• Layer Two Tunneling Protocol "L2TP"

    Layer Two Tunneling Protocol "L2TP"

    Status of this Memo
       This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
       Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
       improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
       Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
       and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
    Copyright Notice
       Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999).  All Rights Reserved.
       This document describes the Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP).  STD
       51, RFC 1661 specifies multi-protocol access via PPP [RFC1661].  L2TP
       facilitates the tunneling of PPP packets across an intervening
       network in a way that is as transparent as possible to both end-users
       and applications.
    Table of Contents
       1.0 Introduction..........................................    3
       1.1 Specification of Requirements.........................    4
       1.2 Terminology...........................................    4
       2.0 Topology..............................................    8
       3.0 Protocol Overview.....................................    9
       3.1 L2TP Header Format....................................    9
       3.2 Control Message Types.................................   11
       4.0 Control Message Attribute Value Pairs.................   12
       4.1 AVP Format............................................   13
       4.2 Mandatory AVPs........................................   14
       4.3 Hiding of AVP Attribute Values........................   14
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       4.4 AVP Summary...........................................   17
          4.4.1 AVPs Applicable To All Control Messages..........   17
          4.4.2 Result and Error Codes...........................   18
          4.4.3 Control Connection Management AVPs...............   20
          4.4.4 Call Management AVPs.............................   27
          4.4.5 Proxy LCP and Authentication AVPs................   34
          4.4.6 Call Status AVPs.................................   39
       5.0 Protocol Operation....................................   41
       5.1 Control Connection Establishment......................   41
          5.1.1 Tunnel Authentication............................   42
       5.2 Session Establishment.................................   42
          5.2.1 Incoming Call Establishment......................   42
          5.2.2 Outgoing Call Establishment......................   43
       5.3 Forwarding PPP Frames.................................   43
       5.4 Using Sequence Numbers on the Data Channel............   44
       5.5 Keepalive (Hello).....................................   44
       5.6 Session Teardown......................................   45
       5.7 Control Connection Teardown...........................   45
       5.8 Reliable Delivery of Control Messages.................   46
       6.0 Control Connection Protocol Specification.............   48
       6.1 Start-Control-Connection-Request (SCCRQ)..............   48
       6.2 Start-Control-Connection-Reply (SCCRP)................   48
       6.3 Start-Control-Connection-Connected (SCCCN)............   49
       6.4 Stop-Control-Connection-Notification (StopCCN)........   49
       6.5 Hello (HELLO).........................................   49
       6.6 Incoming-Call-Request (ICRQ)..........................   50
       6.7 Incoming-Call-Reply (ICRP)............................   51
       6.8 Incoming-Call-Connected (ICCN)........................   51
       6.9 Outgoing-Call-Request (OCRQ)..........................   52
       6.10 Outgoing-Call-Reply (OCRP)...........................   53
       6.11 Outgoing-Call-Connected (OCCN).......................   53
       6.12 Call-Disconnect-Notify (CDN).........................   53
       6.13 WAN-Error-Notify (WEN)...............................   54
       6.14 Set-Link-Info (SLI)..................................   54
       7.0 Control Connection State Machines.....................   54
       7.1 Control Connection Protocol Operation.................   55
       7.2 Control Connection States.............................   56
          7.2.1 Control Connection Establishment.................   56
       7.3 Timing considerations.................................   58
       7.4 Incoming calls........................................   58
          7.4.1 LAC Incoming Call States.........................   60
          7.4.2 LNS Incoming Call States.........................   62
       7.5 Outgoing calls........................................   63
          7.5.1 LAC Outgoing Call States.........................   64
          7.5.2 LNS Outgoing Call States.........................   66
       7.6 Tunnel Disconnection..................................   67
       8.0 L2TP Over Specific Media..............................   67
       8.1 L2TP over UDP/IP......................................   68
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       8.2 IP....................................................   69
       9.0 Security Considerations...............................   69
       9.1 Tunnel Endpoint Security..............................   70
       9.2 Packet Level Security.................................   70
       9.3 End to End Security...................................   70
       9.4 L2TP and IPsec........................................   71
       9.5 Proxy PPP Authentication..............................   71
       10.0 IANA Considerations..................................   71
       10.1 AVP Attributes.......................................   71
       10.2 Message Type AVP Values..............................   72
       10.3 Result Code AVP Values...............................   72
          10.3.1 Result Code Field Values........................   72
          10.3.2 Error Code Field Values.........................   72
       10.4 Framing Capabilities & Bearer Capabilities...........   72
       10.5 Proxy Authen Type AVP Values.........................   72
       10.6 AVP Header Bits......................................   73
       11.0 References...........................................   73
       12.0 Acknowledgments......................................   74
       13.0 Authors' Addresses...................................   75
       Appendix A: Control Channel Slow Start and Congestion
                   Avoidance.....................................   76
       Appendix B: Control Message Examples......................   77
       Appendix C: Intellectual Property Notice..................   79
       Full Copyright Statement..................................   80

    1.0 Introduction

       PPP [RFC1661] defines an encapsulation mechanism for transporting
       multiprotocol packets across layer 2 (L2) point-to-point links.
       Typically, a user obtains a L2 connection to a Network Access Server
       (NAS) using one of a number of techniques (e.g., dialup POTS, ISDN,
       ADSL, etc.)  and then runs PPP over that connection. In such a
       configuration, the L2 termination point and PPP session endpoint
       reside on the same physical device (i.e., the NAS).
       L2TP extends the PPP model by allowing the L2 and PPP endpoints to
       reside on different devices interconnected by a packet-switched
       network.  With L2TP, a user has an L2 connection to an access
       concentrator (e.g., modem bank, ADSL DSLAM, etc.), and the
       concentrator then tunnels individual PPP frames to the NAS. This
       allows the actual processing of PPP packets to be divorced from the
       termination of the L2 circuit.
       One obvious benefit of such a separation is that instead of requiring
       the L2 connection terminate at the NAS (which may require a
       long-distance toll charge), the connection may terminate at a (local)
       circuit concentrator, which then extends the logical PPP session over
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       a shared infrastructure such as frame relay circuit or the Internet.
       From the user's perspective, there is no functional difference between
       having the L2 circuit terminate in a NAS directly or using L2TP.
       L2TP may also solve the multilink hunt-group splitting problem.
       Multilink PPP [RFC1990] requires that all channels composing a
       multilink bundle be grouped at a single Network Access Server (NAS).
       Due to its ability to project a PPP session to a location other than
       the point at which it was physically received, L2TP can be used to
       make all channels terminate at a single NAS. This allows multilink
       operation even when the calls are spread across distinct physical
       This document defines the necessary control protocol for on-demand
       creation of tunnels between two nodes and the accompanying
       encapsulation for multiplexing multiple, tunneled PPP sessions.

    1.1 Specification of Requirements

       The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
       "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this
       document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

    1.2 Terminology

       Analog Channel
          A circuit-switched communication path which is intended to carry
          3.1 kHz audio in each direction.
       Attribute Value Pair (AVP)
          The variable length concatenation of a unique Attribute
          (represented by an integer) and a Value containing the actual
          value identified by the attribute. Multiple AVPs make up Control
          Messages which are used in the establishment, maintenance, and
          teardown of tunnels.
          A connection (or attempted connection) between a Remote System and
          LAC.  For example, a telephone call through the PSTN. A Call
          (Incoming or Outgoing) which is successfully established between a
          Remote System and LAC results in a corresponding L2TP Session
          within a previously established Tunnel between the LAC and LNS.
          (See also: Session, Incoming Call, Outgoing Call).
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       Called Number
          An indication to the receiver of a call as to what telephone
          number the caller used to reach it.
       Calling Number
          An indication to the receiver of a call as to the telephone number
          of the caller.
          Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol [RFC1994], a PPP
          cryptographic challenge/response authentication protocol in which
          the cleartext password is not passed over the line.
       Control Connection
          A control connection operates in-band over a tunnel to control the
          establishment, release, and maintenance of sessions and of the
          tunnel itself.
       Control Messages
          Control messages are exchanged between LAC and LNS pairs,
          operating in-band within the tunnel protocol. Control messages
          govern aspects of the tunnel and sessions within the tunnel.
       Digital Channel
          A circuit-switched communication path which is intended to carry
          digital information in each direction.
          Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access Module. A network device used
          in the deployment of DSL service. This is typically a concentrator
          of individual DSL lines located in a central office (CO) or local
       Incoming Call
          A Call received at an LAC to be tunneled to an LNS (see Call,
          Outgoing Call).
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       L2TP Access Concentrator (LAC)
          A node that acts as one side of an L2TP tunnel endpoint and is a
          peer to the L2TP Network Server (LNS).  The LAC sits between an
          LNS and a remote system and forwards packets to and from each.
          Packets sent from the LAC to the LNS requires tunneling with the
          L2TP protocol as defined in this document.  The connection from
          the LAC to the remote system is either local (see: Client LAC) or
          a PPP link.
       L2TP Network Server (LNS)
          A node that acts as one side of an L2TP tunnel endpoint and is a
          peer to the L2TP Access Concentrator (LAC).  The LNS is the
          logical termination point of a PPP session that is being tunneled
          from the remote system by the LAC.
       Management Domain (MD)
          A network or networks under the control of a single
          administration, policy or system. For example, an LNS's Management
          Domain might be the corporate network it serves. An LAC's
          Management Domain might be the Internet Service Provider that owns
          and manages it.
       Network Access Server (NAS)
          A device providing local network access to users across a remote
          access network such as the PSTN. An NAS may also serve as an LAC,
          LNS or both.
       Outgoing Call
          A Call placed by an LAC on behalf of an LNS (see Call, Incoming
          When used in context with L2TP, peer refers to either the LAC or
          LNS. An LAC's Peer is an LNS and vice versa. When used in context
          with PPP, a peer is either side of the PPP connection.
          Plain Old Telephone Service.
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       Remote System
          An end-system or router attached to a remote access network (i.e.
          a PSTN), which is either the initiator or recipient of a call.
          Also referred to as a dial-up or virtual dial-up client.
          L2TP is connection-oriented. The LNS and LAC maintain state for
          each Call that is initiated or answered by an LAC. An L2TP Session
          is created between the LAC and LNS when an end-to-end PPP
          connection is established between a Remote System and the LNS.
          Datagrams related to the PPP connection are sent over the Tunnel
          between the LAC and LNS. There is a one to one relationship
          between established L2TP Sessions and their associated Calls. (See
          also: Call).
          A Tunnel exists between a LAC-LNS pair. The Tunnel consists of a
          Control Connection and zero or more L2TP Sessions. The Tunnel
          carries encapsulated PPP datagrams and Control Messages between
          the LAC and the LNS.
       Zero-Length Body (ZLB) Message
          A control packet with only an L2TP header. ZLB messages are used
          for explicitly acknowledging packets on the reliable control
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    2.0 Topology

       The following diagram depicts a typical L2TP scenario. The goal is to
       tunnel PPP frames between the Remote System or LAC Client and an LNS
       located at a Home LAN.
                                                        [Home LAN]
                [LAC Client]----------+                     |
                                  ____|_____                +--[Host]
                                 |          |               |
                   [LAC]---------| Internet |-----[LNS]-----+
                     |           |__________|               |
                _____|_____                                 :
               |           |
               |  PSTN     |
     [Remote]--|  Cloud    |
     [System]  |           |                            [Home LAN]
               |___________|                                |
                     |          ______________              +---[Host]
                     |         |              |             |
                   [LAC]-------| Frame Relay  |---[LNS]-----+
                               | or ATM Cloud |             |
                               |______________|             :
       The Remote System initiates a PPP connection across the PSTN Cloud to
       an LAC. The LAC then tunnels the PPP connection across the Internet,
       Frame Relay, or ATM Cloud to an LNS whereby access to a Home LAN is
       obtained. The Remote System is provided addresses from the HOME LAN
       via PPP NCP negotiation. Authentication, Authorization and Accounting
       may be provided by the Home LAN's Management Domain as if the user
       were connected to a Network Access Server directly.
       A LAC Client (a Host which runs L2TP natively) may also participate
       in tunneling to the Home LAN without use of a separate LAC. In this
       case, the Host containing the LAC Client software already has a
       connection to the public Internet. A "virtual" PPP connection is then
       created and the local L2TP LAC Client software creates a tunnel to
       the LNS. As in the above case, Addressing, Authentication,
       Authorization and Accounting will be provided by the Home LAN's
       Management Domain.
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    3.0 Protocol Overview

       L2TP utilizes two types of messages, control messages and data
       messages. Control messages are used in the establishment, maintenance
       and clearing of tunnels and calls. Data messages are used to
       encapsulate PPP frames being carried over the tunnel. Control
       messages utilize a reliable Control Channel within L2TP to guarantee
       delivery (see section 5.1 for details). Data messages are not
       retransmitted when packet loss occurs.
       | PPP Frames        |
       +-------------------+    +-----------------------+
       | L2TP Data Messages|    | L2TP Control Messages |
       +-------------------+    +-----------------------+
       | L2TP Data Channel |    | L2TP Control Channel  |
       | (unreliable)      |    | (reliable)            |
       |      Packet Transport (UDP, FR, ATM, etc.)     |
       Figure 3.0 L2TP Protocol Structure
       Figure 3.0 depicts the relationship of PPP frames and Control
       Messages over the L2TP Control and Data Channels. PPP Frames are
       passed over an unreliable Data Channel encapsulated first by an L2TP
       header and then a Packet Transport such as UDP, Frame Relay, ATM,
       etc. Control messages are sent over a reliable L2TP Control Channel
       which transmits packets in-band over the same Packet Transport.
       Sequence numbers are required to be present in all control messages
       and are used to provide reliable delivery on the Control Channel.
       Data Messages may use sequence numbers to reorder packets and detect
       lost packets.
       All values are placed into their respective fields and sent in
       network order (high order octets first).

