• Convolution Neural Network (CNN) 原理与实现

    本文结合Deep learning的一个应用,Convolution Neural Network 进行一些基本应用,參考Lecun的Document 0.1进行部分拓展,与结果展示(in python)。


    1. Convolution(卷积)

    2. Pooling(降採样过程)

    3. CNN结构

    4.  跑实验



    1. Convolution(卷积)

    相似于高斯卷积,对imagebatch中的全部image进行卷积。对于一张图,其全部feature map用一个filter卷成一张feature map。 如以下的代码,对一个imagebatch(含两张图)进行操作。每一个图初始有3张feature map(R,G,B), 用两个9*9的filter进行卷积。结果是,每张图得到两个feature map。

    卷积操作由theano的conv.conv2d实现,这里我们用随机參数W,b。结果有点像edge detector是不是?

    Code: (详见凝视)

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Created on Sat May 10 18:55:26 2014
    @author: rachel
    Function: convolution option of two pictures with same size (width,height)
    input: 3 feature maps (3 channels <RGB> of a picture)
    convolution: two 9*9 convolutional filters
    from theano.tensor.nnet import conv
    import theano.tensor as T
    import numpy, theano
    rng = numpy.random.RandomState(23455)
    # symbol variable
    input = T.tensor4(name = 'input')
    # initial weights
    w_shape = (2,3,9,9) #2 convolutional filters, 3 channels, filter shape: 9*9
    w_bound = numpy.sqrt(3*9*9)
    W = theano.shared(numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(low = -1.0/w_bound, high = 1.0/w_bound,size = w_shape),
                                    dtype = input.dtype),name = 'W')
    b_shape = (2,)
    b = theano.shared(numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(low = -.5, high = .5, size = b_shape),
                                    dtype = input.dtype),name = 'b')
    conv_out = conv.conv2d(input,W)
    #T.TensorVariable.dimshuffle() can reshape or broadcast (add dimension)
    # >>>b1 = b.dimshuffle('x',0,'x','x')
    # >>>b1.shape.eval()
    # array([1,2,1,1])
    output = T.nnet.sigmoid(conv_out + b.dimshuffle('x',0,'x','x'))
    f = theano.function([input],output)
    # demo
    import pylab
    from PIL import Image
    #minibatch_img = T.tensor4(name = 'minibatch_img')
    img1 = Image.open(open('//home//rachel//Documents//ZJU_Projects//DL//Dataset//rachel.jpg'))
    width1,height1 = img1.size
    img1 = numpy.asarray(img1, dtype = 'float32')/256. # (height, width, 3)
    # put image in 4D tensor of shape (1,3,height,width)
    img1_rgb = img1.swapaxes(0,2).swapaxes(1,2).reshape(1,3,height1,width1) #(3,height,width)
    img2 = Image.open(open('//home//rachel//Documents//ZJU_Projects//DL//Dataset//rachel1.jpg'))
    width2,height2 = img2.size
    img2 = numpy.asarray(img2,dtype = 'float32')/256.
    img2_rgb = img2.swapaxes(0,2).swapaxes(1,2).reshape(1,3,height2,width2) #(3,height,width)
    #minibatch_img = T.join(0,img1_rgb,img2_rgb)
    minibatch_img = numpy.concatenate((img1_rgb,img2_rgb),axis = 0)
    filtered_img = f(minibatch_img)
    # plot original image and two convoluted results
    pylab.subplot(2,3,2); pylab.axis("off")
    pylab.imshow(filtered_img[0,0,:,:]) #0:minibatch_index; 0:1-st filter
    pylab.subplot(2,3,3); pylab.axis("off")
    pylab.imshow(filtered_img[0,1,:,:]) #0:minibatch_index; 1:1-st filter
    pylab.subplot(2,3,5); pylab.axis("off")
    pylab.imshow(filtered_img[1,0,:,:]) #0:minibatch_index; 0:1-st filter
    pylab.subplot(2,3,6); pylab.axis("off")
    pylab.imshow(filtered_img[1,1,:,:]) #0:minibatch_index; 1:1-st filter

    2. Pooling(降採样过程)

    最经常使用的Maxpooling. 攻克了两个问题:

    1. 降低计算量

    2. 旋转不变性 (原因自己悟)


    Maxpooling的降採样过程会将feature map的长宽各减半。(以下结果图中没有体现出来。python自己主动给拉到一样大了,但实际上像素数是减半的)

    Code: (详见凝视)

