<*m* src="http://ww4.s**a*m*.c*/lar*e/85184d39*w1ez1dyb*mszj20ec0*fq4b.jp*" alt="小屏幕" />小屏幕
<*m* src="http://ww3.s**a*m*.c*/lar*e/85184d39*w1ez1e1sf9boj20e70m*76*.jp*" alt="点击后" />点击后
<*m* src="http://ww1.s**a*m*.c*/lar*e/85184d39*w1ez1e2eca23j20*70d40t*.jp*" alt="大屏幕Nexus7" />大屏幕Nexus7
<*m* src="http://ww1.s**a*m*.c*/lar*e/85184d39*w1ez1e3asyf9j20*e0ef**8.jp*" alt="点击后" />点击后
中的o*Act*v*tyCreated(活动加载完成才执行的函数) 用*etAct*v*ty().f**dV*ewById(右侧碎片的*d)来判断。*etAct*v*ty是获取与该碎片相关联的活动
继承自a*dro*d.app.Fra*me*t的碎片类,里面的o*Attach(Co*text co*text) 在A*I23中
解决办法: 将o*Attach()中代码转移进o*CreateV*ew()
<*m* src="http://ww3.s**a*m*.c*/lar*e/85184d39*w1ez1f*2ousmj208y097*mt.jp*" alt="结构" />结构
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publ*c class News {
pr*vate Str*** t*tle; pr*vate Str*** co*te*t;
publ*c vo*d setT*tle(Str*** t*tle) { th*s.t*tle = t*tle; }
publ*c vo*d setCo*te*t(Str*** co*te*t) { th*s.co*te*t = co*te*t; }
publ*c Str*** *etT*tle() { retur* t*tle; }
publ*c Str*** *etCo*te*t() { retur* co*te*t; } }
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publ*c class NewsAdapter exte*ds ArrayAdapter<News&*t;{
pr*vate **t resourceId;
pr*vate V*ew v*ew;
pr*vate V*ewHolder v*ewHolder;
publ*c NewsAdapter(Co*text co*text,**t textV*ewResourceId, L*st<News&*t; objects) { super(co*text, textV*ewResourceId, objects); resourceId = textV*ewResourceId; }
@Overr*de publ*c V*ew *etV*ew(**t pos*t*o*, V*ew co*vertV*ew, V*ewGroup pare*t) { News *ews = *etItem(pos*t*o*); *f(co*vertV*ew == *ull){ v*ew = LayoutI*flater.from(*etCo*text()).**flate(resourceId,*ull); v*ewHolder = *ew V*ewHolder(); v*ewHolder.t*tleTextV*ew = (TextV*ew) v*ew.f**dV*ewById(R.*d.t*tle_*tem_tv); v*ew.setTa*(v*ewHolder); } else { v*ew = co*vertV*ew; v*ewHolder = (V*ewHolder) v*ew.*etTa*(); }
v*ewHolder.t*tleTextV*ew.setText(*ews.*etT*tle()); retur* v*ew; }
class V*ewHolder{ TextV*ew t*tleTextV*ew; } }
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publ*c class NewsCo*te*tFra*me*t exte*ds Fra*me*t{
pr*vate V*ew v*ew; @Nullable @Overr*de publ*c V*ew o*CreateV*ew(LayoutI*flater **flater, V*ewGroup co*ta**er, Bu*dle savedI*sta*ceState) { v*ew = **flater.**flate(R.layout.co*te*t_fra*,co*ta**er,false); retur* v*ew; }
publ*c vo*d refresh(Str*** t*tle, Str*** co*te*t){ L**earLayout l**earLayout = (L**earLayout) v*ew.f**dV*ewById(R.*d.co*te*t); l**earLayout.setV*s*b*l*ty(V*ew.VISIBLE); TextV*ew t*tle_tv = (TextV*ew) v*ew.f**dV*ewById(R.*d.tv_t*tle); TextV*ew co*te*t_tv = (TextV*ew) v*ew.f**dV*ewById(R.*d.tv_co*te*t); t*tle_tv.setText(t*tle); co*te*t_tv.setText(co*te*t); }
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publ*c class NewsT*tleFra*me*t exte*ds Fra*me*t *mpleme*ts AdapterV*ew.O*ItemCl*ckL*ste*er{
pr*vate L*st<News&*t; *ewsL*st = *ew ArrayL*st<News&*t;();
pr*vate Boolea* two*a*e; @Nullable @Overr*de publ*c V*ew o*CreateV*ew(LayoutI*flater **flater, V*ewGroup co*ta**er, Bu*dle savedI*sta*ceState) { ***tData(); NewsAdapter adapter = *ew NewsAdapter(*etAct*v*ty(),R.layout.t*tle_*tem,*ewsL*st); V*ew v*ew = **flater.**flate(R.layout.*ewst*tle_fra*,co*ta**er,false); L*stV*ew NewsT*tleL*stV*ew = (L*stV*ew) v*ew.f**dV*ewById(R.*d.t*tle_l*st_v*ew); NewsT*tleL*stV*ew.setAdapter(adapter); NewsT*tleL*stV*ew.setO*ItemCl*ckL*ste*er(th*s); retur* v*ew; }
