SVN是以版本号(revision number)来记录版本库的每一次改变,一般的SVN操作不需要用到版本号,但是有些SVN操作需要指定版本号。我们可以指定一个明确的整数版本号,但是也可以使用SVN关键字来指代某个特殊的版本号,SVN会真正计算出它所指代的实际整数版本号:




       PREV:COMMITTED - 1。



      $ svn diff -r PREV:COMMITTED foo.c
      # shows the last change committed to foo.c

      $ svn log -r HEAD
      # shows log message for the latest repository commit

      $ svn diff -r HEAD
      # compares your working copy (with all of its local changes) to the latest version of that tree in the repository

      $ svn diff -r BASE:HEAD foo.c
      # compares the unmodified version of foo.c with the latest version of foo.c in the repository

      $ svn log -r BASE:HEAD
      # shows all commit logs for the current versioned directory since you last updated

      $ svn update -r PREV foo.c
      # rewinds the last change on foo.c, decreasing foo.c's working revision

      $ svn diff -r BASE:14 foo.c
      # compares the unmodified version of foo.c with the way foo.c looked in revision 14

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/frydsh/p/2655569.html
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