$$ Dumps the managed strings to a file $$ Platform x86 $$ Usage $$>a<"c:\temp\dumpstringtofolder.txt" 6544f9ac 5000 c:\temp\stringtest $$ First argument is the string method table pointer $$ Second argument is the Min size of the string that needs to be used filter $$ the strings $$ Third is the path of the file .foreach ($string {!dumpheap -short -mt ${$arg1} -min ${$arg2}}) { $$ MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name $$ 65452978 40000ed 4 System.Int32 1 instance 71117 m_stringLength $$ 65451dc8 40000ee 8 System.Char 1 instance 3c m_firstChar $$ 6544f9ac 40000ef 8 System.String 0 shared static Empty $$ start of string is stored in the 8th offset, which can be inferred from above $$ Size of the string which is stored in the 4th offset r@$t0= poi(${$string}+4)*2 .writemem ${$arg3}${$string}.txt ${$string}+8 ${$string}+8+@$t0 }
$$>a<”c:\temp\dumpstringtofolder.txt” 6544f9ac 5000 c:\temp\stringtest