "Cell" UIListView.CELL_SIZE_TAG = "CellSize" UIListView.COUNT_TAG = "Count" UIListView.CLICKED_TAG = "Clicked" UIListView.UNLOAD_CELL_TAG = "UnloadCell" UIListView.BG_ZORDER = -1 UIListView.CONTENT_ZORDER = 10 UIListView.ALIGNMENT_LEFT = 0 UIListView.ALIGNMENT_RIGHT = 1 UIListView.ALIGNMENT_VCENTER = 2 UIListView.ALIGNMENT_TOP = 3 UIListView.ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM = 4 UIListView.ALIGNMENT_HCENTER = 5 -- start -- -------------------------------- -- UIListView构建函数 -- @function [parent=#UIListView] new -- @param table params 参数表 --[[-- UIListView构建函数 可用参数有: - direction 列表控件的滚动方向,默认为垂直方向 - alignment listViewItem中content的对齐方式,默认为垂直居中 - viewRect 列表控件的显示区域 - scrollbarImgH 水平方向的滚动条 - scrollbarImgV 垂直方向的滚动条 - bgColor 背景色,nil表示无背景色 - bgStartColor 渐变背景开始色,nil表示无背景色 - bgEndColor 渐变背景结束色,nil表示无背景色 - bg 背景图 - bgScale9 背景图是否可缩放 - capInsets 缩放区域 ]] -- end -- function UIListView:ctor(params) UIListView.super.ctor(self, params) self.items_ = {} self.direction = params.direction or UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL self.alignment = params.alignment or UIListView.ALIGNMENT_VCENTER self.bAsyncLoad = params.async or false self.container = cc.Node:create() -- self.padding_ = params.padding or {left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0} -- params.viewRect.x = params.viewRect.x + self.padding_.left -- params.viewRect.y = params.viewRect.y + self.padding_.bottom -- params.viewRect.width = params.viewRect.width - self.padding_.left - self.padding_.right -- params.viewRect.height = params.viewRect.height - self.padding_.bottom - self.padding_.top self:setDirection(params.direction) self:setViewRect(params.viewRect) self:addScrollNode(self.container) self:onScroll(handler(self, self.scrollListener)) self.size = {} self.itemsFree_ = {} self.delegate_ = {} self.redundancyViewVal = 0 --异步的视图两个方向上的冗余大小,横向代表宽,竖向代表高 end function UIListView:onCleanup() self:releaseAllFreeItems_() end -- start -- -------------------------------- -- 列表控件触摸注册函数 -- @function [parent=#UIListView] onTouch -- @param function listener 触摸临听函数 -- @return UIListView#UIListView self 自身 -- end -- function UIListView:onTouch(listener) self.touchListener_ = listener return self end -- start -- -------------------------------- -- 列表控件设置所有listItem中content的对齐方式 -- @function [parent=#UIListView] setAlignment -- @param number align 对 -- @return UIListView#UIListView self 自身 -- end -- function UIListView:setAlignment(align) self.alignment = align end -- start -- -------------------------------- -- 创建一个新的listViewItem项 -- @function [parent=#UIListView] newItem -- @param node item 要放到listViewItem中的内容content -- @return UIListViewItem#UIListViewItem -- end -- function UIListView:newItem(item) item = UIListViewItem.new(item) item:setDirction(self.direction) item:onSizeChange(handler(self, self.itemSizeChangeListener)) return item end -- start -- -------------------------------- -- 设置显示区域 -- @function [parent=#UIListView] setViewRect -- @return UIListView#UIListView self -- end -- function UIListView:setViewRect(viewRect) if UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL == self.direction then self.redundancyViewVal = viewRect.height else self.redundancyViewVal = viewRect.width end UIListView.super.setViewRect(self, viewRect) end function UIListView:itemSizeChangeListener(listItem, newSize, oldSize) local pos = self:getItemPos(listItem) if not pos then return end local itemW, itemH = newSize.width - oldSize.width, newSize.height - oldSize.height if UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL == self.direction then itemW = 0 else itemH = 0 end local content = listItem:getContent() transition.moveBy(content, {x = itemW/2, y = itemH/2, time = 0.2}) self.size.width = self.size.width + itemW self.size.height = self.size.height + itemH if UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL == self.direction then transition.moveBy(self.container, {x = -itemW, y = -itemH, time = 0.2}) self:moveItems(1, pos - 1, itemW, itemH, true) else self:moveItems(pos + 1, table.nums(self.items_), itemW, itemH, true) end end function UIListView:scrollListener(event) if "clicked" == event.name then local nodePoint = self.container:convertToNodeSpace(cc.p(event.x, event.y)) local pos local idx if self.bAsyncLoad then local itemRect for i,v in ipairs(self.items_) do local posX, posY = v:getPosition() local itemW, itemH = v:getItemSize() itemRect = cc.rect(posX, posY, itemW, itemH) if cc.rectContainsPoint(itemRect, nodePoint) then idx = v.idx_ pos = i break end end else nodePoint.x = nodePoint.x - self.viewRect_.x nodePoint.y = nodePoint.y - self.viewRect_.y local width, height = 0, self.size.height local itemW, itemH = 0, 0 if UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL == self.direction then for i,v in ipairs(self.items_) do itemW, itemH = v:getItemSize() if nodePoint.y < height and nodePoint.y > height - itemH then pos = i idx = pos nodePoint.y = nodePoint.y - (height - itemH) break end height = height - itemH end else for i,v in ipairs(self.items_) do itemW, itemH = v:getItemSize() if nodePoint.x > width and nodePoint.x < width + itemW then pos = i idx = pos break end width = width + itemW end end end self:notifyListener_{name = "clicked", listView = self, itemPos = idx, item = self.items_[pos], point = nodePoint} else event.scrollView = nil event.listView = self self:notifyListener_(event) end end -- start -- -------------------------------- -- 在列表项中添加一项 -- @function [parent=#UIListView] addItem -- @param node listItem 要添加的项 -- @param integer pos 要添加的位置,默认添加到最后 -- @return UIListView#UIListView -- end -- function UIListView:addItem(listItem, pos) self:modifyItemSizeIf_(listItem) if pos then table.insert(self.items_, pos, listItem) else table.insert(self.items_, listItem) end self.container:addChild(listItem) return self end -- start -- -------------------------------- -- 在列表项中移除一项 -- @function [parent=#UIListView] removeItem -- @param node listItem 要移除的项 -- @param boolean bAni 是否要显示移除动画 -- @return UIListView#UIListView -- end -- function UIListView:removeItem(listItem, bAni) assert(not self.bAsyncLoad, "UIListView:removeItem() - syncload not support remove") local itemW, itemH = listItem:getItemSize() self.container:removeChild(listItem) local pos = self:getItemPos(listItem) if pos then table.remove(self.items_, pos) end if UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL == self.direction then itemW = 0 else itemH = 0 end self.size.width = self.size.width - itemW self.size.height = self.size.height - itemH if 0 == table.nums(self.items_) then return end if UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL == self.direction then self:moveItems(1, pos - 1, -itemW, -itemH, bAni) else self:moveItems(pos, table.nums(self.items_), -itemW, -itemH, bAni) end return self end -- start -- -------------------------------- -- 移除所有的项 -- @function [parent=#UIListView] removeAllItems -- @return integer#integer -- end -- function UIListView:removeAllItems() self.container:removeAllChildren() self.items_ = {} return self end -- start -- -------------------------------- -- 取某项在列表控件中的位置 -- @function [parent=#UIListView] getItemPos -- @param node listItem 列表项 -- @return integer#integer -- end -- function UIListView:getItemPos(listItem) for i,v in ipairs(self.items_) do if v == listItem then return i end end end -- start -- -------------------------------- -- 判断某项是否在列表控件的显示区域中 -- @function [parent=#UIListView] isItemInViewRect -- @param integer pos 列表项位置 -- @return boolean#boolean -- end -- function UIListView:isItemInViewRect(pos) local item if "number" == type(pos) then item = self.items_[pos] elseif "userdata" == type(pos) then item = pos end if not item then return end local bound = item:getBoundingBox() local