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Created on Sat May 10 18:55:26 2014
    @author: rachel
    Function: convolution option 
    input: 3 feature maps (3 channels <RGB> of a picture)
    convolution: two 9*9 convolutional filters
    from theano.tensor.nnet import conv
    import theano.tensor as T
    import numpy, theano
    rng = numpy.random.RandomState(23455)
    # symbol variable
    input = T.tensor4(name = 'input')
    # initial weights
    w_shape = (2,3,9,9) #2 convolutional filters, 3 channels, filter shape: 9*9
    w_bound = numpy.sqrt(3*9*9)
    W = theano.shared(numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(low = -1.0/w_bound, high = 1.0/w_bound,size = w_shape),
                                    dtype = input.dtype),name = 'W')
    b_shape = (2,)
    b = theano.shared(numpy.asarray(rng.uniform(low = -.5, high = .5, size = b_shape),
                                    dtype = input.dtype),name = 'b')
    conv_out = conv.conv2d(input,W)
    #T.TensorVariable.dimshuffle() can reshape or broadcast (add dimension)
    # >>>b1 = b.dimshuffle('x',0,'x','x')
    # >>>b1.shape.eval()
    # array([1,2,1,1])
    output = T.nnet.sigmoid(conv_out + b.dimshuffle('x',0,'x','x'))
    f = theano.function([input],output)
    # demo
    import pylab
    from PIL import Image
    from matplotlib.pyplot import *
    #open random image
    img = Image.open(open('//home//rachel//Documents//ZJU_Projects//DL//Dataset//rachel.jpg'))
    width,height = img.size
    img = numpy.asarray(img, dtype = 'float32')/256. # (height, width, 3)
    # put image in 4D tensor of shape (1,3,height,width)
    img_rgb = img.swapaxes(0,2).swapaxes(1,2) #(3,height,width)
    minibatch_img = img_rgb.reshape(1,3,height,width)
    filtered_img = f(minibatch_img)
    # plot original image and two convoluted results
    title('origin image')
    pylab.subplot(2,3,2); pylab.axis("off")
    pylab.imshow(filtered_img[0,0,:,:]) #0:minibatch_index; 0:1-st filter
    title('convolution 1')
    pylab.subplot(2,3,3); pylab.axis("off")
    pylab.imshow(filtered_img[0,1,:,:]) #0:minibatch_index; 1:1-st filter
    title('convolution 2')
    # maxpooling
    from theano.tensor.signal import downsample
    input = T.tensor4('input')
    maxpool_shape = (2,2)
    pooled_img = downsample.max_pool_2d(input,maxpool_shape,ignore_border = False)
    maxpool = theano.function(inputs = [input],
                              outputs = [pooled_img])
    pooled_res = numpy.squeeze(maxpool(filtered_img))              
    title('down sampled 1')
    title('down sampled 2')

    3. CNN结构


    废话不多说了,直接上Lenet结构图:(从下往上顺着箭头看,最以下为底层original input)

    4. CNN代码

    资源里下载吧。我放上去了喔~(in python)


    rng = numpy.random.RandomState(23455)
        # transfrom x from (batchsize, 28*28) to (batchsize,feature,28,28))
        # I_shape = (28,28),F_shape = (5,5),
        N_filters_0 = 20
        D_features_0= 1
        layer0_input = x.reshape((batch_size,D_features_0,28,28))
        layer0 = LeNetConvPoolLayer(rng, input = layer0_input, filter_shape = (N_filters_0,D_features_0,5,5),
                                    image_shape = (batch_size,1,28,28))
        #layer0.output: (batch_size, N_filters_0, (28-5+1)/2, (28-5+1)/2) -> 20*20*12*12
        N_filters_1 = 50
        D_features_1 = N_filters_0
        layer1 = LeNetConvPoolLayer(rng,input = layer0.output, filter_shape = (N_filters_1,D_features_1,5,5),
                                    image_shape = (batch_size,N_filters_0,12,12))
        # layer1.output: (20,50,4,4)
        layer2_input = layer1.output.flatten(2) # (20,50,4,4)->(20,(50*4*4))
        layer2 = HiddenLayer(rng,layer2_input,n_in = 50*4*4,n_out = 500, activation = T.tanh)
        layer3 = LogisticRegression(input = layer2.output, n_in = 500, n_out = 10)

    layer0, layer1 :各自是卷积+降採样



        cost = layer3.negative_log_likelihood(y)
        params = layer3.params + layer2.params + layer1.params + layer0.params
        gparams = T.grad(cost,params)
        updates = []
        for par,gpar in zip(params,gparams):
            updates.append((par, par - learning_rate * gpar))
        train_model = theano.function(inputs = [minibatch_index],
                                      outputs = [cost],
                                      updates = updates,
                                      givens = {x: train_set_x[minibatch_index * batch_size : (minibatch_index+1) * batch_size],
                                                y: train_set_y[minibatch_index * batch_size : (minibatch_index+1) * batch_size]})




    final result:
    Optimization complete. Best validation score of 0.990000 % obtained at iteration 122500, with test performance 0.950000 %

    欢迎參与讨论并关注本博客和微博Rachel____Zhang, 兴许内容继续更新哦~

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gavanwanggw/p/7101678.html
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