• 一行代码修改Linux机器密码和Samba服务密码


    passwd=**** && (echo $passwd;echo $passwd) | sudo -A smbpasswd username -s
      -L                   local mode (must be first option)
      -h                   print this usage message
      -s                   use stdin for password prompt #-s就是标准输出
      -c smb.conf file     Use the given path to the smb.conf file
      -D LEVEL             debug level
      -r MACHINE           remote machine
      -U USER              remote username (e.g. SAM/user)
    extra options when run by root or in local mode:
      -a                   add user
      -d                   disable user
      -e                   enable user
      -i                   interdomain trust account
      -m                   machine trust account
      -n                   set no password
      -W                   use stdin ldap admin password
      -w PASSWORD          ldap admin password
      -x                   delete user
      -R ORDER             name resolve order


    1. 设置一个临时变量passwd,其意义是需要设置smb密码
    2. 通过echo或printf输出passwd的值两次并通过管道传递给smbpasswd命令。(此处输出两次,是因为在smbpasswd
    3. 时候需要输入两次密码来确认)
    4. 通过sudo -A参数来避免sudo时输入密码
    5. 通过smbpasswd nferzhuang -s参数来使用上面echo的输出作为smbpasswd的输入
    echo "password" |passwd --stdin user
    Usage: passwd [OPTION...] <accountName>
      -k, --keep-tokens       keep non-expired authentication tokens
      -d, --delete            delete the password for the named account (root only)
      -l, --lock              lock the password for the named account (root only)
      -u, --unlock            unlock the password for the named account (root only)
      -e, --expire            expire the password for the named account (root only)
      -f, --force             force operation
      -x, --maximum=DAYS      maximum password lifetime (root only)
      -n, --minimum=DAYS      minimum password lifetime (root only)
      -w, --warning=DAYS      number of days warning users receives before password expiration (root only)
      -i, --inactive=DAYS     number of days after password expiration when an account becomes disabled (root only)
      -S, --status            report password status on the named account (root only)
      --stdin                 read new tokens from stdin (root only)


       70  echo "zgh234" |passwd --stdin root
       71  history
       72  passwd --help
       73  history


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ghylpb/p/14545908.html
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