    3.1 L2TP Header Format

       L2TP packets for the control channel and data channel share a common
       header format. In each case where a field is optional, its space does
       not exist in the message if the field is marked not present. Note
       that while optional on data messages, the Length, Ns, and Nr fields
       marked as optional below, are required to be present on all control
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       This header is formatted:
        0                   1                   2                   3
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
       |T|L|x|x|S|x|O|P|x|x|x|x|  Ver  |          Length (opt)         |
       |           Tunnel ID           |           Session ID          |
       |             Ns (opt)          |             Nr (opt)          |
       |      Offset Size (opt)        |    Offset pad... (opt)
       Figure 3.1 L2TP Message Header
       The Type (T) bit indicates the type of message. It is set to 0 for a
       data message and 1 for a control message.
       If the Length (L) bit is 1, the Length field is present. This bit
       MUST be set to 1 for control messages.
       The x bits are reserved for future extensions. All reserved bits MUST
       be set to 0 on outgoing messages and ignored on incoming messages.
       If the Sequence (S) bit is set to 1 the Ns and Nr fields are present.
       The S bit MUST be set to 1 for control messages.
       If the Offset (O) bit is 1, the Offset Size field is present. The O
       bit MUST be set to 0 (zero) for control messages.
       If the Priority (P) bit is 1, this data message should receive
       preferential treatment in its local queuing and transmission.  LCP
       echo requests used as a keepalive for the link, for instance, should
       generally be sent with this bit set to 1. Without it, a temporary
       interval of local congestion could result in interference with
       keepalive messages and unnecessary loss of the link. This feature is
       only for use with data messages. The P bit MUST be set to 0 for all
       control messages.
       Ver MUST be 2, indicating the version of the L2TP data message header
       described in this document. The value 1 is reserved to permit
       detection of L2F [RFC2341] packets should they arrive intermixed with
       L2TP packets. Packets received with an unknown Ver field MUST be
       The Length field indicates the total length of the message in octets.
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       Tunnel ID indicates the identifier for the control connection. L2TP
       tunnels are named by identifiers that have local significance only.
       That is, the same tunnel will be given different Tunnel IDs by each
       end of the tunnel. Tunnel ID in each message is that of the intended
       recipient, not the sender. Tunnel IDs are selected and exchanged as
       Assigned Tunnel ID AVPs during the creation of a tunnel.
       Session ID indicates the identifier for a session within a tunnel.
       L2TP sessions are named by identifiers that have local significance
       only. That is, the same session will be given different Session IDs
       by each end of the session. Session ID in each message is that of the
       intended recipient, not the sender. Session IDs are selected and
       exchanged as Assigned Session ID AVPs during the creation of a
       Ns indicates the sequence number for this data or control message,
       beginning at zero and incrementing by one (modulo 2**16) for each
       message sent. See Section 5.8 and 5.4 for more information on using
       this field.
       Nr indicates the sequence number expected in the next control message
       to be received.  Thus, Nr is set to the Ns of the last in-order
       message received plus one (modulo 2**16). In data messages, Nr is
       reserved and, if present (as indicated by the S-bit), MUST be ignored
       upon receipt. See section 5.8 for more information on using this
       field in control messages.
       The Offset Size field, if present, specifies the number of octets
       past the L2TP header at which the payload data is expected to start.
       Actual data within the offset padding is undefined. If the offset
       field is present, the L2TP header ends after the last octet of the
       offset padding.

    3.2 Control Message Types

       The Message Type AVP (see section 4.4.1) defines the specific type of
       control message being sent. Recall from section 3.1 that this is only
       for control messages, that is, messages with the T-bit set to 1.
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       This document defines the following control message types (see
       Section 6.1 through 6.14 for details on the construction and use of
       each message):
       Control Connection Management
          0  (reserved)
          1  (SCCRQ)    Start-Control-Connection-Request
          2  (SCCRP)    Start-Control-Connection-Reply
          3  (SCCCN)    Start-Control-Connection-Connected
          4  (StopCCN)  Stop-Control-Connection-Notification
          5  (reserved)
          6  (HELLO)    Hello
       Call Management
          7  (OCRQ)     Outgoing-Call-Request
          8  (OCRP)     Outgoing-Call-Reply
          9  (OCCN)     Outgoing-Call-Connected
          10 (ICRQ)     Incoming-Call-Request
          11 (ICRP)     Incoming-Call-Reply
          12 (ICCN)     Incoming-Call-Connected
          13 (reserved)
          14 (CDN)      Call-Disconnect-Notify
       Error Reporting
          15 (WEN)      WAN-Error-Notify
       PPP Session Control
          16 (SLI)      Set-Link-Info

    4.0 Control Message Attribute Value Pairs

       To maximize extensibility while still permitting interoperability, a
       uniform method for encoding message types and bodies is used
       throughout L2TP.  This encoding will be termed AVP (Attribute-Value
       Pair) in the remainder of this document.
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    4.1 AVP Format

       Each AVP is encoded as:
        0                   1                   2                   3
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
       |M|H| rsvd  |      Length       |           Vendor ID           |
       |         Attribute Type        |        Attribute Value...
                           [until Length is reached]...                |
       The first six bits are a bit mask, describing the general attributes
       of the AVP.
       Two bits are defined in this document, the remaining are reserved for
       future extensions.  Reserved bits MUST be set to 0. An AVP received
       with a reserved bit set to 1 MUST be treated as an unrecognized AVP.
       Mandatory (M) bit: Controls the behavior required of an
       implementation which receives an AVP which it does not recognize. If
       the M bit is set on an unrecognized AVP within a message associated
       with a particular session, the session associated with this message
       MUST be terminated. If the M bit is set on an unrecognized AVP within
       a message associated with the overall tunnel, the entire tunnel (and
       all sessions within) MUST be terminated. If the M bit is not set, an
       unrecognized AVP MUST be ignored. The control message must then
       continue to be processed as if the AVP had not been present.
       Hidden (H) bit: Identifies the hiding of data in the Attribute Value
       field of an AVP.  This capability can be used to avoid the passing of
       sensitive data, such as user passwords, as cleartext in an AVP.
       Section 4.3 describes the procedure for performing AVP hiding.
       Length: Encodes the number of octets (including the Overall Length
       and bitmask fields) contained in this AVP. The Length may be
       calculated as 6 + the length of the Attribute Value field in octets.
       The field itself is 10 bits, permitting a maximum of 1023 octets of
       data in a single AVP. The minimum Length of an AVP is 6. If the
       length is 6, then the Attribute Value field is absent.
       Vendor ID: The IANA assigned "SMI Network Management Private
       Enterprise Codes" [RFC1700] value.  The value 0, corresponding to
       IETF adopted attribute values, is used for all AVPs defined within
       this document. Any vendor wishing to implement their own L2TP
       extensions can use their own Vendor ID along with private Attribute
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       values, guaranteeing that they will not collide with any other
       vendor's extensions, nor with future IETF extensions. Note that there
       are 16 bits allocated for the Vendor ID, thus limiting this feature
       to the first 65,535 enterprises.
       Attribute Type: A 2 octet value with a unique interpretation across
       all AVPs defined under a given Vendor ID.
       Attribute Value: This is the actual value as indicated by the Vendor
       ID and Attribute Type. It follows immediately after the Attribute
       Type field, and runs for the remaining octets indicated in the Length
       (i.e., Length minus 6 octets of header). This field is absent if the
       Length is 6.

    4.2 Mandatory AVPs

       Receipt of an unknown AVP that has the M-bit set is catastrophic to
       the session or tunnel it is associated with. Thus, the M bit should
       only be defined for AVPs which are absolutely crucial to proper
       operation of the session or tunnel. Further, in the case where the
       LAC or LNS receives an unknown AVP with the M-bit set and shuts down
       the session or tunnel accordingly, it is the full responsibility of
       the peer sending the Mandatory AVP to accept fault for causing an
       non-interoperable situation. Before defining an AVP with the M-bit
       set, particularly a vendor-specific AVP, be sure that this is the
       intended consequence.
       When an adequate alternative exists to use of the M-bit, it should be
       utilized. For example, rather than simply sending an AVP with the M-
       bit set to determine if a specific extension exists, availability may
       be identified by sending an AVP in a request message and expecting a
       corresponding AVP in a reply message.
       Use of the M-bit with new AVPs (those not defined in this document)
       MUST provide the ability to configure the associated feature off,
       such that the AVP is either not sent, or sent with the M-bit not set.

    4.3 Hiding of AVP Attribute Values

       The H bit in the header of each AVP provides a mechanism to indicate
       to the receiving peer whether the contents of the AVP are hidden or
       present in cleartext.  This feature can be used to hide sensitive
       control message data such as user passwords or user IDs.
       The H bit MUST only be set if a shared secret exists between the LAC
       and LNS. The shared secret is the same secret that is used for tunnel
       authentication (see Section 5.1.1).  If the H bit is set in any
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       AVP(s) in a given control message, a Random Vector AVP must also be
       present in the message and MUST precede the first AVP having an H bit
       of 1.
       Hiding an AVP value is done in several steps. The first step is to
       take the length and value fields of the original (cleartext) AVP and
       encode them into a Hidden AVP Subformat as follows:
        0                   1                   2                   3
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
       |   Length of Original Value    |   Original Attribute Value ...
          ...                          |             Padding ...
       Length of Original Attribute Value:  This is length of the Original
       Attribute Value to be obscured in octets. This is necessary to
       determine the original length of the Attribute Value which is lost
       when the additional Padding is added.
       Original Attribute Value:  Attribute Value that is to be obscured.
       Padding:  Random additional octets used to obscure length of the
       Attribute Value that is being hidden.
       To mask the size of the data being hidden, the resulting subformat
       MAY be padded as shown above. Padding does NOT alter the value placed
       in the Length of Original Attribute Value field, but does alter the
       length of the resultant AVP that is being created. For example, If an
       Attribute Value to be hidden is 4 octets in length, the unhidden AVP
       length would be 10 octets (6 + Attribute Value length). After hiding,
       the length of the AVP will become 6 + Attribute Value length + size
       of the Length of Original Attribute Value field + Padding. Thus, if
       Padding is 12 octets, the AVP length will be 6 + 4 + 2 + 12 = 24
       Next, An MD5 hash is performed on the concatenation of:
       + the 2 octet Attribute number of the AVP
       + the shared secret
       + an arbitrary length random vector
       The value of the random vector used in this hash is passed in the
       value field of a Random Vector AVP. This Random Vector AVP must be
       placed in the message by the sender before any hidden AVPs. The same
       random vector may be used for more than one hidden AVP in the same
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       message. If a different random vector is used for the hiding of
       subsequent AVPs then a new Random Vector AVP must be placed in the
       command message before the first AVP to which it applies.
       The MD5 hash value is then XORed with the first 16 octet (or less)
       segment of the Hidden AVP Subformat and placed in the Attribute Value
       field of the Hidden AVP.  If the Hidden AVP Subformat is less than 16
       octets, the Subformat is transformed as if the Attribute Value field
       had been padded to 16 octets before the XOR, but only the actual
       octets present in the Subformat are modified, and the length of the
       AVP is not altered.
       If the Subformat is longer than 16 octets, a second one-way MD5 hash
       is calculated over a stream of octets consisting of the shared secret
       followed by the result of the first XOR.  That hash is XORed with the
       second 16 octet (or less) segment of the Subformat and placed in the
       corresponding octets of the Value field of the Hidden AVP.
       If necessary, this operation is repeated, with the shared secret used
       along with each XOR result to generate the next hash to XOR the next
       segment of the value with.
       The hiding method was adapted from RFC 2138 [RFC2138] which was taken
       from the "Mixing in the Plaintext" section in the book "Network
       Security" by Kaufman, Perlman and Speciner [KPS].  A detailed
       explanation of the method follows:
       Call the shared secret S, the Random Vector RV, and the Attribute
       Value AV. Break the value field into 16-octet chunks p1, p2, etc.
       with the last one padded at the end with random data to a 16-octet
       boundary.  Call the ciphertext blocks c(1), c(2), etc.  We will also
       define intermediate values b1, b2, etc.
              b1 = MD5(AV + S + RV)   c(1) = p1 xor b1
              b2 = MD5(S  + c(1))     c(2) = p2 xor b2
                          .                       .
                          .                       .
                          .                       .
              bi = MD5(S  + c(i-1))   c(i) = pi xor bi
       The String will contain c(1)+c(2)+...+c(i) where + denotes
       On receipt, the random vector is taken from the last Random Vector
       AVP encountered in the message prior to the AVP to be unhidden.  The
       above process is then reversed to yield the original value.
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    4.4 AVP Summary

       The following sections contain a list of all L2TP AVPs defined in
       this document.
       Following the name of the AVP is a list indicating the message types
       that utilize each AVP. After each AVP title follows a short
       description of the purpose of the AVP, a detail (including a graphic)
       of the format for the Attribute Value, and any additional information
       needed for proper use of the avp.

    4.4.1 AVPs Applicable To All Control Messages

       Message Type (All Messages)
          The Message Type AVP, Attribute Type 0, identifies the control
          message herein and defines the context in which the exact meaning
          of the following AVPs will be determined.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
          |         Message Type          |
          The Message Type is a 2 octet unsigned integer.
          The Message Type AVP MUST be the first AVP in a message,
          immediately following the control message header (defined in
          section 3.1). See Section 3.2 for the list of defined control
          message types and their identifiers.
          The Mandatory (M) bit within the Message Type AVP has special
          meaning. Rather than an indication as to whether the AVP itself
          should be ignored if not recognized, it is an indication as to
          whether the control message itself should be ignored. Thus, if the
          M-bit is set within the Message Type AVP and the Message Type is
          unknown to the implementation, the tunnel MUST be cleared.  If the
          M-bit is not set, then the implementation may ignore an unknown
          message type. The M-bit MUST be set to 1 for all message types
          defined in this document. This AVP may not be hidden (the H-bit
          MUST be 0).  The Length of this AVP is 8.
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       Random Vector (All Messages)
          The Random Vector AVP, Attribute Type 36, is used to enable the
          hiding of the Attribute Value of arbitrary AVPs.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          | Random Octet String ...
          The Random Octet String may be of arbitrary length, although a
          random vector of at least 16 octets is recommended.  The string
          contains the random vector for use in computing the MD5 hash to
          retrieve or hide the Attribute Value of a hidden AVP (see Section
          More than one Random Vector AVP may appear in a message, in which
          case a hidden AVP uses the Random Vector AVP most closely
          preceding it.  This AVP MUST precede the first AVP with the H bit
          The M-bit for this AVP MUST be set to 1.  This AVP MUST NOT be
          hidden (the H-bit MUST be 0). The Length of this AVP is 6 plus the
          length of the Random Octet String.

