• 神经网络入门——12梯度下降代码


    # Defining the sigmoid function for activations 
    # 定义 sigmoid 激活函数
    def sigmoid(x):
        return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
    # Derivative of the sigmoid function
    # 激活函数的导数
    def sigmoid_prime(x):
        return sigmoid(x) * (1 - sigmoid(x))
    # Input data
    # 输入数据
    x = np.array([0.1, 0.3])
    # Target
    # 目标
    y = 0.2
    # Input to output weights
    # 输入到输出的权重
    weights = np.array([-0.8, 0.5])
    # The learning rate, eta in the weight step equation
    # 权重更新的学习率
    learnrate = 0.5
    # the linear combination performed by the node (h in f(h) and f'(h))
    # 输入和权重的线性组合
    h = x[0]*weights[0] + x[1]*weights[1]
    # or h = np.dot(x, weights)
    # The neural network output (y-hat)
    # 神经网络输出
    nn_output = sigmoid(h)
    # output error (y - y-hat)
    # 输出误差
    error = y - nn_output
    # output gradient (f'(h))
    # 输出梯度
    output_grad = sigmoid_prime(h)
    # error term (lowercase delta)
    error_term = error * output_grad
    # Gradient descent step 
    # 梯度下降一步
    del_w = [ learnrate * error_term * x[0],
              learnrate * error_term * x[1]]
    # or del_w = learnrate * error_term * x


    import numpy as np
    def sigmoid(x):
        Calculate sigmoid
        return 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
    def sigmoid_prime(x):
        # Derivative of the sigmoid function
        return sigmoid(x) * (1 - sigmoid(x))
    learnrate = 0.5
    x = np.array([1, 2. 3, 4])
    y = np.array(0.5)
    # Initial weights
    w = np.array([0.5, -0.5, 0.3, 0.1])
    ### Calculate one gradient descent step for each weight
    ### Note: Some steps have been consilated, so there are
    ###       fewer variable names than in the above sample code
    # TODO: Calculate the node's linear combination of inputs and weights
    h = np.dot(x, w)
    # TODO: Calculate output of neural network
    nn_output = sigmoid(h)
    # TODO: Calculate error of neural network
    error = y - nn_output
    # TODO: Calculate the error term
    #       Remember, this requires the output gradient, which we haven't
    #       specifically added a variable for.
    error_term = error * sigmoid_prime(h)
    # Note: The sigmoid_prime function calculates sigmoid(h) twice,
    #       but you've already calculated it once. You can make this
    #       code more efficient by calculating the derivative directly
    #       rather than calling sigmoid_prime, like this:
    # error_term = error * nn_output * (1 - nn_output)
    # TODO: Calculate change in weights
    del_w = learnrate * error_term * x
    print('Neural Network output:')
    print('Amount of Error:')
    print('Change in Weights:')
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