Hive的基本数据类型 DDL DML:
数据类型 | 描述 | 语法示例 |
STRUCT | 和c语言中的struct类似,都可以通过“点”符号访问元素内容。例如,如果某个列的数据类型是STRUCT{first STRING, last STRING},那么第1个元素可以通过字段.first来引用。 | struct() |
MAP | MAP是一组键-值对元组集合,使用数组表示法可以访问数据。例如,如果某个列的数据类型是MAP,其中键->值对是’first’->’John’和’last’->’Doe’,那么可以通过字段名[‘last’]获取最后一个元素 | map() |
ARRAY | 数组是一组具有相同类型和名称的变量的集合。这些变量称为数组的元素,每个数组元素都有一个编号,编号从零开始。例如,数组值为[‘John’, ‘Doe’],那么第2个元素可以通过数组名[1]进行引用。 | Array() |
Hive有三种复杂数据类型ARRAY、MAP 和 STRUCT。ARRAY和MAP与Java中的Array和Map类似,而STRUCT与C语言中的Struct类似,它封装了一个命名字段集合,复杂数据类型允许任意层次的嵌套。
例如CAST(‘1’ AS INT)将把字符串’1’ 转换成整数1;如果强制类型转换失败,如执行CAST(‘X’ AS INT),表达式返回空值 NULL。
Hive数据类型 | Java数据类型 | 长度 | 例子 |
TINYINT | byte | 1byte有符号整数 | 20 |
SMALINT | short | 2byte有符号整数 | 20 |
INT | int | 4byte有符号整数 | 20 |
BIGINT | long | 8byte有符号整数 | 20 |
BOOLEAN | boolean | 布尔类型,true或者false | TRUE FALSE |
FLOAT | float | 单精度浮点数 | 3.14159 |
DOUBLE | double | 双精度浮点数 | 3.14159 |
STRING | string | 字符系列。可以指定字符集。可以使用单引号或者双引号。 | ‘now is the time’ “for all good men” |
TIMESTAMP | 时间类型 | ||
BINARY | 字节数组 |
hive> create database if not exists db_hive; --最标准写法 hive> create database db_hive_HDFS location '/db_hive_hdfs.db'; --指定数据库在HDFS上存放的位置
hive> show databases; OK db_hive db_hive_hdfs default
hive> desc database db_hive; OK db_hive hdfs://datanode1:9000/user/hive/warehouse/db_hive.db hadoop USER Time taken: 0.043 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s) hive> desc db_hive_hdfs; hive> desc database db_hive_hdfs; OK db_hive_hdfs hdfs://datanode1:9000/db_hive_hdfs.db hadoop USER Time taken: 0.041 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)
hive> use db_hive;
用户可以使用ALTER DATABASE命令为某个数据库的DBPROPERTIES设置键-值对属性值,来描述这个数据库的属性信息。数据库的其他元数据信息都是不可更改的,包括数据库名和数据库所在的目录位置。修改当前正在使用的数据库,要先退出使用
hive> use default; OK Time taken: 0.038 seconds hive> alter database db_hive set dbproperties('createtime'='20190116') ; OK Time taken: 0.105 seconds hive> desc database extended db_hive; OK db_hive hdfs://datanode1:9000/user/hive/warehouse/db_hive.db hadoop USER {createtime=20190116} Time taken: 0.064 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)
hive> drop database db_hive_hdfs; --删除空数据库 hive> drop database if exists db_hive_hdfs; --这么些删除不存在的不会报错 hive> drop database db_hive cascade; --如果数据库非空可以强制删除
CREATE [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] table_name [(col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)] [COMMENT table_comment] [PARTITIONED BY (col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)] [CLUSTERED BY (col_name, col_name, ...) [SORTED BY (col_name [ASC|DESC], ...)] INTO num_buckets BUCKETS] [ROW FORMAT row_format] [STORED AS file_format] [LOCATION hdfs_path]
参数 | 功能 |
CREATE TABLE | 创建一个指定名字的表。如果表存在,抛出异常,用 IF NOT EXISTS忽略异常。 |
EXTERNA | 用户创建一个外部表,在建表的同时指定一个指向实际数据的路径(LOCATION),Hive创建内部表时,会将数据移动到数据仓库指向的路径;若创建外部表,仅记录数据所在的路径,不对数据的位置做任何改变。在删除表的时候,内部表的元数据和数据会被一起删除,而外部表只删除元数据,不删除数据。 |
COMMENT | 为表和列添加注释。 |
CLUSTERED BY | 创建分桶表 |
SORTED BY | 不常用 |
ROW FORMAT | 用户在建表的时候可以自定义SerDe或者使用自带的SerDe。如果没有指定ROW FORMAT 或者ROW FORMAT DELIMITED,将会使用自带的SerDe。在建表的时候,用户还需要为表指定列,用户在指定表的列的同时也会指定自定义的SerDe,Hive通过SerDe确定表的具体的列的数据。 |
STORED AS | 指定存储文件类型常用的存储文件类型:SEQUENCEFILE(二进制序列文件)、TEXTFILE(文本)、RCFILE(列式存储格式文件) |
LOCATION | 指定表在HDFS上的存储位置。 |
LIKE | LIKE允许用户复制现有的表结构,但是不复制数据。 |
create table if not exists student2( id int, name string ) row format delimited fields terminated by ' ' stored as textfile location '/user/hive/warehouse/student2';
create table if not exists student3 as select id, name from student;