    4.4.2 Result and Error Codes

       Result Code (CDN, StopCCN)
          The Result Code AVP, Attribute Type 1, indicates the reason for
          terminating the control channel or session.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          |          Result Code          |        Error Code (opt)       |
          | Error Message (opt) ...
          The Result Code is a 2 octet unsigned integer.  The optional Error
          Code is a 2 octet unsigned integer.  An optional Error Message can
          follow the Error Code field.  Presence of the Error Code and
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          Message are indicated by the AVP Length field. The Error Message
          contains an arbitrary string providing further (human readable)
          text associated with the condition. Human readable text in all
          error messages MUST be provided in the UTF-8 charset using the
          Default Language [RFC2277].
          This AVP MUST NOT be hidden (the H-bit MUST be 0). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length is 8 if there is no Error
          Code or Message, 10 if there is an Error Code and no Error Message
          or 10 + the length of the Error Message if there is an Error Code
          and Message.
          Defined Result Code values for the StopCCN message are:
             0 - Reserved
             1 - General request to clear control connection
             2 - General error--Error Code indicates the problem
             3 - Control channel already exists
             4 - Requester is not authorized to establish a control
             5 - The protocol version of the requester is not
                  Error Code indicates highest version supported
             6 - Requester is being shut down
             7 - Finite State Machine error
          Defined Result Code values for the CDN message are:
             0 - Reserved
             1 - Call disconnected due to loss of carrier
             2 - Call disconnected for the reason indicated
                 in error code
             3 - Call disconnected for administrative reasons
             4 - Call failed due to lack of appropriate facilities
                 being available (temporary condition)
             5 - Call failed due to lack of appropriate facilities being
                 available (permanent condition)
             6 - Invalid destination
             7 - Call failed due to no carrier detected
             8 - Call failed due to detection of a busy signal
             9 - Call failed due to lack of a dial tone
             10 - Call was not established within time allotted by LAC
             11 - Call was connected but no appropriate framing was
          The Error Codes defined below pertain to types of errors that are
          not specific to any particular L2TP request, but rather to
          protocol or message format errors. If an L2TP reply indicates in
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          its Result Code that a general error occurred, the General Error
          value should be examined to determine what the error was. The
          currently defined General Error codes and their meanings are:
             0 - No general error
             1 - No control connection exists yet for this LAC-LNS pair
             2 - Length is wrong
             3 - One of the field values was out of range or
                 reserved field was non-zero
             4 - Insufficient resources to handle this operation now
             5 - The Session ID is invalid in this context
             6 - A generic vendor-specific error occurred in the LAC
             7 - Try another.  If LAC is aware of other possible LNS
                 destinations, it should try one of them.  This can be
                 used to guide an LAC based on LNS policy, for instance,
                 the existence of multilink PPP bundles.
             8 - Session or tunnel was shutdown due to receipt of an unknown
                 AVP with the M-bit set (see section 4.2). The Error Message
                 SHOULD contain the attribute of the offending AVP in (human
                 readable) text form.
          When a General Error Code of 6 is used, additional information
          about the error SHOULD be included in the Error Message field.

    4.4.3 Control Connection Management AVPs

       Protocol Version (SCCRP, SCCRQ)
          The Protocol Version AVP, Attribute Type 2, indicates the L2TP
          protocol version of the sender.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
          |      Ver      |     Rev       |
          The Ver field is a 1 octet unsigned integer containing the value
          1. Rev field is a 1 octet unsigned integer containing 0. This
          pertains to L2TP protocol version 1, revision 0. Note this is not
          the same version number that is included in the header of each
          This AVP MUST NOT be hidden (the H-bit MUST be 0). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length of this AVP is 8.
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       Framing Capabilities (SCCRP, SCCRQ)
          The Framing Capabilities AVP, Attribute Type 3, provides the peer
          with an indication of the types of framing that will be accepted
          or requested by the sender.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          |     Reserved for future framing type definitions          |A|S|
          The Attribute Value field is a 32-bit mask, with two bits defined.
          If bit A is set, asynchronous framing is supported. If bit S is
          set, synchronous framing is supported.
          A peer MUST NOT request an incoming or outgoing call with a
          Framing Type AVP specifying a value not advertised in the Framing
          Capabilities AVP it received during control connection
          establishment.  Attempts to do so will result in the call being
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length (before hiding) is 10.
       Bearer Capabilities (SCCRP, SCCRQ)
          The Bearer Capabilities AVP, Attribute Type 4, provides the peer
          with an indication of the bearer device types supported by the
          hardware interfaces of the sender for outgoing calls.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          |     Reserved for future bearer type definitions           |A|D|
          This is a 32-bit mask, with two bits defined. If bit A is set,
          analog access is supported. If bit D is set, digital access is
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          An LNS should not request an outgoing call specifying a value in
          the Bearer Type AVP for a device type not advertised in the Bearer
          Capabilities AVP it received from the LAC during control
          connection establishment. Attempts to do so will result in the
          call being rejected.
          This AVP MUST be present if the sender can place outgoing calls
          when requested.
          Note that an LNS that cannot act as an LAC as well will not
          support hardware devices for handling incoming and outgoing calls
          and should therefore set the A and D bits of this AVP to 0, or
          should not send the AVP at all. An LNS that can also act as an LAC
          and place outgoing calls should set A or D as appropriate.
          Presence of this message is not a guarantee that a given outgoing
          call will be placed by the sender if requested, just that the
          physical capability exists.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length (before hiding) is 10.
       Tie Breaker (SCCRQ)
          The Tie Breaker AVP, Attribute Type 5, indicates that the sender
          wishes a single tunnel to exist between the given LAC-LNS pair.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          | Tie Break Value...
                                                     ...(64 bits)         |
          The Tie Breaker Value is an 8 octet value that is used to choose a
          single tunnel where both LAC and LNS request a tunnel
          concurrently. The recipient of a SCCRQ must check to see if a
          SCCRQ has been sent to the peer, and if so, must compare its Tie
          Breaker value with the received one. The lower value "wins", and
          the "loser" MUST silently discard its tunnel. In the case where a
          tie breaker is present on both sides, and the value is equal, both
          sides MUST discard their tunnels.
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          If a tie breaker is received, and an outstanding SCCRQ had no tie
          breaker value, the initiator which included the Tie Breaker AVP
          "wins". If neither side issues a tie breaker, then two separate
          tunnels are opened.
          This AVP MUST NOT be hidden (the H-bit MUST be 0). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 0.  The Length of this AVP is 14.
       Firmware Revision (SCCRP, SCCRQ)
          The Firmware Revision AVP, Attribute Type 6, indicates the
          firmware revision of the issuing device.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
          |       Firmware Revision       |
          The Firmware Revision is a 2 octet unsigned integer encoded in a
          vendor specific format.
          For devices which do not have a firmware revision (general purpose
          computers running L2TP software modules, for instance), the
          revision of the L2TP software module may be reported instead.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 0.  The Length (before hiding) is 8.
       Host Name (SCCRP, SCCRQ)
          The Host Name AVP, Attribute Type 7, indicates the name of the
          issuing LAC or LNS.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          | Host Name ... (arbitrary number of octets)
          The Host Name is of arbitrary length, but MUST be at least 1
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          This name should be as broadly unique as possible; for hosts
          participating in DNS [RFC1034], a hostname with fully qualified
          domain would be appropriate.
          This AVP MUST NOT be hidden (the H-bit MUST be 0). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length of this AVP is 6 plus the
          length of the Host Name.
       Vendor Name (SCCRP, SCCRQ)
          The Vendor Name AVP, Attribute Type 8, contains a vendor specific
          (possibly human readable) string describing the type of LAC or LNS
          being used.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          |  Vendor Name ...(arbitrary number of octets)
          The Vendor Name is the indicated number of octets representing the
          vendor string. Human readable text for this AVP MUST be provided
          in the UTF-8 charset using the Default Language [RFC2277].
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 0.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 6 plus the length of the Vendor Name.
       Assigned Tunnel ID (SCCRP, SCCRQ, StopCCN)
          The Assigned Tunnel ID AVP, Attribute Type 9, encodes the ID being
          assigned to this tunnel by the sender.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
          |      Assigned Tunnel ID       |
          The Assigned Tunnel ID is a 2 octet non-zero unsigned integer.
          The Assigned Tunnel ID AVP establishes a value used to multiplex
          and demultiplex multiple tunnels between the LNS and LAC. The L2TP
          peer MUST place this value in the Tunnel ID header field of all
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          control and data messages that it subsequently transmits over the
          associated tunnel.  Before the Assigned Tunnel ID AVP is received
          from a peer, messages MUST be sent to that peer with a Tunnel ID
          value of 0 in the header of all control messages.
          In the StopCCN control message, the Assigned Tunnel ID AVP MUST be
          the same as the Assigned Tunnel ID AVP first sent to the receiving
          peer, permitting the peer to identify the appropriate tunnel even
          if a StopCCN is sent before an Assigned Tunnel ID AVP is received.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 8.
       Receive Window Size (SCCRQ, SCCRP)
          The Receive Window Size AVP, Attribute Type 10, specifies the
          receive window size being offered to the remote peer.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
          |         Window Size           |
          The Window Size is a 2 octet unsigned integer.
          If absent, the peer must assume a Window Size of 4 for its
          transmit window. The remote peer may send the specified number of
          control messages before it must wait for an acknowledgment.
          This AVP MUST NOT be hidden (the H-bit MUST be 0). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length of this AVP is 8.
       Challenge (SCCRP, SCCRQ)
          The Challenge AVP, Attribute Type 11, indicates that the issuing
          peer wishes to authenticate the tunnel endpoints using a CHAP-
          style authentication mechanism.
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          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          | Challenge ... (arbitrary number of octets)
          The Challenge is one or more octets of random data.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 6 plus the length of the Challenge.
       Challenge Response (SCCCN, SCCRP)
          The Response AVP, Attribute Type 13, provides a response to a
          challenge received.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          |   Response ...
                                                  ... (16 octets)         |
          The Response is a 16 octet value reflecting the CHAP-style
          [RFC1994] response to the challenge.
          This AVP MUST be present in an SCCRP or SCCCN if a challenge was
          received in the preceding SCCRQ or SCCRP. For purposes of the ID
          value in the CHAP response calculation, the value of the Message
          Type AVP for this message is used (e.g. 2 for an SCCRP, and 3 for
          an SCCCN).
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 22.
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    4.4.4 Call Management AVPs

