• 利用ArcSDE C API向SQL SERVER空间数据库中添加实体图形

     利用ArcSDE C API向SQL SERVER空间数据库中添加实体图形:

    摘要:本文以一个C/C++实例分步讲述了利用ArcSDE C API向空间数据库中添加实体图形的方法

    利用ArcSDE8.1 C API向空间数据库中添加实体图形大致可分为六步。步骤如下:


    SE_CONNECTION handle; //空间数据库连接对象

             SE_ERROR Connect_error; //错误状态

             LONG rc; //执行结果状态

             CHAR server[30] = "LCR"; //空间数据库服务器名

             CHAR instance[30] = "esri_sde"; //空间数据库实例名

             CHAR database[30] = ""; //数据库名

             CHAR user[30] = "sa"; //用户名

             CHAR passwd[30] = "sapassword"; //密码

             /* 创建连接 */

             rc = SE_connection_create(

                       server, instance, database, user, passwd, &Connect_error, &handle);

             /*错误检查 */

             check_error (handle, NULL, rc, "SE_connection_create");


             LONG num_cols; //列数

             SE_SHAPE shape; //形

             SE_ENVELOPE rect; //矩形范围

             LONG part_offsets[2], int_val;

             CHAR **attrs; //属性列

             CHAR column[32], table[32]; //列与表

             SE_COORDREF coordref; //坐标系引用

             SE_POINT pt[10]; //坐标点

             SE_LAYERINFO layer; //层信息

             SE_COLUMN_DEF *column_defs; //列定义对象

             SE_STREAM stream; //数据流

             /* 创建数据流连接 */

             SE_stream_create (handle, &stream);

             check_error (handle, NULL, rc, "SE_stream_create");


             /* 创建用户表 */

             strcpy(table, "MYTABLE");

             num_cols = 1;

             column_defs = (SE_COLUMN_DEF *) calloc (num_cols, sizeof(SE_COLUMN_DEF));

             strcpy (column_defs[0].column_name, "ATTR_COL");

             column_defs[0].sde_type = SE_INTEGER_TYPE; //为整形列

             column_defs[0].nulls_allowed = TRUE; //允许为空

             rc = SE_table_create(handle, table, num_cols, column_defs,"DEFAULTS");

             check_error (handle, NULL, rc, "SE_table_create");


             /* 创建层的坐标系参考 */

             rc = SE_coordref_create (&coordref);

             check_error (handle, NULL, rc, "SE_coordref_create");


             rc = SE_coordref_set_xy (coordref,0,0,10000);

             check_error (handle, NULL, rc, "SE_coordref_set_xy");


             rc = SE_layerinfo_create (coordref, &layer);

             check_error (handle, NULL, rc, "SE_layerinfo_create");


             rc = SE_layerinfo_set_grid_sizes (layer,1000,0,0);

             check_error (handle, NULL, rc, "SE_layerinfo_set_grid_sizes");

             rc = SE_layerinfo_set_shape_types(layer, SE_NIL_TYPE_MASK |

             SE_POINT_TYPE_MASK |

             SE_LINE_TYPE_MASK |


             SE_AREA_TYPE_MASK |

             SE_MULTIPART_TYPE_MASK );

             check_error(handle, NULL, rc, "SE_layerinfo_set_shape_types");

             rc = SE_layerinfo_set_creation_keyword (layer, "DEFAULTS");

             check_error (handle, NULL, rc, "SE_layerinfo_set_creation_keyword");

             strcpy(column, "SPATIAL_COL");

             rc = SE_layerinfo_set_spatial_column (layer, table, column);

             check_error (handle, NULL, rc, "SE_layerinfo_set_spatial_column");

             /* 创建层 */

             rc = SE_layer_create (handle, layer, 0,0);

             check_error (handle, NULL, rc, "SE_layer_create");


             /* 创建形 */

             rc = SE_shape_create (coordref, &shape);

             check_error (handle, NULL, rc, "SE_shape_create");

             /* 将表插入数据流 */

             attrs = (CHAR **) malloc (sizeof(CHAR *) * 2);

             attrs[0] = "ATTR_COL";

             attrs[1] = column;

             rc = SE_stream_insert_table (stream, table, 2, (const CHAR**) attrs);

             check_error (handle, NULL, rc, "SE_stream_insert_table");

             free (attrs);

             /* 设置矩形的最值并产生矩形*/

             rect.minx = 5000.0;

             rect.miny = 1000.0;

             rect.maxx = 8000.0;

             rect.maxy = 4000.0;



             rc = SE_shape_generate_rectangle (&rect, shape);

             check_error (handle, NULL, rc, "SE_shape_generate_rectangle");

             /* 设定形和属性列 */

             int_val = 2;

             rc = SE_stream_set_integer (stream, 1, &int_val);

             check_error (NULL, stream, rc, "SE_stream_set_integer");

             rc = SE_stream_set_shape (stream, 2, shape);

             check_error (NULL, stream, rc, "SE_stream_set_shape");

             /*插入行 */

             rc = SE_stream_execute (stream);

             check_error (NULL, stream, rc, "SE_stream_execute");

             /* 对面域设定坐标数组 – 一个中间有洞的矩形,并生成多边形 */

             part_offsets[0] = 0;

             pt[0].x = 1000.; pt[0].y = 1000.;

             pt[1].x = 4000.; pt[1].y = 1000.;

             pt[2].x = 4000.; pt[2].y = 4000.;

             pt[3].x = 1000.; pt[3].y = 4000.;

             pt[4].x = 1000.; pt[4].y = 1000.;

             pt[5].x = 2000.; pt[5].y = 2000.;

             pt[6].x = 2000.; pt[6].y = 3000.;

             pt[7].x = 3000.; pt[7].y = 3000.;

             pt[8].x = 3000.; pt[8].y = 2000.;

             pt[9].x = 2000.; pt[9].y = 2000.;



             rc = SE_shape_generate_polygon (10,1,part_offsets,pt,NULL,NULL,shape);

             check_error (handle, NULL, rc, "SE_shape_generate_polygon");

             /* 设定形及属性列 */

             int_val = 3;

             rc=SE_stream_set_integer (stream, 1, &int_val);

             check_error (NULL, stream, rc, "SE_stream_set_integer");

             rc = SE_stream_set_shape (stream, 2, shape);

             check_error (NULL, stream, rc, "SE_stream_set_shape");

             /* 插入行 */

             rc = SE_stream_execute (stream);

             check_error (NULL, stream, rc, "SE_stream_execute");


             SE_shape_free (shape);

             SE_coordref_free (coordref);

             SE_stream_free (stream);



             SE_connection_free (handle);

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/googlegis/p/2979086.html
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