scene有场面、场景的意思,只是make a scene可不是指做场面。scene还有还有一个意思,指很生气而大吵大闹(的情景),因此make a scene就是指某人情绪失控发脾气。如今一起从以下的例句。来了解這个短语的使用方法吧!
比如:The boy started to make a scene on the street because his mom wouldn’t buy him thetoy he wanted.
( 那小男孩開始在街上大吵大闹,由于他妈妈不愿买他想要的玩具给他。 )
比如:The actress made a scene when she found out her assistant had forgotten to call her a taxi.
( 一发现她助理忘了帮她叫出租车,那名女演员就立即发飙了。 )
另外形容发脾气、情绪失控等的相关短语还有lose one’s temper/get mad/burst into anger等等。
比如:The man lost his temper when he discovered that someone had parked their car right in front of his house and blocked his driveway.
( 这名男子发现有人把车停在他房子正门口、还把路堵住的时候。勃然大怒。 )
比如:I got mad upon the sight of the mess in the kitchen.
( 我看到厨房一团乱的情景就发飙了。 )