nodePoint = self.container:convertToWorldSpace( cc.p(bound.x, bound.y)) bound.x = nodePoint.x bound.y = nodePoint.y return cc.rectIntersectsRect(self.viewRect_, bound) end -- start -- -------------------------------- -- 加载列表 -- @function [parent=#UIListView] reload -- @return UIListView#UIListView -- end -- function UIListView:reload() if self.bAsyncLoad then self:asyncLoad_() else self:layout_() end return self end -- start -- -------------------------------- -- 取一个空闲项出来,如果没有返回空 -- @function [parent=#UIListView] dequeueItem -- @return UIListViewItem#UIListViewItem item -- @see UIListViewItem -- end -- function UIListView:dequeueItem() if #self.itemsFree_ < 1 then return end local item item = table.remove(self.itemsFree_, 1) --标识从free中取出,在loadOneItem_中调用release --这里直接调用release,item会被释放掉 item.bFromFreeQueue_ = true return item end function UIListView:layout_() local width, height = 0, 0 local itemW, itemH = 0, 0 local margin -- calcate whole width height if UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL == self.direction then width = self.viewRect_.width for i,v in ipairs(self.items_) do itemW, itemH = v:getItemSize() itemW = itemW or 0 itemH = itemH or 0 height = height + itemH end else height = self.viewRect_.height for i,v in ipairs(self.items_) do itemW, itemH = v:getItemSize() itemW = itemW or 0 itemH = itemH or 0 width = width + itemW end end self:setActualRect({x = self.viewRect_.x, y = self.viewRect_.y, width = width, height = height}) self.size.width = width self.size.height = height local tempWidth, tempHeight = width, height if UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL == self.direction then itemW, itemH = 0, 0 local content for i,v in ipairs(self.items_) do itemW, itemH = v:getItemSize() itemW = itemW or 0 itemH = itemH or 0 tempHeight = tempHeight - itemH content = v:getContent() content:setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5) -- content:setPosition(itemW/2, itemH/2) self:setPositionByAlignment_(content, itemW, itemH, v:getMargin()) v:setPosition(self.viewRect_.x, self.viewRect_.y + tempHeight) end else itemW, itemH = 0, 0 tempWidth = 0 for i,v in ipairs(self.items_) do itemW, itemH = v:getItemSize() itemW = itemW or 0 itemH = itemH or 0 content = v:getContent() content:setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5) -- content:setPosition(itemW/2, itemH/2) self:setPositionByAlignment_(content, itemW, itemH, v:getMargin()) v:setPosition(self.viewRect_.x + tempWidth, self.viewRect_.y) tempWidth = tempWidth + itemW end end self.container:setPosition(0, self.viewRect_.height - self.size.height) end function UIListView:notifyItem(point) local count = self.listener[UIListView.DELEGATE](self, UIListView.COUNT_TAG) local temp = (self.direction == UIListView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL and self.container:getContentSize().height) or 0 local w,h = 0, 0 local tag = 0 for i = 1, count do w,h = self.listener[UIListView.DELEGATE](self, UIListView.CELL_SIZE_TAG, i) if self.direction == UIListView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL then temp = temp - h if point.y > temp then point.y = point.y - temp tag = i break end else temp = temp + w if point.x < temp then point.x = point.x + w - temp tag = i break end end end if 0 == tag then printInfo("UIListView - didn't found item") return end local item = self.container:getChildByTag(tag) self.listener[UIListView.DELEGATE](self, UIListView.CLICKED_TAG, tag, point) end function UIListView:moveItems(beginIdx, endIdx, x, y, bAni) if 0 == endIdx then self:elasticScroll() end local posX, posY = 0, 0 local moveByParams = {x = x, y = y, time = 0.2} for i=beginIdx, endIdx do if bAni then if i == beginIdx then moveByParams.onComplete = function() self:elasticScroll() end else moveByParams.onComplete = nil end transition.moveBy(self.items_[i], moveByParams) else posX, posY = self.items_[i]:getPosition() self.items_[i]:setPosition(posX + x, posY + y) if i == beginIdx then self:elasticScroll() end end end end function UIListView:notifyListener_(event) if not self.touchListener_ then return end self.touchListener_(event) end function UIListView:modifyItemSizeIf_(item) local w, h = item:getItemSize() if UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL == self.direction then if w ~= self.viewRect_.width then item:setItemSize(self.viewRect_.width, h, true) end else if h ~= self.viewRect_.height then item:setItemSize(w, self.viewRect_.height, true) end end end function UIListView:update_(dt) UIListView.super.update_(self, dt) self:checkItemsInStatus_() if self.bAsyncLoad then self:increaseOrReduceItem_() end end function UIListView:checkItemsInStatus_() if not self.itemInStatus_ then self.itemInStatus_ = {} end local rectIntersectsRect = function(rectParent, rect) -- dump(rectParent, "parent:") -- dump(rect, "rect:") local nIntersects -- 0:no intersects,1:have intersects,2,have intersects and include totally local bIn = rectParent.x <= rect.x and rectParent.x + rectParent.width >= rect.x + rect.width and rectParent.y <= rect.y and rectParent.y + rectParent.height >= rect.y + rect.height if bIn then nIntersects = 2 else local bNotIn = rectParent.x > rect.x + rect.width or rectParent.x + rectParent.width < rect.x or rectParent.y > rect.y + rect.height or rectParent.y + rectParent.height < rect.y if bNotIn then nIntersects = 0 else nIntersects = 1 end end return nIntersects end local newStatus = {} local bound local nodePoint for i,v in ipairs(self.items_) do bound = v:getBoundingBox() nodePoint = self.container:convertToWorldSpace(cc.p(bound.x, bound.y)) bound.x = nodePoint.x bound.y = nodePoint.y newStatus[i] = rectIntersectsRect(self.viewRect_, bound) end -- dump(self.itemInStatus_, "status:") -- dump(newStatus, "newStatus:") for i,v in ipairs(newStatus) do if self.itemInStatus_[i] and self.itemInStatus_[i] ~= v then -- print("statsus:" .. self.itemInStatus_[i] .. " v:" .. v) local params = {listView = self, itemPos = i, item = self.items_[i]} if 0 == v then params.name = "itemDisappear" elseif 1 == v then params.name = "itemAppearChange" elseif 2 == v then params.name = "itemAppear" end self:notifyListener_(params) else -- print("status same:" .. self.itemInStatus_[i]) end end self.itemInStatus_ = newStatus -- dump(self.itemInStatus_, "status:") -- print("itemStaus:" .. #self.itemInStatus_) end --[[-- 动态调整item,是否需要加载新item,移除旧item 私有函数 ]] function UIListView:increaseOrReduceItem_() if 0 == #self.items_ then print("ERROR items count is 0") return end local getContainerCascadeBoundingBox = function () local boundingBox for i, item in ipairs(self.items_) do local w,h = item:getItemSize() local x,y = item:getPosition() local anchor = item:getAnchorPoint() x = x - anchor.x * w y = y - anchor.y * h if boundingBox then boundingBox = cc.rectUnion(boundingBox, cc.rect(x, y, w, h)) else boundingBox = cc.rect(x, y, w, h) end end local point = self.container:convertToWorldSpace(cc.p(boundingBox.x, boundingBox.y)) boundingBox.x = point.x boundingBox.y = point.y return boundingBox end local count = self.delegate_[UIListView.DELEGATE](self, UIListView.COUNT_TAG) local nNeedAdjust = 2 --作为是否还需要再增加或减少item的标志,2表示上下两个方向或左右都需要调整 local cascadeBound = getContainerCascadeBoundingBox() local item local itemW, itemH -- print("child count:" .. self.container:getChildrenCount()) -- dump(cascadeBound, "increaseOrReduceItem_ cascadeBound:") -- dump(self.viewRect_, "increaseOrReduceItem_ viewRect:") if UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL == self.direction then --ahead part of view local disH = cascadeBound.y + cascadeBound.height - self.viewRect_.y - self.viewRect_.height local tempIdx item = self.items_[1] if not item then print("increaseOrReduceItem_ item is nil, all item