• 图数据结构_Dijkstra算法




    class City:
        def __init__(self, name):
            self.name = name
            # 把表示邻接点的列表换成字典
            self.routes = {}
        def add_route(self, city, price_info):
            self.routes[city] = price_info
        def dijkstra(self, starting_city, other_cities):
            # 字典routes_from_city用来保存从给定城市(这里是atlanta)到其他所有城市的价格以及途径的城市
            # routes_from_city = {}
            # routes_from_city格式: {终点城市:[价格,到达终点城市所要经过的前一个城市]}
            # 字典最后会是: {atlanta:[0,None], boston:[100, atlanta], chicago:[200, denver], el_paso:[280, chicago]}
            # 从起点城市到起点城市时免费的
            # routes_from_city[starting_city] = [0, starting_city]
            routes_from_city = {starting_city: [0, None]}
            # 初始化该字典,因为去往所有其他城市的花费都未知,所以先设为无限大
            for city in other_cities:
                routes_from_city[city] = [float('inf'), None]
                # 该字典初始会是: {atlanta:[0, None],
                #                 boston:[float('inf'), None],
                #                 chicago:[float('inf'), None],
                #                 denver:[float('inf'), None],
                #                 el_paso:[float('inf'), None]}
            # 记录已经访问的城市的列表
            visited_cities = []
            # 一开始先访问起点城市, 将current_city设为它
            current_city = starting_city
            # 循环访问每一个城市
            while current_city:
                # 正式访问当前城市
                # 检查从当前城市触发的每条航线
                for city, price_info in current_city.routes.items():
                    # 如果起点城市到其他城市的价格比routes_from_city所记录的更低,则更新记录
                    if routes_from_city[city][0] > price_info + routes_from_city[current_city][0]:
                        routes_from_city[city] = [price_info+routes_from_city[current_city][0], current_city]
                # 决定下一个要访问的城市
                current_city = None
                cheapest_route_from_current_city = float('inf')
                # 检查所有已记录的路线
                for city, price_info in routes_from_city.items():
                    # 在未访问的城市中找出最便宜的那个,设为下一个要访问的城市
                    if price_info[0] < cheapest_route_from_current_city and city not in visited_cities:
                        cheapest_route_from_current_city = price_info[0]
                        current_city = city
            return routes_from_city
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        atlanta = City('Atlanta')
        boston = City('Boston')
        chicago = City('Chicago')
        denver = City('Denver')
        el_paso = City('El Paso')
        atlanta.add_route(boston, 100)
        atlanta.add_route(denver, 160)
        boston.add_route(chicago, 120)
        boston.add_route(denver, 180)
        chicago.add_route(el_paso, 80)
        denver.add_route(chicago, 40)
        denver.add_route(el_paso, 140)
        routes = atlanta.dijkstra(atlanta, [boston, chicago, denver, el_paso])
        for my_city, my_price in routes.items():
            print(my_city.name, my_price[0])
    # 打印结果:
    # Atlanta 0
    # Boston 100
    # Chicago 200
    # Denver 160
    # El Paso 280
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/glz666/p/13893316.html
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