publ*c vo*d ***tData(){ News *ews1 = *ew News(); *ews1.setT*tle("Goo*le w*ll accept Gaby to be the CEO"); *ews1.setCo*te*t("To reduce hous*** **ve*tor*es, more m**ra*t rural workers should be *ssued w*th urba*-res*de*cy perm*ts, wh*ch w*ll allow them to purchase hous*** ** c*t*es, accord*** to a stateme*t released after a meet*** of the *ol*t*cal Bureau of the C*C Ce*tral Comm*ttee pres*ded over by *res*de*t ** ***p***."); *ewsL*st.add(*ews1);
News *ews2 = *ew News(); *ews2.setT*tle("H**h-tech products at L**ht of the I*ter*et Expo Ba*du 'self-dr*v***' cars to h*t roads ** 3 years"); *ews2.setCo*te*t("Ba*du **d*cated that the *ew bus**ess u**t w*ll focus o* research a*d developme*t of self-dr*v*** tech*olo*y as well as bu*ld the **dustr*al cha** to support the product*o* of *ext-*e*erat*o* cars."); *ewsL*st.add(*ews2);
News *ews3 = *ew News(); *ews3.setCo*te*t("I* the future, veh*cles could be self-dr*ve* a*d co*trolled by smart systems. We have set a tar*et to commerc*al*ze our operat*o*s ** the *ext three years," he sa*d, add*** that ** 10 years, about 80 perce*t of the *ewly produced veh*cles would be equ*pped w*th self-dr*v*** tech*olo**es"); *ews3.setT*tle("Reaso*able eco*omom*c *rowth rate tar*eted"); *ewsL*st.add(*ews3); }
@Overr*de publ*c vo*d o*Act*v*tyCreated(Bu*dle savedI*sta*ceState) { super.o*Act*v*tyCreated(savedI*sta*ceState); *f(*etAct*v*ty().f**dV*ewById(R.*d.co*te*t_fra*_layout) == *ull){ two*a*e = false; } else{ two*a*e = true; } }
@Overr*de publ*c vo*d o*ItemCl*ck(AdapterV*ew<?&*t; pare*t, V*ew v*ew, **t pos*t*o*, lo** *d) { News *ews = *ewsL*st.*et(pos*t*o*); *f(two*a*e){ NewsCo*te*tFra*me*t *ewsCo*te*tFra*me*t = (NewsCo*te*tFra*me*t) *etFra*me*tMa*a*er().f**dFra*me*tById(R.*d.co*te*t_fra*_layout); *ewsCo*te*tFra*me*t.refresh(*ews.*etT*tle(), *ews.*etCo*te*t()); } else{ co*te*tAct*v*ty.act*o*Start(*etAct*v*ty(),*ews.*etT*tle(),*ews.*etCo*te*t()); } } }
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<?xml vers*o*="1.0" e*cod***="utf-8"?&*t; <Relat*veLayout xml*s:a*dro*d="http://schemas.a*dro*d.com/apk/res/a*dro*d" a*dro*d:or*e*tat*o*="vert*cal" a*dro*d:layout_w*dth="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:layout_he**ht="match_pare*t"&*t;
<L**earLayout a*dro*d:*d="@+*d/co*te*t" a*dro*d:layout_w*dth="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:layout_he**ht="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:or*e*tat*o*="vert*cal" a*dro*d:v*s*b*l*ty="**v*s*ble"&*t;
<TextV*ew a*dro*d:*d="@+*d/tv_t*tle" a*dro*d:textS*ze="20sp" a*dro*d:layout_w*dth="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:layout_he**ht="wrap_co*te*t" a*dro*d:padd***="10dp"/&*t;
<Ima*eV*ew a*dro*d:layout_w*dth="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:layout_he**ht="1dp" a*dro*d:src="@drawable/va*dh" a*dro*d:scaleType="f*t*Y"/&*t;
<TextV*ew a*dro*d:*d="@+*d/tv_co*te*t" a*dro*d:textS*ze="20sp" a*dro*d:layout_w*dth="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:layout_he**ht="0dp" a*dro*d:layout_we**ht="1" a*dro*d:padd***="15dp"/&*t; </L**earLayout&*t;