count:" .. #self.items_) return end tempIdx = item.idx_ -- print(string.format("befor disH:%d, view val:%d", disH, self.redundancyViewVal)) if disH > self.redundancyViewVal then itemW, itemH = item:getItemSize() if cascadeBound.height - itemH > self.viewRect_.height and disH - itemH > self.redundancyViewVal then self:unloadOneItem_(tempIdx) else nNeedAdjust = nNeedAdjust - 1 end else item = nil tempIdx = tempIdx - 1 if tempIdx > 0 then local localPoint = self.container:convertToNodeSpace(cc.p(cascadeBound.x, cascadeBound.y + cascadeBound.height)) item = self:loadOneItem_(localPoint, tempIdx, true) end if nil == item then nNeedAdjust = nNeedAdjust - 1 end end --part after view disH = self.viewRect_.y - cascadeBound.y item = self.items_[#self.items_] if not item then return end tempIdx = item.idx_ -- print(string.format("after disH:%d, view val:%d", disH, self.redundancyViewVal)) if disH > self.redundancyViewVal then itemW, itemH = item:getItemSize() if cascadeBound.height - itemH > self.viewRect_.height and disH - itemH > self.redundancyViewVal then self:unloadOneItem_(tempIdx) else nNeedAdjust = nNeedAdjust - 1 end else item = nil tempIdx = tempIdx + 1 if tempIdx <= count then local localPoint = self.container:convertToNodeSpace(cc.p(cascadeBound.x, cascadeBound.y)) item = self:loadOneItem_(localPoint, tempIdx) end if nil == item then nNeedAdjust = nNeedAdjust - 1 end end else --left part of view local disW = self.viewRect_.x - cascadeBound.x item = self.items_[1] local tempIdx = item.idx_ if disW > self.redundancyViewVal then itemW, itemH = item:getItemSize() if cascadeBound.width - itemW > self.viewRect_.width and disW - itemW > self.redundancyViewVal then self:unloadOneItem_(tempIdx) else nNeedAdjust = nNeedAdjust - 1 end else item = nil tempIdx = tempIdx - 1 if tempIdx > 0 then local localPoint = self.container:convertToNodeSpace(cc.p(cascadeBound.x, cascadeBound.y)) item = self:loadOneItem_(localPoint, tempIdx, true) end if nil == item then nNeedAdjust = nNeedAdjust - 1 end end --right part of view disW = cascadeBound.x + cascadeBound.width - self.viewRect_.x - self.viewRect_.width item = self.items_[#self.items_] tempIdx = item.idx_ if disW > self.redundancyViewVal then itemW, itemH = item:getItemSize() if cascadeBound.width - itemW > self.viewRect_.width and disW - itemW > self.redundancyViewVal then self:unloadOneItem_(tempIdx) else nNeedAdjust = nNeedAdjust - 1 end else item = nil tempIdx = tempIdx + 1 if tempIdx <= count then local localPoint = self.container:convertToNodeSpace(cc.p(cascadeBound.x + cascadeBound.width, cascadeBound.y)) item = self:loadOneItem_(localPoint, tempIdx) end if nil == item then nNeedAdjust = nNeedAdjust - 1 end end end -- print("increaseOrReduceItem_() adjust:" .. nNeedAdjust) -- print("increaseOrReduceItem_() item count:" .. #self.items_) if nNeedAdjust > 0 then return self:increaseOrReduceItem_() end end --[[-- 异步加载列表数据 @return UIListView ]] function UIListView:asyncLoad_() self:removeAllItems() self.container:setPosition(0, 0) self.container:setContentSize(cc.size(0, 0)) local count = self.delegate_[UIListView.DELEGATE](self, UIListView.COUNT_TAG) self.items_ = {} local itemW, itemH = 0, 0 local item local containerW, containerH = 0, 0 local posX, posY = 0, 0 for i=1,count do item, itemW, itemH = self:loadOneItem_(cc.p(posX, posY), i) if UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL == self.direction then posY = posY - itemH containerH = containerH + itemH else posX = posX + itemW containerW = containerW + itemW end -- 初始布局,最多保证可隐藏的区域大于显示区域就可以了 if containerW > self.viewRect_.width + self.redundancyViewVal or containerH > self.viewRect_.height + self.redundancyViewVal then break end end -- self.container:setPosition(self.viewRect_.x, self.viewRect_.y) if UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL == self.direction then self.container:setPosition(self.viewRect_.x, self.viewRect_.y + self.viewRect_.height) else self.container:setPosition(self.viewRect_.x, self.viewRect_.y) end return self end -- start -- -------------------------------- -- 设置delegate函数 -- @function [parent=#UIListView] setDelegate -- @return UIListView#UIListView -- end -- function UIListView:setDelegate(delegate) self.delegate_[UIListView.DELEGATE] = delegate end --[[-- 调整item中content的布局, 私有函数 ]] function UIListView:setPositionByAlignment_(content, w, h, margin) local size = content:getContentSize() if 0 == margin.left and 0 == margin.right and 0 == margin.top and 0 == margin.bottom then if UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL == self.direction then if UIListView.ALIGNMENT_LEFT == self.alignment then content:setPosition(size.width/2, h/2) elseif UIListView.ALIGNMENT_RIGHT == self.alignment then content:setPosition(w - size.width/2, h/2) else content:setPosition(w/2, h/2) end else if UIListView.ALIGNMENT_TOP == self.alignment then content:setPosition(w/2, h - size.height/2) elseif UIListView.ALIGNMENT_RIGHT == self.alignment then content:setPosition(w/2, size.height/2) else content:setPosition(w/2, h/2) end end else local posX, posY if 0 ~= margin.right then posX = w - margin.right - size.width/2 else posX = size.width/2 + margin.left end if 0 ~= margin.top then posY = h - margin.top - size.height/2 else posY = size.height/2 + margin.bottom end content:setPosition(posX, posY) end end --[[-- 加载一个数据项 私有函数 @param table originPoint 数据项要加载的起始位置 @param number idx 要加载数据的序号 @param boolean bBefore 是否加在已有项的前面 @return UIListViewItem item ]] function UIListView:loadOneItem_(originPoint, idx, bBefore) -- print("UIListView loadOneItem idx:" .. idx) -- dump(originPoint, "originPoint:") local itemW, itemH = 0, 0 local item local containerW, containerH = 0, 0 local posX, posY = originPoint.x, originPoint.y local content item = self.delegate_[UIListView.DELEGATE](self, UIListView.CELL_TAG, idx) if nil == item then print("ERROR! UIListView load nil item") return end item.idx_ = idx itemW, itemH = item:getItemSize() if UIScrollView.DIRECTION_VERTICAL == self.direction then itemW = itemW or 0 itemH = itemH or 0 if bBefore then posY = posY else posY = posY - itemH end content = item:getContent() content:setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5) self:setPositionByAlignment_(content, itemW, itemH, item:getMargin()) item:setPosition(0, posY) containerH = containerH + itemH else itemW = itemW or 0 itemH = itemH or 0 if bBefore then posX = posX - itemW end content = item:getContent() content:setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5) self:setPositionByAlignment_(content, itemW, itemH, item:getMargin()) item:setPosition(posX, 0) containerW = containerW + itemW end if bBefore then table.insert(self.items_, 1, item) else table.insert(self.items_, item) end self.container:addChild(item) if item.bFromFreeQueue_ then item.bFromFreeQueue_ = nil item:release() end -- local cascadeBound = self.container:getCascadeBoundingBox() -- dump(cascadeBound, "cascadeBound:") return item, itemW, itemH end --[[-- 移除一个数据项 私有函数 ]] function UIListView:unloadOneItem_(idx) -- print("UIListView unloadOneItem idx:" .. idx) local item = self.items_[1] if nil == item then return end if item.idx_ > idx then return end local unloadIdx = idx - item.idx_ + 1 item = self.items_[unloadIdx] if nil == item then return end table.remove(self.items_, unloadIdx) self:addFreeItem_(item) -- item:removeFromParent(false) self.container:removeChild(item, false) self.delegate_[UIListView.DELEGATE](self, UIListView.UNLOAD_CELL_TAG, idx) end --[[-- 加一个空项到空闲列表中 私有函数 ]] function UIListView:addFreeItem_(item) item:retain() table.insert(self.itemsFree_, item) end --[[-- 释放所有的空闲列表项 私有函数 ]] function UIListView:releaseAllFreeItems_() for i,v in ipairs(self.itemsFree_) do v:release() end self.itemsFree_ = {} end return UIListView