declare @procname nvarchar(100)=N''; declare curProc cursor for select [name] --,create_date --,modify_date FROM sys.all_objects where type_desc = N'SQL_STORED_PROCEDURE' and substring([name],1,3) not in ('sp_','dt_','xp_') and modify_date >='2012-01-02 11:12:00' order by modify_date desc; open curProc; fetch next from curProc into @procname; while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin print(N'IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM SYS.OBJECTS WHERE [NAME]=N''' + @procname +''' AND [TYPE]=''P'')') PRINT(N'DROP PROCEDURE ' + @procname); print N'GO'; exec ('sp_helptext ' + @procname); print N'GO'; fetch next from curProc into @procname; end close curProc; deallocate curProc;