       Q.931 Cause Code (CDN)
          The Q.931 Cause Code AVP, Attribute Type 12, is used to give
          additional information in case of unsolicited call disconnection.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          |          Cause Code           |   Cause Msg   | Advisory Msg...
          Cause Code is the returned Q.931 Cause code, and Cause Msg is the
          returned Q.931 message code (e.g., DISCONNECT) associated with the
          Cause Code.  Both values are returned in their native ITU
          encodings [DSS1]. An additional ASCII text Advisory Message may
          also be included (presence indicated by the AVP Length) to further
          explain the reason for disconnecting.
          This AVP MUST NOT be hidden (the H-bit MUST be 0). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length of this AVP is 9, plus the
          size of the Advisory Message.
       Assigned Session ID (CDN, ICRP, ICRQ, OCRP, OCRQ)
          The Assigned Session ID AVP, Attribute Type 14, encodes the ID
          being assigned to this session by the sender.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
          |     Assigned Session ID       |
          The Assigned Session ID is a 2 octet non-zero unsigned integer.
          The Assigned Session ID AVP is establishes a value used to
          multiplex and demultiplex data sent over a tunnel between the LNS
          and LAC. The L2TP peer MUST place this value in the Session ID
          header field of all control and data messages that it subsequently
          transmits over the tunnel that belong to this session.  Before the
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          Assigned Session ID AVP is received from a peer, messages MUST be
          sent to that peer with a Session ID of 0 in the header of all
          control messages.
          In the CDN control message, the same Assigned Session ID AVP first
          sent to the receiving peer is used, permitting the peer to
          identify the appropriate tunnel even if CDN is sent before an
          Assigned Session ID is received.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 8.
       Call Serial Number (ICRQ, OCRQ)
          The Call Serial Number AVP, Attribute Type 15, encodes an
          identifier assigned by the LAC or LNS to this call.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          |                      Call Serial Number                       |
          The Call Serial Number is a 32 bit value.
          The Call Serial Number is intended to be an easy reference for
          administrators on both ends of a tunnel to use when investigating
          call failure problems. Call Serial Numbers should be set to
          progressively increasing values, which are likely to be unique for
          a significant period of time across all interconnected LNSs and
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 10.
       Minimum BPS (OCRQ)
          The Minimum BPS AVP, Attribute Type 16, encodes the lowest
          acceptable line speed for this call.
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          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          |                         Minimum BPS                           |
          The  Minimum BPS is a 32 bit value indicates the speed in bits per
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 10.
       Maximum BPS (OCRQ)
          The Maximum BPS AVP, Attribute Type 17, encodes the highest
          acceptable line speed for this call.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          |                         Maximum BPS                           |
          The Maximum BPS is a 32 bit value indicates the speed in bits per
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 10.
       Bearer Type (ICRQ, OCRQ)
          The Bearer Type AVP, Attribute Type 18,  encodes the bearer type
          for the incoming or outgoing call.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          |           Reserved for future Bearer Types                |A|D|
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          The Bearer Type is a 32-bit bit mask, which indicates the bearer
          capability of the call (ICRQ) or required for the call (OCRQ). If
          set, bit A indicates that the call refers to an analog channel. If
          set, bit D indicates that the call refers to a digital channel.
          Both may be set, indicating that the call was either
          indistinguishable, or can be placed on either type of channel.
          Bits in the Value field of this AVP MUST only be set by the LNS
          for an OCRQ if it was set in the Bearer Capabilities AVP received
          from the LAC during control connection establishment.
          It is valid to set neither the A nor D bits in an ICRQ. Such a
          setting may indicate that the call was not received over a
          physical link (e.g if the LAC and PPP are located in the same
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 10.
       Framing Type (ICCN, OCCN, OCRQ)
          The Framing Type AVP, Attribute Type 19, encodes the framing type
          for the incoming or outgoing call.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          |           Reserved for future Framing Types               |A|S|
          The Framing Type is a 32-bit mask, which indicates the type of PPP
          framing requested for an OCRQ, or the type of PPP framing
          negotiated for an OCCN or ICCN. The framing type MAY be used as an
          indication to PPP on the LNS as to what link options to use for
          LCP negotiation [RFC1662].
          Bit A indicates asynchronous framing. Bit S indicates synchronous
          framing. For an OCRQ, both may be set, indicating that either type
          of framing may be used.
          Bits in the Value field of this AVP MUST only be set by the LNS
          for an OCRQ if it was set in the Framing Capabilities AVP received
          from the LAC during control connection establishment.
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          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 10.
       Called Number (ICRQ, OCRQ)
          The Called Number AVP, Attribute Type 21, encodes the telephone
          number to be called for an OCRQ, and the Called number for an
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          | Called Number... (arbitrary number of octets)                 |
          The Called Number is an ASCII string. Contact between the
          administrator of the LAC and the LNS may be necessary to
          coordinate interpretation of the value needed in this AVP.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 6 plus the length of the Called Number.
       Calling Number (ICRQ)
          The Calling Number AVP, Attribute Type 22, encodes the originating
          number for the incoming call.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          | Calling Number... (arbitrary number of octets)                |
          Calling Number is an ASCII string. Contact between the
          administrator of the LAC and the LNS may be necessary to
          coordinate interpretation of the value in this AVP.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 6 plus the length of the Calling Number.
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       Sub-Address (ICRQ, OCRQ)
          The Sub-Address AVP, Attribute Type 23, encodes additional dialing
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          | Sub-Address ... (arbitrary number of octets)                  |
          The Sub-Address is an ASCII string. Contact between the
          administrator of the LAC and the LNS may be necessary to
          coordinate interpretation of the value in this AVP.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 6 plus the length of the Sub-Address.
       (Tx) Connect Speed (ICCN, OCCN)
          The (Tx) Connect Speed BPS AVP, Attribute Type 24, encodes the
          speed of the facility chosen for the connection attempt.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          |                             BPS                               |
          The (Tx) Connect Speed BPS is a 4 octet value indicating the speed
          in bits per second.
          When the optional Rx Connect Speed AVP is present, the value in
          this AVP represents the transmit connect speed, from the
          perspective of the LAC (e.g. data flowing from the LAC to the
          remote system). When the optional Rx Connect Speed AVP is NOT
          present, the connection speed between the remote system and LAC is
          assumed to be symmetric and is represented by the single value in
          this AVP.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 10.
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       Rx Connect Speed (ICCN, OCCN)
          The Rx Connect Speed AVP, Attribute Type 38, represents the speed
          of the connection from the perspective of the LAC (e.g. data
          flowing from the remote system to the LAC).
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          |           BPS (H)             |            BPS (L)            |
          BPS is a 4 octet value indicating the speed in bits per second.
          Presence of this AVP implies that the connection speed may be
          asymmetric with respect to the transmit connect speed given in the
          (Tx) Connect Speed AVP.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit MAY be 1 or 0).  The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 0.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 10.
       Physical Channel ID (ICRQ, OCRP)
          The Physical Channel ID AVP, Attribute Type 25, encodes the vendor
          specific physical channel number used for a call.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          |                      Physical Channel ID                      |
          Physical Channel ID is a 4 octet value intended to be used for
          logging purposes only.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 0.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 10.
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       Private Group ID (ICCN)
          The Private Group ID AVP, Attribute Type 37, is used by the LAC to
          indicate that this call is to be associated with a particular
          customer group.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          |    Private Group ID ... (arbitrary number of octets)           |
          The Private Group ID is a string of octets of arbitrary length.
          The LNS MAY treat the PPP session as well as network traffic
          through this session in a special manner determined by the peer.
          For example, if the LNS is individually connected to several
          private networks using unregistered addresses, this AVP may be
          included by the LAC to indicate that a given call should be
          associated with one of the private networks.
          The Private Group ID is a string corresponding to a table in the
          LNS that defines the particular characteristics of the selected
          group.  A LAC MAY determine the Private Group ID from a RADIUS
          response, local configuration, or some other source.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit MAY be 1 or 0).  The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 0.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 6 plus the length of the Private Group ID.
       Sequencing Required (ICCN, OCCN)
          The Sequencing Required AVP, Attribute Type 39, indicates to the
          LNS that Sequence Numbers MUST always be present on the data
          This AVP has no Attribute Value field.
          This AVP MUST NOT be hidden (the H-bit MUST be 0).  The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length of this AVP is 6.

    4.4.5 Proxy LCP and Authentication AVPs

          The LAC may have answered the call and negotiated LCP with the
          remote system, perhaps in order to establish the system's apparent
          identity. In this case, these AVPs may be included to indicate the
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          link properties the remote system initially requested, properties
          the remote system and LAC ultimately negotiated, as well as PPP
          authentication information sent and received by the LAC. This
          information may be used to initiate the PPP LCP and authentication
          systems on the LNS, allowing PPP to continue without renegotiation
          of LCP. Note that the LNS policy may be to enter an additional
          round of LCP negotiation and/or authentication if the LAC is not
       Initial Received LCP CONFREQ (ICCN)
          In the Initial Received LCP CONFREQ AVP, Attribute Type 26,
          provides the LNS with the Initial CONFREQ received by the LAC from
          the PPP Peer.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          | LCP CONFREQ... (arbitrary number of octets)                   |
          LCP CONFREQ is a copy of the body of the initial CONFREQ received,
          starting at the first option within the body of the LCP message.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 0.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 6 plus the length of the CONFREQ.
       Last Sent LCP CONFREQ (ICCN)
          In the Last Sent LCP CONFREQ AVP, Attribute Type 27, provides the
          LNS with the Last CONFREQ sent by the LAC to the PPP Peer.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          | LCP CONFREQ... (arbitrary number of octets)                   |
          The LCP CONFREQ is a copy of the body of the final CONFREQ sent to
          the client to complete LCP negotiation, starting at the first
          option within the body of the LCP message.
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          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 0.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 6 plus the length of the CONFREQ.
       Last Received LCP CONFREQ (ICCN)
          The Last Received LCP CONFREQ AVP, Attribute Type 28, provides the
          LNS with the Last CONFREQ received by the LAC from the PPP Peer.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          | LCP CONFREQ... (arbitrary number of octets)                   |
          The LCP CONFREQ is a copy of the body of the final CONFREQ
          received from the client to complete LCP negotiation, starting at
          the first option within the body of the LCP message.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 0.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 6 plus the length of the CONFREQ.
       Proxy Authen Type (ICCN)
          The Proxy Authen Type AVP, Attribute Type 29, determines if proxy
          authentication should be used.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
          |          Authen Type          |
          Authen Type is a 2 octet unsigned integer, holding:
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 0.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 8.
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          Defined Authen Type values are:
             0 - Reserved
             1 - Textual username/password exchange
             2 - PPP CHAP
             3 - PPP PAP
             4 - No Authentication
             5 - Microsoft CHAP Version 1 (MSCHAPv1)
             This AVP MUST be present if proxy authentication is to be
             utilized. If it is not present, then it is assumed that this
             peer cannot perform proxy authentication, requiring
             a restart of the authentication phase at the LNS if the client
             has already entered this phase with the
             LAC (which may be determined by the Proxy LCP AVP if present).
          Associated AVPs for each type of authentication follow.
       Proxy Authen Name (ICCN)
          The Proxy Authen Name AVP, Attribute Type 30, specifies the name
          of the authenticating client when using proxy authentication.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          | Authen Name... (arbitrary number of octets)                   |
          Authen Name is a string of octets of arbitrary length.  It
          contains the name specified in the client's authentication
          This AVP MUST be present in messages containing a Proxy Authen
          Type AVP with an Authen Type of 1, 2, 3 or 5. It may be desirable
          to employ AVP hiding for obscuring the cleartext name.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 0.  The Length (before hiding) is 6 plus
          the length of the cleartext name.
       Proxy Authen Challenge (ICCN)
          The Proxy Authen Challenge AVP, Attribute Type 31, specifies the
          challenge sent by the LAC to the PPP Peer, when using proxy
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          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          | Challenge... (arbitrary number of octets)                     |
          The Challenge is a string of one or more octets.
          This AVP MUST be present for Proxy Authen Types 2 and 5. The
          Challenge field contains the CHAP challenge presented to the
          client by the LAC.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 0.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 6, plus the length of the Challenge.
       Proxy Authen ID (ICCN)
          The Proxy Authen ID AVP, Attribute Type 32, specifies the ID value
          of the PPP Authentication that was started between the LAC and the
          PPP Peer, when proxy authentication is being used.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
          |   Reserved    |      ID       |
          ID is a 2 octet unsigned integer, the most significant octet MUST
          be 0.
          The Proxy Authen ID AVP MUST be present for Proxy authen types 2,
          3 and 5. For 2 and 5, the ID field contains the byte ID value
          presented to the client by the LAC in its Challenge. For 3, it is
          the Identifier value of the Authenticate-Request.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 0.
       Proxy Authen Response (ICCN)
          The Proxy Authen Response AVP, Attribute Type 33, specifies the
          PPP Authentication response received by the LAC from the PPP Peer,
          when proxy authentication is used.
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          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          | Response... (arbitrary number of octets)                      |
          The Response is a string of octets.
          This AVP MUST be present for Proxy authen types 1, 2, 3 and 5. The
          Response field contains the client's response to the challenge.
          For Proxy authen types 2 and 5, this field contains the response
          value received by the LAC. For types 1 or 3, it contains the clear
          text password received from the client by the LAC.  In the case of
          cleartext passwords, AVP hiding is recommended.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 0.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 6 plus the length of the Response.

    4.4.6 Call Status AVPs

       Call Errors (WEN)
          The Call Errors AVP, Attribute Type 34, is used by the LAC to send
          error information to the LNS.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          |         Reserved              |        CRC Errors (H)         |
          |         CRC Errors (L)        |        Framing Errors (H)     |
          |         Framing Errors (L)    |        Hardware Overruns (H)  |
          |         Hardware Overruns (L) |        Buffer Overruns (H)    |
          |         Buffer Overruns  (L)  |        Time-out Errors (H)    |
          |         Time-out Errors (L)   |        Alignment Errors (H)   |
          |         Alignment Errors (L)  |
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          The following fields are defined:
             Reserved - Not used, MUST be 0
             CRC Errors - Number of PPP frames received with CRC errors
                since call was established
             Framing Errors - Number of improperly framed PPP packets
             Hardware Overruns - Number of receive buffer over-runs since
                call was established
             Buffer Overruns - Number of buffer over-runs detected since
                call was established
             Time-out Errors - Number of time-outs since call was
             Alignment Errors - Number of alignment errors since call was
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit may be 0 or 1). The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length (before hiding) of this AVP
          is 32.
       ACCM (SLI)
          The ACCM AVP, Attribute Type 35, is used by the LNS to inform LAC
          of the ACCM negotiated with the PPP Peer by the LNS.
          The Attribute Value field for this AVP has the following format:
           0                   1                   2                   3
           0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
          |          Reserved             |    Send ACCM (H)              |
          |          Send ACCM   (L)      |    Receive ACCM (H)           |
          |          Receive ACCM  (L)    |
          Send ACCM and Receive ACCM are each 4 octet values preceded by a 2
          octet reserved quantity. The send ACCM value should be used by the
          LAC to process packets it sends on the connection. The receive
          ACCM value should be used by the LAC to process incoming packets
          on the connection. The default values used by the LAC for both
          these fields are 0xFFFFFFFF. The LAC should honor these fields
          unless it has specific configuration information to indicate that
          the requested mask must be modified to permit operation.
          This AVP may be hidden (the H-bit MAY be 1 or 0).  The M-bit for
          this AVP MUST be set to 1.  The Length of this AVP is 16.
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    5.0 Protocol Operation

       The necessary setup for tunneling a PPP session with L2TP consists of
       two steps, (1) establishing the Control Connection for a Tunnel, and
       (2) establishing a Session as triggered by an incoming or outgoing
       call request. The Tunnel and corresponding Control Connection MUST be
       established before an incoming or outgoing call is initiated. An L2TP
       Session MUST be established before L2TP can begin to tunnel PPP
       frames. Multiple Sessions may exist across a single Tunnel and
       multiple Tunnels may exist between the same LAC and LNS.
                              +-----+                               +-----+
                              |     |~~~~~~~~~~L2TP Tunnel~~~~~~~~~~|     |
                              | LAC |                               | LNS |
                              |     #######Control Connection########     |
     [Remote]                 |     |                               |     |
     [System]------Call----------*============L2TP Session=============*  |
       PPP +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  |
                              |     |                               |     |
     [Remote]                 |     |                               |     |
     [System]------Call----------*============L2TP Session=============*  |
       PPP +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  |
                              |     |                               |     |
                              |     |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|     |
                              +-----+                               +-----+
     Figure 5.1 Tunneling PPP

    5.1 Control Connection Establishment

       The Control Connection is the initial connection that must be
       achieved between an LAC and LNS before sessions may be brought up.
       Establishment of the control connection includes securing the
       identity of the peer, as well as identifying the peer's L2TP version,
       framing, and bearer capabilities, etc.
       A three message exchange is utilized to setup the control connection.
       Following is a typical message exchange:
          LAC or LNS  LAC or LNS
          ----------  ----------
          SCCRQ ->
                      <- SCCRP
          SCCCN ->
                      <- ZLB ACK
       The ZLB ACK is sent if there are no further messages waiting in queue
       for that peer.
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    5.1.1 Tunnel Authentication

       L2TP incorporates a simple, optional, CHAP-like [RFC1994] tunnel
       authentication system during control connection establishment. If an
       LAC or LNS wishes to authenticate the identity of the peer it is
       contacting or being contacted by, a Challenge AVP is included in the
       SCCRQ or SCCRP message. If a Challenge AVP is received in an SCCRQ or
       SCCRP, a Challenge Response AVP MUST be sent in the following SCCRP
       or SCCCN, respectively. If the expected response and response
       received from a peer does not match, establishment of the tunnel MUST
       be disallowed.
       To participate in tunnel authentication, a single shared secret MUST
       exist between the LAC and LNS. This is the same shared secret used
       for AVP hiding (see Section 4.3).  See Section 4.4.3 for details on
       construction of the Challenge and Response AVPs.

