• What color is your hat


    A king wants his beautiful princess to marry the smartest of 3 extremely intelligent young princes, and so the king devised an intelligence test.

    The princes are gathered into a room and seated, facing one another, and are shown 2 black hats and 3 white hats.

    They are then blindfolded, and 1 hat is placed on each of their heads, with the remaining hats hidden away.

    The king tells them that the first prince to deduce the color of his hat without removing it or looking at it will marry his daughter.

    A wrong guess will mean death. The blindfolds are then removed.

    You are one of the princes. You see 2 white hats on the other prince’s heads.

    After some time you realize that the other princes are unable to deduce the color of their hat, or are unwilling to guess.

    What color is your hat and why?

    Recap: 2 Blacks, 3 Whites

    There are possible 3 combinations:

    (1)   Black, Black, White

    (2)   Black, White, White

    (3)   White, White, White

    The king will not choose (1) because the prince whom can see 2 Black hats, will immediately know that his hat is White.

    The king will not choose (2) because 2 princes will see 1 White and 1 Black hats. By knowing that the king will not choose (1), the 2 princes would have guessed that their hats are White.

    Therefore, to be fair to all 3 princes, the king will choose (3), which is 3 White Hats.

    Morale of the Story (from past 2 questions)


    We need to think in other shoes in other order to see the overall picture and the truth. This applies in our work and life too. If you just view or think only from your point of view, you will not be able to see what really happened. We need to see from different angles so that we can have a better understanding of what the other party wants or why the other party did it.

    By putting yourself in others’ shoes or point of view, you will be able to better appreciate the actions taken and understand the other party. Thus, do think from your wife or husband/ boyfriend or girlfriend/ family or friends/ users or colleagues. Then you will see the truth.

    Thank you.

    PS: Above is my personal view point that I hope is useful to everyone

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