• Bayes++ Library入门学习之熟悉UKF相关类

      UKF-SLAM是一种比较流行SLAM方案。相比EKF-SLAM,UKF利用unscented transform代替了EKF的线性化趋近,因而具有更高的精度。Bayes++库中的unsFlt.hpp中给出了UKF实现的相关类。


    namespace Bayesian_filter
       39 {
       41 class Unscented_predict_model : public Predict_model_base
       42 /* Specific Unscented prediction model for Additive noise
       43  *  x(k|k-1) = f(x(k-1|k-1)) + w(x(k))
       44  *
       45  * Unscented filter requires
       46  *  f the function part of the non-linear model
       47  *  Q the covariance of the additive w(x(k)), w is specifically allow to be a function of state
       48  */
       49 {
       50 public:
       51     Unscented_predict_model (std::size_t q_size)
       52     {
       53         q_unscented = q_size;
       54     }
       56     virtual const FM::Vec& f(const FM::Vec& x) const = 0;
       57     // Functional part of additive model
       58     // Note: Reference return value as a speed optimisation, MUST be copied by caller.
       60     virtual const FM::SymMatrix& Q(const FM::Vec& x) const = 0;
       61     // Covariance of additive noise
       62     // Note: Reference return value as a speed optimisation, MUST be copied by caller.
       63 private:
       64     friend class Unscented_filter;  // Filter implementation need to know noise size
       65     std::size_t q_unscented;
       66 };
       69 class Unscented_scheme : public Linrz_kalman_filter, public Functional_filter
       70 {
       71 private:
       72     std::size_t q_max;          // Maximum size allocated for noise model, constructed before XX
       73 public:
       74     FM::ColMatrix XX;       // Unscented form of state, with associated Kappa
       75     Float kappa;
       77     Unscented_scheme (std::size_t x_size, std::size_t z_initialsize = 0);
       78     Unscented_scheme& operator= (const Unscented_scheme&);
       79     // Optimise copy assignment to only copy filter state
       81     void init ();
       82     void init_XX ();
       83     void update ();
       84     void update_XX (Float kappa);
       86     void predict (Unscented_predict_model& f);
       87     // Efficient Unscented prediction 
       88     void predict (Functional_predict_model& f);
       89     void predict (Additive_predict_model& f);
       90     Float predict (Linrz_predict_model& f)
       91     {   // Adapt to use the more general additive model
       92         predict(static_cast<Additive_predict_model&>(f));
       93         return 1.;      // Always well condition for additive predict
       94     }
       96     Float observe (Uncorrelated_additive_observe_model& h, const FM::Vec& z);
       97     Float observe (Correlated_additive_observe_model& h, const FM::Vec& z);
       98     // Unscented filter implements general additive observe models
      100     Float observe (Linrz_uncorrelated_observe_model& h, const FM::Vec& z)
      101     {   // Adapt to use the more general additive model
      102         return observe (static_cast<Uncorrelated_additive_observe_model&>(h),z);
      103     }
      104     Float observe (Linrz_correlated_observe_model& h, const FM::Vec& z)
      105     {   // Adapt to use the more general additive model
      106         return observe (static_cast<Correlated_additive_observe_model&>(h),z);
      107     }
      109 public:                     // Exposed Numerical Results
      110     FM::Vec s;                  // Innovation
      111     FM::SymMatrix S, SI;        // Innovation Covariance and Inverse
      113 protected:
      114     virtual Float predict_Kappa (std::size_t size) const;
      115     virtual Float observe_Kappa (std::size_t size) const;
      116     /* Unscented Kappa values
      117        default uses the rule which minimise mean squared error of 4th order term
      118     */
      120 protected:                  // allow fast operation if z_size remains constant
      121     std::size_t last_z_size;
      122     void observe_size (std::size_t z_size);
      124 private:
      125     void unscented (FM::ColMatrix& XX, const FM::Vec& x, const FM::SymMatrix& X, Float scale);
      126     /* Determine Unscented points for a distribution */
      127     std::size_t x_size;
      128     std::size_t XX_size;    // 2*x_size+1
      130 protected:                  // Permanently allocated temps
      131     FM::ColMatrix fXX;
      132 };
      135 }//namespace
      136 #endif
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