<Ima*eV*ew a*dro*d:layout_w*dth="1dp" a*dro*d:layout_he**ht="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:src="@drawable/va*dh" a*dro*d:layout_al****are*tLeft="true"/&*t; </Relat*veLayout&*t;
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<?xml vers*o*="1.0" e*cod***="utf-8"?&*t; <L**earLayout xml*s:a*dro*d="http://schemas.a*dro*d.com/apk/res/a*dro*d" a*dro*d:or*e*tat*o*="vert*cal" a*dro*d:layout_w*dth="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:layout_he**ht="match_pare*t"&*t;
<L*stV*ew a*dro*d:*d="@+*d/t*tle_l*st_v*ew" a*dro*d:layout_w*dth="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:layout_he**ht="match_pare*t"&*t;</L*stV*ew&*t; </L**earLayout
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<?xml vers*o*="1.0" e*cod***="utf-8"?&*t; <L**earLayout xml*s:a*dro*d="http://schemas.a*dro*d.com/apk/res/a*dro*d" a*dro*d:or*e*tat*o*="vert*cal" a*dro*d:layout_w*dth="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:layout_he**ht="match_pare*t"&*t;
<TextV*ew a*dro*d:*d="@+*d/t*tle_*tem_tv" a*dro*d:layout_w*dth="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:layout_he**ht="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:s***leL**e="true" a*dro*d:ell*ps*ze="e*d" a*dro*d:padd***Left="10dp" a*dro*d:padd***R**ht="10dp" a*dro*d:padd***Top="15dp" a*dro*d:padd***Bottom="15dp"/&*t; </L**earLayout&*t;
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<?xml vers*o*="1.0" e*cod***="utf-8"?&*t; <L**earLayout xml*s:a*dro*d="http://schemas.a*dro*d.com/apk/res/a*dro*d" a*dro*d:or*e*tat*o*="vert*cal" a*dro*d:layout_w*dth="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:layout_he**ht="match_pare*t"&*t;
<fra*me*t a*dro*d:*d="@+*d/co*te*t_alo*e" a*dro*d:*ame="com.example.*aby.fra*me*tbestpact*cey.NewsCo*te*tFra*me*t" a*dro*d:layout_w*dth="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:layout_he**ht="match_pare*t"/&*t;
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<?xml vers*o*="1.0" e*cod***="utf-8"?&*t; <Relat*veLayout xml*s:a*dro*d="http://schemas.a*dro*d.com/apk/res/a*dro*d" a*dro*d:layout_w*dth="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:layout_he**ht="match_pare*t"&*t;
<fra*me*t a*dro*d:*d="@+*d/t*tle_fra*" a*dro*d:*ame="com.example.*aby.fra*me*tbestpact*cey.NewsT*tleFra*me*t" a*dro*d:layout_w*dth="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:layout_he**ht="match_pare*t"/&*t;
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<?xml vers*o*="1.0" e*cod***="utf-8"?&*t; <L**earLayout xml*s:a*dro*d="http://schemas.a*dro*d.com/apk/res/a*dro*d" a*dro*d:layout_w*dth="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:layout_he**ht="match_pare*t"&*t;
<fra*me*t a*dro*d:*d="@+*d/*ews_t*tle_fra*me*t" a*dro*d:*ame="com.example.*aby.fra*me*tbestpact*cey.NewsT*tleFra*me*t" a*dro*d:layout_w*dth="0dp" a*dro*d:layout_he**ht="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:layout_we**ht="1"/&*t;
<fra*me*t a*dro*d:*d="@+*d/co*te*t_fra*_layout" a*dro*d:*ame="com.example.*aby.fra*me*tbestpact*cey.NewsCo*te*tFra*me*t" a*dro*d:layout_w*dth="0dp" a*dro*d:layout_he**ht="match_pare*t" a*dro*d:layout_we**ht="3" /&*t;