• NENU_CS_segment_tree




     1 #include<cstdio>
     2 #define lrrt int L,int R,int rt
     3 #define iall 1,n,1
     4 #define imid int mid=(L+R)>>1
     5 #define lson L,mid,rt<<1
     6 #define rson mid+1,R,rt<<1|1
     7 const int M=5e4+10;
     8 int a[M];
     9 char op[32];
    10 int tree[M<<2];
    11 void pushup(int rt){
    12     tree[rt]=tree[rt<<1]+tree[rt<<1|1];
    13 }
    14 void build(lrrt){
    15     if(L==R){
    16         tree[rt]=a[L];
    17         return ;
    18     }
    19     imid;
    20     build(lson);
    21     build(rson);
    22     pushup(rt);
    23 }
    24 void update(int x,int y,lrrt){
    25     if(L==R){
    26         tree[rt]+=y;
    27         return ;
    28     }
    29     imid;
    30     if(mid>=x) update(x,y,lson);
    31     else       update(x,y,rson);
    32     pushup(rt);
    33 }
    34 int query(int x,int y,lrrt){
    35     if(x<=L&&R<=y) return tree[rt];
    36     imid;
    37     int ans=0;
    38     if(mid>=x) ans+=query(x,y,lson);
    39     if(mid<y)  ans+=query(x,y,rson);
    40     return ans;
    41 }
    42 int main(){
    43     int t,n,x,y;
    44     while(~scanf("%d",&t)){
    45         int cas=1;
    46         while(t--){
    47             scanf("%d",&n);
    48             for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
    49                 scanf("%d",&a[i]);
    50             }
    51             build(iall);
    52             printf("Case %d:
    53             while(true){
    54                 scanf("%s",op);
    55                 if(op[0]=='E') break;
    56                 scanf("%d%d",&x,&y);
    57                 if(op[0]=='Q'){
    58                     printf("%d
    59                     continue;
    60                 }
    61                 if(op[0]=='S') y=-y;
    62                 update(x,y,iall);
    63             }
    64         }
    65     }
    66     return 0;
    67 }
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     1 #include<cstdio>
     2 #include<algorithm>
     3 #define lrrt int L,int R,int rt
     4 #define iall 1,n,1
     5 #define imid int mid=(L+R)>>1
     6 #define lson L,mid,rt<<1
     7 #define rson mid+1,R,rt<<1|1
     8 using namespace std;
     9 const int M=2e5+10;
    10 int a[M];
    11 int tree[M<<2];
    12 void pushup(int rt){
    13     tree[rt]=max(tree[rt<<1],tree[rt<<1|1]);
    14 }
    15 void build(lrrt){
    16     if(L==R){
    17         tree[rt]=a[L];
    18         return ;
    19     }
    20     imid;
    21     build(lson);
    22     build(rson);
    23     pushup(rt);
    24 }
    25 int query(int x,int y,lrrt){
    26     if(x<=L&&R<=y) return tree[rt];
    27     imid;
    28     int ans=0;
    29     if(mid>=x) ans=max(ans,query(x,y,lson));
    30     if(mid<y)  ans=max(ans,query(x,y,rson));
    31     return ans;
    32 }
    33 void update(int x,int y,lrrt){
    34     if(L==R){
    35         tree[rt]=y;
    36         return ;
    37     }
    38     imid;
    39     if(mid>=x) update(x,y,lson);
    40     else       update(x,y,rson);
    41     pushup(rt);
    42 }
    43 int main(){
    44     int n,m,x,y;
    45     char op[4];
    46     while(~scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)){
    47         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
    48             scanf("%d",&a[i]);
    49         }
    50         build(iall);
    51         while(m--){
    52             scanf("%s%d%d",op,&x,&y);
    53             if(op[0]=='Q'){
    54                 printf("%d
    55                 continue;
    56             }
    57             update(x,y,iall);
    58         }
    59     }
    60     return 0;
    61 }
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