create table if not exists student4 like student;
desc formatted student2;
[hadoop@datanode1 datas]$ vim dept.txt 10 ACCOUNTING 1700 20 RESEARCH 1800 30 SALES 1900 40 OPERATIONS 1700 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [hadoop@datanode1 datas]$ vim emp.txt 7369 SMITH CLERK 7902 1980-12-17 800.00 20 7499 ALLEN SALESMAN 7698 1981-2-20 1600.00 300.00 30 7521 WARD SALESMAN 7698 1981-2-22 1250.00 500.00 30 7566 JONES MANAGER 7839 1981-4-2 2975.00 20 7654 MARTIN SALESMAN 7698 1981-9-28 1250.00 1400.00 30 7698 BLAKE MANAGER 7839 1981-5-1 2850.00 30 7782 CLARK MANAGER 7839 1981-6-9 2450.00 10 7788 SCOTT ANALYST 7566 1987-4-19 3000.00 20 7839 KING PRESIDENT 1981-11-17 5000.00 10 7844 TURNER SALESMAN 7698 1981-9-8 1500.00 0.00 30 7876 ADAMS CLERK 7788 1987-5-23 1100.00 20 7900 JAMES CLERK 7698 1981-12-3 950.00 30 7902 FORD ANALYST 7566 1981-12-3 3000.00 20 7934 MILLER CLERK 7782 1982-1-23 1300.00 10
--部门表 create external table if not exists default.dept( deptno int, dname string, loc int ) row format delimited fields terminated by ' '; --员工表 create external table if not exists default.emp( empno int, ename string, job string, mgr int, hiredate string, sal double, comm double, deptno int) row format delimited fields terminated by ' '; --查询表 hive> show tables; OK dept student student2 student3 student4 Time taken: 0.04 seconds, Fetched: 5 row(s) --加载数据 hive> load data local inpath '/opt/module/datas/dept.txt' into table default.dept; Loading data to table default.dept Table default.dept stats: [numFiles=1, totalSize=69] OK Time taken: 0.569 seconds hive> load data local inpath '/opt/module/datas/emp.txt' into table default.emp; Loading data to table default.emp Table default.emp stats: [numFiles=1, totalSize=657] OK Time taken: 0.604 seconds --查询结果 hive> select * from emp; hive> select * from dept; --查看表格信息 desc formatted dept;
注意:只能用单引号,严格区分大小写,如果不是完全符合,那么只会添加kv 而不生效
--查询表类型 desc formatted student2; Table Type: MANAGED_TABLE --修改内部表student2为外部表 alter table student2 set tblproperties('EXTERNAL'='TRUE'); --查询表的类型 desc formatted student2; Table Type: EXTERNAL_TABLE --修改外部表student2为内部表 alter table student2 set tblproperties('EXTERNAL'='FALSE'); --查询表的类型 desc formatted student2; Table Type: MANAGED_TABLE
create table dept_partition( deptno int, dname string, loc string ) partitioned by (month string) row format delimited fields terminated by ' ';
load data local inpath '/opt/module/datas/dept.txt' into table default.dept_partition partition(month='201901'); load data local inpath '/opt/module/datas/dept.txt' into table default.dept_partition partition(month='201902'); load data local inpath '/opt/module/datas/dept.txt' into table default.dept_partition partition(month='201903');
--单分区查询 select * from dept_partition where month='201901'; -- 多分区联合查询 union(排序) or in 三种方式 select * from dept_partition where month='201901' union select * from dept_partition where month='201902' union select * from dept_partition where month='201903'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hadoop job information for Stage-2: number of mappers: 2; number of reducers: 1 2019-01-16 21:02:28,578 Stage-2 map = 0%, reduce = 0% 2019-01-16 21:02:48,169 Stage-2 map = 50%, reduce = 0%, Cumulative CPU 2.29 sec 2019-01-16 21:02:49,219 Stage-2 map = 100%, reduce = 0%, Cumulative CPU 5.17 sec 2019-01-16 21:02:58,782 Stage-2 map = 100%, reduce = 100%, Cumulative CPU 7.58 sec MapReduce Total cumulative CPU