• RF:connecting to multiple databases

    I am trying to connect to multiple databases with DatabaseLibrary but its not working.

    *** Settings ***
    Library           DatabaseLibrary    WITH NAME    db1
    Library           DatabaseLibrary    WITH NAME    db2

    *** Keywords ***
    connect db1 database
        db1.Connect To Database Using Custom Params    cx_Oracle    'db1 connection string'
        @{queryResults1}=    db1.Query    select * from db1_table  --> OK
        db2.Connect To Database Using Custom Params    cx_Oracle    'db2 connection string'
        @{queryResults1}=    db2.Query    select * from db2_table  --> also OK
        @{queryResults1}=    db1.Query    select * from d1table  --> fails saying that db1_table does not exist
    You did not specify which DatabaseLibrary you are talking about, but they both appear to have the same design flaw.
    They both have a test library scope of GLOBAL.
    RF will not create another instance of a library that is scoped GLOBAL. From the user guide, this appears to be by design.
    In other words both db1 and db2 reference the same instance of DatabaseLibrary.
    To fix, do all your queries in db1, then disconnect and connect to db2 and do all your queries there, etc.
    If you want to do queries in both databases without (dis)connecting, there is a fairly easy way with the Python version.
    Create a custom library as below:
    ----start content of DatabaseLibrarySS.py----
    from DatabaseLibrary import DatabaseLibrary
    class DatabaseLibrarySS(DatabaseLibrary):
    ----end content of DatabaseLibrarySS.py----
    *** Settings ***
    Library           DatabaseLibrarySS.py    WITH NAME    db1
    Library           DatabaseLibrarySS.py    WITH NAME    db2
    *** Test Cases ***
    Multiple Instances of DatabaseLibrary
        ${db1}=    Get Library Instance    db1
        ${db2}=    Get Library Instance    db2
        Should Not Be Equal    ${db1}    ${db2}
    A library with a scope of GLOBAL should implement keywords to make concurrent use from different contexts possible. For examples, see Switch Process in OperatingSystem or Switch Browser in Selenium2Library.

    what am i doing wrong here?

    Thanks in advance for your time and help.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/glre09/p/3490613.html
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