/** * Construct an [[akka.actor.ActorSelection]] from the given path, which is * parsed for wildcards (these are replaced by regular expressions * internally). No attempt is made to verify the existence of any part of * the supplied path, it is recommended to send a message and gather the * replies in order to resolve the matching set of actors. */ def actorSelection(path: String): ActorSelection = path match { case RelativeActorPath(elems) ⇒ if (elems.isEmpty) ActorSelection(provider.deadLetters, "") else if (elems.head.isEmpty) ActorSelection(provider.rootGuardian, elems.tail) else ActorSelection(lookupRoot, elems) case ActorPathExtractor(address, elems) ⇒ ActorSelection(provider.rootGuardianAt(address), elems) case _ ⇒ ActorSelection(provider.deadLetters, "") }
/** * Extractor for so-called “relative actor paths” as in “relative URI”, not in * “relative to some actor”. Examples: * * * "grand/child" * * "/user/hello/world" */ object RelativeActorPath extends PathUtils { def unapply(addr: String): Option[immutable.Seq[String]] = { try { val uri = new URI(addr) if (uri.isAbsolute) None else Some(split(uri.getRawPath, uri.getRawFragment)) } catch { case _: URISyntaxException ⇒ None } } }
/** * Given an ActorPath it returns the Address and the path elements if the path is well-formed */ object ActorPathExtractor extends PathUtils { def unapply(addr: String): Option[(Address, immutable.Iterable[String])] = try { val uri = new URI(addr) uri.getRawPath match { case null ⇒ None case path ⇒ AddressFromURIString.unapply(uri).map((_, split(path, uri.getRawFragment).drop(1))) } } catch { case _: URISyntaxException ⇒ None } }
也就是说remote模式下,如果有host、prot等信息就会返回ActorSelection(provider.rootGuardianAt(address), elems)这个类。不过好像无论哪种情况都返回这个类,好尴尬啊,但传入的第一个参数是不同的:provider.rootGuardianAt(address)。也就是说actorSelection这个函数是不区分当前的模式的,只要含有host/port就会传入provider.rootGuardianAt(address),否则就传入provider.rootGuardian。如果在local模式下,也强制用actorSelection查找远程Actor会发生什么呢?我们来看看LocalActorRefProvider。
override def rootGuardianAt(address: Address): ActorRef = if (address == rootPath.address) rootGuardian else deadLetters
def rootGuardianAt(address: Address): ActorRef = { if (hasAddress(address)) rootGuardian else try { new RemoteActorRef(transport, transport.localAddressForRemote(address), RootActorPath(address), Nobody, props = None, deploy = None) } catch { case NonFatal(e) ⇒ log.error(e, "No root guardian at [{}]", address) new EmptyLocalActorRef(this, RootActorPath(address), eventStream) } }
/** * Construct an ActorSelection from the given string representing a path * relative to the given target. This operation has to create all the * matching magic, so it is preferable to cache its result if the * intention is to send messages frequently. */ def apply(anchorRef: ActorRef, elements: Iterable[String]): ActorSelection = { val compiled: immutable.IndexedSeq[SelectionPathElement] = elements.collect({ case x if !x.isEmpty ⇒ if ((x.indexOf('?') != -1) || (x.indexOf('*') != -1)) SelectChildPattern(x) else if (x == "..") SelectParent else SelectChildName(x) })(scala.collection.breakOut) new ActorSelection with ScalaActorSelection { override val anchor = anchorRef override val path = compiled } }
def tell(msg: Any, sender: ActorRef): Unit = ActorSelection.deliverSelection(anchor.asInstanceOf[InternalActorRef], sender, ActorSelectionMessage(msg, path, wildcardFanOut = false))
private[akka] class RemoteActorRef private[akka] ( remote: RemoteTransport, val localAddressToUse: Address, val path: ActorPath, val getParent: InternalActorRef, props: Option[Props], deploy: Option[Deploy]) extends InternalActorRef with RemoteRef
那么rec就会走到case _的逻辑,也就是把消息转发给了前面创建的RemoteActorRef,我们来看看这个示例是如何实现tell的。
override def !(message: Any)(implicit sender: ActorRef = Actor.noSender): Unit = { if (message == null) throw InvalidMessageException("Message is null") try remote.send(message, OptionVal(sender), this) catch handleException(message, sender) }
override def send(message: Any, senderOption: OptionVal[ActorRef], recipient: RemoteActorRef): Unit = endpointManager match { case Some(manager) ⇒ manager.tell(Send(message, senderOption, recipient), sender = senderOption getOrElse Actor.noSender) case None ⇒ throw new RemoteTransportExceptionNoStackTrace("Attempted to send remote message but Remoting is not running.", null) }
case s @ Send(message, senderOption, recipientRef, _) ⇒ val recipientAddress = recipientRef.path.address def createAndRegisterWritingEndpoint(): ActorRef = { endpoints.registerWritableEndpoint( recipientAddress, uid = None, createEndpoint( recipientAddress, recipientRef.localAddressToUse, transportMapping(recipientRef.localAddressToUse), settings, handleOption = None, writing = true)) } endpoints.writableEndpointWithPolicyFor(recipientAddress) match { case Some(Pass(endpoint, _)) ⇒ endpoint ! s case Some(Gated(timeOfRelease)) ⇒ if (timeOfRelease.isOverdue()) createAndRegisterWritingEndpoint() ! s else extendedSystem.deadLetters ! s case Some(Quarantined(uid, _)) ⇒ // timeOfRelease is only used for garbage collection reasons, therefore it is ignored here. We still have // the Quarantined tombstone and we know what UID we don't want to accept, so use it. createAndRegisterWritingEndpoint() ! s case None ⇒ createAndRegisterWritingEndpoint() ! s }