time: 7 seconds 580 msec Ended Job = job_1547632574371_0003 MapReduce Jobs Launched: Stage-Stage-1: Map: 2 Reduce: 1 Cumulative CPU: 7.82 sec HDFS Read: 15318 HDFS Write: 410 SUCCESS Stage-Stage-2: Map: 2 Reduce: 1 Cumulative CPU: 7.58 sec HDFS Read: 15080 HDFS Write: 291 SUCCESS Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 15 seconds 400 msec OK 10 ACCOUNTING 1700 201901 10 ACCOUNTING 1700 201902 10 ACCOUNTING 1700 201903 20 RESEARCH 1800 201901 20 RESEARCH 1800 201902 20 RESEARCH 1800 201903 30 SALES 1900 201901 30 SALES 1900 201902 30 SALES 1900 201903 40 OPERATIONS 1700 201901 40 OPERATIONS 1700 201902 40 OPERATIONS 1700 201903 Time taken: 100.192 seconds, Fetched: 12 row(s)
--添加单个分区 alter table dept_partition add partition(month='201904') ; --增加分区 用空格分开 alter table dept_partition drop partition (month='201802') partition (month='201803');
--删除单个分区 alter table dept_partition drop partition (month='201801'); --同时删除多个分区 用逗号分开 alter table dept_partition drop partition (month='201802'), partition (month='201803');
-- show partitions dept_partition; hive> show partitions dept_partition; OK month=201801 month=201901 month=201902 month=201903 month=201904 Time taken: 0.123 seconds, Fetched: 5 row(s) --查看分区表结构 hive> desc formatted dept_partition; OK # col_name data_type comment deptno int dname string loc string # Partition Information # col_name data_type comment month string
--创建二级分区表 create table dept_partition2(deptno int, dname string, loc string ) partitioned by (month string, day string) row format delimited fields terminated by ' '; --加载数据到二级分区表 load data local inpath '/opt/module/datas/dept.txt' into table default.dept_partition2 partition(month='201812', day='31'); --查询分区数据 select * from dept_partition2 where month='201812' and day='31';
dfs -mkdir -p /user/hive/warehouse/dept_partition2/month=201812/day=26; dfs -put /opt/module/datas/dept.txt /user/hive/warehouse/dept_partition2/month=201812/day=26; --修复命令 hive> msck repair table dept_partition2; OK Partitions not in metastore: dept_partition2:month=201812/day=26 Repair: Added partition to metastore dept_partition2:month=201812/day=26 Time taken: 0.294 seconds, Fetched: 2 row(s) --查询 如果没有执行修复命令 刚开始是查询不到的 hive> select * from dept_partition2 where month='201812' and day='26';
--上传数据 dfs -mkdir -p /user/hive/warehouse/dept_partition2/month=201809/day=11; dfs -put /opt/module/datas/dept.txt /user/hive/warehouse/dept_partition2/month=201809/day=11; --执行添加分区 alter table dept_partition2 add partition(month='201809',day='11'); --查询数据 select * from dept_partition2 where month='201809' and day='11';
--创建目录 dfs -mkdir -p /user/hive/warehouse/dept_partition2/month=201810/day=25; --上传数据 load data local inpath '/opt/module/datas/dept.txt' into table dept_partition2 partition(month='201810',day='25'); --查询数据 select * from dept_partition2 where month='201810' and day='25';
--语法 ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name --实例 hive> alter table dept_partition2 rename to dept_partition_rename;
--更新列 ALTER TABLE table_name CHANGE [COLUMN] col_old_name col_new_name column_type [COMMENT col_comment] [FIRST|AFTER column_name] --增加和替换列 ALTER TABLE table_name ADD|REPLACE COLUMNS (col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)
--查询表结构 desc dept_partition; --添加列 alter table dept_partition add columns(deptdesc string); --查询表结构 desc dept_partition; --更新列 alter table dept_partition change column deptdesc desc int; --查询表结构 desc dept_partition; --替换列 alter table dept_partition replace columns(deptno string, dname,string, loc string); --替换列 desc dept_partition;
