• 关于v$BH

    FILE# NUMBER Datafile identifier number (to find the filename, query DBA_DATA_FILES or VDBFILE) 
    BLOCK# NUMBER Block number 
    CLASS# NUMBER Class number 
    STATUS VARCHAR2(6) Status of the buffer: 
    free - Not currently in use

    xcur - Exclusive

    scur - Shared current

    cr - Consistent read

    read - Being read from disk

    mrec - In media recovery mode

    irec - In instance recovery mode

    XNC NUMBER Number of PCM x to null lock conversions due to contention with another instance.

    This column is obsolete and maintained for backward compatibility. 
    LOCK_ELEMENT_ADDR RAW(4 | 8) Address of the lock element that contains the PCM lock that

    is covering the buffer. If more

    than one buffer has the same address, then these buffers are covered by the same PCM lock. 
    LOCK_ELEMENT_NAME NUMBER The address of the lock element that contains the PCM lock that

    is covering the buffer. If more than one buffer has the same address, then these buffers are

    covered by the same PCM lock. 
    LOCK_ELEMENT_CLASS NUMBER The address of the lock element that contains the PCM lock that

    is covering the buffer. If more than one buffer has the same address, then these buffers are

    covered by the same PCM lock. 
    FORCED_READS NUMBER Number of times the block had to be reread from the cache because

    another instance has forced it out of this instance's cache by requesting the lock on the block

    in exclusive mode 
    FORCED_WRITES NUMBER Number of times GCS had to write this block to cache because this

    instance had used the block and another instance had requested the lock on the block in a

    conflicting mode 
    DIRTY VARCHAR2(1) Y - block modified 
    TEMP VARCHAR2(1) Y - temporary block 
    PING VARCHAR2(1) Y - block pinged 
    STALE VARCHAR2(1) Y - block is stale 
    DIRECT VARCHAR2(1) Y - direct block 
    NEW VARCHAR2(1) Always set to N. This column is obsolete and maintained for backward compatibility. 
    OBJD NUMBER Database object number of the block that the buffer represents 
    TS# NUMBER Tablespace number of block

    转载 http://hi.baidu.com/jdsnhan/item/d8c91b9f62fcd3de1f427124

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/future2012lg/p/3223939.html
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