• golang 数据结构 优先队列(堆)

    go 数据结构 – 优先队列(堆)


    使用“container/heap”包,构建堆或者优先队列,需要自己定义Sort方法的内容及Push Pop方法。

    //官方示例1 最小堆
    // This example demonstrates an integer heap built using the heap interface.
    package main
    import (
    // An IntHeap is a min-heap of ints.
    type IntHeap []int
    func (h IntHeap) Len() int           { return len(h) }
    func (h IntHeap) Less(i, j int) bool { return h[i] < h[j] }
    func (h IntHeap) Swap(i, j int)      { h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i] }
    func (h *IntHeap) Push(x interface{}) {
    	// Push and Pop use pointer receivers because they modify the slice's length,
    	// not just its contents.
    	*h = append(*h, x.(int))
    func (h *IntHeap) Pop() interface{} {
    	old := *h
    	n := len(old)
    	x := old[n-1]
    	*h = old[0 : n-1]
    	return x
    // This example inserts several ints into an IntHeap, checks the minimum,
    // and removes them in order of priority.
    func main() {
    	h := &IntHeap{2, 1, 5}
    	heap.Push(h, 3)
    	fmt.Printf("minimum: %d
    ", (*h)[0])
    	for h.Len() > 0 {
    		fmt.Printf("%d ", heap.Pop(h))
    //官方示例2 优先队列
    // This example demonstrates a priority queue built using the heap interface.
    package main
    import (
    // An Item is something we manage in a priority queue.
    type Item struct {
    	value    string // The value of the item; arbitrary.
    	priority int    // The priority of the item in the queue.
    	// The index is needed by update and is maintained by the heap.Interface methods.
    	index int // The index of the item in the heap.
    // A PriorityQueue implements heap.Interface and holds Items.
    type PriorityQueue []*Item
    func (pq PriorityQueue) Len() int { return len(pq) }
    func (pq PriorityQueue) Less(i, j int) bool {
    	// We want Pop to give us the highest, not lowest, priority so we use greater than here.
    	return pq[i].priority > pq[j].priority
    func (pq PriorityQueue) Swap(i, j int) {
    	pq[i], pq[j] = pq[j], pq[i]
    	pq[i].index = i
    	pq[j].index = j
    func (pq *PriorityQueue) Push(x interface{}) {
    	n := len(*pq)
    	item := x.(*Item)
    	item.index = n
    	*pq = append(*pq, item)
    func (pq *PriorityQueue) Pop() interface{} {
    	old := *pq
    	n := len(old)
    	item := old[n-1]
    	old[n-1] = nil  // avoid memory leak
    	item.index = -1 // for safety
    	*pq = old[0 : n-1]
    	return item
    // update modifies the priority and value of an Item in the queue.
    func (pq *PriorityQueue) update(item *Item, value string, priority int) {
    	item.value = value
    	item.priority = priority
    	heap.Fix(pq, item.index)
    // This example creates a PriorityQueue with some items, adds and manipulates an item,
    // and then removes the items in priority order.
    func main() {
    	// Some items and their priorities.
    	items := map[string]int{
    		"banana": 3, "apple": 2, "pear": 4,
    	// Create a priority queue, put the items in it, and
    	// establish the priority queue (heap) invariants.
    	pq := make(PriorityQueue, len(items))
    	i := 0
    	for value, priority := range items {
    		pq[i] = &Item{
    			value:    value,
    			priority: priority,
    			index:    i,
    	// Insert a new item and then modify its priority.
    	item := &Item{
    		value:    "orange",
    		priority: 1,
    	heap.Push(&pq, item)
    	pq.update(item, item.value, 5)
    	// Take the items out; they arrive in decreasing priority order.
    	for pq.Len() > 0 {
    		item := heap.Pop(&pq).(*Item)
    		fmt.Printf("%.2d:%s ", item.priority, item.value)
    import (
    type Item struct {
        day int
        apple int
    type PriortyQueue []*Item
    func (pq PriortyQueue) Len() int {return len(pq)}
    func (pq PriortyQueue) Less(i, j int) bool {
        return pq[i].day > pq[j].day
    func (pq PriortyQueue) Swap(i, j int) {
        pq[i], pq[j] = pq[j], pq[i]
    func (pq *PriortyQueue) Push(x interface{}) {
        item := x.(*Item)
        *pq = append(*pq, item)
    func (pq *PriortyQueue) Pop() interface{} {
        old := *pq
        n := len(old)
        item := old[n-1]
        old[n-1] = nil
        *pq = old[0:n-1]
        return item
    func eatenApples(apples []int, days []int) int {
        pq := make(PriortyQueue, 0)
        n := len(apples)
        res := 0
        for i := 0; i <= 40000; i++ {
            if i < n && apples[i] > 0 {
                heap.Push(&pq, &Item{day: i+days[i]-1, apple: apples[i]})
            for pq.Len() > 0 && pq[pq.Len()-1].day < i {
                _ = pq.Pop()    
            if pq.Len() == 0 {continue}
            x := pq.Pop().(*Item)
            x.apple -= 1
            res += 1
            if x.apple > 0 {heap.Push(&pq, x)}
        return res
    import scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue
    object Solution {
        def eatenApples(apples: Array[Int], days: Array[Int]): Int = {
            val heap = PriorityQueue.empty[(Int, Int)](Ordering.by(n => n._1)).reverse
            var res = 0
            var n = apples.length
            var i = 0
            while (i < n || heap.length > 0){
            //while (i < 10){
                if (i < n && apples(i) > 0) {
                    heap.enqueue(((i + days(i) -1), apples(i)))
                while (heap.length > 0 && heap.head._1 < i) {
                    var  temp = heap.dequeue
                if (heap.length > 0) {
                    var x = heap.dequeue
                    res += 1
                    if (x._2-1 > 0) {
                        heap.enqueue((x._1, x._2-1))
                i += 1 
            return res
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    kdd cup 论文
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ganshuoos/p/14199368.html
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