    5.2 Session Establishment

       After successful control connection establishment, individual
       sessions may be created. Each session corresponds to single PPP
       stream between the LAC and LNS. Unlike control connection
       establishment, session establishment is directional with respect to
       the LAC and LNS. The LAC requests the LNS to accept a session for an
       incoming call, and the LNS requests the LAC to accept a session for
       placing an outgoing call.

    5.2.1 Incoming Call Establishment

       A three message exchange is employed to setup the session.  Following
       is a typical sequence of events:
          LAC         LNS
          ---         ---
          ICRQ ->
                   <- ICRP
          ICCN ->
                   <- ZLB ACK
       The ZLB ACK is sent if there are no further messages waiting in queue
       for that peer.
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    5.2.2 Outgoing Call Establishment

       A three message exchange is employed to setup the session.  Following
       is a typical sequence of events:
          LAC         LNS
          ---         ---
                   <- OCRQ
          OCRP ->
          OCCN ->
                   <- ZLB ACK
       The ZLB ACK is sent if there are no further messages waiting in queue
       for that peer.

    5.3 Forwarding PPP Frames

       Once tunnel establishment is complete, PPP frames from the remote
       system are received at the LAC, stripped of CRC, link framing, and
       transparency bytes, encapsulated in L2TP, and forwarded over the
       appropriate tunnel. The LNS receives the L2TP packet, and processes
       the encapsulated PPP frame as if it were received on a local PPP
       The sender of a message associated with a particular session and
       tunnel places the Session ID and Tunnel ID (specified by its peer) in
       the Session ID and Tunnel ID header for all outgoing messages. In
       this manner, PPP frames are multiplexed and demultiplexed over a
       single tunnel between a given LNS-LAC pair. Multiple tunnels may
       exist between a given LNS-LAC pair, and multiple sessions may exist
       within a tunnel.
       The value of 0 for Session ID and Tunnel ID is special and MUST NOT
       be used as an Assigned Session ID or Assigned Tunnel ID.  For the
       cases where a Session ID has not yet been assigned by the peer (i.e.,
       during establishment of a new session or tunnel), the Session ID
       field MUST be sent as 0, and the Assigned Session ID AVP within the
       message MUST be used to identify the session. Similarly, for cases
       where the Tunnel ID has not yet been assigned from the peer, the
       Tunnel ID MUST be sent as 0 and Assigned Tunnel ID AVP used to
       identify the tunnel.
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    5.4 Using Sequence Numbers on the Data Channel

       Sequence numbers are defined in the L2TP header for control messages
       and optionally for data messages (see Section 3.1). These are used to
       provide a reliable control message transport (see Section 5.8) and
       optional data message sequencing. Each peer maintains separate
       sequence numbers for the control connection and each individual data
       session within a tunnel.
       Unlike the L2TP control channel, the L2TP data channel does not use
       sequence numbers to retransmit lost data messages. Rather, data
       messages may use sequence numbers to detect lost packets and/or
       restore the original sequence of packets that may have been reordered
       during transport.  The LAC may request that sequence numbers be
       present in data messages via the Sequencing Required AVP (see Section
       4.4.6). If this AVP is present during session setup, sequence numbers
       MUST be present at all times. If this AVP is not present, sequencing
       presence is under control of the LNS. The LNS controls enabling and
       disabling of sequence numbers by sending a data message with or
       without sequence numbers present at any time during the life of a
       session. Thus, if the LAC receives a data message without sequence
       numbers present, it MUST stop sending sequence numbers in future data
       messages. If the LAC receives a data message with sequence numbers
       present, it MUST begin sending sequence numbers in future outgoing
       data messages. If the LNS enables sequencing after disabling it
       earlier in the session, the sequence number state picks up where it
       left off before.
       The LNS may initiate disabling of sequencing at any time during the
       session (including the first data message sent). It is recommended
       that for connections where reordering or packet loss may occur,
       sequence numbers always be enabled during the initial negotiation
       stages of PPP and disabled only when and if the risk is considered
       acceptable. For example, if the PPP session being tunneled is not
       utilizing any stateful compression or encryption protocols and is
       only carrying IP (as determined by the PPP NCPs that are
       established), then the LNS might decide to disable sequencing as IP
       is tolerant to datagram loss and reordering.

    5.5 Keepalive (Hello)

       A keepalive mechanism is employed by L2TP in order to differentiate
       tunnel outages from extended periods of no control or data activity
       on a tunnel. This is accomplished by injecting Hello control messages
       (see Section 6.5) after a specified period of time has elapsed since
       the last data or control message was received on a tunnel. As for any
       other control message, if the Hello message is not reliably delivered
       then the tunnel is declared down and is reset. The transport reset
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       mechanism along with the injection of Hello messages ensures that a
       connectivity failure between the LNS and the LAC will be detected at
       both ends of a tunnel.

    5.6 Session Teardown

       Session teardown may be initiated by either the LAC or LNS and is
       accomplished by sending a CDN control message. After the last session
       is cleared, the control connection MAY be torn down as well (and
       typically is). Following is an example of a typical control message
          LAC or LNS  LAC or LNS
          CDN ->
          (Clean up)
                      <- ZLB ACK
                         (Clean up)

    5.7 Control Connection Teardown

       Control connection teardown may be initiated by either the LAC or LNS
       and is accomplished by sending a single StopCCN control message. The
       receiver of a StopCCN MUST send a ZLB ACK to acknowledge receipt of
       the message and maintain enough control connection state to properly
       accept StopCCN retransmissions over at least a full retransmission
       cycle (in case the ZLB ACK is lost). The recommended time for a full
       retransmission cycle is 31 seconds (see section 5.8). Following is an
       example of a typical control message exchange:
          LAC or LNS  LAC or LNS
          StopCCN ->
          (Clean up)
                      <- ZLB ACK
                         (Clean up)
       An implementation may shut down an entire tunnel and all sessions on
       the tunnel by sending the StopCCN. Thus, it is not necessary to clear
       each session individually when tearing down the whole tunnel.
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    5.8 Reliable Delivery of Control Messages

       L2TP provides a lower level reliable transport service for all
       control messages. The Nr and Ns fields of the control message header
       (see section 3.1) belong to this transport.  The upper level
       functions of L2TP are not concerned with retransmission or ordering
       of control messages. The reliable control message is a sliding window
       transport that provides control message retransmission and congestion
       control.  Each peer maintains separate sequence number state for the
       control connection within a tunnel.
       The message sequence number, Ns, begins at 0. Each subsequent message
       is sent with the next increment of the sequence number.  The sequence
       number is thus a free running counter represented modulo 65536. The
       sequence number in the header of a received message is considered
       less than or equal to the last received number if its value lies in
       the range of the last received number and the preceding 32767 values,
       inclusive. For example, if the last received sequence number was 15,
       then messages with sequence numbers 0 through 15, as well as 32784
       through 65535, would be considered less than or equal. Such a message
       would be considered a duplicate of a message already received and
       ignored from processing. However, in order to ensure that all
       messages are acknowledged properly (particularly in the case of a
       lost ZLB ACK message), receipt of duplicate messages MUST be
       acknowledged by the reliable transport. This acknowledgement may
       either piggybacked on a message in queue, or explicitly via a ZLB
       All control messages take up one slot in the control message sequence
       number space, except the ZLB acknowledgement. Thus, Ns is not
       incremented after a ZLB message is sent.
       The last received message number, Nr, is used to acknowledge messages
       received by an L2TP peer. It contains the sequence number of the
       message the peer expects to receive next (e.g. the last Ns of a non-
       ZLB message received plus 1, modulo 65536).  While the Nr in a
       received ZLB is used to flush messages from the local retransmit
       queue (see below), Nr of the next message sent is not be updated by
       the Ns of the ZLB.
       The reliable transport at a receiving peer is responsible for making
       sure that control messages are delivered in order and without
       duplication to the upper level. Messages arriving out of order may be
       queued for in-order delivery when the missing messages are received,
       or they may be discarded requiring a retransmission by the peer.
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       Each tunnel maintains a queue of control messages to be transmitted
       to its peer.  The message at the front of the queue is sent with a
       given Ns value, and is held until a control message arrives from the
       peer in which the Nr field indicates receipt of this message. After a
       period of time (a recommended default is 1 second) passes without
       acknowledgement, the message is retransmitted. The retransmitted
       message contains the same Ns value, but the Nr value MUST be updated
       with the sequence number of the next expected message.
       Each subsequent retransmission of a message MUST employ an
       exponential backoff interval. Thus, if the first retransmission
       occurred after 1 second, the next retransmission should occur after 2
       seconds has elapsed, then 4 seconds, etc. An implementation MAY place
       a cap upon the maximum interval between retransmissions. This cap
       MUST be no less than 8 seconds per retransmission.  If no peer
       response is detected after several retransmissions, (a recommended
       default is 5, but SHOULD be configurable), the tunnel and all
       sessions within MUST be cleared.
       When a tunnel is being shut down for reasons other than loss of
       connectivity, the state and reliable delivery mechanisms MUST be
       maintained and operated for the full retransmission interval after
       the final message exchange has occurred.
       A sliding window mechanism is used for control message transmission.
       Consider two peers A & B. Suppose A specifies a Receive Window Size
       AVP with a value of N in the SCCRQ or SCCRP messages. B is now
       allowed to have up to N outstanding control messages. Once N have
       been sent, it must wait for an acknowledgment that advances the
       window before sending new control messages.  An implementation may
       support a receive window of only 1 (i.e., by sending out a Receive
       Window Size AVP with a value of 1), but MUST accept a window of up to
       4 from its peer (e.g. have the ability to send 4 messages before
       backing off). A value of 0 for the Receive Window Size AVP is
       When retransmitting control messages, a slow start and congestion
       avoidance window adjustment procedure SHOULD be utilized. The
       recommended procedure for this is described in Appendix A.
       A peer MUST NOT withhold acknowledgment of messages as a technique
       for flow controlling control messages.  An L2TP implementation is
       expected to be able to keep up with incoming control messages,
       possibly responding to some with errors reflecting an inability to
       honor the requested action.
       Appendix B contains examples of control message transmission,
       acknowledgement, and retransmission.
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    6.0 Control Connection Protocol Specification

       The following control connection messages are used to establish,
       clear and maintain L2TP tunnels. All data is sent in network order
       (high order octets first). Any "reserved" or "empty" fields MUST be
       sent as 0 values to allow for protocol extensibility.

    6.1 Start-Control-Connection-Request (SCCRQ)

       Start-Control-Connection-Request (SCCRQ) is a control message used to
       initialize a tunnel between an LNS and an LAC. It is sent by either
       the LAC or the LNS to being the tunnel establishment process.
       The following AVPs MUST be present in the SCCRQ:
          Message Type AVP
          Protocol Version
          Host Name
          Framing Capabilities
          Assigned Tunnel ID
       The Following AVPs MAY be present in the SCCRQ:
          Bearer Capabilities
          Receive Window Size
          Tie Breaker
          Firmware Revision
          Vendor Name

    6.2 Start-Control-Connection-Reply (SCCRP)

       Start-Control-Connection-Reply (SCCRP) is a control message sent in
       reply to a received SCCRQ message. SCCRP is used to indicate that the
       SCCRQ was accepted and establishment of the tunnel should continue.
       The following AVPs MUST be present in the SCCRP:
          Message Type
          Protocol Version
          Framing Capabilities
          Host Name
          Assigned Tunnel ID
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       The following AVPs MAY be present in the SCCRP:
          Bearer Capabilities
          Firmware Revision
          Vendor Name
          Receive Window Size
          Challenge Response

    6.3 Start-Control-Connection-Connected (SCCCN)

       Start-Control-Connection-Connected (SCCCN) is a control message sent
       in reply to an SCCRP. SCCCN completes the tunnel establishment
       The following AVP MUST be present in the SCCCN:
          Message Type
       The following AVP MAY be present in the SCCCN:
          Challenge Response

    6.4 Stop-Control-Connection-Notification (StopCCN)

       Stop-Control-Connection-Notification (StopCCN) is a control message
       sent by either the LAC or LNS to inform its peer that the tunnel is
       being shutdown and the control connection should be closed. In
       addition, all active sessions are implicitly cleared (without sending
       any explicit call control messages). The reason for issuing this
       request is indicated in the Result Code AVP. There is no explicit
       reply to the message, only the implicit ACK that is received by the
       reliable control message transport layer.
       The following AVPs MUST be present in the StopCCN:
          Message Type
          Assigned Tunnel ID
          Result Code

    6.5 Hello (HELLO)

       The Hello (HELLO) message is an L2TP control message sent by either
       peer of a LAC-LNS control connection. This control message is used as
       a "keepalive" for the tunnel.
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       The sending of HELLO messages and the policy for sending them are
       left up to the implementation. A peer MUST NOT expect HELLO messages
       at any time or interval. As with all messages sent on the control
       connection, the receiver will return either a ZLB ACK or an
       (unrelated) message piggybacking the necessary acknowledgement
       Since a HELLO is a control message, and control messages are reliably
       sent by the lower level transport, this keepalive function operates
       by causing the transport level to reliably deliver a message. If a
       media interruption has occurred, the reliable transport will be
       unable to deliver the HELLO across, and will clean up the tunnel.
       Keepalives for the tunnel MAY be implemented by sending a HELLO if a
       period of time (a recommended default is 60 seconds, but SHOULD be
       configurable) has passed without receiving any message (data or
       control) from the peer.
       HELLO messages are global to the tunnel. The Session ID in a HELLO
       message MUST be 0.
       The Following AVP MUST be present in the HELLO message:
          Message Type

