• 真-MVC视图AJAS-删除,显示,//修改//单删//全选//类别下拉反填//添加


    ViewBag.Title = "Show";

    <script src="~/Content/BandSel.js"></script>

    <td><input id="txtName" type="text" class="form-control" /></td>
    <td><select id="typeId" class="form-control">
    <option value="0">--请选择--</option>
    <td><select id="SupplierId" class="form-control">
    <option value="0">--请选择--</option>
    <td><input id="Button1" type="button" value="查询" onclick="Select()" class="btn-warning btn"/>
    <input id="Button1" type="button" value="添加" onclick="location.assign('/Good/Add')" class="btn-warning btn" />
    <input id="Button1" type="button" value="批量删除" onclick="del(-1)" class="btn-danger btn" />

    <table id="dataTable" class="table-bordered table table-hover">
    <tr style="background-color:#808080;color:white">
    <th><input id="ckAll" type="checkbox" /></th>
    function Select() {
    var where = "?t=1";//默认传值
    if ($("#txtName").val()!="") {//判断商品名是否为空
    where += "&GoodName=" + $("#txtName").val();
    if ($("#typeId").val() != "0") {//判断分类id
    where += "&TypeId=" + $("#typeId").val();
    if ($("#SupplierId").val() != "0") {//判断供应商id
    where += "&SupplierId=" + $("#SupplierId").val();
    url: "http://localhost:8481/api/Good/Show"+where,
    success: function (d) {
    $(d).each(function () {
    var tr = '<tr name="tr">'
    + '<td><input id="Checkbox1" type="checkbox" name="ckItem" value="' + this.Id + '" /></td>'
    + '<td>' + this.Id + '</td>'
    + '<td>' + this.GName + '</td>'
    + '<td>' + this.GoodType.TypeName + '</td>'
    + '<td>' + this.Gprice + '</td>'
    + '<td>' + this.Supplier.SupplierName + '</td>'
    + '<td>' + (this.remark.length > 9 ? this.remark.substr(0, 9) + "..." : this.remark) + '</td>'
    + '<td><input id="Button1" type="button" value="删除" class="btn-danger btn" onclick="del(' + this.Id + ',this)" /><input id="Button1" type="button" value="修改" class="btn-danger btn" onclick="update('+this.Id+')"/></td>'
    + '</tr>';
    function update(id) {
    location.href = "/Good/update/" + id;

    function del(id, obj) {
    if (confirm("真的要删除吗?")) {
    var gid = "";//要删除的id
    var ids = [];//获取所有选中的id
    if (id == -1) {//批量删除取id
    $("[name=ckItem]:checked").each(function () {//遍历所有选中的复选框
    gid = ids.toString();
    } else {//单删取id
    gid = id;
    url: "http://localhost:8481/api/Good/Delete/" + gid,
    type: "post",
    success: function (d) {
    if (d > 0) {

    $("#ckAll").click(function () {
    $("[name=ckItem]").prop("checked", this.checked);


     --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------


    ViewBag.Title = "Add";

    <script src="~/Content/BandSel.js"></script>
    <table class="table-bordered table">
    <td><input id="txtName" type="text" /></td>
    <select id="typeId"></select>
    <td><input id="txtPrice" type="text" /></td>
    <select id="SupplierId"></select>
    <textarea id="txtRemark" rows="10" cols="20"></textarea>
    <input id="Button1" type="button" value="保存" class="btn-danger btn" onclick="SaveData()" />
    <input id="Button1" type="button" value="关闭" class="btn-danger btn" />

    // http://localhost:8481/api/Good/BandType
    var path = location.href;
    var index = path.lastIndexOf('/');
    var id = path.substr(index + 1);
    url: "http://localhost:8481/api/Good/FanTian/" + id,
    success: function (d) {
    $("#typeId option").each(function () {//遍历所有的选项
    if (this.value == d.TypeId) {//判断哪个选项和数据库的一样
    this.selected = true;//设置选中
    $("#SupplierId option").each(function () {//遍历所有的选项
    if (this.value == d.SupplierId) {//判断哪个选项和数据库的一样
    this.selected = true;//设置选中

    function SaveData() {
    var GName = $("#txtName").val();
    var TypeId = $("#typeId").val();
    var Gprice = $("#txtPrice").val();
    var SupplierId = $("#SupplierId").val();
    var remark = $("#txtRemark").val();
    if (GName == "") {
    if (Gprice == "") {
    var o = {
    GName: GName,
    TypeId: TypeId,
    Gprice: Gprice,
    SupplierId: SupplierId,
    remark: remark,
    url: "http://localhost:8481/api/Good/Update?o=" + JSON.stringify(o),
    type: "post",
    success: function (d) {
    if (d > 0) {
    alert("修改成功"); location.href = '/Good/Show';




    ViewBag.Title = "Add";

    <script src="~/Content/BandSel.js"></script>
    <table class="table-bordered table">
    <td><input id="txtName" type="text" /></td>
    <select id="typeId"></select>
    <td><input id="txtPrice" type="text" /></td>
    <select id="SupplierId"></select>
    <textarea id="txtRemark" rows="10" cols="20"></textarea>
    <input id="Button1" type="button" value="保存" class="btn-danger btn" onclick="SaveData()" />
    <input id="Button1" type="button" value="关闭" class="btn-danger btn" />

    // http://localhost:8481/api/Good/BandType
    function SaveData() {
    var GName = $("#txtName").val();
    var TypeId = $("#typeId").val();
    var Gprice = $("#txtPrice").val();
    var SupplierId = $("#SupplierId").val();
    var remark = $("#txtRemark").val();
    if (GName == "") {
    if (Gprice == "") {
    var o = {
    GName: GName,
    TypeId: TypeId,
    Gprice: Gprice,
    SupplierId: SupplierId,
    remark: remark,
    url: "http://localhost:8481/api/Good/Add?o=" + JSON.stringify(o),
    type: "post",
    success: function (d) {
    if (d > 0) {
    alert("添加成功"); location.href = '/Good/Show';

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gc1229/p/13196098.html
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