• PostgreSQL在何处处理 sql查询之四十五



    先把它简化,看看NodeTag 在 PortalStart 之前,是如何得到的。



     * create_seqscan_path
     *      Creates a path corresponding to a sequential scan, returning the
     *      pathnode.
    Path *
    create_seqscan_path(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel, Relids required_outer)
        Path       *pathnode = makeNode(Path);
        pathnode->pathtype = T_SeqScan;
        pathnode->parent = rel;
        pathnode->param_info = get_baserel_parampathinfo(root, rel,
        pathnode->pathkeys = NIL;    /* seqscan has unordered result */
        cost_seqscan(pathnode, root, rel, pathnode->param_info);
        return pathnode;
     * create_index_path
     *      Creates a path node for an index scan.
     * 'index' is a usable index.
     * 'indexclauses' is a list of RestrictInfo nodes representing clauses
     *            to be used as index qual conditions in the scan.
     * 'indexclausecols' is an integer list of index column numbers (zero based)
     *            the indexclauses can be used with.
     * 'indexorderbys' is a list of bare expressions (no RestrictInfos)
     *            to be used as index ordering operators in the scan.
     * 'indexorderbycols' is an integer list of index column numbers (zero based)
     *            the ordering operators can be used with.
     * 'pathkeys' describes the ordering of the path.
     * 'indexscandir' is ForwardScanDirection or BackwardScanDirection
     *            for an ordered index, or NoMovementScanDirection for
     *            an unordered index.
     * 'indexonly' is true if an index-only scan is wanted.
     * 'required_outer' is the set of outer relids for a parameterized path.
     * 'loop_count' is the number of repetitions of the indexscan to factor into
     *        estimates of caching behavior.
     * Returns the new path node.
    IndexPath *
    create_index_path(PlannerInfo *root,
                      IndexOptInfo *index,
                      List *indexclauses,
                      List *indexclausecols,
                      List *indexorderbys,
                      List *indexorderbycols,
                      List *pathkeys,
                      ScanDirection indexscandir,
                      bool indexonly,
                      Relids required_outer,
                      double loop_count)
        IndexPath  *pathnode = makeNode(IndexPath);
        RelOptInfo *rel = index->rel;
        List       *indexquals,
        pathnode->path.pathtype = indexonly ? T_IndexOnlyScan : T_IndexScan;
        pathnode->path.parent = rel;
        pathnode->path.param_info = get_baserel_parampathinfo(root, rel,
        pathnode->path.pathkeys = pathkeys;
        /* Convert clauses to indexquals the executor can handle */
        expand_indexqual_conditions(index, indexclauses, indexclausecols,
                                    &indexquals, &indexqualcols);
        /* Fill in the pathnode */
        pathnode->indexinfo = index;
        pathnode->indexclauses = indexclauses;
        pathnode->indexquals = indexquals;
        pathnode->indexqualcols = indexqualcols;
        pathnode->indexorderbys = indexorderbys;
        pathnode->indexorderbycols = indexorderbycols;
        pathnode->indexscandir = indexscandir;
        cost_index(pathnode, root, loop_count);
        return pathnode;

     对seq scan而言,其上层是:

     * set_plain_rel_pathlist
     *      Build access paths for a plain relation (no subquery, no inheritance)
    static void
    set_plain_rel_pathlist(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel, RangeTblEntry *rte)
        fprintf(stderr, "In %s\n",__FUNCTION__);
        /* Consider sequential scan */
        add_path(rel, create_seqscan_path(root, rel, NULL));
        /* Consider index scans */
        create_index_paths(root, rel);
        /* Consider TID scans */
        create_tidscan_paths(root, rel);
        /* Now find the cheapest of the paths for this rel */


     * set_rel_pathlist
     *      Build access paths for a base relation
    static void
    set_rel_pathlist(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel,
                     Index rti, RangeTblEntry *rte)
        if (IS_DUMMY_REL(rel))
            /* We already proved the relation empty, so nothing more to do */
        else if (rte->inh)
            /* It's an "append relation", process accordingly */
            set_append_rel_pathlist(root, rel, rti, rte);
            switch (rel->rtekind)
                case RTE_RELATION:
                    if (rte->relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE)
                        /* Foreign table */
                        set_foreign_pathlist(root, rel, rte);
                        /* Plain relation */
                        set_plain_rel_pathlist(root, rel, rte);
                case RTE_SUBQUERY:
                    /* Subquery --- fully handled during set_rel_size */
                case RTE_FUNCTION:
                    /* RangeFunction */
                    set_function_pathlist(root, rel, rte);
                case RTE_VALUES:
                    /* Values list */
                    set_values_pathlist(root, rel, rte);
                case RTE_CTE:
                    /* CTE reference --- fully handled during set_rel_size */
                    elog(ERROR, "unexpected rtekind: %d", (int) rel->rtekind);
        debug_print_rel(root, rel);

