• 在博客中显示不走样的代码

      要注意的是,由于该代码用到了HttpUtility类,因此还得手动添加对System.Web的引用,而不仅仅是添加一句“Imports System.Web”。
    Imports System.Web

    Public Class clsFormatCode
      Private Shared Function CodeRtfToHtml(ByVal RtfCode As String, ByVal DefaultFont As String)
        Dim tS As New System.Text.StringBuilder

        RtfCode = RtfCode.Replace(vbNewLine, "")


        Dim I As Integer, J As Integer, K As Integer = 1

        I = RtfCode.IndexOf("{\colortbl;") + 11

        Do While RtfCode.Chars(I + 1) <> "}"
          J = RtfCode.IndexOf(";", I + 1)
          tS.AppendLine(".cf" & K & " {color:" & GetColorHex(RtfCode.Substring(I + 1, J - I)) & "}")
          K += 1
          I = J


        I = RtfCode.IndexOf("\fs") + 3
        K = I
        Dim CurColor As String = "\cf0"

        J = RtfCode.IndexOf("\", I)
        Do While J <> -1
          If RtfCode.Substring(J, 2) = "\\" Then
            I = J + 2
          ElseIf RtfCode.Substring(J, 2) = "\{" Then
            I = J + 2
          ElseIf RtfCode.Substring(J, 2) = "\}" Then
            I = J + 2
          ElseIf RtfCode.Substring(J, 4) = "\par" Then
            tS.Append(GetText(RtfCode.Substring(K, J - K), CurColor))
            I = J + 5
            K = J + 5
            tS.Append("<br />" & vbNewLine)
          ElseIf RtfCode.Substring(J, 3) = "\cf" Then
            tS.Append(GetText(RtfCode.Substring(K, J - K), CurColor))
            K = RtfCode.IndexOf(" ", J + 1) - J
            CurColor = RtfCode.Substring(J, K)
            I = J + K + 1
            K = I
            I = J + 1
          End If
          J = RtfCode.IndexOf("\", I)

        tS.Append(GetText(RtfCode.Substring(K, RtfCode.Length - K - 1), CurColor))

        Return tS.ToString
      End Function

      Public Shared Function CodeRtfToHtml(ByVal RtfCode As String, ByVal Font As String, ByVal FontSize As String)
        Return CodeRtfToHtml(RtfCode, String.Format("<div style='color:black;font-family:{0};font-size:{1};'>", Font, FontSize))
      End Function

      Public Shared Function CodeRtfToHtml(ByVal RtfCode As String) As String
        Return CodeRtfToHtml(RtfCode, "<div style='color:black;font-family:Verdana;font-size:12pt;'>")
      End Function

      Private Shared Function GetText(ByVal Text As String, ByVal CurColor As String) As String
        Text = Text.Replace("\\", "\")
        Text = Text.Replace("\{", "{")
        Text = Text.Replace("\}", "}")
        Text = Text.Replace("  ", " ")
        If CurColor = "\cf0" Then
          Return HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Text)
          Return "<span class='" & CurColor.Substring(1) & "'>" & HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Text) & "</span>"
        End If
      End Function

      Private Shared Function GetColorHex(ByVal ColorText As String) As String
        Dim SR As Integer = ColorText.IndexOf("\red")
        Dim SG As Integer = ColorText.IndexOf("\green")
        Dim SB As Integer = ColorText.IndexOf("\blue")

        Dim R As Integer = CInt(ColorText.Substring(SR + 4, SG - SR - 4))
        Dim G As Integer = CInt(ColorText.Substring(SG + 6, SB - SG - 6))
        Dim B As Integer = CInt(ColorText.Substring(SB + 5, ColorText.Length - 1 - SB - 5))

        Return "#" & R.ToString("X2") & G.ToString("X2") & B.ToString("X2")
      End Function
    End Class
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