• GNU make manual 翻译( 一百五十八)


       The previous example shows two levels of nesting, but any number of
    levels is possible.  For example, here are three levels:
         x = y
         y = z
         z = u
         a := $($($(x)))
    Here the innermost `$(x)' expands to `y', so `$($(x))' expands to
    `$(y)' which in turn expands to `z'; now we have `$(z)', which becomes
       References to recursively-expanded variables within a variable name
    are reexpanded in the usual fashion.  For example:
         x = $(y)
         y = z
         z = Hello
         a := $($(x))
    defines `a' as `Hello': `$($(x))' becomes `$($(y))' which becomes
    `$(z)' which becomes `Hello'.
       Nested variable references can also contain modified references and
    function invocations (*note Functions for Transforming Text:
    Functions.), just like any other reference.  For example, using the
    `subst' function (*note Functions for String Substitution and Analysis:
    Text Functions.):
         x = variable1
         variable2 := Hello
         y = $(subst 1,2,$(x))
         z = y
         a := $($($(z)))
    eventually defines `a' as `Hello'.  It is doubtful that anyone would
    ever want to write a nested reference as convoluted as this one, but it
    works: `$($($(z)))' expands to `$($(y))' which becomes `$($(subst
    1,2,$(x)))'.  This gets the value `variable1' from `x' and changes it
    by substitution to `variable2', so that the entire string becomes
    `$(variable2)', a simple variable reference whose value is `Hello'.


    x = y
    y = z
    z = u
    a := $($($(x)))

    这里,最里层的 `$(x)' 扩展到  `y',于是 `$($(x))' 扩展到`$(y)',进而扩展到`z'; 现在我们拥有`$(z)',它将变为 `u'。


    x = $(y)
    y = z
    z = Hello
    a := $($(x))

    定义 `a' 为 `Hello': `$($(x))' 为 `$($(y))' ,然后转化为,`$(z)' ,再转化为 `Hello'。

    嵌套的变量参照也能包含变化的参照和函数激活(*note Functiosn for Transforming Text: Functions),就像其他的参照一样。例如,使用 subst函数(*Functions for String Substitution and Analysis: Text Functions.):

    x = variable1
    variable2 := Hello
    y = $(subst 1,2,$(x))
    z = y
    a := $($($(z)))

    最终定义 `a' 为 `Hello'。是否会有人写出这样的嵌套式的参照是令人怀疑的,但是它确实可以工作:

    `$($($(z)))' 扩展为 `$($(y))' ,它变成 `$($(subst
    1,2,$(x)))'. 然后从x 来获得 `variable1' ,再通过变换,把它变成 `variable2', 这样整个字符串就变成了
    `$(variable2)', 成为一个简单的变量参照,其值为 `Hello'。


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gaojian/p/2710962.html
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