    6.6 Incoming-Call-Request (ICRQ)

       Incoming-Call-Request (ICRQ) is a control message sent by the LAC to
       the LNS when an incoming call is detected. It is the first in a three
       message exchange used for establishing a session within an L2TP
       ICRQ is used to indicate that a session is to be established between
       the LAC and LNS for this call and provides the LNS with parameter
       information for the session.  The LAC may defer answering the call
       until it has received an ICRP from the LNS indicating that the
       session should be established.  This mechanism allows the LNS to
       obtain sufficient information about the call before determining
       whether it should be answered or not. Alternatively, the LAC may
       answer the call, negotiate LCP and PPP authentication, and use the
       information gained to choose the LNS. In this case, the call has
       already been answered by the time the ICRP message is received; the
       LAC simply spoofs the "call indication" and "call answer" steps in
       this case.
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       The following AVPs MUST be present in the ICRQ:
          Message Type
          Assigned Session ID
          Call Serial Number
       The following AVPs MAY be present in the ICRQ:
          Bearer Type
          Physical Channel ID
          Calling Number
          Called Number

    6.7 Incoming-Call-Reply (ICRP)

       Incoming-Call-Reply (ICRP) is a control message sent by the LNS to
       the LAC in response to a received ICRQ message. It is the second in
       the three message exchange used for establishing sessions within an
       L2TP tunnel.
       ICRP is used to indicate that the ICRQ was successful and for the LAC
       to answer the call if it has not already done so. It also allows the
       LNS to indicate necessary parameters for the L2TP session.
       The following AVPs MUST be present in the ICRP:
          Message Type
          Assigned Session ID

    6.8 Incoming-Call-Connected (ICCN)

       Incoming-Call-Connected (ICCN) is a control message sent by the LAC
       to the LNS in response to a received ICRP message. It is the third
       message in the three message exchange used for establishing sessions
       within an L2TP tunnel.
       ICCN is used to indicate that the ICRP was accepted, the call has
       been answered, and that the L2TP session should move to the
       established state.  It also provides additional information to the
       LNS about parameters used for the answered call (parameters that may
       not always available at the time the ICRQ is issued).
       The following AVPs MUST be present in the ICCN:
          Message Type
          (Tx) Connect Speed
          Framing Type
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       The following AVPs MAY be present in the ICCN:
          Initial Received LCP CONFREQ
          Last Sent LCP CONFREQ
          Last Received LCP CONFREQ
          Proxy Authen Type
          Proxy Authen Name
          Proxy Authen Challenge
          Proxy Authen ID
          Proxy Authen Response
          Private Group ID
          Rx Connect Speed
          Sequencing Required

    6.9 Outgoing-Call-Request (OCRQ)

       Outgoing-Call-Request (OCRQ) is a control message sent by the LNS to
       the LAC to indicate that an outbound call from the LAC is to be
       established. It is the first in a three message exchange used for
       establishing a session within an L2TP tunnel.
       OCRQ is used to indicate that a session is to be established between
       the LNS and LAC for this call and provides the LAC with parameter
       information for both the L2TP session, and the call that is to be
       An LNS MUST have received a Bearer Capabilities AVP during tunnel
       establishment from an LAC in order to request an outgoing call to
       that LAC.
       The following AVPs MUST be present in the OCRQ:
          Message Type
          Assigned Session ID
          Call Serial Number
          Minimum BPS
          Maximum BPS
          Bearer Type
          Framing Type
          Called Number
       The following AVPs MAY be present in the OCRQ:
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    6.10 Outgoing-Call-Reply (OCRP)

       Outgoing-Call-Reply (OCRP) is a control message sent by the LAC to
       the LNS in response to a received OCRQ message. It is the second in a
       three message exchange used for establishing a session within an L2TP
       OCRP is used to indicate that the LAC is able to attempt the outbound
       call and returns certain parameters regarding the call attempt.
       The following AVPs MUST be present in the OCRP:
          Message Type
          Assigned Session ID
       The following AVPs MAY be present in the OCRP:
          Physical Channel ID

    6.11 Outgoing-Call-Connected (OCCN)

       Outgoing-Call-Connected (OCCN) is a control message sent by the LAC
       to the LNS following the OCRP and after the outgoing call has been
       completed.  It is the final message in a three message exchange used
       for establishing a session within an L2TP tunnel.
       OCCN is used to indicate that the result of a requested outgoing call
       was successful. It also provides information to the LNS about the
       particular parameters obtained after the call was established.
       The following AVPs MUST be present in the OCCN:
          Message Type
          (Tx) Connect Speed
          Framing Type
       The following AVPs MAY be present in the OCCN:
          Rx Connect Speed
          Sequencing Required

    6.12 Call-Disconnect-Notify (CDN)

       The Call-Disconnect-Notify (CDN) message is an L2TP control message
       sent by either the LAC or LNS to request disconnection of a specific
       call within the tunnel. Its purpose is to inform the peer of the
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       disconnection and the reason why the disconnection occurred. The peer
       MUST clean up any resources, and does not send back any indication of
       success or failure for such cleanup.
       The following AVPs MUST be present in the CDN:
          Message Type
          Result Code
          Assigned Session ID
       The following AVPs MAY be present in the CDN:
          Q.931 Cause Code

    6.13 WAN-Error-Notify (WEN)

       The WAN-Error-Notify message is an L2TP control message sent by the
       LAC to the LNS to indicate WAN error conditions (conditions that
       occur on the interface supporting PPP). The counters in this message
       are cumulative. This message should only be sent when an error
       occurs, and not more than once every 60 seconds. The counters are
       reset when a new call is established.
       The following AVPs MUST be present in the WEN:
          Message Type
          Call Errors

    6.14 Set-Link-Info (SLI)

       The Set-Link-Info message is an L2TP control message sent by the LNS
       to the LAC to set PPP-negotiated options.  These options can change
       at any time during the life of the call, thus the LAC MUST be able to
       update its internal call information and behavior on an active PPP
       The following AVPs MUST be present in the SLI:
          Message Type

    7.0 Control Connection State Machines

       The control messages defined in section 6 are exchanged by way of
       state tables defined in this section. Tables are defined for incoming
       call placement, outgoing call placement, as well as for initiation of
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       the tunnel itself.  The state tables do not encode timeout and
       retransmission behavior, as this is handled in the underlying
       semantics defined in Section 5.8.

    7.1 Control Connection Protocol Operation

       This section describes the operation of various L2TP control
       connection functions and the Control Connection messages which are
       used to support them.
       Receipt of an invalid or unrecoverable malformed control message
       should be logged appropriately and the control connection cleared to
       ensure recovery to a known state. The control connection may then be
       restarted by the initiator.
       An invalid control message is defined as a message which contains a
       Message Type that is marked mandatory (see Section 4.4.1) and is
       unknown to the implementation, or a control message that is received
       in an improper sequence (e.g. an SCCCN sent in reply to an SCCRQ).
       Examples of a malformed control message include one that has an
       invalid value in its header, contains an AVP that is formatted
       incorrectly or whose value is out of range, or a message that is
       missing a required AVP. A control message with a malformed header
       should be discarded. A control message with an invalid AVP should
       look to the M-bit for that AVP to determine whether the error is
       recoverable or not.
       A malformed yet recoverable non-mandatory (M-bit is not set) AVP
       within a control message should be treated in a similar manner as an
       unrecognized non-mandatory AVP. Thus, if a malformed AVP is received
       with the M-bit set, the session or tunnel should be terminated with a
       proper Result or Error Code sent.  If the M-bit is not set, the AVP
       should be ignored (with the exception of logging a local error
       message) and the message accepted.
       This MUST NOT be considered a license to send malformed AVPs, but
       simply a guide towards how to handle an improperly formatted message
       if one is received. It is impossible to list all potential
       malformations of a given message and give advice for each. That said,
       one example of a recoverable, malformed AVP might be if the Rx
       Connect Speed AVP, attribute 38, is received with a length of 8
       rather than 10 and the BPS given in 2 octets rather than 4. Since the
       Rx Connect Speed is non-mandatory, this condition should not be
       considered catastrophic. As such, the control message should be
       accepted as if the AVP had not been received (with the exception of a
       local error message being logged).
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       In several cases in the following tables, a protocol message is sent,
       and then a "clean up" occurs.  Note that regardless of the initiator
       of the tunnel destruction, the reliable delivery mechanism must be
       allowed to run (see Section 5.8) before destroying the tunnel. This
       permits the tunnel management messages to be reliably delivered to
       the peer.
       Appendix B.1 contains an example of lock-step tunnel establishment.

    7.2 Control Connection States

       The L2TP control connection protocol is not distinguishable between
       the LNS and LAC, but is distinguishable between the originator and
       receiver. The originating peer is the one which first initiates
       establishment of the tunnel (in a tie breaker situation, this is the
       winner of the tie). Since either LAC or LNS can be the originator, a
       collision can occur. See the Tie Breaker AVP in Section 4.4.3 for a
       description of this and its resolution.

    7.2.1 Control Connection Establishment

       State           Event             Action               New State
       -----           -----             ------               ---------
       idle            Local             Send SCCRQ           wait-ctl-reply
                       Open request
       idle            Receive SCCRQ,    Send SCCRP           wait-ctl-conn
       idle            Receive SCCRQ,    Send StopCCN,        idle
                       not acceptable    Clean up
       idle            Receive SCCRP     Send StopCCN         idle
                                         Clean up
       idle            Receive SCCCN     Clean up             idle
       wait-ctl-reply  Receive SCCRP,    Send SCCCN,          established
                       acceptable        Send tunnel-open
                                         event to waiting
       wait-ctl-reply  Receive SCCRP,    Send StopCCN,        idle
                       not acceptable    Clean up
       wait-ctl-reply  Receive SCCRQ,    Clean up,            idle
                       lose tie-breaker  Re-queue SCCRQ
                                         for idle state
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       wait-ctl-reply  Receive SCCCN     Send StopCCN         idle
                                         Clean up
       wait-ctl-conn   Receive SCCCN,    Send tunnel-open     established
                       acceptable        event to waiting
       wait-ctl-conn   Receive SCCCN,    Send StopCCN,        idle
                       not acceptable    Clean up
       wait-ctl-conn   Receive SCCRP,    Send StopCCN,        idle
                       SCCRQ             Clean up
       established     Local             Send tunnel-open     established
                       Open request      event to waiting
                       (new call)        sessions
       established     Admin             Send StopCCN         idle
                       Tunnel Close      Clean up
       established     Receive SCCRQ,    Send StopCCN         idle
                       SCCRP, SCCCN      Clean up
       idle            Receive StopCCN   Clean up             idle
       The states associated with the LNS or LAC for control connection
       establishment are:
          Both initiator and recipient start from this state.  An initiator
          transmits an SCCRQ, while a recipient remains in the idle state
          until receiving an SCCRQ.
          The originator checks to see if another connection has been
          requested from the same peer, and if so, handles the collision
          situation described in Section 5.8.
          When an SCCRP is received, it is examined for a compatible
          version. If the version of the reply is lower than the version
          sent in the request, the older (lower) version should be used
          provided it is supported.  If the version in the reply is earlier
          and supported, the originator moves to the established state.  If
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          the version is earlier and not supported, a StopCCN MUST be sent
          to the peer and the originator cleans up and terminates the
          This is where an SCCCN is awaited; upon receipt, the challenge
          response is checked. The tunnel either is established, or is torn
          down if an authorization failure is detected.
          An established connection may be terminated by either a local
          condition or the receipt of a Stop-Control-Connection-
          Notification. In the event of a local termination, the originator
          MUST send a Stop-Control-Connection-Notification and clean up the
          If the originator receives a Stop-Control-Connection-Notification
          it MUST also clean up the tunnel.

    7.3 Timing considerations

       Due to the real-time nature of telephone signaling, both the LNS and
       LAC should be implemented with multi-threaded architectures such that
       messages related to multiple calls are not serialized and blocked.
       The call and connection state figures do not specify exceptions
       caused by timers.  These are addressed in Section 5.8.

