• SimpleAdapter的用法

    学习listView的时候,按照例子设定item的布局为系统提供的simple_list_item_single_choice.xml@frameworks/base/core/res/res/layout/ 加上SimpleAdapter,感觉很爽,什么都不用写直接就用了,然后我就自己定义了一个布局一个ImageView和一个CheckedTextView,问题来了,点击不选中,但是使用SimpleAdapter的时候可是好好的。我决定肯定是SimpleAdapter做了什么事情可以很好的实现单选(后来发现与simpleadapter完全无关,只是CheckedTextView实现了选择功能)。于我决定认真的研究一下SimpleAdapter。



    private void bindView(int position, View view) {
            final Map dataSet = mData.get(position);
            if (dataSet == null) {
            final ViewBinder binder = mViewBinder;
            final String[] from = mFrom;
            final int[] to = mTo;
            final int count = to.length;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                final View v = view.findViewById(to[i]);
                if (v != null) {
                    final Object data = dataSet.get(from[i]);
                    String text = data == null ? "" : data.toString();
                    if (text == null) {
                        text = "";
                    boolean bound = false;
              if (binder != null) { //④
                        bound = binder.setViewValue(v, data, text);
                    if (!bound) {
                        if (v instanceof Checkable) {// ①
                            if (data instanceof Boolean) {
                                ((Checkable) v).setChecked((Boolean) data);
                            } else if (v instanceof TextView) {
                                // Note: keep the instanceof TextView check at the bottom of these
                                // ifs since a lot of views are TextViews (e.g. CheckBoxes).
                                setViewText((TextView) v, text);
                            } else {
                                throw new IllegalStateException(v.getClass().getName() +
                                        " should be bound to a Boolean, not a " +
                                        (data == null ? "<unknown type>" : data.getClass()));
                        } else if (v instanceof TextView) { //②
                            // Note: keep the instanceof TextView check at the bottom of these
                            // ifs since a lot of views are TextViews (e.g. CheckBoxes).
                            setViewText((TextView) v, text);
                        } else if (v instanceof ImageView) { //③
                            if (data instanceof Integer) {
                                setViewImage((ImageView) v, (Integer) data);             
                            } else {
                                setViewImage((ImageView) v, text);
                        } else {
                            throw new IllegalStateException(v.getClass().getName() + " is not a " +
                                    " view that can be bounds by this SimpleAdapter");



    new SimpleAdapter(getActivity(),
                    new String[]{"img","text","check"},
                    new int[]{R.id.logo, R.id.tvListItem,R.id.tvListItem});




    public static interface ViewBinder {
            boolean setViewValue(View view, Object data, String textRepresentation);


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gelandesprung/p/4232286.html
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