def registerWritableEndpoint(address: Address, uid: Option[Int], endpoint: ActorRef): ActorRef = addressToWritable.get(address) match { case Some(Pass(e, _)) ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Attempting to overwrite existing endpoint [$e] with [$endpoint]") case _ ⇒ // note that this overwrites Quarantine marker, // but that is ok since we keep the quarantined uid in addressToRefuseUid addressToWritable += address → Pass(endpoint, uid) writableToAddress += endpoint → address endpoint }
private def createEndpoint( remoteAddress: Address, localAddress: Address, transport: AkkaProtocolTransport, endpointSettings: RemoteSettings, handleOption: Option[AkkaProtocolHandle], writing: Boolean): ActorRef = { require(transportMapping contains localAddress, "Transport mapping is not defined for the address") // refuseUid is ignored for read-only endpoints since the UID of the remote system is already known and has passed // quarantine checks val refuseUid = endpoints.refuseUid(remoteAddress) if (writing) context.watch(context.actorOf( RARP(extendedSystem).configureDispatcher(ReliableDeliverySupervisor.props( handleOption, localAddress, remoteAddress, refuseUid, transport, endpointSettings, AkkaPduProtobufCodec, receiveBuffers)).withDeploy(Deploy.local), "reliableEndpointWriter-" + AddressUrlEncoder(remoteAddress) + "-" + endpointId.next())) else context.watch(context.actorOf( RARP(extendedSystem).configureDispatcher(EndpointWriter.props( handleOption, localAddress, remoteAddress, refuseUid, transport, endpointSettings, AkkaPduProtobufCodec, receiveBuffers, reliableDeliverySupervisor = None)).withDeploy(Deploy.local), "endpointWriter-" + AddressUrlEncoder(remoteAddress) + "-" + endpointId.next())) }
private def handleSend(send: Send): Unit = if (send.message.isInstanceOf[SystemMessage]) { val sequencedSend = send.copy(seqOpt = Some(nextSeq())) tryBuffer(sequencedSend) // If we have not confirmed the remote UID we cannot transfer the system message at this point just buffer it. // GotUid will kick resendAll() causing the messages to be properly written. // Flow control by not sending more when we already have many outstanding. if (uidConfirmed && resendBuffer.nonAcked.size <= settings.SysResendLimit) writer ! sequencedSend } else writer ! send
var writer: ActorRef = createWriter()
private def createWriter(): ActorRef = { context.watch(context.actorOf(RARP(context.system).configureDispatcher(EndpointWriter.props( handleOrActive = currentHandle, localAddress = localAddress, remoteAddress = remoteAddress, refuseUid, transport = transport, settings = settings, AkkaPduProtobufCodec, receiveBuffers = receiveBuffers, reliableDeliverySupervisor = Some(self))).withDeploy(Deploy.local), "endpointWriter")) }
def receive = if (handle.isEmpty) initializing else writing
val writing: Receive = { case s: Send ⇒ if (!writeSend(s)) { enqueueInBuffer(s) scheduleBackoffTimer() context.become(buffering) } // We are in Writing state, so buffer is empty, safe to stop here case FlushAndStop ⇒ flushAndStop() case AckIdleCheckTimer if ackDeadline.isOverdue() ⇒ trySendPureAck() }
var handle: Option[AkkaProtocolHandle] = handleOrActive
private[remote] class AkkaProtocolHandle( _localAddress: Address, _remoteAddress: Address, val readHandlerPromise: Promise[HandleEventListener], _wrappedHandle: AssociationHandle, val handshakeInfo: HandshakeInfo, private val stateActor: ActorRef, private val codec: AkkaPduCodec) extends AbstractTransportAdapterHandle(_localAddress, _remoteAddress, _wrappedHandle, AkkaScheme) { override def write(payload: ByteString): Boolean = wrappedHandle.write(codec.constructPayload(payload)) override def disassociate(): Unit = disassociate(Unknown) def disassociate(info: DisassociateInfo): Unit = stateActor ! DisassociateUnderlying(info) }
/** * A message all Actors will understand, that when processed will reply with * [[akka.actor.ActorIdentity]] containing the `ActorRef`. The `messageId` * is returned in the `ActorIdentity` message as `correlationId`. */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) final case class Identify(messageId: Any) extends AutoReceivedMessage with NotInfluenceReceiveTimeout
//Memory consistency is handled by the Mailbox (reading mailbox status then processing messages, then writing mailbox status final def invoke(messageHandle: Envelope): Unit = { val influenceReceiveTimeout = !messageHandle.message.isInstanceOf[NotInfluenceReceiveTimeout] try { currentMessage = messageHandle if (influenceReceiveTimeout) cancelReceiveTimeout() messageHandle.message match { case msg: AutoReceivedMessage ⇒ autoReceiveMessage(messageHandle) case msg ⇒ receiveMessage(msg) } currentMessage = null // reset current message after successful invocation } catch handleNonFatalOrInterruptedException { e ⇒ handleInvokeFailure(Nil, e) } finally { if (influenceReceiveTimeout) checkReceiveTimeout // Reschedule receive timeout } } def autoReceiveMessage(msg: Envelope): Unit = { if (system.settings.DebugAutoReceive) publish(Debug(self.path.toString, clazz(actor), "received AutoReceiveMessage " + msg)) msg.message match { case t: Terminated ⇒ receivedTerminated(t) case AddressTerminated(address) ⇒ addressTerminated(address) case Kill ⇒ throw ActorKilledException("Kill") case PoisonPill ⇒ self.stop() case sel: ActorSelectionMessage ⇒ receiveSelection(sel) case Identify(messageId) ⇒ sender() ! ActorIdentity(messageId, Some(self)) } }