    7.4 Incoming calls

       An Incoming-Call-Request message is generated by the LAC when an
       incoming call is detected (for example, an associated telephone line
       rings). The LAC selects a Session ID and serial number and indicates
       the call bearer type. Modems should always indicate analog call type.
       ISDN calls should indicate digital when unrestricted digital service
       or rate adaption is used and analog if digital modems are involved.
       Calling Number, Called Number, and Subaddress may be included in the
       message if they are available from the telephone network.
       Once the LAC sends the Incoming-Call-Request, it waits for a response
       from the LNS but it does not necessarily answer the call from the
       telephone network yet.  The LNS may choose not to accept the call if:
          -  No resources are available to handle more sessions
          -  The dialed, dialing, or subaddress fields do not correspond to
             an authorized user
          -  The bearer service is not authorized or supported
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       If the LNS chooses to accept the call, it responds with an Incoming-
       Call-Reply.  When the LAC receives the Incoming-Call-Reply, it
       attempts to connect the call.  A final call connected message from
       the LAC to the LNS indicates that the call states for both the LAC
       and the LNS should enter the established state.  If the call
       terminated before the LNS could accept it, a Call-Disconnect-Notify
       is sent by the LAC to indicate this condition.
       When the dialed-in client hangs up, the call is cleared normally and
       the LAC sends a Call-Disconnect-Notify message. If the LNS wishes to
       clear a call, it sends a Call-Disconnect-Notify message and cleans up
       its session.
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    7.4.1 LAC Incoming Call States

       State           Event              Action            New State
       -----           -----              ------            ---------
       idle            Bearer Ring or     Initiate local    wait-tunnel
                       Ready to indicate  tunnel open
                       incoming conn.
       idle            Receive ICCN,      Clean up          idle
                       ICRP, CDN
       wait-tunnel     Bearer line drop   Clean up          idle
                       or local close
       wait-tunnel     tunnel-open        Send ICRQ         wait-reply
       wait-reply      Receive ICRP,      Send ICCN         established
       wait-reply      Receive ICRP,      Send CDN,         idle
                       Not acceptable     Clean up
       wait-reply      Receive ICRQ       Send CDN          idle
                                          Clean up
       wait-reply      Receive CDN        Clean up          idle
       wait-reply      Local              Send CDN,         idle
                       close request or   Clean up
                       Bearer line drop
       established     Receive CDN        Clean up          idle
       established     Receive ICRQ,      Send CDN,         idle
                       ICRP, ICCN         Clean up
       established     Bearer line        Send CDN,         idle
                       drop or local      Clean up
                       close request
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       The states associated with the LAC for incoming calls are:
          The LAC detects an incoming call on one of its interfaces.
          Typically this means an analog line is ringing or an ISDN TE has
          detected an incoming Q.931 SETUP message. The LAC initiates its
          tunnel establishment state machine, and moves to a state waiting
          for confirmation of the existence of a tunnel.
          In this state the session is waiting for either the control
          connection to be opened or for verification that the tunnel is
          already open. Once an indication that the tunnel has/was opened,
          session control messages may be exchanged.  The first of these is
          the Incoming-Call-Request.
          The LAC receives either a CDN message indicating the LNS is not
          willing to accept the call (general error or don't accept) and
          moves back into the idle state, or an Incoming-Call-Reply message
          indicating the call is accepted, the LAC sends an Incoming-Call-
          Connected message and enters the established state.
          Data is exchanged over the tunnel.  The call may be cleared
             + An event on the connected interface:  The LAC sends a Call-
               Disconnect-Notify message
             + Receipt of a Call-Disconnect-Notify message:  The LAC cleans
               up, disconnecting the call.
             + A local reason:  The LAC sends a Call-Disconnect-Notify
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    7.4.2 LNS Incoming Call States

       State           Event              Action            New State
       -----           -----              ------            ---------
       idle            Receive ICRQ,      Send ICRP         wait-connect
       idle            Receive ICRQ,      Send CDN,         idle
                       not acceptable     Clean up
       idle            Receive ICRP       Send CDN          idle
                                          Clean up
       idle            Receive ICCN       Clean up          idle
       wait-connect    Receive ICCN       Prepare for       established
                       acceptable         data
       wait-connect    Receive ICCN       Send CDN,         idle
                       not acceptable     Clean up
       wait-connect    Receive ICRQ,      Send CDN          idle
                       ICRP               Clean up
       idle,           Receive CDN        Clean up          idle
       wait-connect    Local              Send CDN,         idle
       established     Close request      Clean up
       established     Receive ICRQ,      Send CDN          idle
                       ICRP, ICCN         Clean up
       The states associated with the LNS for incoming calls are:
          An Incoming-Call-Request message is received. If the request is
          not acceptable, a Call-Disconnect-Notify is sent back to the LAC
          and the LNS remains in the idle state. If the Incoming-Call-
          Request message is acceptable, an Incoming-Call-Reply is sent. The
          session moves to the wait-connect state.
          If the session is still connected on the LAC, the LAC sends an
          Incoming-Call-Connected message to the LNS which then moves into
          established state.  The LAC may send a Call-Disconnect-Notify to
          indicate that the incoming caller could not be connected. This
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          could happen, for example, if a telephone user accidentally places
          a standard voice call to an LAC resulting in a handshake failure
          on the called modem.
          The session is terminated either by receipt of a Call-Disconnect-
          Notify message from the LAC or by sending a Call-Disconnect-
          Notify. Clean up follows on both sides regardless of the

    7.5 Outgoing calls

       Outgoing calls are initiated by an LNS and instruct an LAC to place a
       call.  There are three messages for outgoing calls:  Outgoing-Call-
       Request, Outgoing-Call-Reply, and Outgoing-Call-Connected.  The LNS
       sends an Outgoing-Call-Request specifying the dialed party phone
       number, subaddress and other parameters. The LAC MUST respond to the
       Outgoing-Call-Request message with an Outgoing-Call-Reply message
       once the LAC determines that the proper facilities exist to place the
       call and the call is administratively authorized.  For example, is
       this LNS allowed to dial an international call?  Once the outbound
       call is connected, the LAC sends an Outgoing-Call-Connected message
       to the LNS indicating the final result of the call attempt:
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    7.5.1 LAC Outgoing Call States

       State           Event              Action            New State
       -----           -----              ------            ---------
       idle            Receive OCRQ,      Send OCRP,        wait-cs-answer
                       acceptable         Open bearer
       idle            Receive OCRQ,      Send CDN,         idle
                       not acceptable     Clean up
       idle            Receive OCRP       Send CDN          idle
                                          Clean up
       idle            Receive OCCN,      Clean up          idle
       wait-cs-answer  Bearer answer,     Send OCCN         established
                       framing detected
       wait-cs-answer  Bearer failure     Send CDN,         idle
                                          Clean up
       wait-cs-answer  Receive OCRQ,      Send CDN          idle
                       OCRP, OCCN         Clean up
       established     Receive OCRQ,      Send CDN          idle
                       OCRP, OCCN         Clean up
       wait-cs-answer, Receive CDN        Clean up          idle
       established     Bearer line drop,  Send CDN,         idle
                       Local close        Clean up
       The states associated with the LAC for outgoing calls are:
          If Outgoing-Call-Request is received in error, respond with a
          Call-Disconnect-Notify. Otherwise, allocate a physical channel and
          send an Outgoing-Call-Reply. Place the outbound call and move to
          the wait-cs-answer state.
          If the call is not completed or a timer expires waiting for the
          call to complete, send a Call-Disconnect-Notify with the
          appropriate error condition set and go to idle state. If a circuit
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          switched connection is established and framing is detected, send
          an Outgoing-Call-Connected indicating success and go to
          established state.
          If a Call-Disconnect-Notify is received by the LAC, the telco call
          MUST be released via appropriate mechanisms and the session
          cleaned up. If the call is disconnected by the client or the
          called interface, a Call-Disconnect-Notify message MUST be sent to
          the LNS. The sender of the Call-Disconnect-Notify message returns
          to the idle state after sending of the message is complete.
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    7.5.2 LNS Outgoing Call States

       State           Event              Action            New State
       -----           -----              ------            ---------
       idle            Local              Initiate local    wait-tunnel
                       open request       tunnel-open
       idle            Receive OCCN,      Clean up          idle
                       OCRP, CDN
       wait-tunnel     tunnel-open        Send OCRQ         wait-reply
       wait-reply      Receive OCRP,      none              wait-connect
       wait-reply      Receive OCRP,      Send CDN          idle
                       not acceptable     Clean up
       wait-reply      Receive OCCN,      Send CDN          idle
                       OCRQ               Clean up
       wait-connect    Receive OCCN       none              established
       wait-connect    Receive OCRQ,      Send CDN          idle
                       OCRP               Clean up
       idle,           Receive CDN,       Clean up          idle
       established     Receive OCRQ,      Send CDN          idle
                       OCRP, OCCN         Clean up
       wait-reply,     Local              Send CDN          idle
       wait-connect,   Close request      Clean up
       wait-tunnel     Local              Clean up          idle
                       Close request
       The states associated with the LNS for outgoing calls are:
       idle, wait-tunnel
          When an outgoing call is initiated, a tunnel is first created,
          much as the idle and wait-tunnel states for an LAC incoming call.
          Once a tunnel is established, an Outgoing-Call-Request message is
          sent to the LAC and the session moves into the wait-reply state.
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          If a Call-Disconnect-Notify is received, an error occurred, and
          the session is cleaned up and returns to idle.  If an Outgoing-
          Call-Reply is received, the call is in progress and the session
          moves to the wait-connect state.
          If a Call-Disconnect-Notify is received, the call failed; the
          session is cleaned up and returns to idle.  If an Outgoing-Call-
          Connected is received, the call has succeeded and the session may
          now exchange data.
          If a Call-Disconnect-Notify is received, the call has been
          terminated for the reason indicated in the Result and Cause Codes;
          the session moves back to the idle state.  If the LNS chooses to
          terminate the session, it sends a Call-Disconnect-Notify to the
          LAC and then cleans up and idles its session.

    7.6 Tunnel Disconnection

       The disconnection of a tunnel consists of either peer issuing a
       Stop-Control-Connection-Notification. The sender of this Notification
       should wait a finite period of time for the acknowledgment of this
       message before releasing the control information associated with the
       tunnel. The recipient of this Notification should send an
       acknowledgment of the Notification and then release the associated
       control information.
       When to release a tunnel is an implementation issue and is not
       specified in this document. A particular implementation may use
       whatever policy is appropriate for determining when to release a
       control connection. Some implementations may leave a tunnel open for
       a period of time or perhaps indefinitely after the last session for
       that tunnel is cleared. Others may choose to disconnect the tunnel
       immediately after the last user connection on the tunnel disconnects.

    8.0 L2TP Over Specific Media

       L2TP is self-describing, operating at a level above the media over
       which it is carried. However, some details of its connection to media
       are required to permit interoperable implementations. The following
       sections describe details needed to permit interoperability over
       specific media.
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    8.1 L2TP over UDP/IP

       L2TP uses the registered UDP port 1701 [RFC1700]. The entire L2TP
       packet, including payload and L2TP header, is sent within a UDP
       datagram. The initiator of an L2TP tunnel picks an available source
       UDP port (which may or may not be 1701), and sends to the desired
       destination address at port 1701.  The recipient picks a free port on
       its own system (which may or may not be 1701), and sends its reply to
       the initiator's UDP port and address, setting its own source port to
       the free port it found. Once the source and destination ports and
       addresses are established, they MUST remain static for the life of
       the tunnel.
       It has been suggested that having the recipient choose an arbitrary
       source port (as opposed to using the destination port in the packet
       initiating the tunnel, i.e., 1701) may make it more difficult for
       L2TP to traverse some NAT devices. Implementors should consider the
       potential implication of this before before choosing an arbitrary
       source port.
       IP fragmentation may occur as the L2TP packet travels over the IP
       substrate. L2TP makes no special efforts to optimize this. A LAC
       implementation MAY cause its LCP to negotiate for a specific MRU,
       which could optimize for LAC environments in which the MTU's of the
       path over which the L2TP packets are likely to travel have a
       consistent value.
       The default for any L2TP implementation is that UDP checksums MUST be
       enabled for both control and data messages. An L2TP implementation
       MAY provide an option to disable UDP checksums for data messages. It
       is recommended that UDP checksums always be enabled on control
       Port 1701 is used for both L2F [RFC2341] and L2TP packets. The
       Version field in each header may be used to discriminate between the
       two packet types (L2F uses a value of 1, and the L2TP version
       described in this document uses a value of 2). An L2TP implementation
       running on a system which does not support L2F MUST silently discard
       all L2F packets.
       To the PPP clients using an L2TP-over-UDP/IP tunnel, the PPP link has
       the characteristic of being able to reorder or silently drop packets.
       The former may break non-IP protocols being carried by PPP,
       especially LAN-centric ones such as bridging.  The latter may break
       protocols which assume per-packet indication of error, such as TCP
       header compression.  Sequencing may be handled by using L2TP data
       message sequence numbers if any protocol being transported by the PPP
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       tunnel cannot tolerate reordering. The sequence dependency
       characteristics of individual protocols are outside the scope of this
       Allowing packets to be dropped silently is perhaps more problematic
       with some protocols. If PPP reliable delivery [RFC1663] is enabled,
       no upper PPP protocol will encounter lost packets. If L2TP sequence
       numbers are enabled, L2TP can detect the packet loss. In the case of
       an LNS, the PPP and L2TP stacks are both present within the LNS, and
       packet loss signaling may occur precisely as if a packet was received
       with a CRC error. Where the LAC and PPP stack are co-resident, this
       technique also applies. Where the LAC and PPP client are physically
       distinct, the analogous signaling MAY be accomplished by sending a
       packet with a CRC error to the PPP client. Note that this would
       greatly increase the complexity of debugging client line problems,
       since the client statistics could not distinguish between true media
       errors and LAC-initiated ones. Further, this technique is not
       possible on all hardware.
       If VJ compression is used, and neither PPP reliable delivery nor
       sequence numbers are enabled, each lost packet results in a 1 in
       2**16 chance of a TCP segment being forwarded with incorrect contents
       [RFC1144]. Where the combination of the packet loss rate with this
       statistical exposure is unacceptable, TCP header compression SHOULD
       NOT be used.
       In general, it is wise to remember that the L2TP/UDP/IP transport is
       an unreliable transport. As with any PPP media that is subject to
       loss, care should be taken when using protocols that are particularly
       loss-sensitive. Such protocols include compression and encryption
       protocols that employ history.

    8.2 IP

       When operating in IP environments, L2TP MUST offer the UDP
       encapsulation described in 8.1 as its default configuration for IP
       operation. Other configurations (perhaps corresponding to a
       compressed header format) MAY be defined and made available as a
       configurable option.

    9.0 Security Considerations

       L2TP encounters several security issues in its operation.  The
       general approach of L2TP to these issues is documented here.
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    9.1 Tunnel Endpoint Security

       The tunnel endpoints may optionally perform an authentication
       procedure of one another during tunnel establishment.  This
       authentication has the same security attributes as CHAP, and has
       reasonable protection against replay and snooping during the tunnel
       establishment process. This mechanism is not designed to provide any
       authentication beyond tunnel establishment; it is fairly simple for a
       malicious user who can snoop the tunnel stream to inject packets once
       an authenticated tunnel establishment has been completed
       For authentication to occur, the LAC and LNS MUST share a single
       secret.  Each side uses this same secret when acting as authenticatee
       as well as authenticator. Since a single secret is used, the tunnel
       authentication AVPs include differentiating values in the CHAP ID
       fields for each message digest calculation to guard against replay
       The Assigned Tunnel ID and Assigned Session ID (See Section 4.4.3)
       SHOULD be selected in an unpredictable manner rather than
       sequentially or otherwise.  Doing so will help deter hijacking of a
       session by a malicious user who does not have access to packet traces
       between the LAC and LNS.