    接着,就是要分析 rel->rtekind 是什么东西了。

    typedef struct RelOptInfo
        NodeTag        type;
        RelOptKind    reloptkind;
        /* all relations included in this RelOptInfo */
        Relids        relids;            /* set of base relids (rangetable indexes) */
        /* size estimates generated by planner */
        double        rows;            /* estimated number of result tuples */
        int            width;            /* estimated avg width of result tuples */
        /* materialization information */
        List       *reltargetlist;    /* Vars to be output by scan of relation */
        List       *pathlist;        /* Path structures */
        List       *ppilist;        /* ParamPathInfos used in pathlist */
        struct Path *cheapest_startup_path;
        struct Path *cheapest_total_path;
        struct Path *cheapest_unique_path;
        List       *cheapest_parameterized_paths;
        /* information about a base rel (not set for join rels!) */
        Index        relid;
        Oid            reltablespace;    /* containing tablespace */
        RTEKind        rtekind;        /* RELATION, SUBQUERY, or FUNCTION */
        AttrNumber    min_attr;        /* smallest attrno of rel (often <0) */
        AttrNumber    max_attr;        /* largest attrno of rel */
        Relids       *attr_needed;    /* array indexed [min_attr .. max_attr] */
        int32       *attr_widths;    /* array indexed [min_attr .. max_attr] */
        List       *indexlist;        /* list of IndexOptInfo */
        BlockNumber pages;            /* size estimates derived from pg_class */
        double        tuples;
        double        allvisfrac;
        /* use "struct Plan" to avoid including plannodes.h here */
        struct Plan *subplan;        /* if subquery */
        PlannerInfo *subroot;        /* if subquery */
        /* use "struct FdwRoutine" to avoid including fdwapi.h here */
        struct FdwRoutine *fdwroutine;        /* if foreign table */
        void       *fdw_private;    /* if foreign table */
        /* used by various scans and joins: */
        List       *baserestrictinfo;        /* RestrictInfo structures (if base
                                             * rel) */
        QualCost    baserestrictcost;        /* cost of evaluating the above */
        List       *joininfo;        /* RestrictInfo structures for join clauses
                                     * involving this rel */
        bool        has_eclass_joins;        /* T means joininfo is incomplete */
    } RelOptInfo;


    typedef enum RTEKind
        RTE_RELATION,                /* ordinary relation reference */
        RTE_SUBQUERY,                /* subquery in FROM */
        RTE_JOIN,                    /* join */
        RTE_FUNCTION,                /* function in FROM */
        RTE_VALUES,                    /* VALUES (<exprlist>), (<exprlist>), ... */
        RTE_CTE                        /* common table expr (WITH list element) */
    } RTEKind;
     * Add an entry for a relation to the pstate's range table (p_rtable).
     * If pstate is NULL, we just build an RTE and return it without adding it
     * to an rtable list.
     * Note: formerly this checked for refname conflicts, but that's wrong.
     * Caller is responsible for checking for conflicts in the appropriate scope.
    RangeTblEntry *
    addRangeTableEntry(ParseState *pstate,
                       RangeVar *relation,
                       Alias *alias,
                       bool inh,
                       bool inFromCl)
        RangeTblEntry *rte = makeNode(RangeTblEntry);
        char       *refname = alias ? alias->aliasname : relation->relname;
        LOCKMODE    lockmode;
        Relation    rel;
        //fprintf(stderr,"In addRangeTableEntry: rtekind=RTE_RELATION\n");
        rte->rtekind = RTE_RELATION;
        rte->alias = alias;
         * Get the rel's OID.  This access also ensures that we have an up-to-date
         * relcache entry for the rel.    Since this is typically the first access
         * to a rel in a statement, be careful to get the right access level
         * depending on whether we're doing SELECT FOR UPDATE/SHARE.
        lockmode = isLockedRefname(pstate, refname) ? RowShareLock : AccessShareLock;
        rel = parserOpenTable(pstate, relation, lockmode);
        rte->relid = RelationGetRelid(rel);
        rte->relkind = rel->rd_rel->relkind;
         * Build the list of effective column names using user-supplied aliases
         * and/or actual column names.
        rte->eref = makeAlias(refname, NIL);
        buildRelationAliases(rel->rd_att, alias, rte->eref);
         * Drop the rel refcount, but keep the access lock till end of transaction
         * so that the table can't be deleted or have its schema modified
         * underneath us.
        heap_close(rel, NoLock);
         * Flags:
         * - this RTE should be expanded to include descendant tables,
         * - this RTE is in the FROM clause,
         * - this RTE should be checked for appropriate access rights.
         * The initial default on access checks is always check-for-READ-access,
         * which is the right thing for all except target tables.
        rte->inh = inh;
        rte->inFromCl = inFromCl;
        rte->requiredPerms = ACL_SELECT;
        rte->checkAsUser = InvalidOid;        /* not set-uid by default, either */
        rte->selectedCols = NULL;
        rte->modifiedCols = NULL;
         * Add completed RTE to pstate's range table list, but not to join list
         * nor namespace --- caller must do that if appropriate.
        if (pstate != NULL)
            pstate->p_rtable = lappend(pstate->p_rtable, rte);
        return rte;
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