• electron打包nsis配置(只限个人记录,有问题欢迎指正)


     pluginOptions: {
          electronBuilder: {
            outputDir: 'dist-electron', //打包路径
            chainWebpackMainProcess: (config) => {
              // Chain webpack config for electron main process only
              // console.log("electron config",config)
            chainWebpackRendererProcess: (config) => {
              // Chain webpack config for electron renderer process only
              // The following example will set IS_ELECTRON to true in your app
              // config.plugin('define').tap((args) => {
              //   console.log("args",args)
              //   args[0]['IS_ELECTRON'] = true
              //   return args
              // })
            // Use this to change the entrypoint of your app's main process
            // mainProcessFile: 'src/background.js',
            builderOptions: {
              // options placed here will be merged with default configuration and passed to electron-builder
              appId: "com.SHOM.app",
              productName: "SHom",
              // "directories": {
              //     "output": "./distelectron"//输出文件路径
              // },
              dmg: {
                  contents: [
                            x: 410,
                            y: 150,
                            type: "link",
                            path: "/Applications"
                            x: 130,
                            y: 150,
                            type: "file"
              win: {//win相关配置
                  icon:"./public/timg.ico", // setup图标
                  target: [
                          target: "nsis",//利用nsis制作安装程序
                          arch: [
              nsis: {
                  oneClick: false, // 是否一键安装
                  allowElevation: true, // 允许请求提升。 如果为false,则用户必须使用提升的权限重新启动安装程序。
                  allowToChangeInstallationDirectory: true, // 允许修改安装目录
                  installerIcon: "./public/timg.ico",// 安装图标
                  uninstallerIcon: "./public/timg.ico",//卸载图标
                  installerHeaderIcon: "./public/timg.ico", // 安装时头部图标
                  createDesktopShortcut: true, // 创建桌面图标
                  createStartMenuShortcut: true,// 创建开始菜单图标
                  shortcutName: "SHom", // 图标名称 
                  include: "./public/nsis/installer.nsh",  // 自定义nsis脚本 安装过程中自行调用  (可用于写入注册表 开机自启动等操作)
              publish: [
                      provider: "generic",
                      url: "http://**.**.**.**:3001/download/",//隐藏版本服务器地址


    !macro customInstall ; WriteRegStr 根键 子键 项 值 WriteRegStr HKCR ".om" "" "omFile" WriteRegStr HKCR "omFileshellopencommand" "" '"$INSTDIRSHom.exe" "%1"' !macroend
     pluginOptions: {
          electronBuilder: {
            outputDir: 'dist-electron'//打包路径
            chainWebpackMainProcess: (config=> {
              // Chain webpack config for electron main process only
              // console.log("electron config",config)
            chainWebpackRendererProcess: (config=> {
              // Chain webpack config for electron renderer process only
              // The following example will set IS_ELECTRON to true in your app
              // config.plugin('define').tap((args) => {
              //   console.log("args",args)
              //   args[0]['IS_ELECTRON'] = true
              //   return args
              // })
            // Use this to change the entrypoint of your app's main process
            // mainProcessFile: 'src/background.js',
            builderOptions: {
              // options placed here will be merged with default configuration and passed to electron-builder
              appId: "com.SHOM.app",
              productName: "SHom",
              // "directories": {
              //     "output": "./distelectron"//输出文件路径
              // },
              dmg: {
                  contents: [
                            x: 410,
                            y: 150,
                            type: "link",
                            path: "/Applications"
                            x: 130,
                            y: 150,
                            type: "file"
              win: {//win相关配置
                  icon:"./public/timg.ico"// setup图标
                  target: [
                          target: "nsis",//利用nsis制作安装程序
                          arch: [
              nsis: {
                  oneClick: false// 是否一键安装
                  allowElevation: true// 允许请求提升。 如果为false,则用户必须使用提升的权限重新启动安装程序。
                  allowToChangeInstallationDirectory: true// 允许修改安装目录
                  installerIcon: "./public/timg.ico",// 安装图标
                  uninstallerIcon: "./public/timg.ico",//卸载图标
                  installerHeaderIcon: "./public/timg.ico"// 安装时头部图标
                  createDesktopShortcut: true// 创建桌面图标
                  createStartMenuShortcut: true,// 创建开始菜单图标
                  shortcutName: "SHom"// 图标名称 
                  include: "./public/nsis/installer.nsh",  // 自定义nsis脚本 安装过程中自行调用  (可用于写入注册表 开机自启动等操作)
              publish: [
                      provider: "generic",
                      url: "http://**.**.**.**:3001/download/",//隐藏版本服务器地址
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gitwusong/p/13884846.html
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