    9.2 Packet Level Security

       Securing L2TP requires that the underlying transport make available
       encryption, integrity and authentication services for all L2TP
       traffic.  This secure transport operates on the entire L2TP packet
       and is functionally independent of PPP and the protocol being carried
       by PPP. As such, L2TP is only concerned with confidentiality,
       authenticity, and integrity of the L2TP packets between its tunnel
       endpoints (the LAC and LNS), not unlike link-layer encryption being
       concerned only about protecting the confidentiality of traffic
       between its physical endpoints.

    9.3 End to End Security

       Protecting the L2TP packet stream via a secure transport does, in
       turn, also protect the data within the tunneled PPP packets while
       transported from the LAC to the LNS. Such protection should not be
       considered a substitution for end-to-end security between
       communicating hosts or applications.
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    9.4 L2TP and IPsec

       When running over IP, IPsec provides packet-level security via ESP
       and/or AH. All L2TP control and data packets for a particular tunnel
       appear as homogeneous UDP/IP data packets to the IPsec system.
       In addition to IP transport security, IPsec defines a mode of
       operation that allows tunneling of IP packets. The packet level
       encryption and authentication provided by IPsec tunnel mode and that
       provided by L2TP secured with IPsec provide an equivalent level of
       security for these requirements.
       IPsec also defines access control features that are  required of a
       compliant IPsec implementation. These features allow filtering of
       packets based upon network and transport layer characteristics such
       as IP address, ports, etc. In the L2TP tunneling model, analogous
       filtering is logically performed at the PPP layer or network layer
       above L2TP.  These network layer access control features may be
       handled at the LNS via vendor-specific authorization features based
       upon the authenticated PPP user, or at the network layer itself by
       using IPsec transport mode end-to-end between the communicating
       hosts. The requirements for access control mechanisms are not a part
       of the L2TP specification and as such are outside the scope of this

    9.5 Proxy PPP Authentication

       L2TP defines AVPs that MAY be exchanged during session establishment
       to provide forwarding of PPP authentication information obtained at
       the LAC to the LNS for validation (see Section 4.4.5). This implies a
       direct trust relationship of the LAC on behalf of the LNS.  If the
       LNS chooses to implement proxy authentication, it MUST be able to be
       configured off, requiring a new round a PPP authentication initiated
       by the LNS (which may or may not include a new round of LCP

    10.0 IANA Considerations

       This document defines a number of "magic" numbers to be maintained by
       the IANA.  This section explains the criteria to be used by the IANA
       to assign additional numbers in each of these lists. The following
       subsections describe the assignment policy for the namespaces defined
       elsewhere in this document.

    10.1 AVP Attributes

       As defined in Section 4.1, AVPs contain vendor ID, Attribute and
       Value fields. For vendor ID value of 0, IANA will maintain a registry
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       of assigned Attributes and in some case also values. Attributes 0-39
       are assigned as defined in Section 4.4. The remaining values are
       available for assignment through IETF Consensus [RFC 2434].

    10.2 Message Type AVP Values

       As defined in Section 4.4.1, Message Type AVPs (Attribute Type 0)
       have an associated value maintained by IANA. Values 0-16 are defined
       in Section 3.2, the remaining values are available for assignment via
       IETF Consensus [RFC 2434]

    10.3 Result Code AVP Values

       As defined in Section 4.4.2, Result Code AVPs (Attribute Type 1)
       contain three fields.  Two of these fields (the Result Code and Error
       Code fields) have associated values maintained by IANA.

    10.3.1 Result Code Field Values

       The Result Code AVP may be included in CDN and StopCCN messages. The
       allowable values for the Result Code field of the AVP differ
       depending upon the value of the Message Type AVP.  For the StopCCN
       message, values 0-7 are defined in Section 4.4.2; for the StopCCN
       message, values 0-11 are defined in the same section.  The remaining
       values of the Result Code field for both messages are available for
       assignment via IETF Consensus [RFC 2434].

    10.3.2 Error Code Field Values

       Values 0-7 are defined in Section 4.4.2.  Values 8-32767 are
       available for assignment via IETF Consensus [RFC 2434]. The remaining
       values of the Error Code field are available for assignment via First
       Come First Served [RFC 2434].

    10.4 Framing Capabilities & Bearer Capabilities

       The Framing Capabilities AVP and Bearer Capabilities AVPs (defined in
       Section 4.4.3) both contain 32-bit bitmasks. Additional bits should
       only be defined via a Standards Action [RFC 2434].

    10.5 Proxy Authen Type AVP Values

       The Proxy Authen Type AVP (Attribute Type 29) has an associated value
       maintained by IANA. Values 0-5 are defined in Section 4.4.5, the
       remaining values are available for assignment via First Come First
       Served [RFC 2434].
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    10.6 AVP Header Bits

       There are four remaining reserved bits in the AVP header. Additional
       bits should only be assigned via a Standards Action [RFC 2434].

    11.0 References

       [DSS1]    ITU-T Recommendation, "Digital subscriber Signaling System
                 No. 1 (DSS 1) - ISDN user-network interface layer 3
                 specification for basic call control", Rec. Q.931(I.451),
                 May 1998
       [KPS]     Kaufman, C., Perlman, R., and Speciner, M., "Network
                 Security:  Private Communications in a Public World",
                 Prentice Hall, March 1995, ISBN 0-13-061466-1
       [RFC791]  Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", STD 5, RFC 791, September
       [RFC1034] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities",
                 STD 13, RFC 1034, November 1987.
       [RFC1144] Jacobson, V., "Compressing TCP/IP Headers for Low-Speed
                 Serial Links", RFC 1144, February 1990.
       [RFC1661] Simpson, W., "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)", STD 51,
                 RFC 1661, July 1994.
       [RFC1662] Simpson, W., "PPP in HDLC-like Framing", STD 51, RFC 1662,
                 July 1994.
       [RFC1663] Rand, D., "PPP Reliable Transmission", RFC 1663, July 1994.
       [RFC1700] Reynolds, J. and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC
                 1700, October 1994.  See also:
       [RFC1990] Sklower, K., Lloyd, B., McGregor, G., Carr, D. and T.
                 Coradetti, "The PPP Multilink Protocol (MP)", RFC 1990,
                 August 1996.
       [RFC1994] Simpson, W., "PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication
                 Protocol (CHAP)", RFC 1994, August 1996.
       [RFC1918] Rekhter, Y., Moskowitz, B., Karrenberg, D., de Groot, G.
                 and E. Lear, "Address Allocation for Private Internets",
                 BCP 5, RFC 1918, February 1996.
    Townsley, et al.            Standards Track                    [Page 73]
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       [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
                 Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
       [RFC2138] Rigney, C., Rubens, A., Simpson, W. and S. Willens, "Remote
                 Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS)", RFC 2138,
                 April 1997.
       [RFC2277] Alvestrand, H., "IETF Policy on Character Sets and
                 Languages", BCP 18, RFC 2277, January 1998.
       [RFC2341] Valencia, A., Littlewood, M. and T. Kolar, "Cisco Layer Two
                 Forwarding (Protocol) L2F", RFC 2341, May 1998.
       [RFC2401] Kent, S. and R. Atkinson, "Security Architecture for the
                 Internet Protocol", RFC 2401, November 1998.
       [RFC2434] Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an
                 IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 2434,
                 October 1998.
       [RFC2637] Hamzeh, K., Pall, G., Verthein, W., Taarud, J., Little, W.
                 and G. Zorn, "Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)",
                 RFC 2637, July 1999.
       [STEVENS] Stevens, W. Richard, "TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume I The
                 Protocols", Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., March
                 1996, ISBN 0-201-63346-9

    12.0 Acknowledgments

       The basic concept for L2TP and many of its protocol constructs were
       adopted from L2F [RFC2341] and PPTP [PPTP]. Authors of these are A.
       Valencia, M. Littlewood, T. Kolar, K. Hamzeh, G. Pall, W. Verthein,
       J. Taarud, W. Little, and G. Zorn.
       Dory Leifer made valuable refinements to the protocol definition of
       L2TP and contributed to the editing of this document.
       Steve Cobb and Evan Caves redesigned the state machine tables.
       Barney Wolff provided a great deal of design input on the endpoint
       authentication mechanism.
       John Bray, Greg Burns, Rich Garrett, Don Grosser, Matt Holdrege,
       Terry Johnson, Dory Leifer, and Rich Shea provided valuable input and
       review at the 43rd IETF in Orlando, FL., which led to improvement of
       the overall readability and clarity of this document.
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    13.0 Authors' Addresses

       Gurdeep Singh Pall
       Microsoft Corporation
       Redmond, WA
       EMail: gurdeep@microsoft.com
       Bill Palter
       RedBack Networks, Inc
       1389 Moffett Park Drive
       Sunnyvale, CA 94089
       EMail: palter@zev.net
       Allan Rubens
       Ascend Communications
       1701 Harbor Bay Parkway
       Alameda, CA 94502
       EMail: acr@del.com
       W. Mark Townsley
       cisco Systems
       7025 Kit Creek Road
       PO Box 14987
       Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
       EMail: townsley@cisco.com
       Andrew J. Valencia
       cisco Systems
       170 West Tasman Drive
       San Jose CA 95134-1706
       EMail: vandys@cisco.com
       Glen Zorn
       Microsoft Corporation
       One Microsoft Way
       Redmond, WA 98052
       EMail: gwz@acm.org
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    RFC 2661                          L2TP                       August 1999
    Appendix A: Control Channel Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance
       Although each side has indicated the maximum size of its receive
       window, it is recommended that a slow start and congestion avoidance
       method be used to transmit control packets.  The methods described
       here are based upon the TCP congestion avoidance algorithm as
       described in section 21.6 of TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume I, by W.
       Richard Stevens [STEVENS].
       Slow start and congestion avoidance make use of several variables.
       The congestion window (CWND) defines the number of packets a sender
       may send before waiting for an acknowledgment. The size of CWND
       expands and contracts as described below. Note however, that CWND is
       never allowed to exceed the size of the advertised window obtained
       from the Receive Window AVP (in the text below, it is assumed any
       increase will be limited by the Receive Window Size). The variable
       SSTHRESH determines when the sender switches from slow start to
       congestion avoidance. Slow start is used while CWND is less than
       A sender starts out in the slow start phase. CWND is initialized to
       one packet, and SSHTRESH is initialized to the advertised window
       (obtained from the Receive Window AVP).  The sender then transmits
       one packet and waits for its acknowledgement (either explicit or
       piggybacked). When the acknowledgement is received, the congestion
       window is incremented from one to two.  During slow start, CWND is
       increased by one packet each time an ACK (explicit ZLB or
       piggybacked) is received. Increasing CWND by one on each ACK has the
       effect of doubling CWND with each round trip, resulting in an
       exponential increase. When the value of CWND reaches SSHTRESH, the
       slow start phase ends and the congestion avoidance phase begins.
       During congestion avoidance, CWND expands more slowly. Specifically,
       it increases by 1/CWND for every new ACK received. That is, CWND is
       increased by one packet after CWND new ACKs have been received.
       Window expansion during the congestion avoidance phase is effectively
       linear, with CWND increasing by one packet each round trip.
       When congestion occurs (indicated by the triggering of a
       retransmission) one half of the CWND is saved in SSTHRESH, and CWND
       is set to one. The sender then reenters the slow start phase.
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    Appendix B: Control Message Examples
    B.1: Lock-step tunnel establishment
       In this example, an LAC establishes a tunnel, with the exchange
       involving each side alternating in sending messages.  This example
       shows the final acknowledgment explicitly sent within a ZLB ACK
       message. An alternative would be to piggyback the acknowledgement
       within a message sent as a reply to the ICRQ or OCRQ that will likely
       follow from the side that initiated the tunnel.
              LAC or LNS               LNS or LAC
              ----------               ----------
              SCCRQ     ->
              Nr: 0, Ns: 0
                                       <-     SCCRP
                                       Nr: 1, Ns: 0
              SCCCN     ->
              Nr: 1, Ns: 1
                                       <-       ZLB
                                       Nr: 2, Ns: 1
    B.2: Lost packet with retransmission
       An existing tunnel has a new session requested by the LAC.  The ICRP
       is lost and must be retransmitted by the LNS.  Note that loss of the
       ICRP has two impacts: not only does it keep the upper level state
       machine from progressing, but it also keeps the LAC from seeing a
       timely lower level acknowledgment of its ICRQ.
                LAC                               LNS
                ---                               ---
            ICRQ      ->
            Nr: 1, Ns: 2
                             (packet lost)   <-      ICRP
                                             Nr: 3, Ns: 1
          (pause; LAC's timer started first, so fires first)
           ICRQ      ->
           Nr: 1, Ns: 2
           (Realizing that it has already seen this packet,
           the LNS discards the packet and sends a ZLB)
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                                             <-       ZLB
                                             Nr: 3, Ns: 2
                           (LNS's retransmit timer fires)
                                             <-      ICRP
                                             Nr: 3, Ns: 1
           ICCN      ->
           Nr: 2, Ns: 3
                                             <-       ZLB
                                             Nr: 4, Ns: 2
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    Appendix C: Intellectual Property Notice
       The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
       intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to
       pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
       this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
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       IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and
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       be obtained from the IETF Secretariat."
       The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
       copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
       rights which may cover technology that may be required to practice
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       The IETF has been notified of intellectual property rights claimed in
       regard to some or all of the specification contained in this
       document.  For more information consult the online list of claimed
    Townsley, et al.            Standards Track                    [Page 79]
    RFC 2661                          L2TP                       August 1999
    Full Copyright Statement
       Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999).  All Rights Reserved.
       This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
       others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
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       revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.
       This document and the information contained herein is provided on an
       Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
       Internet Society.
    Townsley, et al.            Standards Track                    [Page 80]

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