--语法 drop table 表名; --实例 drop table dept_partition;
load data [local] inpath '/opt/module/datas/student.txt' [overwrite] into table student [partition (partcol1=val1,…)];
参数 | 意义 |
load data | 表示加载数据 |
local | 从本地加载数据到hive表(复制);否则从HDFS加载数据到hive表(移动) |
inpath | 表示加载数据的路径 |
overwrite into | 表示覆盖表中已有数据,否则表示追加 |
into table | 表示加载到哪张表 |
student | 表示具体的表 |
partition | 表示上传到指定分区 |
--创建表 create table student(id string, name string) row format delimited fields terminated by ' '; --加载本地文件到hive load data local inpath '/opt/module/datas/student.txt' into table default.student; ********************************* 加载HDFS文件到hive ********************************* --上传文件到HDFS hive> dfs -put /opt/module/datas/student.txt /user/hadoop/hive; --加载HDFS上数据 load data inpath '/user/hadoop/hive/student.txt' into table default.student; ********************************* 加载数据覆盖表中已有的数据 ********************************* --加载数据覆盖表中已有的 load data inpath '/user/hadoop/hive/student.txt' overwrite into table default.student;
--创建一张分区表 create table student(id int, name string) partitioned by (month string) row format delimited fields terminated by ' '; --基本插入数据 insert into table student partition(month='201901') values(1,'Hive'); --基本模式插入(根据单张表查询结果) insert overwrite table student partition(month='201812') select id, name from student where month='201901'; --多插入模式(根据多张表查询结果) from student insert overwrite table student partition(month='201902') select id, name where month='201901' insert overwrite table student partition(month='201903') select id, name where month='201901';
查询语句中创建表并加载数据(As Select)
--创建表,并指定在hdfs上的位置 create table if not exists student5( id int, name string ) row format delimited fields terminated by ' ' location '/user/hive/warehouse/student5'; --上传数据到hdfs上 dfs -put /opt/module/datas/student.txt /user/hive/warehouse/student5; --查询 select * from student5; hive> select * from student5; OK 1 hadoop 2 spark 3 flink 4 oozie 5 java 6 python 7 MachineLearning 8 Scala 9 Hive Time taken: 0.082 seconds, Fetched: 9 row(s)
--导出数据 [hadoop@datanode1 hive]$ bin/hive -e "EXPORT TABLE student TO '/export/hive/student';" --查看表 hive> show tables; OK dept dept_partition dept_partition_rename emp student student3 student4 student5 Time taken: 0.019 seconds, Fetched: 8 row(s) --导入数据 import table student_import partition(month='201901') from '/export/hive/student'; --查看表 hive> show tables; OK dept dept_partition dept_partition_rename emp student student3 student4 student5 student_import Time taken: 0.019 seconds, Fetched: 9 row(s) --查询数据 hive> select * from student2;
--将查询的结果导出到本地 insert overwrite local directory '/opt/module/datas/export/student' select * from student; --将查询的结果格式化导出到本地 insert overwrite local directory '/opt/module/datas/export/student1' ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' select * from student; --将查询的结果导出到HDFS上(没有local) insert overwrite directory '/export/hive/student2' ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ' select * from student;
-- Hadoop命令导出到本地 dfs -get /user/hive/warehouse/student/month=201901/000000_0 /opt/module/datas/export/student3.txt; -- Hive Shell 命令导出 --基本语法:(hive -f/-e 执行语句或者脚本 > file) [hadoop@datanode1 hive]$ bin/hive -e 'select * from default.student;' > /opt/module/datas/export/student4.txt; --Export导出到HDFS上 hive> export table default.student to '/export/hive/student';