• 关于自动ui的多个处理我的解决方案, 不知道大家怎么处理

        pathpp ="D:\pyc-tools\ms\newdate\maxinfo"
        DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:#gtMMOscenceEqualname 
        function callSummaryEqualname  = (
            windowHandle = DialogMonitorOPS.GetWindowHandle()
            windowName = (UIAccessor.GetWindowText  windowHandle) as String 
                if (findstring  windowName  "save file as")!=undefined then (
                    ---- 找到主窗口子控件的名称
                    chwindow = UIAccessor.GetChildWindows windowHandle 
                    if chwindow !=undefined  then (
                        for  i in 1 to  chwindow.count do (
                            if (chwindow[i] !=0) then (
                                kjName = (UIAccessor.GetWindowText (chwindow [i]) as String )
                                --- 保存配置 按下配置按钮
                                --print kjName 
                                if kjName  == "是(&Y)" then (
                                    --UIAccessor.PressButtonByName WindowHandle kjName 
                                    --- 应该不错的话需要在一层监控
                                    UIAccessor.PressButtonByName WindowHandle kjName
                    --print (UIAccessor.GetWindowText (chwindow [i]) as String 
        DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:#gtMMOscenceone 
        function callSummaryonw = (
            windowHandle = DialogMonitorOPS.GetWindowHandle()
            windowName = (UIAccessor.GetWindowText  windowHandle) as String 
                if (findstring  windowName  "Save File As")!=undefined then
                    ---- 找到主窗口子控件的名称
                    chwindow = UIAccessor.GetChildWindows windowHandle 
                    --print (windowName +"*****ceshi")
                    if chwindow !=undefined  then (
                        for  i in 1 to  chwindow.count do (
                            if (chwindow[i] !=0) then (
                                kjName = (UIAccessor.GetWindowClassName chwindow[i])
                                --- 保存配置 按下配置按钮
                                --print kjName 
                                findHandle =0
                                if kjName  == "ComboBoxEx32"then (
                                    findHandle = chwindow[i]
                                    ---- 给手柄设置要保存的信息 
                                    savepath =pathpp ---+"\maxinfo"
                                    if (getDirectories savepath).count ==0 then (
                                        makeDir savepath     
                                    savepath += "\"+ (getFilenameFile maxfilename)+".txt"
                                    if findHandle  != 0 then (
                                    UIAccessor.SetWindowText findHandle   savepath 
                                    UIAccessor.PressButtonByName WindowHandle "保存(&S)"
                                    --- 应该不错的话需要在一层监控
                                    ---UIAccessor.PressButtonByName WindowHandle kjName
                    --print (UIAccessor.GetWindowText (chwindow [i]) as String 
            false ---- 这里应该是最后不返回操作,可以继续的添加钩子 
        DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:#gtMMOscence 
        function callSummary = (
            windowHandle = DialogMonitorOPS.GetWindowHandle()
            windowName = (UIAccessor.GetWindowText  windowHandle) as String 
                if (findstring  windowName  "summary Info")!=undefined then (
                    ---- 找到主窗口子控件的名称
                    chwindow = UIAccessor.GetChildWindows windowHandle 
                    if chwindow !=undefined  then (
                        for  i in 1 to  chwindow.count do (
                            if (chwindow[i] !=0) then (
                                kjName = (UIAccessor.GetWindowText (chwindow [i]) as String )
                                --- 保存配置 按下配置按钮
                                if kjName  == "Save to File..." then (
                                    --UIAccessor.PressButtonByName WindowHandle kjName 
                                    --- 应该不错的话需要在一层监控
                                    UIAccessor.PressButtonByName WindowHandle kjName
                                    UIAccessor.PressButtonByName WindowHandle "Ok"
                    --print (UIAccessor.GetWindowText (chwindow [i]) as String 
        DialogMonitorOPS.RegisterNotification callSummaryonw id:#gtMMOscenceone 
        DialogMonitorOPS.RegisterNotification callSummaryEqualname  id:#gtMMOscenceEqualname 
        DialogMonitorOPS.RegisterNotification callSummary  id:#gtMMOscence 
        DialogMonitorOPS.Enabled = true 
        max file summary
        DialogMonitorOPS.Enabled = false 
        DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:#gtMMOscence 
        DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:#gtMMOscenceone 
        DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:#gtMMOscenceEqualname 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/gaitian00/p/3535061.html
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